
  1. Why test active additives
  2. Release form and main characteristics
  3. Pressed yeast from the best producers
  4. Rating of quality dry yeast from the best manufacturers
  5. Interchangeability index
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best yeast for a bread machine for 2022

Rating of the best yeast for a bread machine for 2022

Why can't you get a fluffy crumb? According to buyers, choosing the wrong yeast is considered one of the main mistakes. Every housewife at least once in her life had a situation when the dough for baking bread was not suitable. It would seem that all the ingredients are fresh and the volumes are chosen correctly, however, the crumb for some reason practically does not change in volume. It may be worth paying attention to the quality of the baking powder or yeast used. In order for the baking to turn out to be airy and fragrant, you should understand what additives are. Not every type of baking powder is able to cope with the tasks.

Why test active additives

The baking process is based on complex processes that contribute to the structural change of the components used, making the kneading of a certain quality. To start such a process, certain microorganisms are needed. Only ripened dough is able to give soft, voluminous and beautiful homemade bread. In the process of maturation, various processes are involved, the main of which is considered to be fermentation.

Types of fermentationName/participation
lactic acidlactic acid bacteria.
Alcoholicyeast cells.

Alcoholic form involves the conversion into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol of simple sugar in the mash. Thus, pores are formed in it, which are preserved in the finished baking. The elements of intermediate fermentation are responsible for creating the aroma and taste of baked goods. It is impossible to make delicious bread without baking powder.

Release form and main characteristics

In essence, the manufacturer converts the active ingredients into biomass, consisting of yeast cells, the purpose of which is to ferment the sugar. A similar ingredient is used in the baking business. The modern market is able to offer three types of factory yeast:

  1. Insta or high speed.
  2. Dried.
  3. Pressed.

We propose to consider the features of each of the additives in more detail.

Instant or fast acting

Highly active additives (dried).In the description, you can find information regarding the production technology used, which involves the use of auxiliary components of certain strains. Thus, bacteria calmly survive not only drying, but also retain the possibility of their subsequent cultivation. It cannot be said with certainty that this type is the best, however, they can be used to knead dry ingredients, due to their high porosity. In this case, dry concentrates are added to the dough or batch along with flour (corn, rye, buckwheat or wheat).

It should be noted that the shelf life of such a product after opening the sachet is significantly reduced and is no more than four days. This is due to the fact that oxygen and moisture entering the package make them ineffective.

Recommended by experts for safely accelerating dough in baked goods high in fat and sugar. They combine the best qualities of traditional dry (shelf life) and pressed (activity). The minimum temperature at which fermentation of alcohol dough is observed is 28 ° C - 32 ° C. When the indicator reaches 40°C, the vital activity of the elements is quite intense, which leads to a visible increase in the total volume of the workpiece. After passing the mark of 50 ° C, microorganisms die. After new pores cease to form, the activity of the components decreases or completely stops. In ready-made dishes, they are no longer active, therefore they are not able to live further in the human body.


A variation of pressed additives whose moisture content has been adjusted to 8-10%. The fermentation activity of the substance is reduced, therefore, a double dosage is used when replacing the pressed analogue.


Culture belongs to the category of pure. Manufacturers pack products in convenient briquettes. Release form:

  1. Cardboard packaging.
  2. Packages.
  3. Paper packaging.

The appearance of the packaging varies, as each manufacturer seeks to attract the buyer with a bright and unusual shell. For germination, molasses is used - a special type of nutrient medium. It is considered a waste of sugar beet production. Due to this, there is an intensive accumulation of baking powder biomass. About 10-15 billion cells are contained in 1 g of pressed yeast.

A pure culture is a product in which, apart from yeast, no other components are used. Reproduction begins with a single cell and continues until a certain mass is gained.

Pressed yeast from the best producers

People are called fresh or alive. It should be noted that 70% of the composition is water. The material looks like a piece of beige plasticine. They have a pleasant aroma, do not spread and do not crumble. It is better to buy in supermarkets, but it is possible to place an order in numerous online stores. The additive will cope with the indicated functions only if it was stored correctly and the expiration date has not expired. Stored in a cool and dark place.

votes 3

This type of baking powder is used by all housewives, without exception, who have repeatedly checked the quality of the product. Considered one of the best products on the market today. It should be noted acceptable cost. The packaging is plain silver paper. In the description, you can find that the net weight is 100 g. It should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. Contains one ingredient. The package opens without problems. There is no color or smell that stands out.The consistency is firm, however, crumble easily. The dough rises quickly.

Price - 50-60 rubles.

yeast pressed Lviv
  • additive - time-tested;
  • quality;
  • price;
  • without GMO;
  • convenience of storage;
  • a guarantee of the appearance of a crispy crust and a baked core.
  • short shelf life.

votes 3

The demand for them is small, however, this is due only to the fact that the product is poorly advertised. Often used for quick recipes that are not classified as complex. Even a small amount of them contributes to the rapid increase in dough. If desired, you can add to pancakes, which will become incredibly lush and airy. The pizza dough is also excellent.

The average price is 70 rubles.

pressed yeast Pakmaya
  • the dough comes up quickly;
  • you can buy in any store;
  • high quality product;
  • a product that has stood the test of time.
  • short shelf life.

Extra Lux from SAF-NEVA
votes 5

Before choosing this composition, it should be noted that they can be frozen. After a short defrosting, they can be used to bake incredibly tasty and airy pies, buns, pies, loaves or bread. This product is a must have for every home. For sourdough, it is better to use live supplements, as they give the best result. The first changes can be seen after a quarter of an hour.

It should be noted that it is not worth defrosting the additive in a microwave oven or on a battery, since when treated with high temperature, the bacteria lose their properties or simply die.

Can be purchased at a price of 50-100 rubles.

pressed yeast Extra Lux from SAF-NEVA
  • can be stored in the freezer;
  • convenient to use;
  • High Quality;
  • enable a positive result to be achieved.
  • short service life.

Rating of quality dry yeast from the best manufacturers

They are also referred to as instant, and are rightfully considered the best analogue of pressed yeast. Popular models are expensive, but the market is full of products that appear as inexpensive, while the quality is not inferior to advertised competitors. Among the main selection criteria, the effectiveness of the bacteria used should be highlighted. The active ingredients are sold in small sachets and look like grains, vermicelli or powder. Used for baking muffins and flour products.

Saf Moment
votes 12

Many famous bakers use this brand of concentrates. In addition to being one of the most popular models in the world, it is also considered one of the best in quality. Their use eliminates the need to make sourdough (liquid dough). There is a high activity of the selected composition. The functionality of the material is preserved for a long time due to the use of vacuum packaging.

Price - 75 rubles.

dry yeast Saf-Moment
  • high quality goods;
  • famous brand;
  • efficiency;
  • Expected Result;
  • inexpensive.
  • short shelf life.

Yeast Dr.Oetker
votes 12

The products of this brand are in high demand all over the world, due to the high quality of the goods offered. Numerous reviews speak in favor of the product of this manufacturer. Compact, bright and durable packaging deserves special attention. They do an excellent job with the assigned tasks. The reverse side contains basic information about the product, as well as its composition.The package has a weight of 7 g, so one bag is enough for one dough batch. They belong to the budget category. They are presented in the form of thin and slightly oblong grains of brown color. The dough increases in size quickly, and the pastries are appetizing, lush and incredibly tasty. With such additives, you can master the recipe of any complexity.

Price per package - 20 rubles.

dry yeast Yeast Dr.Oetker
  • does not give baking extraneous flavor;
  • on the back you can find some useful recipes;
  • the dough rises evenly;
  • small portion (at one time).
  • not identified.

Saf Levure
votes 2

Another popular model from the French manufacturer, which manufactures the previously described Saf-Moment. The only difference is the recommendation to dilute the composition in water before introducing it into the dough. To do this, use warm milk or water. The dough takes longer to rise, but everything happens softly and evenly. Therefore, it will take time to prepare the dough, which is then placed in the bread machine. The budget version is available in containers of 50 and 100 g. In addition to housewives, the product is in demand among private bakeries that manufacture non-GMO products. Also, the composition can be used to make kvass and other similar drinks.

Depending on where the sachet will be bought, the cost will be 17-32 rubles.

dry yeast Saf-Levure
  • acceptable cost;
  • used for making bread and pastries;
  • used to make fermented drinks;
  • big container.
  • sourdough or dough is prepared in advance, manually.

Your choice
votes 0

Such a product will allow you to make a hearty and tasty pizza or pastry dinner with little or no effort.Mistresses advise this yeast for baking delicious milk bread. Produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the city of Yekaterinburg. The weight of the package is 12 g, so you will have to use a special measuring spoon to measure the volume. An opened bag is used for a week, after which the granules lose their properties.

How much does a package cost? About 30 rubles.

dry yeast Home cooking
  • Ease of use;
  • unusual design;
  • storage security;
  • high quality product.
  • not identified.

home kitchen
votes 2

Fast-acting product of universal application. Used for making bakery products. Can be used in any type of bread maker. The process of raising the test does not take much time. The effect is excellent - the dough grows quickly and evenly, due to the pores, the shape of the baking is preserved. Such food will always look appetizing. Recommended for the preparation of pies, muffins and pancakes. It is not pre-dissolved in water. One sachet is enough for 1 kg of flour. Some recipes may specify a different ratio. For example, pizza dough requires 12 g of dry yeast.

Price - 40-55 rubles.

dry yeast Home cooking
  • can be used for any bread machine;
  • quality product;
  • uniform rise;
  • fast reaction.
  • price.

votes 1

A fast-acting substance, which will need about 100 g per 15 kg of dough. After opening, the shelf life of the goods is reduced to two weeks. They are added to the flour according to the manufacturer's recommendation, but they can be pre-dissolved in a warm liquid with added sugar. Fit quickly. The result is a fluffy and soft crumb. The pizza base is incredibly airy and fragrant.

Price - 25-32 rubles.

dry yeast Premium
  • economical sachets that allow you to use one sachet per serving;
  • preliminary dissolution in the liquid is not required, the mixture is added along with the flour;
  • harmful components are not included;
  • the use of environmentally friendly fungi;
  • vacuum packaging for long shelf life;
  • only high-quality European raw materials are used.
  • not identified.

votes 1

In every family there is a true connoisseur of delicious and fragrant pastries. Therefore, periodically you have to manually knead the dough or make a dough. It is Lviv yeast that is the product that should be in the locker of every self-respecting housewife. The product will be appreciated by those who are used to working with yeast dough. There is no need to use a wet analogue where a convenient sachet can be dispensed with. They are rightfully considered one of the best products of this type on the domestic market. If necessary, you can purchase a package of 100 g, which will last for a long time.

Price - 65 rubles.

dry yeast Lviv
  • organic composition;
  • the use of fungal culture;
  • no chemical impurities;
  • quick rise of the crumb;
  • versatility.
  • you can meet fakes due to the high demand for original products.

votes 6

It should be noted that after opening the package, it must be stored in the refrigerator for a week, no more. Dry yeast from a time-tested manufacturer. In addition to homemade bread, they can be used to bake amazing buns and pies. Special attention deserves the basis for pizza. The packaging is protected from external factors.According to the manufacturer, the material can be stored after opening for a week and only in the refrigerator. It is more profitable to purchase a large package, but only if baking is done in the house all the time.

Price - 160 rubles.

dry yeast Voronezh
  • ease of use;
  • high quality product;
  • large package;
  • acceptable shelf life.
  • price.

votes 0

In most cases, housewives prefer to avoid working with yeast dough because for many it remains only the ultimate dream and an indicator of high skill. Often, wet yeast is used for this type of baking, but dry yeast, with proper knowledge, is no worse. Sachets can be ordered online, thanks to the ease of transport, protective packaging and long shelf life. With such a base, you can get any pastries, including pastries. There are several useful recipes on the back that you need to try out in practice.

Price - 15 rubles.

dry yeast Aidigo
  • uniform increase in volume;
  • affordable cost;
  • convenient packaging;
  • protective foil layer.
  • missing.

votes 2

The rating is closed by a product from a well-known brand - Pakmaya. Every self-respecting owner of a bread machine should have a product from this manufacturer in his arsenal. The product was originally developed for home baking devices. Baking is fragrant, lush and soft. For more confidence, it is recommended to buy sachets of 20 g, which are convenient to store and weigh. To avoid premature contact with the liquid (which is poured onto the bottom of the ladle), the yeast is poured last, onto a layer of flour.

Price - 95 rubles.

dry yeast Pakmaya
  • quality;
  • justified cost;
  • uniform increase in volume;
  • for bread machines;
  • convenience of storage.
  • not identified.

Interchangeability index

When replacing a wet product with a dry equivalent, many factors must be taken into account, including the number of elements per gram of product. If the dosage is not observed, the fermentation process may not start. When replacing with active dry components instead of raw ones, a ratio of 0.5: 1 is followed. It turns out that 250 g of pressed is replaced by 100 g of granulated. An adjustment for oxidizers is also taken into account. Ascorbic or citric acid is used, as well as wine vinegar. The table below will help you navigate:

Type of       
Instant in grams4,5691213,51518
Instant in h.l.¾11 ½22 ¼2 ½3
Active dry in grams3467,5910,512
Active dry in tsp.11 ½22 ½33 ½4
Pressed in grams9131822253136

An instant product that, due to its properties, is able to replace a pressed analogue in a ratio of 1: 3 and two parts of a liquid (warm). Instead of 30 g of pressed material, you will need 10 g of dry and 20 g of heated water or milk. To significantly reduce the mixing time, the use of an oxidizing agent is allowed.


One of the common problems is porous, airy and fragrant homemade bread, the crumb of which is rubber. This is due to the numerous vitamin supplements that give the mold a few days after its preparation. In addition to black, lilac or pink growth, pastries acquire a specific flavor. It is these additives that are used in industry. For most of these essences, a safety certificate is not issued.

People tend to buy fresh and fragrant bread that looks like it came out of the oven. However, this may be true, but such bread is made from frozen dough. A short defrosting and an hour in the oven is enough - the baking is ready.

But for those who know how to work with dough, it is recommended to bake homemade cakes. In addition to a high-quality bread machine, the hostess will also need yeast, without which the bread will not look appetizing. It is enough to follow the manufacturer's instructions, and delicious bread will be ready within 2-4 hours. You can also cook it in the oven, but here you will need some skills that the hostess may not have. There are many recipes for delicious homemade bread, but the quality of the product will depend on the type of flour and yeast used.


