Rating of the best dehydrators for drying vegetables and fruits for 2022

Rating of the best dehydrators for drying vegetables and fruits for 2022

The history of harvesting dried fruits, berries, mushrooms and vegetables is rooted in the distant past. Lacking devices and equipment for long-term storage of food, people have learned to store food for the winter by drying it in the fresh air. This method has been preserved to the present.

Its efficiency and labor costs are fully justified by the end result:

  • firstly, all useful substances, vitamins, minerals contained in fresh products are preserved after drying almost without loss;
  • secondly, their shelf life is much longer than the time of using frozen or canned fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms;
  • thirdly, additional costs in the form of glass containers, spices, fragrant ingredients, etc. are not required.

Everyone knows firsthand about the benefits of dried foods.But still, it should be noted that daily consumption of a small amount of such vegetables, berries, mushrooms, dried fruits provides the human body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, maintains its balance. Such ingredients have a significant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the cardiovascular system, and strengthening the immune system.

The purpose of the dehydrator (electric dryer)

Due to the fact that drying products in natural conditions (in the sun) or using ovens has a number of inconveniences and disadvantages, scientists have developed special devices designed to dry various food products in comfortable conditions and with minimal labor costs.

In today's consumer markets there are a huge number of dehydrators of various configurations, specifications and price categories. Depending on the amount of dried fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, meat consumed, as well as the number of family members and the level of the budget, each consumer can choose the best version of the device for use.

Preparing food for drying

The range of products for which an electric dryer can be used is very wide. In most cases, housewives do not pre-prepare them, but in order to preserve the original color, aroma and taste, some of them resort to the following manipulations:

  • blanching;
  • pickling;
  • immersion in a solution with citric acid;
  • sulfur treatment.

When carrying out such procedures, the development of microorganisms that spoil products is slowed down. But at the same time, it should be remembered that an attempt to restore food with the help of water will again resume their vital activity. Therefore, the use of these pre-treatment methods is effective when fruits, berries, vegetables, meat and mushrooms are consumed in dried form.

Signs of readiness and storage methods

To accurately determine whether a particular product is sufficiently dried, it is necessary to allow it to cool completely. If the slice is still soft or sticky, then the procedure should be continued until these signs are completely eliminated.

To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances after drying, experts in the field of preparations advise fruits with vitamin C to be cut into larger portions, since when divided into small pieces, a significant loss occurs.

Vegetables containing vitamin A should then be stored out of the sun.

Experts also note that an increase in the sweetness of some berries and fruits after drying is a normal phenomenon, justified by loss of moisture and an increased concentration of sugar content.

An important condition for the long-term and high-quality use of dried fruits and other dried products is the complete absence of moisture in the containers where they are stored.Therefore, all jars and containers must be pre-treated at high or low temperatures. To do this, they are either placed in the oven for 20-30 minutes. at 75°C, or sent to the freezer for 48 hours. After such a procedure, the possibility of the appearance of food moths in them will be excluded.

To avoid the formation of yeast or mold fungi on dried slices, the container should be covered with tight lids. Otherwise, when the product is in the open air, there is a high probability of moisture getting into it. As a result - the loss of quality and taste characteristics.

There are some features for storing meat preparations. They are as follows:

  • after a month at room temperature, it is advisable to place them in the freezer;
  • after drying, meat (except chicken) does not need heat treatment.

Types of dehydrators

Manufacturers supply two types of electric dryers to consumer markets: convective and infrared. Their difference lies in the method of removing moisture from the ingredients placed in the trays. In the first devices, this is done with the help of hot air, and in the second - with infrared rays.


These devices are a budget category of dehydrators, so they are widely popular among the middle class. Their device is quite simple and consists of an engine, one or two heating elements, a fan, mechanical or electronic control, a timer and a different number of trays.

The principle of operation of convective electric dryers is to supply hot air from the bottom up through mesh or lattice trays for the required amount of time.If there are two heating elements in the device, the temperature level is regulated by heating one and cooling the other. If there is only one heating element in the device, then the distribution of hot air, as well as the cooling of the heating element, is carried out using a fan. All representatives of convective dehydrators have thermostats of a simple type, which are responsible for maintaining the temperature at a given value.

The process of drying pieces of fruit, vegetables, meat or mushrooms takes place on special trays with a fine mesh. Hot air passes through them, absorbing the moisture contained in the products. Each subsequent layer is tightly attached to the previous one, which eliminates the leakage of air flow. The advantage of such devices is the ability to install additional trays. This increases the volume of processed raw materials in one session. At the same time, convective dehydrators have the disadvantage of significant energy consumption during long-term operation.

It should be noted that when using this type of electric dryers, the safety of vitamins is from 60% to 70%.


More expensive units for turning fresh products into dried ones use infrared rays in their work. Their effect occurs on the inside of the slices, in contrast to convective ones, which act only on the outer shell. Such electric dryers are applicable in restaurants and cafes where the processing of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or meat requires a faster process. Also, thanks to infrared dehydrators, the vitamin reserve in dried fruits, vegetables, meat and other components is maintained at the level of 80-90%.

For electric dryers of this category, the efficiency is much higher and is about 85%, while in convective devices it is at the level of 50-70%. A distinctive feature of drying units based on the use of infrared rays is the low energy consumption throughout the entire process. And their disadvantage is their large size and high cost.

Work process

The process of drying various vegetables, berries, fruits, mushrooms, meat is not difficult. It begins with the preparation of cutting a certain type of food into plates no more than 0.5 cm thick. This is necessary so that the level of residual moisture in the slices is the same, and they dry evenly. The slices are then placed on the trays in a single layer. Light contact of the pieces with each other is allowed. When all pallets are filled, the unit is connected to a power source, set the time and required temperature on the timer (if available), and start the process.

At the end of the work, the cutting is allowed to cool and try. If the readiness is at the right stage, the pieces are collected and placed in a prepared container for further storage. Otherwise, the drying process is continued until the desired result.

Purchase selection criteria

There are not many positions that you should pay close attention to when choosing the optimal model. Giving priority to this or that quantity and value narrows the search circle and increases the likelihood of acquiring the most convenient and profitable dryer.

So, before going shopping, it is advisable to assume how many trays are needed for a full supply of ingredients for the winter period; how much time are willing to spend on the production of dried fruits, berries, vegetables, meat and mushrooms; how much from the family budget can be allocated for the purchase of a dehydrator. Having outlined approximate criteria, you can begin to search for a profitable offer.

Choosing from all the proposed models, first of all, it is recommended to focus on:

  • Number of pallets

The standard number of trays in many models is about 5, but their maximum number can be up to 15 pieces. As described above, many dryer options have the ability to add multiple layers purchased separately from the main appliance.

  • Power

The performance of the device depends on this indicator. The higher it is, the greater the volume of cuts can be dried in one process by increasing the fan speed and increasing the temperature of the heating element. This indicator shows the limit of the number of pallets that can be added to the main composition. Also, power determines the cost of energy resources necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the dryer.

  • Temperature conditions

Depending on the design of the dehydrator, the temperature controller can either work in three fixed positions "Low", "Medium", "High", or with the possibility of more precise adjustment of the required value. The minimum level of the value in all devices is at the level of 30 ° C, but the maximum can vary from 60 ° C to 95 ° C. But the best option is the presence of 70 ° C. This is the most common temperature for cooking many foods.

  • Options

This is the only insignificant selection criterion, but it should not be neglected. Indeed, in small kitchens, every centimeter counts. Although the base area of ​​the machine is almost the same in many models and ranges in diameter from 20 to 30 cm, a slight difference in size can play a cruel joke. The height is not so significant in choosing the best option, since it is easily adjusted by removing or adding the required number of pallets.

  • Price

The price of dehydrators can range from 1000 rubles. up to 15000 rub. and higher. The main factors affecting the pricing of this category of goods are:

  1. type of electric dryer;
  2. power;
  3. options;
  4. number of trays;
  5. external design;
  6. the composition of the materials used;
  7. availability of additional functions.

Some of the items listed are not so significant and you can do without them, thereby spending less money on the purchase.

Rating of the best dehydrators for vegetables, fruits, meat and mushrooms for 2022

According to many consumers, models of both domestic and foreign manufacturers are on the steps of popularity.

Electric dryers costing up to 10,000 rubles.

Agroplast Sukhovey MP 3
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This model belongs to the category of convective drying appliances of domestic production. It is presented in two colors: red and yellow. The mass of the unit is 4.3 kg, and the volume is 12.8 liters. The car consists of 3 pallets with a possibility of installation of additional trays. The power of "Suhoveya MP 3" is 500 V, which ensures high performance of the device in one process. The mechanically set temperature ranges from 30°C to 70°C.This allows you to carry out various manipulations with fresh ingredients.

The body and pallets are made of durable food-grade plastic, safe for human health. The dehydrator is equipped with an additional function, which consists in protecting the mechanism from overheating.


  • width - 34 cm;
  • length - 34 cm;
  • height - 27 cm.

Agroplast Sukhovey MP 3
  • high power;
  • large volume;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature;
  • overheating protection function;
  • the ability to add trays.
  • not identified.

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More massive and capacious model of Russian production. It also applies to convection dryers. Its weight is 6 kg, and the volume of processed products is 30 liters. The power of 600 W and the presence of 6 trays allows you to process a large number of fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, mushrooms and meat. The body and trays are made of opaque plastic. On "Veterka-2" you can cook delicious marshmallows. The temperature regulator makes it possible to accurately set the required operating temperature of the device in the range from 30 ° C to 70 ° C. The presence of an additional function from overheating does not allow the machine to work beyond its capabilities and prevents its premature failure.


  • width - 40.5 cm;
  • length - 39 cm;
  • height - 47.5 cm.

dryer Veterok-2
  • high efficiency;
  • large volume;
  • availability of 6 pallets;
  • the possibility of making pastilles;
  • overheat protection.
  • not found.

Summer resident-4
votes 0

Fully metal model of domestic production, refers to infrared dehydrators. The massive body with 4 pallets weighs 14 kg.The power of such a unit is 800 W, which ensures efficient processing of 4 kg of products in one session. "Dachnik-4" is controlled mechanically. The manual temperature controller allows you to set the required exact value from 40°C to 70°C. The maximum value makes it possible not only to dry products, but also to cook various dishes from them. The mechanism is equipped with an on indicator.


  • width - 45 cm;
  • length - 34 cm;
  • height - 59 cm.

dryer Dachnik-4
  • infrared radiation;
  • high power;
  • excellent performance;
  • precise temperature control;
  • presence of the indicator of inclusion.
  • not detected.

VolTera 500 Comfort
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This electric dryer is an advanced model of convection appliances. It is presented in garnet color. Its innovation lies in the use of a capillary thermostat and smooth switching of temperature values ​​in the range of 30-70°C. The start and end of work is carried out using a special key. The body of the unit is equipped with an indicator of the level of operation of the heating element. The impressive power of 500 W and the presence of pallets in the amount of 15 pieces allow processing up to 15 kg of raw materials at a time.

A significant plus in this model is the completion of two removable trays. One of them is designed for smaller ingredients, as well as removing sticky drying components, and the other for making fragrant marshmallows.

The weight of the unit is 4 kg, and the dimensions are:

  • width - 34.2 cm;
  • length - 34.2 cm;
  • height - 31.6 cm.

VolTera 500 Comfort
  • improved model;
  • smooth temperature switching;
  • high performance;
  • additional equipment;
  • the possibility of making pastilles.
  • not identified.

Dehydrators costing more than 10,000 rubles.

Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 Digital
votes 0

This model represents an updated version of the convective electric dryer for fruits, berries, vegetables, meat and mushrooms. It contains:

  • electronic control panel;
  • timer from 1 to 24 hours;
  • temperature controller from 30°С to 60°С.

The presence of 5 trays allows you to process up to 8 kg of fresh products. The power of 500W ensures a high-quality and productive work process. One of the advantages of "Ezidri" is the ability to complete the device with pallets up to 15 pieces. According to the manufacturers, the mechanism is able to work throughout the day without interruption.

The special trays included with the machine are designed for the production of fruit marshmallows.

The case and pallets are made of the strong plastic which is not harmful to health. The electronic components of the device allow us to talk about its efficiency. Thanks to them, the mechanism turns on only when it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the desired mode.

The mass of the device is 3.4 kg.

Ezidri Snackmaker FD500 Digital
  • high performance;
  • the safety of the material used;
  • the ability to add trays;
  • profitability;
  • duration of continuous work;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • production of pastille and yogurt.
  • high price.

VolTera 1000 Lux
votes 0

The convective dryer of this brand is designed for processing various types of food products.Five trays holding up to 5 kg of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, meat or mushrooms, with a power of 1000 W, turn the ingredients into dried ones in just a few hours. The dehydrator is controlled electronically. The mechanism is also equipped with a temperature controller from 40°C to 60°C, a display, a timer, an overheat protection function and an on indicator.

The body and trays are made of opaque durable plastic, not harmful to the human body.

The weight of the dryer is 5.7 kg, its parameters are:

  • width - 38.8 cm;
  • length - 38.8 cm;
  • height - 35.1 cm.

VolTera 1000 Lux
  • unique power;
  • high performance;
  • excellent equipment;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • ease of use.
  • not found.

Kitfort KT-1904
votes 0

This model is a representative of electric convection devices for drying various food ingredients. It includes 6 trays, 1 container for making marshmallows and 1 mesh for small products, herbs and spices. A 500 W heating element and a strong fan create the maximum effect for processing loaded components. Electronic control and the presence of additional functions (timer, power indicator, display) provide ease of use. Optimum range of temperatures from 30°С to 70°С.

The pallets are made of metal, which affects the total weight of the unit (8.1 kg).


  • width - 33 cm;
  • length - 34.5 cm;
  • height - 45 cm.

Kitfort KT-1904
  • optimal power;
  • high productive effect;
  • ease of use;
  • availability of additional functions.
  • not identified.

Kenwell FD-120
votes 0

The representative of convective dehydrators has an increased power of 700 watts.The Kenwell FD-120 kit includes 12 trays, which allows you to dry the maximum number of components in 1 process. A wide range of set temperatures, ranging from 30°C to 70°C, makes it possible, in addition to the production of preparations for the winter, to cook dishes from certain products.

The case and pallets are made of strong plastic, safe for health.

The machine is controlled by an electronic display. The model is supplemented with a timer, overheating protection function, power indicator.

The weight of the device is 7.2 kg.


  • width - 34.5 cm;
  • length - 45 cm;
  • height - 31 cm.

Kenwell FD-120
  • high power;
  • quality drying process;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • pastille production.
  • not detected.

The introduction of electric dehydrators into modern life has contributed to the revival of the process of harvesting dried food that has begun to go into oblivion. With their appearance, such a useful thing not only ensured the replenishment of vitamins and minerals in the body in the winter, but also turned out to be an exciting activity that brings pleasure. But so that the purchased product does not overshadow the hopes placed on it, do not neglect the recommendations and advice of experts proposed in this article.

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