
  1. How to choose a kindergarten
  2. TOP-9 best preschool institutions in Moscow
  3. TOP-9: summary information
  4. waldorf kindergartens
  5. TOP-5 Waldorf Gardens: summary information
  6. Gardens with correctional groups
  7. Gardens with Adjustment Groups: Summary
  8. Conclusion

Rating of the best kindergartens in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best kindergartens in Moscow for 2022

Kindergarten is a place where kids learn to communicate, acquire independence skills and the basic principles of learning. In the group, the baby should feel comfortable, the atmosphere should resemble home, the teacher should feel like a mother. Private and budgetary kindergartens operate in Moscow. Consider children's institutions that are popular in 2022 with a good rating and positive feedback from parents.

How to choose a kindergarten

You can enroll your baby in kindergarten immediately after his birth. Such a service is available on the State Service portal. Yes, and in each institution there is a book in which future pupils are taken into account. All your data will be entered into it, all that remains is to periodically call, inquire about the place. First, you should consider childcare facilities near the house. Then you don’t have to travel with the baby for 40 minutes or more.

Next, you should talk with the head, get acquainted with the educators, see the premises and areas for walking. You can watch from the outside how the children walk and behave in a normal environment. When making a decision, it is important to be guided by personal sympathy for the teacher, his professionalism and attitude towards children. Some children's institutions offer to choose a daily routine (full - incomplete) for better adaptation of the baby. If a speech therapist, a psychologist work on the basis of the institution, there is a creative workshop, parents will be exempted from additional classes with children outside the home and kindergarten. All classes will take place while the child is in the garden.Only parents can evaluate and choose a kindergarten that suits their child.

TOP-9 best preschool institutions in Moscow

9th place - "Children's Embassy"

Address: m. Telecentr, ave. Mira, 119, building 137, territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center

Phones: ☎+7 (495) 488-25-67

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 07.00 – 20.00


The garden is located in a quiet place on the territory of the park in the form of houses of Childhood. Classes are held, children develop against the background of the natural sounds of birds. Specialists work in different areas: musicians, psychologists, athletes. English, mathematics, applied and theatrical creativity, drawing, chess are taught.

Payment for services per month is 51,500 - 67,000 rubles.

  • Friendly atmosphere;
  • location in the green zone;
  • interesting shape of the premises;
  • friendly staff;
  • own ecosystem;
  • the ethnocultural method of development is used;
  • there are the main types of occupations of modern society;
  • excellent mode of operation;
  • summer camp;
  • unusual site.
  • the price is not suitable for everyone;
  • it is not immediately possible to find an interesting answer to a question on the site - a lot of "water" and fabulous information.

8th place - "My Sadik"

Address: metro station Telecentre, Bolshaya Marfinskaya st., 1, bldg. 2.1 floor

Phones: ☎+7 (495) 152-33-67

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 07.30 – 22.00


The peculiarities of the methodology of a private kindergarten include a properly built day and rest regimen. The rooms are kept at a comfortable temperature and humidity. The menu is compiled individually for each baby, professional nutritionists and pediatricians work on it. The products used do not cause allergies. For children who sleep little, alternative activities are organized.Walks with outdoor activities are organized at any time of the year. With this approach, the mental and physical activity of the brain alternates, the child develops better. A speech therapist, a psychologist, a nutritionist, a pediatrician work. Discounts are stipulated on the site, an entrance fee is not required when concluding a contract.

Payment for services 27,000 - 45,000 rubles.

  • convenient mode of operation;
  • professional educators work;
  • children from 1.2 years old are accepted;
  • the walking area is fenced;
  • the garden is constantly guarded;
  • menu selection for each child;
  • the best development methods are used.
  • not detected.

7th place - "Ptit Cref"

Address: m. Arbatskaya, B. Afanasevsky per., 41

Phones: ☎+7 (495) 697-20-06

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08.00 - 19.00 Sat: 9.30 - 17.00


The kindergarten occupies two buildings on the Arbat, accepts children from 1.5 years old. Groups contain 10 - 12 people. Training takes place in the form of a game. Teachers teach kids three languages ​​at once: English, French and Russian. There are extra classes. Every year the theme changes, the end of the year is marked by a festive event where parents can see the knowledge acquired during the year. Payment for services per month is 182,000 - 390,000 rubles.

  • children are taught three languages ​​at once;
  • pleasant relaxing atmosphere;
  • respect for children;
  • interesting activities;
  • you can sign up for classes for children from other kindergartens;
  • small discounts and promotions are offered.
  • high price.

6th place - "Discovery"

Address: m. Shabolovka, Mytnaya st., 7, building 1

Phones: ☎+7 (926) 964-33-03, ☎+7 (495) 902-02-82, ☎+7 (499) 707-29-79, ☎+7 (926) 964-33-03,

Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 09.00 – 20.00


According to reviews on the Internet, the English kindergarten has a good reputation. It was founded by two mothers 7 years ago. Children are taught by qualified bilingual Russian teachers and native speakers from Britain and the USA. The institution belongs to the network, 10 branches are scattered around Moscow. The motto and goal of the development center is to teach a child to think in English, to speak it like a native. Classes are structured so that children without translation memorize phrases and well-formed sentences at the level of intuition. Video cameras are installed in the groups. Parents can receive photos from classes in their personal account, organized on the website. Recruitment goes on 3 groups: from 1.8 years to 7 years. In each group there are up to 15 children and 4 teachers, in the developing group the number of children does not exceed 8 people. The methods of development of Glenn Doman, Maria Montessori, Nikolai Zaitsev are used, musical and physical education sessions are held. On Saturdays, additional classes are held for those who wish. In addition to language, children are engaged in choreography and creativity.

For a visit, a payment of 57,000 - 80,000 rubles per month is taken.

  • cozy home atmosphere;
  • tasty food;
  • several teaching methods are used;
  • there are development groups;
  • good work schedule
  • among the staff there are psychologists, speech therapists and specialists with excellent knowledge of English;
  • small groups;
  • in Moscow there is a whole network of gardens.
  • high price, not suitable for everyone.

5th place - "Little Academy"

Address: m. Strogino, st. Tvardovsky, 14, building. 2

Phones: ☎+7 (985) 064-08-94, ☎+7 (499) 550-32-13

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 07.00 – 20.00 Sat-Sun: 10.00 – 16.00


Akademsadik accepts children from 2.5 to 7 years old.The institution has an aesthetic bias with arts and crafts. Children are taught English, singing, housekeeping, drawing, mathematics, chemistry, natural history and sports. Classes are held daily. An old-fashioned approach to all-round development of children based on games and learning activities. Specialists teach Japanese counting, cursive writing, chess, yoga, aikido, use sand therapy, psychology and the art of speech. Video cameras are installed inside, the object is guarded around the clock.

Payment per month for the garden is 25,000 - 34,000 rubles.

  • responsive team;
  • professional educators who love children;
  • highly qualified teachers, graduates of prestigious universities;
  • in the summer you can sign up for a camp;
  • good price and quality of services;
  • works every day.
  • there are always not enough places - you need to sign up in advance;
  • There is no nursery for the little ones.

4th place - "Island"

Address: m. Pervomaiskaya, Lilac Boulevard, 44A

Phones: ☎+7 (499) 130-30-90,

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 08.00 – 20.00


Four branches of a private kindergarten and a club in two districts of Moscow are in the TOP-15 of the best children's institutions in the city. Branches accept children from 1.5 years old. Groups are designed for 14 - 16 people. Every day there are scheduled classes, walks in the fresh air, a medical examination, and physiotherapy exercises. Meals 5 times a day, with an afternoon snack and two dinners. The number of classes increases depending on the age of the child, the child is fully prepared for school. To determine the level of development of the baby, psychological and speech therapy diagnostics are periodically carried out.Additional hours include chess, music, field trips, classes in a creative workshop. If the kindergarten on Sirenevy Boulevard is visited by several children from the same family, a 10% discount on payment is provided. When leaving on vacation, the accounting department makes a recalculation for the days of absence. Details can be found on the website of the kindergarten - everything is painted very clearly. You can also leave a request when registering with the institution or call. Each branch has its own telephone. In two Ostrovka branches, there is an additional club for children with various activities, and in the summer a camp is organized for younger students.

Payment for services per month is 29,000 - 45,000 rubles. A change in the camp costs 18,000 rubles.

  • 4 branches available;
  • a professional team works;
  • comfortable and cozy place;
  • family atmosphere;
  • user-friendly website with "transparent" information and feedback;
  • small groups;
  • new premises with furniture made from environmentally friendly and safe materials;
  • friendly staff;
  • a summer camp for preschoolers and schoolchildren is organized;
  • the group of the day off works;
  • small discounts available.
  • few branches per metropolis.

3rd place - Montessori Kid

Address: m. Ramenki, Michurinsky prospekt, 39

Phones: ☎+7 (495) 118-32-66, ☎+7 (495) 509-87-90

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 – 17.00


The Toddler Development Center on Michurinsky Prospekt enrolls in two age groups: 1.5 - 3 years and 3 - 6 years. Light classes are divided into zones with different didactic material. Each segment develops a skill in one of the areas of the child's brain. Perception, creativity, linguistics, mathematics are the main directions.With their development, the baby will become independent, learn to communicate and express his thoughts, reveal his hidden talent and become more accurate and attentive. An English language teaching service is provided. The Maria Montessori system is an advantage of the center. It is based on independent study and perception of the world. The method develops a sequence of actions, motor skills, communication skills. In the classroom, a diary is kept in which parents can observe the progress and development of the baby. Specialists take care of the health and safety of their wards, conduct free seminars, individual consultations and educational meetings for parents. Meals in the kindergarten are carried out three times a day, the parent can choose the visiting mode in the younger group, which will be comfortable for the baby. At the first lesson, parents can observe the behavior and adaptation of the child, consult with specialists.

The cost of classes is 40,000 - 55,000 rubles per month.

  • the Montessori method is used, which teaches the child to be independent and make decisions on his own;
  • keeping a diary of the child's progress;
  • modern equipped classrooms;
  • cozy bright place with panoramic windows;
  • teachers with certificates work;
  • classes are divided into zones;
  • only eco-friendly and safe materials are used for furniture, toys;
  • there is a choice of visiting schedule;
  • children under 3 years old are engaged in a shortened working day;
  • you can sign up on the site;
  • trial lesson is free;
  • there is a small parking lot;
  • ongoing work with parents.
  • open until 17.00, which is not always convenient.

2nd place - "Brilliant kid"

Address: m. Pervomaiskaya, 5th Parkovaya st., 37A

Phones: ☎+7 (915) 254-53-52, ☎+7 (915) 000-21-13

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 08.00 – 20.00


Kindergarten "Brilliant Kid" also uses the Montessori method for the education and development of children. The curator of the institution is the Association of Montessori Teachers of Russia and Italy. The idea of ​​the technique is to stimulate the baby to self-development and creativity. The materials used in the work help to concentrate attention, accustom to independence and internal discipline. The institution employs teachers, swimming and yoga instructors, music and break dance teachers, a specialist in neuropsychology, and speech therapists.

Children are accepted in 4 age groups, from 1.5 to 6 years. There are 10-12 children in each group. This makes it possible to engage with each child to the maximum. On the basis of the kindergarten there is a swimming pool, where specialists conduct classes with the kids "Gnomes". Swimming is a prevention of spinal curvature and strengthening of the bone skeleton, as well as hardening. Group lessons on the water help to learn how to swim and strengthen children's muscles. Children from one and a half to three years old visit the pool and yoga twice a week. From the age of 2.5, a speech therapy group was organized, and from the age of 3, the children are engaged in creativity every day, they learn English and the basics of mathematical calculation.

Children can be enrolled in additional classes for a fee. The menu consists of five meals a day: two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Each dish is prepared by an experienced chef, so the kids eat with pleasure. The site provides information on three types: what the program of a paid, inexpensive and budgetary kindergarten includes and the cost of individual additional classes.

The cost of visiting is not specified.

  • bright groups with large windows;
  • in each group of 10 - 12 people;
  • there is a pool and yoga for toddlers and older children;
  • a well-coordinated team works;
  • convenient daily work schedule;
  • in case of problems with speech, you can additionally deal with speech therapists;
  • uses a unique Italian technique.
  • the location of the garden inside an ordinary courtyard - the lack of parking, the windows overlook the houses;
  • there is no information on the monthly payment for kindergarten services.

1st place - "Baby Club"

Address: m. VDNH, Malomoskovskaya st., 21, bldg. 2

Phones: ☎+7 (495) 740-81-21, ☎+7 (800) 100-20-24

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 – 20.00


The Development Center for children from 8 months to 7 years old offers a varied educational program, both in separate lessons and during a visit to the kindergarten. Moms can bring kids here on weekdays until 8 pm. The class schedule is on the website. A speech therapist and language specialists work on the basis of the kindergarten. Every room is clean, cozy and comfortable. The atmosphere is complemented by good responsive teachers who love their job. At each lesson, one of the types of intelligence of the baby develops: physical, creative, spatial, personal and others.

Experienced teachers will prepare each child for school, teach them to write, count, communicate, coordinate their actions, help develop talent, motor skills and logic. Language classes, singing, dancing, drawing are organized in the garden. There is construction, sand animation, appliqué and modeling. Depending on the mode and the number of hours spent in the garden, food is offered from 2 to 6 times a day. Every day the children are examined by a nurse. If health problems are detected, the pediatrician will consult online.You can enroll your child in the club on the website by leaving an online application. Moscow has a whole network of kindergartens in almost every district of the city.

The cost of visiting is 49,000 - 55,700 rubles per month.

  • bright colorful rooms;
  • there is a nursery group for children of 8 months of age;
  • the atmosphere reminds kids of home;
  • professional educators;
  • friendly helpful staff;
  • a speech therapist works;
  • interesting and varied activities every day;
  • daily medical examination;
  • you can choose any mode suitable for mom and baby;
  • the network location of the center is organized throughout the city.
  • opens from 9 o'clock - not suitable for parents with an early work schedule.

TOP-9: summary information

PlaceNameAddressTelephonePrice, thousand rublesSchedule
9Children's EmbassyAve. Mira, 119, building 137☎ +7 (495) 488-25-6751,5-67Mon-Sun: 07.00 - 20.00
8My SadikBolshaya Marfinskaya st., 1, bldg. 2.1 floor☎ +7 (495) 152-33-6727-45Mon-Fri: 07.30 - 22.00
7Ptit CrefB. Afanasevsky per., 41☎+7 (495) 697-20-06182-390Mon-Fri: 08.00 - 19.00 Sat: 9.30 - 17.00
6DiscoveryMytnaya st., 7, building 1☎+7 (926) 964 33-03 ☎+7 (495) 902 02-82 ☎+7 (499) 707 29-79 ☎+7 (926) 964 33-0357-80Mon-Sat: 09.00 - 20.00
5Little Academyst. Tvardovsky, 14, building. 2☎+7 (985) 064-08-94 ☎+7 (499) 550-32-1325-34Mon-Fri: 07.00 – 20.00 Sat-Sun: 10.00 – 16.00
4IslandLilac boulevard, 44A ☎+7 (499) 130-30-9029-45Mon-Sun: 08.00 - 20.00
3Montessori KidMichurinsky Ave., 39☎+7 (495) 118-32-66, ☎+7 (495)509-87-9040-55Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 17.00
2genius kid5th Parkovaya St., 37A☎+7 (915) 254-53-52 ☎+7 (915) 000-21-13not specifiedMon-Sun: 08.00 - 20.00
1Baby clubMalomoskovskaya st., 21, bldg. 2☎+7 495 740-81-21, ☎+7 (800) 100-20-24 49-55,7Mon-Fri: 09.00 – 20.00

waldorf kindergartens

Children's institutions in which groups with children from 3 to 7 years old are organized are called Waldorf. The principle of educating and maintaining children lies in the development of folk culture, artistic activity, the realization that many people worked on the manufacture of each thing, and one must be able to appreciate this work. In such gardens there are no bright rooms.Everything is made from natural materials, even toys made from straw, fabric, wood, natural material. Educators behave like mothers: they cook, clean, play with the children, eat at the common table. Every visitor is busy here. The absence of coercion and education through labor are the main tasks of the development method. The daily routine in the Waldorf gardens is clearly structured: “active” time is replaced by “quiet”, cooking is replaced by reading, walking is replaced by needlework.

Among the 23 Moscow institutions of this type, five best private organizations can be noted.

5th place - "Merry Dwarf"

Address: "Luchiki" m. Bibirevo, st. Putevoi proezd, 14, building 1
Phones: ☎+7 (926) 870-21-17, ☎+7 (499) 901-03-54
Address: "Flashlights" m. Slavyansky boulevard, st. Vatutina, d. 7, building 1
Phones: ☎+7 (499) 651-13-62, ☎+7 (915) 099-95-76
The institution is open: from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00

«Cheerful dwarf "works according to the Waldorf method, accepts children from 2 years of age. There are only two groups of 12 people in the organization: Luchiki and Lanterns. Classes are organized according to the days of the week: Monday - wax modeling, Tuesday - needlework, Wednesday - home economics, Thursday - baking pies, Friday - drawing. The rhythm is conceived so that the child, out of habit, can recognize the days of the week depending on the cases. Walk - every day, food - 4 times a day.
Monthly payment by agreement.

  • weekly rhythm;
  • organization of holidays;
  • home atmosphere.
  • Not many seats, only 24 people.

4th place - "Pumpkin House"

Address: m. Skobelevskaya, st. Izyumskaya, d. 57, bldg. 2
Phones: ☎+7 (926) 134-16-28
Opening hours: 08.00 - 18.30, five days a week

The garden is located near the Butovo station in a clean green area. Children are accepted in groups of 15 people, ages 3 - 7 years. The child can be brought for a couple of hours, for the whole day, depending on adaptation. Kids eat only natural products three times a day, the menu is completed, taking into account the preferences of children with allergies and vegetarians. The playground on the street is neat and beautiful, there is a private garden with fruit trees.

  • home furnishings;
  • food is prepared from natural products;
  • location in the green zone;
  • has its own garden.
  • no parking;
  • the cost of services is not specified.

3rd place - "Ordinary Miracle"

Address: m. Shabolovskaya, st. Lesteva, d. 19, k. 2
Phones: ☎+7 (926) 019-65-14, ☎+7 (929) 641-76-71
Working hours: weekdays, reception of children at 08.45, the program is designed until 12.45; from September to June inclusive

The development center invites children from 1.5 to 3.5 years old to the nursery for an hour stay. The group works 10 months a year. Every day they do needlework, rhythm, games, show a fairy tale. In the morning, children are brought to the group, in the afternoon, parents take the kids home from a walk. Organized fresh fruit snack. Children 4-6 years old are offered classes in a carpentry workshop, in mathematics. Psychologists work. They also work with preschool children, they offer extensions for schoolchildren, and there are adult programs. There is a discount on payment for the second and subsequent children.

The cost of services in the nursery group is 15,000 rubles per month.

  • there is a nursery for babies;
  • friendly team;
  • variety of programs;
  • convenient payment system (subscription, one-time visit);
  • The site contains a lot of information.
  • kids are taken only for 4 hours;
  • in July-August the nursery is closed.

2nd place - "The way of grain"

Address: m. Belyaevo, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 20A
Phones: ☎+7 (495) 336-68-66, ☎+7 (495) 120-20-37
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08.00 – 18.00

Meeting in a circle, breakfast, free play - this is how the day begins in the garden "Way of Grain". Toddlers and older children play, and adults run the business of the group, setting an example for the kids, helping them to merge into adulthood. After cleaning - classes: modeling, dough preparation, rhythm, painting, then a walk. For a group with a part-time visit, lunch is taken for a walk in thermoses so that there is a logical conclusion: a walk, lunch, sleep. Every Monday, after breakfast, the children go to the forest and walk until lunch. The natural environment has a positive effect on the child's psyche and gives vitality to the growing organism. You can enroll a child if he is 3.5 - 6 years old. Payment discounts are provided for 2, 3 children. If it is not possible to pick up the baby at 17.00, you can warn the gardeners, and the child can be picked up until 18.00.

The cost per month is 33,500 rubles.

  • a clear daily routine;
  • long walks;
  • friendly teachers;
  • adaptation period 2 months;
  • there is a system of discounts.
  • not detected.

1st place - "Big Turtle"

Address: m. University, st. Builders, d. 5, 2nd building
Phones: ☎+7 (495) 118-23-41, ☎+7 (916) 265-61-47, ☎+7 (905) 580-06-71
Working hours: Mon-Fri: from 09.00 to 17.00

The family private club organizes groups of different ages for children from 3 to 7 years old. Registration is by phone or online.According to the Waldorf method, children will better adapt to the world around them, learn life skills, overcome difficulties, learn the rules and norms of behavior, looking at older children. Holidays are held every month with the active participation of children and their parents. To get acquainted, it is proposed to visit the "Guest Day" to find out if the method is suitable for your baby. When registering, an interview with a teacher is considered mandatory; during the adaptation period, parents can be in the group with the baby. Meals are provided 4 times a day, a diet is selected for allergy sufferers. There are 3 branches of the Big Turtle in Moscow. There is a "garden-studio" for a short stay of kids aged 2 - 3.5 years.

Payment per month is 28,000 - 33,000 rubles.

  • an interview is conducted at the time of registration;
  • interesting program;
  • healthy food;
  • diet for allergy sufferers;
  • good organization.
  • not detected.

TOP-5 Waldorf Gardens: summary information

PlaceNameAddressTelephonePrice, thousand rublesSchedule
5Cheerful dwarfst. Way passage, 14, bldg. one☎ +7 (499) 901-03-54 ☎ +7 (926) 870-21-17not specifiedMon-Fri: 08.00 - 18.00
4pumpkin houseIzyumskaya st., 57, bldg. 2,☎ +7 (926) 134-16-28not specifiedMon-Fri: 08.00 - 18.30
3Ordinary miraclest. Lesteva, d.19, k. 2 ☎ +7 (926) 019-65-14 ☎ +7 (929) 641-76-7115Mon-Fri: 08.45 – 12.45
2grain pathst. Miklukho-Maklaya, 20A☎ +7 (495) 336-68-66 ☎ +7 (495) 120-20-3733.5Mon-Fri: 08.00 - 18.00
1big turtlest. Builders, 5, bldg. 2☎ +7 (916) 265-6147 ☎ +7 (495) 118-23-41 ☎ +7 (905) 580-06-7128-33Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 17.00

Gardens with correctional groups

If the baby has health problems, he can be enrolled in a correction group. In such kindergartens, there are specialists in the staff who will help the child cope with developmental difficulties, they will constantly monitor him. There are enough gardens with corrective groups in Moscow. They are organized in state institutions.Each has budget places where children can study for free. All institutions work according to the methodology of Gerbova V.V., Vasilyeva M.A., Komarova T.S. "The program of education and training in kindergarten." Let's pick five.

GOU Kindergarten №972

Address: m. Prazhskaya, Kharkovskiy proezd, 11-A
Phone: ☎+7 (495) 383-45-83
Features: for children with visual impairment

Compensatory institution DS No. 972 for children who have problems with vision or lack thereof organizes special groups with conditions to improve the condition of babies or to prevent diseases of the organs of vision. To do this, children are like a course of strengthening and corrective measures. Nursery group organized. There are additional classes: speech development, literacy, natural history, music, physical education, logic, etiquette, etc. You can read information of interest on the Internet. The garden is protected.

Payment per month: up to 999 rubles.

  • gentle conditions;
  • a variety of activities to prepare for school;
  • there is a nursery;
  • you can study for free.
  • no information on opening hours.

GOU Kindergarten №63

Address: m. Voykovskaya, Voykovsky 1st passage, 4, building 2
Phone: ☎+7 (499) 150-49-13
Opening hours: 07.00 – 19.00 from Monday to Friday
Features: for children with impaired speech development

The kindergarten has 4 groups for children with OHP (2 older and 2 preschool), in which children can stay around the clock. Kindergarten profile: preparation for school, speech therapy, speech disorder, intellectual disorder, correction. Children are additionally engaged in manual labor, drawing, physical education, music, and games.The facility is guarded and CCTV cameras are installed.

Monthly cost: up to 990 rubles.

  • 4 round-the-clock groups;
  • there is preparation for school.
  • not detected.

GOU Kindergarten №1703

Address: m. Tsaritsyno, st. Marshal Zakharov, 11, bldg. 2
Phones: ☎+7 (495) 393-27-33, ☎+7 (495) 390-45-68
Working hours: Mon-Fri: from 7 am to 7 pm
Features: for children with mental disabilities

Highly qualified specialists work in the garden, who try to develop a personality, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's psyche, the capabilities of the body. The work is closely intertwined with consultations, parents actively participate and help teachers. Group rooms are organized: sports and recreation, educational and developmental, creative, play. Extracurricular activities help prepare your child for school.

Up to 990 rubles per month - the cost of services.

  • special conditions;
  • there are classes to prepare for school;
  • nursery group and part-time group.
  • fresh food.

GOU Kindergarten №500

Address: m. Rechnoy vokzal, Leningradskoe shosse, 116-A
Phones: ☎+7 (495) 457-63-21
Opening hours: working days: 07.00 – 19.00
Features: for children with mental development disorders

The institution works with children with intellectual disabilities, there is a correctional and combined class. Regular classes in the pool and physical therapy help to improve the health of children, additional classes help to learn the basic skills of speech, literacy, and develop the creative direction of the child. The building is guarded.

Payment per month - up to 990 rubles.

  • there is a swimming pool;
  • nursery;
  • part-time group;
  • sensitive caring educators;
  • purity in groups;
  • fun activities take place.
  • not everyone likes food.

GOU Special boarding school №101

Address: m. Strogino, st. Parshina, 39, pp. 1-4; st. Marshal Katukov, 14, bldg. 2
Phones: ☎+7 (499) 720-39-05, ☎+7 (495) 750-43-52
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 08.00 to 21.00
Features: for deaf and hard of hearing children

There are 5 groups and 1 class in the boarding school for deaf kids. This includes children with a diagnosis of mental retardation in the direction of a doctor. Boarding school profile: deafness and hearing correction. Organized extra classes. The institution is under protection.

  • there is a round-the-clock group;
  • each group is equipped with the most necessary;
  • author's methods of development and training;
  • good food;
  • there is a green area.
  • the cost of paid training is not indicated.

Gardens with Adjustment Groups: Summary

No. ppNameAddressTelephonePrice, rubPeculiarities
1GOU Kindergarten №972Kharkivsky proezd, 11-A☎+7 (495) 383-45-83999with visual impairment, correction
2GOU Kindergarten №63Voikovsky 1st passage, 4, building 2☎+7  (499) 150-49-13990with impaired speech, intelligence, correction
3GOU Kindergarten №1703st. Marshal Zakharov, 11, bldg. 2☎+7 (495) 393-27-33 ☎+7 (495) 390-45-68990with mental disorder, correction
4GOU Kindergarten №500Leningrad highway, 116-A☎+7 (495) 457-63-21990with mental disorder, correction
5GOU Special boarding school №101st. Parshina, 39☎+7 (495) 750-43-52 ☎+7 (499) 720-39-05not specifiedfor deaf children


The choice of a kindergarten should be approached with all responsibility and without haste. Your baby will spend more than one hour in it.It is important that he feels care and comfort in the absence of his mother and at the same time receives basic life skills and knowledge.

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