
  1. What are
  2. How to choose
  3. Ranking the best iodine supplements for 2022
  4. Conclusion
Ranking the best iodine supplements for 2022

Ranking the best iodine supplements for 2022

Trace elements, vitamins support immunity, take part in metabolic processes, affect the functioning of organs and body systems. You can choose the best option for any age by studying the rating of the best iodine supplements for 2022.

What are

Iodine is an important trace element that is involved in the functioning of the thyroid gland, affects memory, hormonal levels, metabolic processes, and fetal development in pregnant women.

Enters the human body with food, iodized salt. Products with the maximum amount of iodine - algae, sea fish, seafood (squid, shrimp). The amount of an element in dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese) depends on the content in the feed, cereals - on the soil.

Daily allowance (mcg): children - 90-100, adults - 150-200, pregnant women - 250-300.

Additives are divided into categories:

  1. The number of incoming components: mono-, oligo-, multivitamin complexes.
  2. Composition: organic, inorganic substances.
  3. Medicine, dietary supplement.
  4. Form: tablets, capsules, drops.
  5. Dosage.
  6. Manufacturer, price category.

All drugs should be bought only after consultation with a specialist (therapist, endocrinologist), testing (hormonal panel of the thyroid gland).

How to choose

Before using any dietary supplement, it is worth taking tests (thyroid hormones), the advice of an endocrinologist. Browse eligible options by category:

  • composition, iodine compound (organic, inorganic);
  • dosage, amount in mcg per dose;
  • release form - tablets, capsules, drops;
  • quantity in the package (depends on the duration of the course);
  • the presence of additional components;
  • price;
  • manufacturer.

Be sure to study the full composition if there are allergic reactions to certain components.

It is worth choosing a package with fewer capsules or tablets in order to trace the reaction and effect of the compound on the body. With a good effect of the additive, buy a larger package.

Ranking the best iodine supplements for 2022

The review was compiled based on customer reviews of online pharmacies, the Yandex Market Internet site. There are three categories for prices (rubles): up to 200, more than 200. A separate category is children's uniforms.

Up to 200 rubles

4th place Potassium iodide Reneval tab., 200 mcg, 112 pcs.

Price: 128-144 rubles.

Producer - PFC "Renewal" (Russia).

The drug is available in tablets, has an active substance - potassium iodide. Additional components: hydroxycarbonate and magnesium stearate, cellulose, lactose, silicon and sodium compounds.

One tablet contains 262 micrograms (200 micrograms of iodine). The round tablet has a central strip - division into two equal parts.

It is prescribed for the prevention, treatment of thyroid diseases (goiter, hypothyroidism), as an additional source of the element.

How to take: the prescribed dose is swallowed with water after breakfast 1 time per day.

Recommended dosage: 1-2 pieces per day, prescribed by a specialist, depending on age, diagnosis. The duration of the course is from 2-4 weeks to a permanent intake.

Should not be taken if:

  • high sensitivity to the element;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • congenital intolerance to galactose;
  • thyroid oncology;
  • disruption of the kidneys.

Side effects are rare: possible manifestations on the skin (rash), allergic edema.

Can be taken by adults, children over 10 years old.

Storage conditions: dry, dark place, whole package, temperature up to +25⁰С. The term is 3 years.

Potassium iodide Reneval tab., 200 mcg, 112 pcs.
  • a large number of tablets in the package;
  • popular dosage of one serving;
  • affordable cost;
  • can be divided into equal parts;
  • rare side effects of the body.
  • not for children under 10 years old;
  • composition of additional substances;
  • take carefully if the kidneys are not working well.

3rd place Iodine active tab., 100 mcg, 60 pcs.

Cost: 158-178 rubles.

The drug is produced by the Russian company "DIOD".

Refers to dietary supplements. It is distinguished by an organic compound of iodine - iodine-casein (consists of an element and a milk protein molecule).

It is prescribed by specialists as an additional source (deficiency, hypothyroidism), if the hormonal balance is disturbed.

Release form - tablets (1 piece of 0.25 g). Contains 100 mcg of iodine, additional substances (lactose, calcium stearate, skimmed milk powder).

Reception rules: 1 time per day, 1 piece during breakfast, washed down with liquid. The duration of the course is 30 days. Repetition of the course after the doctor's recommendation, 2-3 month break.

Do not take if there is an individual reaction to the components of dietary supplements.

Assign adults (after 18 years), pregnant and lactating women (after consulting a doctor).

Storage rules: temperature up to +25⁰С, dark, dry place. The term is 18 months.

Iodine active tab., 100 mcg, 60 pcs.
  • organic compound;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • pleasant taste;
  • The package is enough for 2 courses.
  • individual allergic reactions;
  • only after 18 years of age.

2nd place Potassium iodide tab., 100 mcg, 100 pcs.

Cost: 124 rubles.

The manufacturer is the well-known Russian company Atoll\OZONE.

Refers to drugs. Release form - tablets.

It consists of a compound - potassium iodide (131 mcg). Corresponds to 100 micrograms of inorganic iodine.

Additional components: milk sugar (lactose), cellulose, corn starch, sodium, silicon, magnesium compounds.

Recommended in the treatment, prevention of goiter, hormonal failure.

How to use: 1 time per day, during meals, drinking plenty of food. Children are prescribed 50-100 mcg, adults - 150-200 mcg. Duration - individual appointments.

Do not take: different types of hyperthyroidism, toxic goiter, individual intolerance to the components. Periods of pregnancy, lactation - after consulting a doctor.

Adverse reactions occur when the dosage is incorrectly selected, the duration of the course.

The term of storage is 12 months. Conditions: a place inaccessible to children, room temperature, original packaging.

Potassium iodide tab., 100 mcg, 100 pcs
  • affordable price;
  • quantity of one package;
  • can be taken by children after 1 year.
  • careful reception by pregnant women, lactating;
  • continuous monitoring in renal failure.

1 place Iodbalance tab., 100 mcg, 100 pcs.

Price: 117 rubles.

Produced by the well-known company "Merck" (Germany).

Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of goiter, the prevention of iodine deficiency. Suitable for children of all ages, adults, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Contains an inorganic compound - potassium iodide. One tablet has 130.8 micrograms of the substance, 100 micrograms of pure iodine. Additional components: starch, cellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.

Take the desired dose at one time, with meals, drink 100-150 ml of liquid. Recommend 50-100 micrograms for children, 100-200 micrograms for adults. The duration of the course is from 2-4 weeks to a permanent intake.

Do not take: hyperthyroidism, toxic goiter, individual reactions of the body.

The term of storage is 1 year. Conditions: room temperature, closed place, out of reach of children.

Iodbalance tab., 100 mcg, 100 pcs.
  • budget cost;
  • common dosage;
  • can be for children, adults;
  • 100 pieces per pack.
  • possible individual manifestations (rash, swelling);
  • careful use in kidney disease.

More than 200 rubles

5th place Iodomarin for expectant mother tab., 30 pcs.

Price: 387-494 rubles.

Manufactured by the renowned Toll Manufacturing Services S.L. (Spain).

Refers to dietary supplements.

The complex consists of compounds (mcg): 225 - iodine (potassium iodide), 400 - folic acid, 2 - vitamin B12. Additional components: stabilizers, emulsifiers, antioxidants.

Assign women in different periods of pregnancy, lactation. Used as a prophylactic.

Take one piece 1 time per day, with meals, as a whole. Be sure to drink 100-150 ml of water.

Contraindications: personal intolerance to individual components.

Store at temperatures up to +25⁰С, dry and dark place.

The term of storage is 3 years.

Iodomarin for expectant mother tab., 30 pcs.
  • complex for women;
  • one piece - daily norms of elements, vitamins;
  • few side effects;
  • easily swallowed.
  • only for women;
  • high cost of 30 pieces.

4th place Endocrinol Iodine caps., 30 pcs.

Cost: 371-801 rubles.

The manufacturer is the popular company "Evalar" (Russia).

Refers to dietary supplements, the form is capsules. Content - organic parts of plants.

Used to support, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, as an additional source.

Contains parts of plants: kelp algae, rhizome of Potentilla white. Additional substances: gelatin capsule, vitamin A, cellulose, dye, magnesium stearate.

Take 1 capsule with food, with liquid, 1 time per day.The duration of the course is 30 days. After the break, you can repeat the course.

Additional effect: improving attention and memory, improving mood, getting rid of fatigue.

Do not take: children under 18 years of age, women during pregnancy, lactation.

Storage term - 12 months at room temperature, dry and dark place, out of reach of children.

Endocrinol Iodine caps., 30 pcs.
  • convenient packaging;
  • capsules are easy to swallow;
  • organic compounds;
  • fast, easy to digest.
  • only after 18 years;
  • it is impossible for pregnant, lactating women;
  • personal allergic manifestations.

3rd place Kelp tab.

Price: 1.553-1.990 rubles.

Produced by the popular American company "NOW".

Refers to dietary supplements. Packaging - white plastic jar, dark blue lid. Capacity - 200 pieces.

Consists of seaweed powder - kelp.

Additional components: cellulose, magnesium stearate, stearic acid.

One piece contains 150 micrograms of organic iodine.

Used as a prophylactic, an additional source.

Drink 1 piece per day, after breakfast, whole. Be sure to drink 100-150 ml of water. The duration of admission is individual - from 1 month.

Not recommended for children under 18, pregnant and lactating women.

Store 24 months at room temperature, away from children, dark place.

Kelp tab.
  • organic composition;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • easy to swallow;
  • big pack of 200 pieces.
  • only after 18 years;
  • not during pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual manifestations of allergies.

2nd place Tireobalance tab., 90 pcs.

Cost: 1.365 rubles.

Manufactured by the widespread company "Art Life" (Russia).

BAA consists of a complex of minerals, vitamins. Contains (mg):

  • iodocasein 1.07;
  • copper citrate 0.57;
  • L-tyrosine 220;
  • zinc citrate 9.62.

Vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9. Minerals: cobalt, selenium, manganese.

Take 1 piece a day after breakfast as an additional source of minerals and vitamins.

Store for 36 months in a dry place, at a temperature of +15-25⁰С, away from children.

Tireobalance tab., 90 pcs.
  • complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • daily norms of substances;
  • available connections;
  • take only once a day.
  • high price;
  • not for lactating, pregnant women.

1st place Turamine Iodine caps., 90 pcs.

Price: 382-470 rubles.

The drug was manufactured by OOO VIS (Russia).

The dietary supplement consists of an active compound - potassium iodate. Additional substances - microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), gelatin capsule.

Adults take 1 capsule 2 times a day, with meals. Children over 14 years old - 1 piece per day, washed down with water. The duration of the course is 30 days.

It is a supplement for iodine deficiency.

Do not use for women during pregnancy, lactation, with allergic manifestations.

The term of storage is 36 months. Conditions: dry, dark place, room temperature.

Turamine Iodine caps., 90 pcs.
  • quality composition;
  • capsules are easy to swallow;
  • easily digestible;
  • can be teenagers, adults;
  • affordable price.
  • not allowed under 14 years of age;
  • not prescribed to lactating, pregnant women.

Children's forms

3rd place Dragee "Pantoshka-Yod", 80 g

Price: 440-535 rubles.

The product of the famous brand "South" (Russia).

Children's dragees with strawberry-creamy flavor are sold in a rectangular cardboard box package, decorated in white and green colors.

Consists of berry extracts:

  • rowan red (anthocyanins, flavonoids, vitamins C, B3, E, K, carotene, folic acid);
  • blackcurrant (vitamins C, B1, B3, carotene, potassium, iron);
  • rosehip (vitamin C, carotene, rutin, iron).

Content in one dragee (mcg): iodine - 15, vitamin C - 90.

To be taken by children only after 3 years. Permissible number of children (pieces \ day): 3-6 years old - 2-3, 7-13 years old - 3-4, after 14 years and adults - 3-5.

The daily norm of iodine, vitamin C is 30-50%.

Duration of admission - several months.

The expiration date is 12 months.

Dragee "Pantoshka-Yod", 80 g
  • delicious dragees;
  • bright packaging;
  • natural composition;
  • extracts of berries, plants;
  • can be taken continuously.
  • children only after 3 years;
  • allergic manifestations.

2nd place Vitamishki multi plus iodine + choline memory and attention lozenges chewed, 60 pcs.

Cost: 728-995 rubles.

The manufacturer is the well-known German company Trolli.

Dietary supplements are used to improve memory, increase the protective functions of the body, support the child after exercise.

The drug comes in the form of chewable lozenges that can be gradually dissolved in the mouth.

It consists of a complex of vitamins, minerals: A, C, E, D, B6, zinc, iodine, choline, acids (folic, pantothenic).

Additional substances: natural dyes (concentrates of juices of berries, vegetables), flavors (juices of berries, fruits), gelatin, sugar syrup.

The dosage depends on age (years): 3-6 - 1 lozenge per day, after 7 - 2 times a day, 1 piece. take after meals. Duration - 30 days.

Shelf life - 3 years at temperatures up to + 15-25⁰С, dark and dry place.

Vitamins multi plus iodine + choline memory and attention lozenges, 60 pcs
  • delicious pastilles;
  • natural composition;
  • a complex of vitamins, minerals;
  • improves immunity, memory;
  • special protective cover.
  • not for children under 3 years old;
  • individual reactions to natural supplements.

1 place Potassium iodide Vitamir children's tab., 100 pcs.

Price: 289-362 rubles.

The manufacturer is the Russian company Kvadrat-S.

The dietary supplement is available in the form of tablets with a children's dosage. It is used to support immunity, memory, reduce irritability.

The active compound is potassium iodide. Additional substances: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Assign to children after 3 years of age, 1 tablet per day. The duration of the course is 30-60 days.

Store for 12 months in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children. Storage temperature - up to + 25⁰С.

Potassium iodide Vitamir children's tab., 100 pcs.
  • a large number of;
  • daily dosage of one serving;
  • easy to swallow;
  • children after 3 years.
  • intolerance to individual components.


Important trace elements enter the body along with high-quality food, supplements. The ranking of the best iodine supplements for 2022 shows the options available for any age, at different costs.

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