
  1. When to see a doctor
  2. The best state dermatologies in Moscow for 2022
  3. The best private dermatologies in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best dermatologies in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best dermatologies in Moscow for 2022

Dermatology is a science that studies the structure of the skin, hair, nails, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment. Directly related to such areas as: allergology, oncology, venereology, endocrinology. We will tell you below about where to turn in Moscow with all dermatological problems.

When to see a doctor

Redness, rash, excessive dryness of the skin, causing discomfort - this is a reason to consult a dermatologist.It should be understood that any skin problems are not just a cosmetic defect. In most cases, the causes lie in violations of the digestive, immune, lymphatic systems, and acute skin reactions are just one of the symptoms.

The rash can be caused by an acute allergic reaction or mycosis (a disease caused by a fungus). Self-prescription of drugs or the use of folk remedies (herbs are not at all so harmless, not to mention other methods of dubious effectiveness) can only aggravate the situation. For example, the problem of acne cannot be solved with cosmetic lotions and ointments; here you need an integrated approach, full-fledged diagnostics, in most cases - drug therapy.

How to choose a clinic

For starters, you should study the reviews, preferably on third-party resources. It is worth paying attention only to informative ones - the attitude of staff towards patients, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, the presence or absence of imposed services (for example, the appointment of unnecessary drugs or studies). Monosyllabic, frankly laudatory or reviews containing a description of the repair should be brushed aside immediately. The interior and comfort are, of course, important, but they still turn to the hospital to solve health problems.

It's great if the clinic has its own website, which contains information about the qualifications of the staff, the methods used, constituent documents, certificates, licenses for conducting medical activities. By the way, it is worth paying special attention to the latter.Otherwise, it will be problematic to hold doctors accountable, as well as to prove that the deterioration was due to incorrectly prescribed drugs or an incorrect diagnosis.

Information about services should be written in simple language, without complicated medical terms. If already at the stage of studying the website of a medical institution, the patient has more questions than answers, it is worth looking for another clinic.

Pay attention to the list of services provided and prices. Serious clinics update their price lists regularly. The note “the cost of the service is better to check with the administrator” should alert. Yes, the cost of a course of treatment cannot be determined without a visual examination, but the price for the initial appointment should be announced immediately.

If you are looking for a good private clinic, choose highly specialized, working in one direction, such as dermatology-cosmetology. It's in that order.

As for the choice between a public and a private clinic, it all depends on financial capabilities. The first ones treat for free, the second ones are better equipped, often using innovative developments and technologies. The qualifications of specialists in both cases are approximately the same, moreover, very often doctors, after working a shift in a state hospital, conduct an appointment in a private clinic.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing

When it comes to choosing a paid clinic, it’s worth looking for an alternative if:

  • staff refuses to submit licenses (ideally, documents should be freely available - posted on stands, the official website);
  • there is no single price list for the cost of services - the administrator refers to the fact that the price will be announced by the doctor after the examination;
  • during the initial consultation, the doctor prescribes too many studies, of course, paid ones;
  • the doctor speaks to the patient in extremely complex terms;
  • do not offer to conclude an agreement on the provision of paid medical services, which is mandatory (the data of the patient, clinic are indicated in the document).

At the appointment, do not hesitate to ask questions about the doctor's experience, qualifications. There is nothing offensive for the doctor in this. Also, the patient has the right to know what methods will be used to treat the disease (hardware procedures, drug therapy, complex therapy, surgical intervention). And also should be warned about the possible risks associated with the procedures or taking medications.

The best state dermatologies in Moscow for 2022

FGBU SSC FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan

This is a multidisciplinary hospital equipped with modern equipment. The main areas are oncology, transplantation, surgery, there is a department of dermatology. Reception is conducted by PhDs. In addition, the medical staff undergoes regular training in the world's leading clinics, participate in Russian and international medical congresses.

Much attention is paid to diagnostics, which allows you to identify the disease at an early stage, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. There is a children's department.

Address: st. Marshal Novikov, 23
How to get there: a 7-minute walk from the Schukinskaya metro station (along Novoshchukinskaya street to the intersection with Marshal Novikov street), entrance through the glass doors of the checkpoint
Phone ☎ : +7(499)190-85-55; +7(499)190-86-17 (ext.18)
Opening hours: weekdays - from 8.00 to 20.00, weekends - from 9.00 to 17.00

  • high qualification of doctors;
  • application of traditional and author's methods of treatment;
  • admission of patients under the MHI policy;
  • full information (documents, licenses) is posted on the website;
  • convenient online registration form (name of the doctor, qualifications, work schedule);
  • good patient reviews.
  • there is no information about prices for services.

GBUZ "MNPTSDK DZM" (Moscow Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology)

The center was founded in 2011, has 16 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, coordinates the activities of all medical institutions, whose activities are related to the provision of dermatovenereological care.

MNPCDC is accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to conduct clinical trials in accordance with international standards. Branches of the center operate in Moscow and the Moscow region. The number of staff is more than 1200 people, including 24 doctors, 50 candidates of sciences and 500 doctors of the highest category.

The Center provides free services (under the CHI program) to patients of any age. To receive free medical care, you must have: a referral from the attending physician, a passport (birth certificate for children and parents' passport), compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS.

Phone ☎ :+7 (499) 558-58-28
Opening hours: Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 16.00 (by appointment only).

  • highly qualified doctors;
  • branches in MO;
  • full information on the site;
  • free treatment.
  • doctors do not accept without an appointment.

Polyclinic No. 4

Accepts babies from birth. Children's skin is very sensitive to external irritants (from rough seams on clothes to cosmetic care products).In addition, acute manifestations on the skin in the form of a rash, redness may indicate the presence of diseases of the endocrine system, gastroenterological disorders.

When diagnosing a disease, dermatoscopy is used - a non-invasive, painless research method using a special dermatoscope apparatus. As a result of increasing the image of the problem area of ​​the skin tenfold, the doctor determines the nature of the neoplasm, draws conclusions about the degree of safety. The accuracy of the method is 80% and allows you to detect malignant tumors at an early stage.

Also, a dermatologist will advise parents on the features of caring for children's skin, and, if necessary, select safe cosmetics.

Address: Kutuzovsky pr., 20
Phone ☎ : +7 (499) 243-72-33
Opening hours: Monday to Friday - from 7.30 to 21.00, Saturday - from 8.00 to 18.00, Sunday - from 9.00 to 15.00

  • treatment under the VHI policy (the list of partner insurance companies is indicated on the website);
  • the latest equipment;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • works seven days a week.
  • no.

The best private dermatologies in Moscow for 2022


The clinic uses the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, such as:

  • various types of dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • melanoma;
  • acne
  • fungal diseases of the skin and nails;
  • rosacea;
  • vetiligo.

Reception and treatment of patients is carried out according to the standards adopted in medical institutions in Europe and America. Before making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the client undergoes a comprehensive medical examination to identify the causes of the disease.If necessary, the patient is provided with services (consulting, diagnostic) of related specialists working in leading medical institutions of the Russian Federation.

Reception is conducted by doctors of the highest category, weekly the patient passes a professorial council, which includes scientific specialists from Russia and Israel.

Address: lane Sivtsev Vrazhek, building 3
How to get there: Kropotkinskaya metro station, exit to Gogolevsky Boulevard, turn to Sivtsev Vrazhek, entrance to the arch of the first house.
Phone ☎ : +7 (495) 225-25-82
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 24.00
The cost of the consultation is 2500 rubles (regardless of primary or repeated), if you make an appointment for a time after 20.00 - 3500 rubles. If the reception is conducted by a doctor of medical sciences - 6000 rubles.

  • the latest equipment;
  • acceptable prices;
  • devices for non-invasive diagnostics;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • author's methods;
  • removal of neoplasms (only after histological examinations);
  • good technical equipment.
  • there are no free services within the CHI program.

Dermatology Center Petrovka 15

The center provides treatment in the following areas: general dermatology, removal of neoplasms (papillomas, warts), mycology (skin and nail fungus), cosmetology, as well as trichology and dermatovenereology.
For treatment, both hardware methods and drugs that have been certified in the territory of the Russian Federation are used. The cost of the initial visit includes:

  • examination by a dermatologist;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • sampling of biomaterials for research (if necessary);
  • appointment of an individual course of treatment;
  • paperwork.

The clinic also offers a solution to cosmetic problems: laser removal of spider veins, acne treatment, complex face and body skin care.

Address: st. Petrovka, d. 15/13 building 5
Phone ☎: +7 (495) 699-15-15, you can make an appointment by filling out the form on the website.
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00, Sunday - from 9.00 to 18.00
The cost of the initial appointment is 2500 rubles.

  • acceptable prices;
  • complex treatment;
  • experienced staff;
  • comfortable conditions.
  • quite difficult to find (you should use the location map posted on the site).


Dermatology is the main focus of the clinic. Reception is conducted by doctors of the highest category and candidates of sciences. To diagnose diseases of the skin, hair and nails, modern methods of evidence-based medicine are used, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice. The center treats patients with the following pathologies:

  • acne
  • various types of dermatitis;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • hives;
  • papillomas, warts;
  • hair loss of various theologies, including alopecia areata (baldness).

The patient can count on an individual approach, the appointment of only the studies necessary for making a diagnosis.

Address: st. Mantulinskaya 12/2
How to get there: Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station (exit to Krasnaya Presnya street), 10 minutes walk to the intersection of Anna Severyanova and Mantulinskaya streets.
Phone ☎ : +7(499) 259-36-35
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00, Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00
The cost of the initial consultation is not specified, there is a discount of 10%, when participating in the survey, a discount of 1% is provided for each answer.

  • rapid diagnosis;
  • no imposed services;
  • good patient reviews.
  • there is no price list on the site (due to updating the resource).

Scientific Dermatological Center Retinoids

A multidisciplinary dermatological center founded over 20 years ago. The center accepts patients of all ages for treatment. The medical institution conducts a comprehensive examination and treatment of the following diseases:

  • dermatitis (including in newborns);
  • psoriasis;
  • furunculosis;
  • allergies (including manifestations of diabetes);
  • scars, hyperpigmentation, post-acne;
  • all kinds of hair diseases.

There is a discount program. When paying for services in the amount of 50,000 rubles, the discount will be 3% (does not apply to laboratory tests, payments from legal entities are not taken into account when calculating the discount).

The clinic also offers regular seasonal promotions and additional discounts for clients.

Address: st. Plekhanova, 4, building 3 (two-story brick building)
Phone ☎ : +7(495) 785-31-89
Opening hours: weekdays - from 9.00 to 21.00, weekends - from 10.00 to 18.00
The cost of a consultation with a dermatologist is 1700 rubles.

  • doctors - candidates and doctors of sciences;
  • main specialization - dermatology;
  • admitting patients of all ages.
  • there are no significant ones.

EMC (European Medical Center)

A multidisciplinary clinic that unites more than 50 medical areas, which is important in diagnosing diseases.The clinic has modern high-tech equipment, uses traditional methods for the complex treatment of skin diseases, such as:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • papillomas (including those caused by viruses);
  • mycosis of the skin and nails;
  • hives;
  • vetiligo;
  • psoriasis.

The center accepts for treatment both adults and children from the first days of life. The treatment regimen is selected individually, after passing the examination of a dermatologist and other specialists (depending on the history).
The cost of services is calculated in euros (at the exchange rate on the day of treatment), an online consultation is possible. There are loyalty programs, payment by installments is possible.

There are 5 branches in Moscow, one of which, located on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, provides medical rehabilitation services.

Phone ☎ : +7 (495) 933-66-55
Opening hours: around the clock

  • leading experts from Russia, Israel and Europe;
  • modern equipment;
  • comfortable conditions;
  • there are loyalty programs for regular customers.
  • very expensive.

A correct diagnosis and timely treatment will help restore the skin, get rid of aesthetic flaws, and possibly avoid serious complications.

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