A stroke is always a disaster, especially when it comes to a loved one. Therefore, it is important to organize correct and timely rehabilitation so that the patient can return to normal life as much as possible.
More than 30% of patients need outside help after a stroke. About 20% are not even able to move independently. Only 8% of survivors of the disease fully recover. These are the sad statistics.
A stroke often develops rapidly, so it is important to learn its basic concepts and signs. If necessary, this knowledge can save the life of the victim and avoid serious consequences for him. This and the best rehabilitation centers in St. Petersburg for stroke survivors will be discussed below.
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A stroke is a severe circulatory disorder in the brain, an apoplexy that entails a cessation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the human brain.
The disease is quite insidious and fleeting, often leading to the death of cells and tissues of the organ.
Depending on which part of the body is affected, the blow can be left-sided or right-sided.
Doctors distinguish between two types of stroke:
It is worth mentioning the following subtypes of stroke:
Medical fact! There is such a thing as a “therapeutic window”: six hours during which it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim in order to avoid the onset of irreversible consequences and obtain the possibility of maximum recovery.
A person is not always able to recognize the onset of a blow. This is the insidiousness of the disease. According to statistics, about 70% of patients did not know the main symptoms of a stroke, which led to sad consequences for them.
Depending on the area of brain damage, symptoms are observed:
Further, the review will tell about the top ten rehabilitation centers in St. Petersburg, where stroke survivors can provide timely assistance and help in further recovery.
You can find out the prices for such services only by writing a letter to the clinic's support service or by calling the operators of the medical institution.
10th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | st. Bukharestskaya, 8 |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 646-50-94; +7 (812) 646-50-93 |
Website: | http://mcgevdi.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Sat - from 9:00 to 21:00; Sun - from 9:00 to 18:00 |
The medical center has been operating since 2016. Reception is conducted by experienced highly qualified doctors, many of them have a degree, and some are candidates of science.
The work of the clinic is based on the principles of conscientiousness, professionalism and individual approach to each patient.
The best rehabilitation specialists work in this place, who will provide all possible and effective assistance to a patient who has suffered a stroke.
9th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | st. 10 Soviet, 4-6 |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 677-07-77 |
Website: | http://7doctors.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat - from 10:00 to 19:00; Sun - from 10:00 to 18:00 |
This multidisciplinary clinic offers post-stroke rehabilitation according to unique programs developed by the best rehabilitation specialists for patients of any age group.
Employees of this medical institution set the main task not only for the complete recovery of the patient, but also for the prevention of a second stroke.
Rehabilitation includes:
Rehabilitation takes a long time, so you have to be patient. On average, the maximum recovery of lost functions is achieved within three years.
8th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | Peterhof, St. Petersburg prospekt, 20B |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 409-75-54; +7 (812) 450-75-54 |
Website: | http://nikhospital.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 08:00 to 19:00; Sat - from 09:00 to 12:00; Sun - day off |
This state budget hospital, occupying 27,000 sq. km of area, provides inpatient and outpatient care to residents and guests of the city.
Since 2003, the clinic has been one of the services for the G8 Summit and other events of national importance.
The rehabilitation department is perhaps the largest center for helping people after a stroke in St. Petersburg. The latest equipment provided by manufacturers from Germany, Italy, and Switzerland is installed here: the robotic complex Lokomat, Armeo, Unbescheiden multidisciplinary therapeutic baths, special pools with lifts, kitchens for rehabilitation at the household level, etc.
The development of programs in the field of recovery of stroke victims was carried out jointly with English neurological partners.
Unique views - fountains, palaces and parks of the museum-reserve, make it possible to apply landscape therapy, dendrotherapy.
7th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | St. Petersburg, Enlightenment Ave. 33 building 1 |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 425-67-96. +7(800) 551-95-37 (for regions) |
Website: | http://balt-reatech.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 10:00 to 18:30; Sat - from 11:00 to 19:00; Sun - day off |
This rehabilitation center offers comprehensive assistance in recovering from an impact of any kind.
The technique includes medical, pedagogical, psychological measures aimed at full or partial restoration of the lost functions and needs of the patient.
The complex also includes a number of methodologies of physiotherapy exercises, for example, PNF and Bobath therapy.
Ergotherapy contributes to the gradual return of household skills.
Also, manual, orthopedic and physiotherapy contribute to effective treatment.
Great importance is given to the mental health of the patient, sometimes it is difficult for people to come to terms with the disease, and the help of a psychologist is vital.
In case of speech or swallowing disorders, treatment and observation by a speech therapist-aphasiologist is carried out.
6th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | English Avenue, 60 |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 716-61-57; +7 (812) 944-60-05; +7 (812) 495-16-55 |
Website: | http://www.medexpress-med.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Sun - from 9:00 to 23:00 |
This rehabilitation center offers a full range of treatments designed to help stroke victims.
The therapy includes exercises on special equipment to develop various parts of the body, restore coordination of movements and physical strength.
Upon request, the institution provides all necessary documents, certificates and licenses for medical activities.
An experienced team of doctors works with patients: a neurologist, a cardiologist, a massage therapist, an exercise therapy doctor, a urologist, a speech therapist, and a psychologist.
In the first few weeks, all the efforts of the staff are aimed at maintaining vital functionality and preventing complications and recurrent stroke.
5th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | 7th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 16-18 |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 676-25-25 |
Website: | http://gosmed.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 09:00 to 16:00; Sat-Sun - day off |
Thanks to the recent renovation, the conditions of patients' stay in the clinic have improved significantly. The latest equipment was installed for effective recovery after a stroke.
The neurological department of the center has 43 beds, 10 of them are intended specifically for those in need of rehabilitation.
There is a treatment room, speech therapist, gymnastics and therapeutic gymnastics hall.
The team of specialists includes only experienced and qualified neurologists, rehabilitation therapists, masseurs and psychotherapists.
4th place
Basic information: | |
Address: | st. Sportivnaya, 8 |
Telephone: | 8 (800) 555-35-48; 8 (800) 770-09-99; +7 (812) 677-44-40 |
Website: | http://centr-bubnovskogo.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat - from 10:00 to 19:00; Sun - day off |
The author's method of rehabilitation of the doctor of medical sciences, professor S.M. Bubnovsky, proved to be excellent. It is based on a local effect on the patient's muscles with the help of multidisciplinary MTB simulators.
An important point is the technique of diaphragmatic breathing during physical exertion, for example, on simulators or at home.
With the help of kinesitherapy, recovery is faster and more efficient, working capacity and muscle tone gradually return to normal.
For each specific case, the technique is compiled strictly by Professor Bubnovsky, taking into account the patient's condition, his age and concomitant diseases.
3rd place
Basic information: | |
Address: | st. Pionerskaya, 41 |
Telephone: | +7 (969) 700-87-78; +7 (921) 448-28-52 |
Website: | http://lvpmed.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 08:00 to 22:00; Sat-Sun - day off |
The clinic was founded and has been operating since 2015. The Aquaphor company is engaged in a socially oriented economic activity, and until the spring of 2018, only company employees were served in the clinic.
Today, anyone can be treated at the center.
Employees have a special approach - they do not treat a disease, but a person. It is customary to carry out symptomatic therapy, thus eradicating the disease and increasing overall vital signs.
This approach gives the body the opportunity to independently fight the disease with the help of its own resources.
As a result, the patient's metabolism, water-salt balance is normalized. A special diet is prescribed, classes on special simulators according to old proven methods.
The rehabilitation center has a special air purification system, thus creating the effect of a Mediterranean climate.
2nd place
Basic information: | |
Address: | Moskovsky Ave., 157A |
Telephone: | +7 (812) 642-11-72 |
Website: | http://www.neboli.spb.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Sun - from 09:00 to 22:00 |
Neboli Rehabilitation Center operates on the basis of the multidisciplinary clinic of the same name and helps people who have suffered a stroke, spinal cord injury and other severe injuries to recover at home.
Rehabilitologists use effective and proven methods of therapy for years: therapeutic and adaptive physical education, occupational therapy, mechanotherapy, massage.
The cost of home treatment is much lower than in a hospital.In addition, many patients come to tone much faster in their familiar environment.
For the entire duration of therapy, a rehabilitator is assigned to the patient, who makes up an individual methodology and works with both the patient and his relatives.
1 place
Basic information: | |
Address: | Povarskoy lane, 14 |
Telephone: | 8 (800) 200-83-80; +7 (812) 713-38-03; +7 (962) 724-44-44 |
Website: | http://yavid-mc.ru |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri - from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat - from 10:00 - 20:00; Sun - day off |
The main advantage of the Dr. Yavid Center is that for more than twenty years its main activity has been focused on the treatment of predominantly neurological diseases.
Employees of the institution regularly participate in various scientific conferences on restorative medicine and neurology. The staff has published many scientific articles.
The combination of scientific activity and practice makes the institution not an ordinary hospital, but an expert clinic where not only Russians, but also patients from many countries of the world are treated.
To restore the body after a stroke, a special program has been developed here, classes are held in an equipped treatment room.
Among the doctors of the clinic there are many doctors and candidates of medical sciences, who in each case select individual therapy.
Attention! The information provided in the review is for informational purposes only. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes when choosing a clinic, the current cost of services should be clarified upon request or by phone.
The final choice remains with the patient and his relatives.