Defibrillation is one of the most serious resuscitation measures, which is aimed at eliminating cardiac arrhythmias that threaten the life of the patient, and at normalizing the contractions of the heart ventricles, with the goal of returning the patient from a state of clinical death. It is equal in importance to heart massage and mechanical ventilation.
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In the case when the intensive care unit has good technical equipment, medical defibrillation is not used or is used very rarely.
The fact is that chemical defibrillation is performed by intravenous injection of a high concentration of potassium chloride solution, due to which myocardial contractions worsen, and ventricular fibrillation is eliminated.
To restore myocardial activity after exposure to the drug, it is necessary to massage the heart for a long time and administer a drug that is a potassium antagonist (usually calcium gluconate), and therefore ventricular fibrillation may recur. The result is that the effectiveness of resuscitation decreases significantly due to the increase in its duration.
Electrical defibrillation is considered to be very effective in quickly restoring the normal functioning of the heart. An electric discharge of high power, short in time, when passing through the heart muscle, most often restores the normal functioning of the heart. Such actions are performed in the presence of a defibrillator, when choosing which it is necessary to dwell on the most important points.
Defibrillators in modern conditions are of various types, but are divided into two large groups:
There is another variety - universal. At the request of the manufacturer, they can be additionally equipped with a display, manual control, monitoring functions, automatic defibrillation, synchronized cardioversion.
Based on the form of the discharge, the devices are divided into:
The second type of pulse is much more modern and surpasses the first in efficiency, so now devices with the first type of pulse are produced by manufacturers much less than before.
It cannot be said that some device is better and some is worse, each device has its own strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of defibrillators that are intended for professional use include:
Weaknesses include:
If we consider defibrillators, which are automatic, they have their advantages:
Weak sides:
Below is a list of the most requested devices. Thanks to him, you can find out the characteristics of devices of famous brands and choose the right one.
The device from the German company is one of the best. Resuscitation measures here can be carried out in a variety of modes, depending on the complexion and condition of the patient. The minimum discharge is 10 J, and the maximum discharge is 360 J, in total there are 8 energy levels in the device. The next discharge reaches its maximum value already 5 seconds after the previous one. The screen shows all the necessary data about the patient's condition, including his last ECG.The main advantage is the presence of pediatric electrodes, which are located under the plates of adult electrodes.
The automatic device from the Dutch company is convenient and effective when used in any conditions, including outside the medical facility. A portable device can be used by anyone, even without any specialized skills.
Most often, such devices are found in educational institutions, with rescuers and flight attendants, as well as in ambulances. The main feature is the presence of the "children / infants" button. This allows you to use the device even for resuscitation of newborn babies.
The automatic device is intended for professional use. Anyone can help a sick person. Moreover, the device allows the "rescuer" to go through all stages of the rescue process - from the presence of a pulse to defibrillation. The device is intended for resuscitation of both an adult and a child.
Both voice and visual prompts are provided for inexperienced users. All the actions of the "rescuer" are recorded, so in the future an experienced resuscitator will be able to evaluate his actions.
The cover shows a diagram of the correct location of the electrodes on the patient's chest, so even an unskilled specialist can fix them quickly without any difficulty.After turning on the device, it independently analyzes the ECG and, using voice messages, prompts the “rescuer” about the next steps in resuscitation. All data is displayed on a high-quality LCD display with backlight and icons. If any malfunctions occur, an alarm is emitted for their rapid detection and elimination.
AED Pro is intended for resuscitation of adults and children from 8 years of age. It automatically turns on when the ECG cable is connected. Constantly analyzes the ECG and, if necessary, makes recommendations for connecting electrodes.
The AED Pro is equipped with the unique Real CPR Help® technology, which allows you to significantly improve the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, due to the fact that the frequency and depth of compressions are controlled online according to the feedback principle.
Metronome signals and graphic display of information allow you to achieve optimal compression. The unique technology allows you to filter the ECG from artefacts that always occur with chest compressions. In turn, this allows not to interrupt the compression to assess the patient's own rhythm.
Heart Save PAD M250 Metrax is an external automated defibrillator (AED). The interface of the device is designed for unskilled professionals, so anyone can help the patient with sudden cardiac arrest. The device has 2 modes of operation - adult and pediatric. Built-in memory is enough for 20 hours of self-testing and control. The device has 3 energy levels - 281 J - 350 J - 360 J. PAD M250 Metrax starts automatically analyzing the ECG already when the electrodes are applied, and, if necessary, makes a discharge on its own.
This model of a defibrillator is designed specifically for extreme cases and providing the necessary emergency medical care. In order to avoid tangling of all cables, there is a special pocket for storing necessary accessories. The data fed to the display can be read in any conditions: in the blinding sun or in absolute darkness.
Built-in watch equipped with a GPS navigation system. All pharmaceuticals used in care, as well as the sequence of their administration, are displayed in the built-in protocol. The defibrillator is able to connect to various power sources.
This model has compact dimensions, small weight and the strong case. You can use the functions of manual and automatic defibrillation, as well as pacing. BeneHeart D3 is suitable for use in any medical setting.
The probability of the maximum successful result of defibrillation is ensured by the delivery of a discharge with energy up to 360. It has a high power, has the ability to operate on battery power, maintaining continuous monitoring during long-term transportation of the patient when disconnected from stationary power sources.
The device, ideal for use in all medical facilities, has a small weight and dimensions.
This model has several versions with an extended set of options: providing a pacing channel, pulse oximetry, the ability to measure blood pressure, and the presence of an external memory card.
The manual model has a built-in thermal printer for instant printing of reports and markers of administered drugs. Works from the alternating current main.
When choosing a device, you need to consider the conditions under which it will be used. Devices that are considered professional are ideal for use in medical organizations, and the use of an automatic defibrillator is optimal in conditions where there are no external power sources nearby (for example, in an ambulance).
When choosing a device related to professional defibrillators, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
If one of the options that is in the device is disabled, it is sent for repair. For the purpose of foresight, two devices are delivered to the place. They will work independently of each other, and have a diverse set of options.
If a specialist prefers an automatic device, then his choice should be approached in the same way as professional devices. Do not forget that in order to avoid unpleasant incidents when operating the device in field mode, you need to choose a device that runs on ordinary batteries.
When choosing a manufacturer or brand, it should be borne in mind that manufacturers operating abroad are actively updating and replacing the model range. For this reason, after purchasing the device and its breakdown in a year or two, it may be difficult to purchase parts for repairing the device.
Defibrillators produced in the country (the leader in the production of such devices in Russia is JSC Concern Aksion) are not as reliable as imported ones, but they have good maintainability and are easy to service. This allows you to save money by repairing instead of buying a new device, which would have to be done if parts were not available.