Not all parents know that low-quality washing powder can lead to asthma, immune suppression and an allergic reaction. In the process of accumulation, chemically hazardous components can affect the nervous system, kidneys and liver of a child. From the moment of birth, the baby needs careful care, love and care. The right choice of household chemicals will solve some of the tasks. According to Roskontrol, not every baby powder is harmful. We have put together a list of the safest products for caring for children's things, which are not only considered safe, but also outperform some adult counterparts in terms of their functionality.
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How not to make a mistake when choosing a powder for newborns? What aspects in the description of goods to pay increased attention to? It should be borne in mind that such products are the brainchild of the chemical industry, therefore, one way or another, an allergic reaction may occur even if the product does not contain any hazardous additives. Hypoallergenic or safe are those substances that contain the minimum amount of aggressive substances. What components can provoke a rash or other allergic reaction? The main names are given in the comparative table:
Type of | Review |
fragrances | A pleasant aroma in practice can be a malicious pest. An adult will like this smell, but not a child whose receptors work differently from their parents. Damage to the respiratory system can develop into asthma over time. If you plan to make things more fragrant, then it is better to give preference to natural oils. |
surfactant | It is the basis of the detergent. Among all species, anionic ones are considered the most aggressive. They are able to penetrate the body through the skin, which affects the work of internal organs and the central nervous system. In addition, there is a noticeable decrease in the functioning of the immune system. The allowable rate is 15%. For domestic use, experts advise giving preference to non-ionic substances, no more than 5% of the total weight. Almost every online store has a section with organic-type surfactants, which are based exclusively on vegetable fats and oils. |
Bleachers | The concentration reaches 0.2-0.4% of the declared net. It is used to refresh the appearance of white things. What are: 1. Optical. Their use in baby powders contradicts not only the instructions of Roskachestvo, but also the current legislation. Can't wash out completely. The principle of operation is simple: they contain microparticles that reflect light rays, which makes things look amazingly clean. 2. Chlorine. They cannot be found in substances intended for the care of children's clothing. Irritates the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and eyes. Direct contact with the skin will result in a burn or severe redness. Excellent disinfectant and bleach. 3. Oxygen - the best. They are expensive, but can be used in products intended for children. They are considered not only safe, but also effective and environmentally friendly. |
Phosphonates or phosphates | Such components are dangerous not only for the smallest children, but also for their parents. They are used to increase the cleaning ability of the powder, remove scale in the washing machine and soften the water. They lead to a violation of the natural balance of the epidermis.Contribute to the appearance of a rash, redness, itching and other allergic reactions. They can enter the bloodstream through the skin. The potency of phosphonates is lower than that of phosphates. In order to completely wash them, it is enough to additionally rinse things several times. |
In addition to the standard recommendations from Rospotrebnadzor, attention should also be paid to numerous reviews on the network. Almost any powder can cope with the indicated functions, however, the price for such success can be different. According to buyers, it is better to wash with baby powders not only the things of babies, but also adults. Do not forget that children spend a lot of time outside their own crib on the handles or the parent's bed.
The packaging of the product does not contain fragrances, preservatives and dyes. An excellent solution if there is an increased sensitivity of the epidermis and if atopic dermatitis is detected. It will cope with pollution in both hot and cold water. A similar effect was achieved due to the composition. It includes percarbonate and sodium carbonate, which are responsible for bleaching things. Anionic surfactant is within normal limits. Phosphonates make water softer, and enzymes are responsible for enhancing the washing effect. According to dermatologists, such a product can be used to wash things for a newborn.
The average price is 400 rubles.
Concentrated product used for the care of children's clothing.Can be used from the first days of life. Guaranteed results without pre-boiling or soaking. It is based on the use of anionic surfactants and vegetable soaps. The fragrance is light and completely safe. The aroma is gentle and unobtrusive. Release form - liquid gel. There is no need for rinse aid.
You can buy at a price of 150-500 rubles, depending on the volume of packaging.
A highly concentrated washing gel can be used to care for newborns. Effectively fights pollution of natural origin, which include: fat, sweat, blood and juice. Long-term use will not cause deformation of the material. Detergent components are within acceptable limits. However, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage declared by the manufacturer. For 5 kg of laundry you will need 40 ml of concentrate. It is used both for washing colored linen, and woolen, as well as white. According to dermatologists, an excellent product that can be used from the first days of life.
Cost - 400 rubles.
A professional product that is designed for gentle care of things for newborns.The model gained popularity largely due to the functionality and safety of the concentrate used. It belongs to the category of budget products that can remove any type of pollution. 1 liter of concentrate can easily replace 3 kg of conventional cleaning agent. The concentrate does not contain phosphates, toxic components or bleaches. The perfect solution for overly sensitive skin. Non-ionic surfactants are within normal limits.
An oxygen-type bleach is used, which is able to eliminate almost any pollution. After 25 cycles, the fabric will remain the same elastic and will not lose its appearance. After use, you can feel the finest citrus notes that will not harm the baby.
The price of the novelty is 400 rubles.
An economical product from one of the world's leading manufacturers of household chemicals. It can be used for any fabrics, including silk, woolen and linen sets. Perfectly copes with the tasks, even at low temperatures. Able to eliminate significant contamination: gouache, ink from pens, medical (children's) brilliant green. Does not cause allergic reactions and has no fragrance.
The cost varies from 60 to 210 rubles, depending on the volume.
Inexpensive and effective means for removing dirt from children's things. The concentrate fully meets the recommendations of dermatologists and pediatricians, as well as established standards. There are no phosphates, so you will have to take care of water softening yourself. The present mark "0+" allows young parents to use the product from the first days of the baby's life. Works well on fruit and vegetable stains. Economical consumption.
What is the price? The purchase will cost 400 rubles.
It is this product that should be chosen by those who seek to use products of natural origin. It is based on the use of soap chips, which does not contain harmful components, fragrances and synthetic additives. Does not contribute to the manifestation of allergic reactions. An excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. Can be used for automatic washing, hand washing, as well as soaking. Oxygen type bleach refreshes fabric dyes, actively fights various contaminants. The loss of the brightness of the pattern does not threaten the hostess, and after a short rinse, things will be soft and fluffy.
When hand washed, the handles will not dry out, due to the presence of plant extracts. It is previously recommended to dissolve the substance in hot water and only then pour the solution into the drum.
Cost - 200 rubles.
An eco-friendly and hypoallergenic product that will appeal to both parents and children. Washing of fabrics of any type is acceptable, due to the technology of gentle cleansing of matter. Able to remove even old stains. Pre-soaking is not required, but allowed. Some antibacterial qualities are inherent, which are spelled out in the characteristics given by the manufacturer. It can also be used for wet cleaning in rooms, washing toys. Fragrances are not used. The substance contains a small amount of bleach.
You can buy at a price of 500 rubles.
Expensive but effective. The concentrate contains oxygen bleach, which is able to cope with any type of pollution. It has no toxic components and can be used for pre-soaking. With it, you can return the original look to both light and colored things. The moving elements of the washing machine are protected, as the composition contains special components for this. Despite the mark on the packaging, the consumption of the substance is huge. For an effective result, you have to spend money. The established norm can be doubled in pursuit of the desired result.
Cost - 800 rubles.
According to most buyers, the concentrate is suitable for washing not only children's, but also adult clothes, especially if people suffer from various allergic reactions and skin rashes. The products of this brand belong to the category of professional household products, which contain exclusively environmentally friendly components and non-toxic additives. The powder has no fragrance. An excellent way to get rid of any stains, be it berries, oils, paints or pen paste. It is used for both machine and hand washing. The temperature regime will not play a role, since the substance dissolves well in cold water.
The pleasant freshness of things will please everyone who appreciates the cleanliness and comfort of bedroom accessories. It is difficult to find it on the shelves of domestic stores. The problem can be solved by contacting the brand's online store or other organizations that cooperate with it.
The price of a popular model is 1000 rubles.
It's no secret that you need to take clean and disinfected products to the maternity hospital. For most parents, washing and ironing selected items of children's clothing is enough, but there are times when the risk of an allergic reaction in an infant increases significantly. There can be many reasons, but often we are talking about heredity. The components used in the composition are classified as safe. The established proportions of surfactants and other substances are observed.Rash and redness after application were not detected. It is based on natural soap, which prevents the appearance of a gray tint on the linen after several washes.
Price - 700 rubles.
An unusual product with attractive features. It is based on the use of sodium citrate, which is considered a safe and high-quality analogue of phosphates. Helps soften water and prevents scale formation. Does not contribute to the formation of rashes, itching, redness or other allergic reactions. In the role of detergent is the usual soap of the same brand. Soda is responsible for disinfection. Thus, it can be concluded that this product is completely safe even for the most sensitive skin.
Price - 500 rubles.
The product is made from natural ingredients, so it is considered completely safe for babies. Contains enzymes, soap base, sodium bicarbonate, natural fragrance, sodium disilicate.
Cost - 800 rubles.
Hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly product with whitening effect. The composition contains enzymes that gently and effectively eliminate pollution of any level of complexity. Following the established norms, an oxygen bleach is used, which preserves the natural shades of the material and eliminates stains. The composition is biodegradable. Easily and quickly foams even in cold water. A pleasant feature is the absence of chemistry.
Cost - 900 rubles.
A popular, but expensive model used to care for children's things. The proprietary composition will allow you to get rid of even old pollution. The color of the material, as well as its structure, remain unchanged even after 25 washes. The basis is the use of natural soap, which makes things soft and fluffy. In addition, ironing becomes a pleasant pastime, as the fabric is well leveled and does not dry out. It can be used to clean any things, since toxic components are not included in the composition. Despite the small capacity of the package, most users consider this product to be one of the best on the market today. According to dermatologists, it can be used to care for clothes of newborns.
Cost - 350 rubles.
Our rating opens a high-quality and no less effective German powder for children. It is considered completely safe for people of any age. This also applies to people who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as asthmatic diseases. Does not cause conjunctivitis or skin rash if it gets into the eyes. It does not have a toxic effect when it enters the blood, respiratory tract or stomach of a person through the pores. The total proportion of phosphates does not exceed the recommended standards.
Things do not need additional rinsing, since the substance comes out perfectly after the first drain. Little foam is formed. Works great on protein stains. Milk and blood are not automatically washed off; a number of preliminary manual manipulations will be required. The fabric will remain the same strong even after 30 washes, in addition, the composition eliminates the risk of pilling.
Cost - 600 rubles.
Based on numerous reviews on the network, the gel successfully combines the functions of a washing powder and a high-quality stain remover. Perfectly cope with the designated tasks at a temperature of 20 ° C and above. Designed for washing things, provided that the baby's skin is incredibly sensitive and prone to eczema, hives.There are relatively few positions in the composition, which cannot but please users. Among them:
The manufacturer recommends pre-soaking (a few minutes will be enough). And only then things are sent to the washing machine. The pellets also do not form. Colors remain rich and vibrant.
Price - 950 rubles.
An excellent choice for young parents who are yet to experience the joys of having a baby in the family. The composition does not contain any chemical elements, and has no smell. Effective silver ions are also absent. Due to this, the substance has an antibacterial effect, eliminating microbes. Three types of washing are acceptable. Supplied in cardboard packaging, which quickly lose their shape when in contact with water. Consumption is economical, which is considered an indisputable advantage.
Price - 450 rubles.
A highly effective concentrated powder, which is packaged in unusual and, at the same time, beautiful boxes of one and a half kilograms. The composition is recognized as completely safe and refers to biodegradable substances. Virtually devoid of any flavor, however, it copes with juice, milk, blood and other contaminants excellently. Contains cotton extract. The substance dissolves well in cold water, so it can be used not only for automatic, but also for hand washing. It can be used to care for dark and black toilet items. Does not promote fading of natural tones. Experts attribute the cost of the product to significant disadvantages, which exceeds similar formulations on the market.
Price - 420 rubles.
Designed for hand or machine washing of colored and white clothes. It is supplied in various containers, as well as types (gel, capsules, granules). The bleaches and enzymes that are included in the composition are within the established norm. The powder is able to cope with pollution of any complexity, including obsolete ones. Special microgranules are responsible for maintaining the original shade. Does not contain toxins and is based on the use of soap. It belongs to the category of environmentally friendly, although it contains active additives.
Cost - from 300 rubles.
Every adult, without exception, has experienced the appearance of an incomprehensible rash on the arms or legs. Redness may not have unpleasant consequences and disappear as quickly as it appeared. However, this indicates that the clothes were washed with a powder that contains allergens and chemically hazardous components that are best avoided when it comes to the safety of the child. Young children more often and stronger than adults react to various "chemistry". That is why it is so important to use the right powder from birth, which will not only clean clothes from dirt, but also make them cozy and soft.
The modern market amazes with an assortment of household products, so it becomes difficult to choose baby powder. In addition to reading customer reviews, it will not be superfluous to read the composition proposed by the manufacturer. When identifying components that are dangerous for the baby, it is best to refuse to purchase. The compiled rating tells both about the advantages and disadvantages of well-known products from world manufacturers. The TOP includes only the best products, tested not only by time, but also by consumers.