
  1. Types of pumps
  2. What to look for when buying a drainage pump
  3. Drainage pumps for dirty water
  4. Drainage pumps for clean water
  5. Fecal pumps

Rating of the best drainage pumps of 2022

Rating of the best drainage pumps of 2022

Living in a country house away from the bustle of the city has many advantages. At the same time, it is associated with a number of problems that, while living in an apartment, we do not even think about: water supply, sewerage and sewerage. All this has to be organized on our own. Various types of pumps become indispensable assistants in these matters. About them below.

Types of pumps

All pumps used in everyday life can be divided into two groups: surface and submersible.

Surface pumps are placed at the edge of a water tank or pond. They can be used both for drainage and for pressurizing the pipeline.

Submersible pumps, as the name implies, are lowered directly into the water. They are used for water supply and sanitation. Submersible pumps, according to their function, are divided into:

  • drainage;
  • fecal;
  • wells;
  • borehole.

Drainage pumps are used both for pumping water of various impurities at a depth of up to 7-10 meters, and for taking water from reservoirs or containers.

Fecal pumps have much in common with drainage. At the same time, they are more powerful and durable, and can be equipped with a cutting nozzle. They are designed for pumping dirty water with inclusions, sewage water, fecal matter.

Well pumps are used to pump clean water (inclusion no more than 5 mm) from wells with a depth of more than 7 meters.

Borehole pumps are used to lift water from great depths. They are characterized by high power, pressure force and high performance.

What to look for when buying a drainage pump

For stable and high-quality operation of the pump, when buying it, it is important to consider the following points:

  • properties of the pumped liquid.

Before buying a pump, it is important to decide what exactly it will pump out. It can be clean, little, moderately polluted or dirty water, waste and sewer water, fecal matter. The characteristics of the pump indicate what size impurities it can pass. In addition, attention should be paid to the temperature and pH of the pumped water.

  • depth of immersion (or suction).

This parameter shows the maximum depth to which the pump (or hose on surface models) can be lowered. If you do not take this indicator into account and lower it deeper, then it may simply not cope with the task.

  • case material.

The body can be made of plastic, stainless steel and cast iron. The plastic case is more prone to mechanical damage, but such models are cheaper. The steel and cast iron body is strong and durable, but these models will cost more.

  • the presence of circuit breakers.

Circuit breakers are necessary to protect against dry running of the motor, as well as from its overheating. Most pumps are equipped with an automatic float switch, which turns the unit off when the water level drops, and turns it on when it rises, thereby protecting it from dry running. In addition, more powerful devices are equipped with protection against overheating of the electric motor in the form of a thermal relay.

  • pump performance (capacity).

This indicator determines how quickly it can drain a reservoir (basement, pool), or how many water intake points (tap in the kitchen, bathroom, watering) can provide an acceptable pressure.

  • pushing ability.

It should not be confused with maximum pressure. The maximum head is the height of the water column to which the pump can deliver water. Those.the water will rise to the maximum height, but the pressure will be zero. Thus, the pressure capacity of the pump and, in general, its performance is affected by the diameter and length of the hose, the height of the water rise, and the voltage in the mains. For example, with a hose diameter of 25 mm, the performance is almost two times lower than with a diameter of 32 mm.

If all of the above factors are not taken into account, then the minimum performance of a serviceable pump can be obtained at the output, which is not a reason for claims against the manufacturer.

Consider which drainage pumps, according to users, can be called the best.

Drainage pumps for dirty water

Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 400 F

The Drenaggio 400 F model is used for diverting relatively dirty water. The permissible size of solid particles is up to 35 mm. This pump is suitable for pumping water from the basement, cellar during flooding. It is protected from idle operation by an automatic float switch. For proper operation of the pump, it must be installed on a solid base free of sand and debris. It is important to choose the right hose diameter, because. as the lift height increases, the performance decreases. The temperature of the pumped water must be at least 5°C and the ambient temperature at least 1°C. Warranty period of use - 1 year.

Cost: from 1900 rubles.

Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 400 F
  • works from a household network of 220 Volts;
  • light (4.75 kg);
  • long cord (10 m);
  • works quietly;
  • inexpensive.
  • does not like voltage fluctuations.

Hammer NAP 550B

It is used for pumping out sewage and flood waters with solid inclusions up to 35 mm, watering the site. The pump motor is hermetically sealed, which allows the unit to be used when completely immersed in water.In addition, it can be constantly in the water, it is important that its temperature does not fall below 1°C. The model is protected from dry running by an automatic float switch. The thermal relay protects the pump from overheating, and in a critical situation turns it off. This model is endowed with a high throughput - 10 m3/h, which allows you to quickly cope with flooding. Powered by 220 V. Weight 5.4 kg.

Cost: from 2999 rubles.

Hammer NAP 550B
  • robust housing made of fiberglass reinforced plastic;
  • powerful;
  • high throughput;
  • The kit comes with an adapter.
  • not found.


Submersible drainage pump with a vertical installation, designed for pumping water from tanks, reservoirs, pumping liquids of varying degrees of contamination, watering the garden. Can be used to draw water from a well. The motor is protected against overheating by a thermal fuse. The change in water level is monitored by a float, which automatically turns the pump on or off. The connecting fitting allows you to connect hoses with a diameter of 1’’ to 1 ½’’. Operates on household power.

Cost: from 2022 rubles.

  • light (3 kg);
  • inexpensive;
  • unpretentious.
  • short cord (7 m);
  • The performance decreases strongly with increasing depth of immersion.

Makita PF0410

This model of the drainage pump is used for watering the site, pumping water from various containers or reservoirs. Handles dirty water with particles up to 35 mm. The power of the pump is enough to pump water from a depth of 5 meters, in the horizontal direction it transfers water to a distance of up to 50 meters. The pump is protected against dry running by an automatic float switch.The double sealed motor design with an oil chamber protects it from damage during short periods of dry running. Warranty 1 year.

Cost: from 4310 rubles.

Makita PF0410
  • quiet;
  • works from a network of 220 V;
  • corresponds to the declared characteristics.
  • not found.


The most powerful of the considered pumps. Used for pumping dirty water. Can be used to irrigate the area. Requires proper installation, in which it is suspended without touching the bottom of the tank (reservoir) to prevent suction of silt and debris from the bottom. The pump is equipped with a dry-running automatic control in the form of a float switch. Maximum water lifting height - 10 meters, productivity - 13.98 m3/h

Cost: from 3120 rubles.

  • powerful;
  • silent motor;
  • with the right selection of the hose and the height of the water rise, it works to the maximum.
  • not durable plastic housing;
  • failures after the warranty period has expired.

Comparison of the technical characteristics of the considered models

Pump modelDiving depth (m)Max head (m)Throughput (m3/h)Filtered particle size (mm)Power consumption (W)
Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 400 F257,535400
Hammer NAP 550B771035550
ZUBR NPG-M1-400757,535400
Pump Makita PF0410558,435400
Pump PATRIOT F 90071013,9835900

All five models are centrifugal according to the mechanism of liquid pumping.

Drainage pumps for clean water

Wilo Drain TMW 32/8

This model can be used both for automatic work in fixed conditions with connection to the pipeline, and for mobile work with hose connection. Can be used for drainage, provided that the size of the abrasive particles is not more than 10 mm.The motor is constantly cooled by the water that is pumped between the outer shell of the pump and the motor housing. In addition, the motor is equipped with a built-in thermal relay, which protects it from overheating. Equipped with a float switch for dry running protection. The water pumping mechanism is vortex. The agitator creates a turbulence at the suction point of the pump, which avoids contamination of the sump. Warranty 2 years.

Cost: from 6700 rubles.

Wilo Drain TMW 32/8
  • easy to install;
  • provides pumping of water up to 2 mm;
  • not afraid of sand in the water;
  • corresponds to the declared characteristics.
  • short cord (4 m).

GILEX Drainage 350/17

A reliable pump used for collecting clean water in tanks, pumping out sewage and ground water. The pre-filter on the base of the pump prevents particles larger than 5 mm in diameter from entering the pump section. The model is equipped with automatic protection against dry running and engine overheating. In addition, a limit of 20 cycles per hour for turning the motor on / off is set. Large allowable immersion depth - 8 meters, maximum head - 17 meters.

Cost: from 6370 rubles.

GILEX Drainage 350/17
  • small dimensions;
  • reliable durable cord;
  • can be placed on the bottom of the reservoir;
  • removable bottom that allows you to clean the filter in front of the wheel.
  • not found.

JILEX Drainage 110/8

The submersible centrifugal drainage pump is used to remove clean, rain, waste and ground water. It can be used for watering the garden and for supplying drinking water. In terms of immersion depth and particle filtration, it is similar to the previous model, but due to its lower power it produces a pressure of only up to 8 m.Protection against overheating and dry running is similar. Warranty 1 year.

Cost: from 3060 rubles.

JILEX Drainage 110/8
  • despite the low power, copes with the tasks quickly;
  • small and light;
  • great quality for this price.
  • not found.

Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 300

The model is a submersible drainage unit. It can be used for pumping clean water from tanks, reservoirs, basements, pools. With the right selection of hose - for watering the garden. The float switch guarantees automatic switching on and off. Bandwidth is low - 5 m3/h, maximum head - 6 m. The temperature of the pumped water must be at least 5°C. Permissible ambient temperature – from 1°C. Warranty 1 year.

Cost: from 1675 rubles.

Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 300
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • compact and lightweight.
  • high-quality watering at short distances;
  • low performance.

Grundfos Unilift CC 5 A1

Submersible drainage pump with vertical installation, designed to drain clean and lightly polluted water (inclusion up to 10 mm). It can work both autonomously (for example, in a heated basement), and can be transferred from place to place. The motor has two overheating protection systems: built-in thermal protection and an external casing, thanks to which the electric motor is cooled by the pumped water. Immersion depth - up to 10 meters, maximum pressure - 5.5. Powered by household power supply. Warranty 1 year.

Cost: from 11500 rubles.

Grundfos Unilift CC 5 A1
  • the body is made of stainless steel;
  • removable grate-base allows you to clean the pump;
  • multi-stage fitting suitable for different hoses;
  • starts to pump out water at its minimum level (5 mm), provided the grate is removed.
  • expensive.

Pedrollo TOP1 – FLOOR

This model of the pump is used in cases when the maximum emergency dehumidification of the room is necessary. Can pump water down to 2 mm. Works with clean water up to 40°C, inclusions up to 2 mm are acceptable. The model is protected from dry running by an external float switch. Housing and grille made of glass fiber reinforced technopolymer. Bandwidth up to 9.6 m3/ h, immersion depth up to 3 meters.

Cost: from 8360 rubles.

Pedrollo TOP1 – FLOOR
  • reliable and durable;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • quickly completes tasks.
  • does not tolerate voltage fluctuations.

Comparison of the technical characteristics of the considered models

Pump modelDiving depth (m)Max head (m)Throughput (m3/h)Filtered particle size (mm)Power consumption (W)
Wilo Drain TMW 32/8 (vortex)171010370
GILEX Drainage 350/178172151200
JILEX Drainage 110/8886,65210
Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 3002655300
Grundfos Unilift CC 5 A1105,5610240
Pedrollo TOP1 – FLOOR379,62250

All considered pumps are submersible. As can be seen from the table, performance indicators vary from 5 to 21 m3/h This allows you to choose a model that will meet the operating conditions and cope with the tasks.

Fecal pumps

It will not be superfluous to consider the best fecal pumps, because. according to their characteristics, they are quite versatile, and can be used as drainage.

JILEX Fekalnik 230/8

The fecal pump DZHILEX Fekalnik 230/8 is a monoblock device with a lower water intake. It is used for pumping sewage, cesspools with solid particles up to 25 mm in diameter. It can also be used as a drainage, for watering a site with water intake from an open reservoir. The pre-filter prevents debris and particles larger than 25 mm from entering the pump section. Protected against dry running by a float switch. From overheating - a thermal protector and a heat exchange chamber.

Cost: from 3530 rubles.

JILEX Fekalnik 230/8
  • solid assembly and resistance to corrosion;
  • high throughput;
  • works quietly.
  • cases of poor fixation of the impeller;
  • no cutting gear.

JILEX Fecal 330/12

The submersible fecal pump is designed for pumping heavily polluted wastewater with solids up to 35 mm. The model is equipped with an automatic float switch that prevents dry running. There is protection against overheating of the electric motor. Large capacity (19.8 m3/h) allows you to quickly and efficiently roll back water from cesspools.

Cost: from 5240 rubles.

JILEX Fecal 330/12
  • powerful and productive;
  • reliable assembly and durable case;
  • long network cable.
  • no cutting gear.

Storm! WP9775SW

Universal submersible pump. It can be used as a drainage for pumping out dirty water, and fecal - for pumping out a thick liquid. The grinding system makes it possible to roll back water with solids up to 35 mm, which, after grinding, will no longer be able to clog the drainage system. Cast iron housing is durable and increases pump life.Autonomous operation is possible, which is provided by a float switch.

Cost: from 7390 rubles.

Storm! WP9775SW
  • the presence of a cutting nozzle;
  • heavy and stable;
  • durable cast iron body;
  • powerful.
  • heavy (18.9 kg);
  • the knife is clogged with hair;
  • short cord.


Submersible fecal pump with a centrifugal motor, designed for pumping dirty and heavily polluted water with solids up to 27 mm, fecal matter. The electric motor is equipped with a built-in overheating protection system in the form of a thermal protector. In addition, it is cooled by the pumped liquid. The float switch eliminates dry running. Despite the low power, the throughput reaches 9 m3/h, maximum head - 7.5 m.

The cost is from 5200 rubles.

  • high efficiency with low power;
  • metal case;
  • can work both stationary and be transferred to the required place.
  • short cord 6 m;
  • no grinder.


This pump model can be used for pumping dirty water with solid particles up to 25 mm, as well as fibrous inclusions. The scope is not limited to domestic sewage, it is also used at construction and agricultural facilities. The motor is located in a stainless steel casing and is protected from overheating by a built-in thermal relay. The change in the level of the pumped liquid is monitored by a float switch, which is responsible for automatically turning the pump on and off. The model has high performance characteristics: 18 m3/h - maximum throughput, 10 m - maximum head.

Cost: from 8770 rubles.

  • quality assembly;
  • quiet work.
  • not found.

Comparison of technical characteristics of fecal pumps

Pump modelDiving depth (m)Max head (m)Throughput (m3/h)Filtered particle size (mm)Power consumption (W)
JILEX Fekalnik 230/88813,825590
JILEX Fecal 330/1281219,8351200
Storm! WP9775SW 5111835750
VORTEX FN-25097,5927250

Having reviewed 16 pumps in the category of drainage and drainage-faecal, it is safe to say that there are plenty to choose from. It is important that the pump is not bought at random: without taking into account the technical capabilities and operating conditions. Here the proverb will be in place: measure seven times, cut one. After all, even the best pump, under improperly selected operating conditions, can produce a minimum performance. We hope that our advice on choosing a pump and the models reviewed will make your choice easier.

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