Rating of the best home weather stations for 2022

Rating of the best home weather stations for 2022

“The most important thing is the weather in the house,” is sung in a well-known song, and this statement is true in any living space (apartment, private house, hotel, hotel). In order to maintain a comfortable microclimate for a person, it is necessary to monitor not only the level of ambient temperature, but also humidity, atmospheric pressure, and other indicators.

Modern weather stations are able to control these characteristics not only inside the apartment, but also outside. This is convenient because it allows a person to assess the weather in advance and dress appropriately for the weather. Such devices are in demand among farmers and summer residents, since information about weather conditions is very important for them.

Budget devices have limited functionality and can show a small list of weather characteristics (temperature, air humidity, rarely pressure, wind speed). More expensive modifications are equipped with technological readers with the function of weather forecasting for a short period. According to buyers, home weather devices have greater forecasting accuracy than data from Internet resources or television, since they measure in a specific place, and not over a large area.

Types of home weather stations

Devices of this type are divided into three broad categories - analog, digital, professional. When choosing which unit is better to buy, you should focus on the tasks that are set for the device.

So, mechanical devices have a stylish appearance, but they can only measure indoors, have limited functionality and do not have the ability to predict.Such devices can only show ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.

More functional are digital models. They read the readings of sensors (both indoors and outdoors), and display all the information received on the display. In mechanisms of this type, screens are used that consume a minimum amount of energy. The weather station can be powered both from the mains and from batteries. Compact size and special manufacturing technology, LED backlight provide low power consumption.

Professional devices from the best manufacturers are able to take measurements such as precipitation, wind direction and strength, and humidity. All data is recorded on the built-in flash drive. It is possible to synchronize the device with a computer or tablet. Weather stations of this level are able to form an accurate weather forecast for a long period at a specific point. Devices of this type are used to make long-term forecasts. The station with Internet access and equipped with a Wi-fi module accumulates data about the environment and transfers them to the "smart home" system, which in turn adjusts the climate equipment for a specific situation.

The principle of operation of a household climate station

The device has a sensor that is removed from the base station at a distance of 1 meter or more. It analyzes the main parameters of the ambient air and transmits them to the control center, where they are processed and systematized using special algorithms, on the basis of which a short-term forecast is made. Data transmission can be carried out using both wire and wireless technology.

Measurement of temperature and humidity inside the apartment is carried out using a sensitive element called a thermohygrosensor (located inside the control base). To measure these parameters outside the premises, an external reader is used that transmits readings to the base at a specified frequency. Depending on the manufacturer and level of electronics, the minimum signal transmission interval can be from 5 seconds (wired technology) to a minute or more (wireless technology).

Air pressure is measured by a barometer mounted in the body of the instrument. The user can set the units of measurement that are convenient for him.

Criteria for choosing a home weather station

  1. The number of sensors taking measurements. The more of them, the higher the measurement accuracy. The buyer is also advised to find out what type of measurements a particular sensor is configured for, since the wider the range of measured characteristics, the more informative the purchased device.
  2. An important selection criterion will be the ability to adjust the units of measurement of the device, since most of them are initially set to the scale of indications used in Europe or America, and inconvenient for residents of the CIS countries.
  3. Wired or wireless data transfer technology. The second implies a large installation range of measuring controllers, as well as the convenience of their location, however, the average price of stations with such sensors is higher than average.
  4. Power type. As previously mentioned, the device can be powered by a network, battery or battery. Since such devices consume a small amount of electricity, it seems most rational to purchase a device that does not require a permanent installation and connection to the mains.The best option would be to use rechargeable batteries.
  5. Operating temperature range. Despite the fact that most of the gadgets in question can work in any conditions, there are models that take readings outdoors only at positive air temperatures. For Russia, such devices are useless.
  6. The level of water resistance and resistance to mechanical stress. Most weather stations have basic characteristics in this area, and the higher these indicators, the more durable the device.
  7. Availability of additional features. The main ones will be discussed below.

Additional features

Since weather stations are complex electronic devices, they can perform not only the functions assigned to them, but also perform additional tasks. Such tasks include:

  • built-in clock with an alarm clock (sometimes a calendar);
  • devices with built-in projectors (such devices, when a certain button is pressed, project an image onto a wall or other flat surface, allowing the user to read readings not only during the day, but also at night);
  • gadgets that combine the functions of an electronic photo frame and a weather station (in this version, alternate demonstration of weather parameters and images recorded by the user on a memory card is implemented);
  • devices controlled by a remote control or using a smartphone;
  • models with built-in radio or USB speaker;
  • models that combine a city telephone and a weather station.

Depending on the type of electronic device, as well as the requirements of the user, weather stations can be divided into several categories. Let's compile a review of popular models and find out which company's device is better.

Rating of quality mechanical weather stations

RST 05116

This is one of the most popular and high-quality models on sale in Russia. The product is made in Switzerland from high-quality components, the assembly of elements is carried out manually. Products are carefully controlled at all stages of production.

The device has a stylish design and consists of three units that measure the environment - thermometer, barometer, hygrometer. Wood-effect case, yellow dials reminiscent of antiques from antiquity - all this makes the device a decorative element that attracts attention in any interior. On the dials there is a gradation indicating the optimal values ​​of the air parameters, and the arrow will show the actual value of the criterion under consideration.

The second name of the device is "Kruzenshtern", given by the name of the ship, known for the well-coordinated work of the crew and reaching high rates in speed. The manufacturer, calling his product such a big name, wanted to say that the device being sold has the same characteristics - long and reliable, high-quality work. The device is designed to be wall-mounted. Since this is a mechanical type weather station, it does not require connection to the network or the installation of an additional battery, and, accordingly, recharging is not required.


Type ofmechanical
Foodnot required
wall mountthere is
Housing materialwood
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity, pressure
Measured pressure range, mm Hg Art.720-780
Measured temperature range, °С-40, +50
Overall dimensions, mm.90x120x430x25
Weight, gr.930
Average price, rub.5 500
RST 05116
  • does not require connection to the mains or installation of batteries;
  • a wide range of measured indicators;
  • attractive appearance, semi-antique finish;
  • popular model.
  • high price.

BRIG+ M-47

The review is continued by a Russian-made weather station. Unlike the previous model, the product is available in black "baroque" or brown. To give durability, only high-strength wood species are used in the production. Like the RST 05116, there are three dials showing humidity, temperature and pressure.

The station is hung on the wall, has special fasteners for this. The dial of the barometer is the largest, its diameter is 90 mm, the diameter of the other dials is 70 mm.


Type ofmechanical
Foodnot required
wall mountthere is
Housing materialwood
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity, pressure
Measured pressure range, mm Hg Art.710-800
Measured temperature range, °С-20, +50
Measured humidity range, %0-100
Overall dimensions, mm.145x360x40
Weight, gr.no data
Average price, rub.4 000
BRIG+ M-47
  • inexpensive price compared to the previous model;
  • attractive appearance;
  • does not require mains power or battery installation;
  • visual display of atmospheric pressure;
  • since the device is made in Russia, it is easy to find it for sale both in stationary and online stores;
  • offered in two different colors.
  • small range of measured temperatures.

TFA 20.2047.54

This representative of home weather stations immediately attracts attention due to its unusual design.The product is made in the form of a globe on a stand, inside of which elements for measuring humidity, temperature, and atmospheric pressure are located in a chaotic manner. In addition to dials, inside the globe there are geometric spherical and straight figures that form a single system. The station, like a real globe, can rotate around its axis. There is no remote reader, all measurements are carried out only indoors.

The device will be of interest to children, as its design allows you to visually study the mechanical method of measuring environmental indicators. Here you can see how, under the influence of temperature or humidity, a special spring changes its degree of compression.

The device is made of metal, the ball is made of plexiglass. The device is placed on a table. Since the manufacturing plant is located in Germany, the assembly of the product is carried out on high-tech equipment, at all stages of production, the products undergo thorough quality control, only high-quality materials are used.


Type ofmechanical
Foodnot required
wall mountNo
Housing materialmetal, plexiglass
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity, pressure
Measured pressure range, mm Hg Art.no data
Measured temperature range, °С-15, +55
Measured humidity range, %20-100
Overall dimensions, mm.126x126x200
Weight, gr.565
Average price, rub.15 500
TFA 20.2047.54
  • unusual appearance;
  • quality manufacturing materials.
  • the device is expensive;
  • pressure is measured in terms not used in Russia - HectoPascals, which is why the user has to translate the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200binto a system convenient for him.

Digital Models

Electronic home stations can be with an external reader (show weather conditions both indoors and outdoors), and without it (data is displayed only indoors). In turn, devices with an external sensor can operate both via wired and wireless technology. Consider the most popular of them.

Digital weather stations with external sensor

Wireless Stations

La Crosse WS9057

This is one of the most popular models of stations with an external sensor, operating on wireless technology. According to buyers, it has high accuracy. The external sensor can be installed up to 100 meters from the main base. The sensitivity of the receiving device is adjusted automatically depending on the type of terrain, interference in the interaction zone, etc. The manufacturer allows simultaneous connection of several sensors at once (up to three pieces).

The frequency of updating information from an external sensor on the display is every 4 seconds. Indoor data is updated every 15 seconds. The display itself is divided into thematic sectors that display the following data: temperature (inside and outside), atmospheric pressure (outside), humidity (inside and outside), date and time, phase of the lunar cycle, weather phenomena (clear, precipitation, etc. ). Weather information is transmitted with high accuracy in any weather and ambient temperature. It is possible to predict the weather for the near future.

The device can be installed on a table or hung on the wall (there are special fasteners). It is possible to select units of measurement for any of the parameters. In addition, you can also set the frequency of data updates, the displayed moon phases.The device is self-contained, AA batteries or accumulators are used for power supply. In addition to these functions, there is also the ability to save weather data in the device's memory, a built-in clock with an alarm clock, a daily and lunar calendar. The device also reflects the level of comfort of the environment for a person.


Type ofdigital
Foodbatteries, accumulators
wall mountthere is
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity, pressure, moon phases, weather phenomena
Measured pressure range, mm Hg Art.no data
Measured temperature range, °Сoutdoors -40, +60; indoors -10, +60
Measured humidity range, %1-99
Overall dimensions, mm.190x190x37
Weight, gr.120
Average price, rub.3 700
La Crosse WS9057
  • a large list of measured values;
  • remote wireless sensor;
  • the device at the price exceeds the majority of competitors with similar characteristics;
  • there is a prediction function;
  • Autonomous operation on batteries or accumulators.
  • no night light.

RST 88779

Another representative of the RST brand, the popularity of models of which is due to high quality and durable work. The device is made of soft plastic, the control elements are trimmed with chrome. The weather station can be placed on a table or hung on a wall.

According to the manufacturer, the device is equipped with a high-precision barometer, the readings of which can be tracked on the graph.Information from remote sensors (1 pc included in the delivery set, it is possible to install 2 more pcs) is transmitted to the display, which displays the following information: indoor and outdoor temperature, atmospheric pressure, indoor and outdoor humidity, animated lunar calendar (on which you can track the ebb and flow), current date and time, calendar.

Buyers note convenient color illumination with adjustable brightness, as well as a built-in forecasting function, with weather data displayed in the form of animated pictures. Another feature of the gadget is the built-in intelligence that calibrates the device depending on the location of the sensors. The station, analyzing the data of all sensors, automatically adjusts the time and date. In accordance with the factory settings, the time zone in the device is initially set to Moscow time, it is possible to set any other. There are built-in smart features such as a power saving system. For drivers, the function of warning about the likelihood of icing on the roads will be of interest. The device is powered by batteries, accumulators, or the mains (adapter not included).


Type ofdigital
Foodbatteries, accumulators, electricity
wall mountthere is
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity, pressure, moon phases, weather phenomena
Measured pressure range, mm Hg Art.637,5-787,5
Measured temperature range, °Сoutdoors -50, +70; indoors -9.9, +50
Measured humidity range, %20-99
Overall dimensions, mm.170x130x18
Weight, gr.no data
Average price, rub.5 500
RST 88779
  • despite how much the device costs, on the network you can find a lot of positive feedback from customers who do not regret their choice;
  • wide functionality;
  • quality workmanship and accessories.
  • high price.

The best wired sensor station

TA 298

This representative of the little-known TA company is distinguished by the presence of a wired sensor. The model is a compromise between expensive devices with a wireless sensor and cheap devices without a sensor that measure indoor temperature only.

The device is divided into three zones, each of which is responsible for its own indicator: the temperature inside and outside the room, the humidity outside the window. The portable sensor can be taken out to a distance of one and a half meters. Users note that a thin wire can be passed between the frame and the window sash, which will not interfere with its free opening and closing. The gadget can be hung on the wall or placed on a flat surface. The device is powered by a AAA battery. The manufacturer offers a 1 year warranty on its products.


Type ofdigital
wall mountthere is
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature inside and outside, humidity
Measured temperature range, °Сinside - 0-50, outside - -40+70
Measured humidity range, %10-99
Average price, rub.630
TA 298
  • budget price;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long wire for remote sensor.
  • a small number of measured indicators.

Weather stations without external sensor

Such devices have a built-in sensor and display on the screen indicators of temperature, humidity and other parameters only indoors.

Xiaomi Mijia Temperature And Humidity Electronic Watch

The model under consideration from the well-known Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi has a stylish design. The package includes the station itself, a set of mounts for mounting the device on various surfaces, as well as an instruction manual.

The main part of the gadget's screen is occupied by a clock, under which the values ​​​​of the humidity level in the room and the ambient temperature are located. Next to them is a smiley, which becomes cheerful or sad, depending on the comfort of the environment for a person. There are no buttons on the body of the device, all settings are made after synchronizing the device with the Mi home application. The connection is made via Bluetooth data transfer.

The gadget's display uses special E-ink ink, which does not have a harmful effect on the user's eyes, has low power consumption (saves battery power) and is well viewed from any viewing angle.

A significant drawback of the device is the lack of backlight, which makes it impossible to read its readings at night. Once every half an hour, the screen is updated in an unusual way - black pixels become white, and vice versa. Although it looks strange, do not be afraid of this phenomenon - this is a feature of E-ink displays.


Type ofdigital
wall mountthere is
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity
Measured temperature range, °С0-60
Measured humidity range, %0-99
Overall dimensions, mm.110x55x10.1
Weight, gr.60
Average price, rub.1 700
Xiaomi Mijia Temperature And Humidity Electronic Watch
  • budget price;
  • the Internet weather station, when synchronizing with the phone, constantly checks the relevance of the time, showing its exact values;
  • high quality display.
  • does not show measurements outside the room;
  • a small list of analyzed indicators.

HAMA TH-1304.0

This is the most popular budget model. Despite the low cost (350 rubles) and the absence of a clock, the device clearly performs the functions assigned to it - it measures the humidity and temperature inside the room. According to users, the measurement accuracy is at a high level, there are no errors compared to even expensive competitors.

Information on the display is displayed in large numbers and symbols, visible even from afar. For the convenience of the user, a smiley is displayed on the screen, which changes its mood depending on whether the conditions in the room are comfortable. Temperature values ​​are stored in the device memory and can be viewed by the user at any convenient time. The device can be hung on the wall (there are special fasteners), or set on a flat surface.


Type ofdigital
wall mountthere is
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature, humidity
Measured temperature range, °С0-50
Measured humidity range, %20-95
Overall dimensions, mm.82x100x11
Weight, gr.no data
Average price, rub.350
HAMA TH-1304.0
  • budget price;
  • compact dimensions;
  • large characters that allow you to see the values ​​​​from a distance (which is important for older people);
  • offline work;
  • high measurement accuracy.
  • does not measure weather values ​​outside the premises;
  • a small list of measured parameters.

Oregon Scientific BA9004.0

The rating is completed by a futuristic model from the Russian manufacturer Oregon Scientific. A striking distinguishing feature of the weather station is the presence of a rectangular crystal, inside which pictograms are formed, each of which indicates a certain weather condition. The device highlights one of three values ​​depending on what is happening outside the window: “clear”, “cloudy”, “precipitation”. Highlighting a specific icon is carried out on the basis of a forecast made by the device itself. The forecast is based on programmed average observations over a long period of time in the past. According to buyers, the prediction function is not very accurate.

The main screen of the device shows the time and indoor temperature. Above the device is a sensor that responds to movements. In order to switch the display mode from clock to temperature or vice versa, just move your hand over it. The gadget control keys are located on the underside of the device. There is a mode switch of the device, as well as turning on and off the exact time function.


Type ofdigital
wall mountNo
Housing materialplastic
Measured indicatorstemperature, weather
Measured temperature range, °С0, +50
Overall dimensions, mm.177x112x40
Weight, gr.1120
Average price, rub.4 500
Oregon Scientific BA9004.0
  • attractive appearance, unusual performance;
  • There is a time tracking function.
  • high price;
  • Difficulties in finding a product in free sale.


Considering the popular models of household weather stations, we can conclude that most of them have similar functionality. Almost all of them carry out measurements with high accuracy. Depending on the tasks that the buyer sets himself, choosing the right model is quite simple.

We recommend not to overpay for expensive devices if you only need to control the parameters of the ambient air in the apartment. According to buyers, you can save a lot by buying a device with a wired sensor instead of a wireless one, if you have the opportunity to place the station on the windowsill and do not bother with the wire that runs from the device to the window.

As our rating has shown, digital stations are not inferior in quality to mechanical measurements, while many of them are much cheaper in cost. This review presents models in the price range up to 10,000 rubles, since more expensive devices are usually not used in everyday life. This is due not only to the high cost, but also to the presence of additional functions that an ordinary person does not need.

We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!

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