
  1. Types of stroke
  2. Best stroke rehabilitation centers in Novosibirsk in 2022
Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Novosibirsk in 2022

Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Novosibirsk in 2022

Stroke is a serious disease, which, according to statistics, often causes death in people aged 20 to 70 years. It is characterized by a violation of the processes of blood circulation in the brain. As a result, focal lesions of the brain are formed, followed by damage to the blood vessels and the central nervous system. A similar disease is diagnosed both in young people from 20 years old and in old age. When a stroke occurs, it is important to start recovery procedures as quickly as possible. Specialists of special rehabilitation centers for stroke survivors can help with this. We will tell about the best institutions of this profile in Novosibirsk below.

Types of stroke

  • Ischemic injury.

Occurs as a result of blockage of blood vessels or prolonged spasm. As a result, prolonged oxygen starvation occurs and, as a result, cell death. As a rule, it is diagnosed in 8 cases out of 10. Elderly people, more often men, are predisposed to ischemic stroke. Often the disease is preceded by a state of strong excitement, physical activity or the intake of alcoholic beverages.

  • Hemorrhagic lesion.

Occurs as a result of hemorrhage. The reason is the thinned walls of blood vessels. Hemorrhagic stroke is characterized by a faster course and is almost always complicated by severe consequences.

In medicine, there is the concept of a "therapeutic window" - this is a period of 3-6 hours, during which it is vital for the victim to provide medical assistance. Since it is during this period that irreversible consequences of damage to brain cells can be prevented.

The reasons

The main cause of stroke is vascular and heart disease, such as: hypertension (7 out of 10 diagnosed cases), vascular tumors, and heart surgery. Smoking, alcohol, constant stress also adversely affect. Also, a stroke can occur under the influence of external adverse factors - hot weather, a sudden change in position (for example, when getting out of bed), too long a stay in a hot bath (bath). As well as a sharp decrease in pressure when taking medications.

Warning signs

Since a stroke affects people at any age, everyone should know the symptoms of the disease:

  • facial numbness;
  • dizziness, inability to focus;
  • severe headaches;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • forgetfulness, inability to recall the events of the day;
  • sleep disorders;
  • disorientation, lack of coordination.

If several symptoms appear over the past 3 months, this is a reason to go to the hospital.

Stroke Symptoms

There are several symptoms that clearly indicate the approach of a stroke. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if you notice incoherent speech in yourself or your loved ones, inability to answer simple questions. Numbness of one side of the face, violation of facial expressions. Loss of consciousness, impaired coordination (up to the inability to be in a sitting position) are also possible.

What to do before the doctors arrive

With a stroke, you need to lay the patient down, slightly raise his head. If possible, monitor changes in heart rate and blood pressure. After the arrival of the ambulance, tell in detail about the previous symptoms, medications taken, signs of deterioration in well-being.

You can not try to bring a person to life with ammonia, try to hold in case of convulsions or give tablets, capsules. Since there may be a violation of swallowing functions.


At first, the patient undergoes intensive special therapy in the neurological department. As a rule, drug treatment is used. After stabilization of the condition and identification of the type of stroke, an accurate diagnosis is established and a course of treatment is drawn up. Recovering from a stroke can be time-consuming and require a long recovery period.

From the methods used, and most importantly, the patient's desire depends on how soon he can return to his usual life.In some cases, the consequences of brain damage are irreversible, then rehabilitation, including psychological, will help a person adapt to new conditions.

When contacting specialized clinics, pay attention to the qualifications of doctors, equipment. Specify whether it is possible to call specialists at home, for example, in case of a categorical refusal of the patient to undergo treatment in a hospital.


Since the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, it is necessary to maintain a balance of work and rest, and avoid constant stressful situations if possible. Timely undergo medical examinations, control the level of blood pressure. Monitor the condition of the heart and blood vessels. For any health-related problems, especially those accompanied by signs of hypertension, do not try to self-medicate, but consult a doctor.

Best stroke rehabilitation centers in Novosibirsk in 2022

The review presents the TOP-7 rehabilitation clinics in Novosibirsk, the work of which has earned a positive rating from users.

A 1 clinic
votes 51

Provides medical services for the rehabilitation of patients with hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The clinic uses the latest technologies for the recovery of patients:

  • restoration of the function of the musculoskeletal system and sensitivity;
  • improvement of memory, concentration of attention, general mental activity;
  • restoration of coordination, muscle tone;
  • sleep normalization.

In addition to neuropathologists, experienced psychologists work with patients to help overcome depression, fears associated with physical and mental limitations. An individual medical and rehabilitation program is also being developed.

The clinic uses a unique technology - loading MRT data into a robotic system, which in turn helps to stimulate the affected areas of the brain. As a result, the patient's quality of life improves in a shorter time.

There is also a hospital for 81 patients with spacious, modern rooms. Patients are under the supervision of staff around the clock.

Address: st. Timakova, d. 4.,
Phone: ☎ (383) 247-97-26
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-20:00; Sat, Sun 9:00–15:00

  • the latest technology;
  • fast positive results after treatment;
  • psychological help;
  • good technical base;
  • the choice of day or round-the-clock inpatient treatment;
  • regular promotions;
  • highly qualified specialists.
  • relatively high cost of hospital stay;
  • treatment under the MHI policy is not provided.

Rehabilitation Center Medicine Human
votes 40

The center presents only author's programs and unique techniques. Since the rehabilitation period takes a different time, specialists guarantee the preparation of a personal plan and the management of the patient at all stages of treatment.

Rehabilitation treatment includes:

  • classes on "smart simulators", the installation of "Exarta";
  • acupuncture, exercise therapy;
  • massage.

Treatment is divided into 3 stages. At the first stage, a consultation is carried out by a neurologist, a decision is made on the additional involvement of a psychologist, a speech therapist. At the second stage, the lost skills and motor functions are restored with the help of exercises on simulators, myostimulation. At the third stage, prevention is carried out to prevent a re-strike.

Human Medicine is one of the few clinics in Novosibirsk that has extensive experience in the rehabilitation of patients after heart attacks and strokes using the most modern techniques.
The cost of services can be clarified with the administrator.

Addresses: st. Vatutina 20/1, Russian 21
Phones: ☎+ 7(383) 207-53-52, +7(383)-52-09, +7 (383) 383-02-15
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. - from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 15.00

  • author's methods;
  • democratic prices;
  • polite and helpful staff.
  • not detected.

NSC Personal Medicine Clinic
votes 6

Qualified neurologists provide assistance to patients, which includes medication, kinesitherapy, the appointment of a set of physical exercises in accordance with the patient's condition. For patients who have lost their motor activity, training is provided for moving in bed, walking.

It is also possible to work with a speech therapist who conducts classes aimed at restoring facial muscles. Medical staff teaches stroke patients the simplest household skills - dressing, undressing, hair care, hygiene.

Experienced doctors will explain to relatives about the rules for caring for a bedridden patient: diet, proper positioning, social adaptation. Psychological help is possible, because often close people simply do not know how to behave in this situation.

It is important that in case of refusal of hospitalization or the impossibility of transporting a patient to a hospital, there is the possibility of providing diagnostic and patronage services at home.As a result, the patient receives full-fledged care from qualified doctors: medication and acupuncture, consultations and the appointment of an individual treatment plan by a neurologist and a rehabilitation specialist. The cost of a ten-day course is 68,000 rubles.

Address: st. Zalessky, 5/1
Phone: ☎+7 383 239-20-38
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00

  • rehabilitation at home;
  • teaching relatives to care for the seriously ill;
  • qualified staff with many years of experience.
  • no hospital.

Neurological Center Sibneiromed
votes 0

Helps stroke patients regain health and return to normal life. The cost of the initial appointment is 1500 rubles. Treatment is selected individually and consists of the following blocks:

  • restoration of the musculoskeletal system;
  • restoration of speech and speech understanding functions;
  • improvement of memory, concentration of attention;
  • boss training
  • psychological help.

The clinic employs neurologists of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences. A convenient site contains complete information about the clinic staff, work experience.

Address: st. Michurina, d.37, st. Bluchera 71 B
Phone:☎ +7 (383) 349-92-98, +7 (913) 983-68-49

  • affordable prices;
  • high level of qualification of doctors;
  • several branches;
  • attentive and polite staff;
  • the possibility of calling a neurologist and a massage therapist at home.
  • no hospital.

Doctor Ost
votes 4

He specializes in the recovery of patients after a stroke. It uses unique techniques aimed at restoring motor activity and speech.The patient himself is involved in the process of recovery. The specialists of the clinic believe that the active participation and desire of a person who has had a stroke is a fundamental step on the way to a normal life.

One of the innovative methods that is practiced in the clinic is biofeedback training. It consists in the fact that the patient is invited to perform simple exercises and at the same time monitor changes in brain activity, which is displayed on the monitor. As a result, a person can increase response and track positive changes.

It has its own hospital, with cozy and comfortable rooms. Own refrigerator, shower room. For bedridden patients, special beds with an adjustable level of inclination and height. Caring and attentive staff will provide round-the-clock monitoring of the patient's condition.
You can consult on the cost and conditions of treatment by phone.

Address: st. N. Ostrovsky, 120
Phone:☎ +7 (383) 209-38-38
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. from 8.00 – 20.00, Sat., Sun. from 8.00 – 18.00

  • an integrated approach to treatment;
  • application of innovative methods;
  • high quality staff;
  • comfortable conditions of stay in the hospital;
  • convenient location (10 minutes from the metro);
  • the clinic staff promptly responds to user reviews, in case of negative feedback, they offer to sign up for a free consultation and resolve the issue.
  • The website does not list the cost of treatment.

Lesnoy Rehabilitation Center
votes 0

The center has developed methods for the treatment and recovery of patients after a stroke.The combination of occupational therapy (dividing one action into several simple ones), physiotherapy, massage allows you to get stable positive results.

The course of treatment is prescribed individually in each case and is aimed at:

  • restoration of motor activity;
  • learning new skills;
  • psychological, physiological adaptation to the consequences of a stroke.

Patients are accepted for treatment immediately after stabilization of the condition.
The center is located in an ecologically clean forest and park area, has its own gym equipped with the latest technology, comfortable rooms for patients to stay. The surrounding area is a park with comfortable paths equipped with recreation areas.

The cost of living starts from 3000 rubles per day.

Address: st. Lesnoye highway, 1
Phone: ☎ +7(383) 240-98-60, +7(383) 240-98-68
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. from 8.00 to 16.00

  • location in the forest-park area;
  • individual treatment program;
  • A complex approach;
  • comfortable rooms.
  • high price.

GBUZ City Clinical Hospital No. 25
votes 8

Treatment in the hospital is carried out according to the following programs: exercise therapy, massage, all types of physiotherapy, drug therapy. Services are provided on a paid basis. The recommended length of stay in the hospital is 14 days.

For patients, there are 15 single rooms with their own shower, TV, refrigerator. If desired, there is the possibility of connecting the Internet.

The hospital employs doctors of the highest category with extensive experience.

Address: st. A.Nevsky 1A
Phone: ☎ +7 (276) -74-57, +7 (276) -74-44

  • qualified doctors;
  • round the clock surveillance;
  • separate meals that meet dietary requirements.
  • there is no information on the website about the cost of services;
  • Patient reviews are quite contradictory.

Stroke treatment should be comprehensive, therefore, in order to achieve a lasting improvement in well-being, it is necessary to start undergoing rehabilitation as soon as possible, after agreement with the attending physician.


