
  1. Stroke, types and signs, causes
  2. Rehabilitation after an attack
  3. The best stroke rehabilitation centers in Nizhny Novgorod for 2022
  4. Disease prevention

Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

Over the years of life, the human body is exposed to a variety of diseases of varying severity. And the more severe the disease, the more dangerous the consequences for the body. One of such complex and different in its manifestations and consequences of diseases is a stroke. In most cases, people who have had it undergo rehabilitation for a long time in order to restore the normal functioning of the vital functions of the body. Specialized rehabilitation centers are able to help in returning to normal life after a stroke, the best of them in Nizhny Novgorod will be discussed in this article.

Stroke, types and signs, causes

The brain is one of the main organs of the human body, which, like all the others, receives blood. A stroke, or the so-called acute cerebrovascular accident (ACV), causes damage or death of brain cells, which leads to serious consequences. Stroke can be divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics and consequences:

  • ischemic, caused by a violation of the patency of the cerebral arteries, which leads to the death of brain tissue and changes in its normal functioning. The ischemic form of stroke is experienced by people over 45 years of age;
  • hemorrhagic, a similar appearance is caused by a rupture, one or more, of the vessels of the brain, which are accompanied by hemorrhage into the cerebral tissues. This type of stroke is more often diagnosed in people over 55 years of age.

Due to the fact that the disease has different mechanisms of formation, the treatment has a significant difference.

Almost all diseases are provoked by something. As for a stroke, it does not occur just like that, there are a number of factors, the presence of which may lead to its development, such reasons include:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • thickening (hypertrophy) of the wall of the left heart ventricle;
  • increase in blood cholesterol levels;
  • the appearance of diabetes can provoke a stroke;
  • Nicotine, that is, smoking, has a strong effect on the walls of blood vessels, which can also cause damage to the vessels of the brain.

For the female half of the population, additional signs can be identified that can provoke circulatory disorders in the brain, these include pregnancy, persistent migraines, and the use of contraceptives.

Of course, some of the factors that act as stroke provocateurs can be excluded from life, but unfortunately, this is only a part. And therefore, people who fall into the risk category should pay attention to their condition, as the body warns in advance about a possible attack. So, the main signs, the appearance of which can be regarded as a harbinger of an approaching stroke, are:

  • severe headache that spreads throughout the head, is not relieved by medication or is relieved for a short time;
  • the appearance of dizziness, which is aggravated by movement;
  • tinnitus, intermittent or regular;
  • memory impairment;
  • numbness in hands and feet;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • increased heart rate;
  • respiratory failure (dyspnea);
  • sleep disturbance, frequent waking up, severe fatigue.

If at least two of the listed signs are noticed, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Sometimes the disease can catch on unexpectedly, that is, wear an acute form, but in most cases, it develops gradually.

The manifestation of the disease is expressed in an unexpected speech disorder, it becomes incoherent and slurred, a change in the face (asymmetry), a sharp deterioration in vision and dizziness. An attack is diagnosed after a series of tests, studies of the vessels of the head. If such symptoms are noticed, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Rehabilitation after an attack

Diseases or structural features of the vessels of the brain, over time, can lead to the development of a stroke. In persons who have suffered from an illness, neurological disorders are noticeably pronounced, in most cases leading to disability. In order for a person to be able to recover as best as possible after an attack, it is very important not only to receive medical care in a timely manner, but also to undergo a full rehabilitation to restore body functions after everything.

Rehabilitation is a process aimed at the maximum restoration of the work of the human body, after injuries, past diseases. Assistance is provided not only in terms of physical, but also psychological and social support.

The period during which the human body recovers after an attack is six months. During this period, it is important that the patient receives the highest quality assistance in rehabilitation. The main principles of the recovery process, experts include:

  • timely start;
  • regularity and duration;
  • totality;
  • step by step.

They begin the recovery process immediately, in the first days after the attack, while the patient is being treated in the neurological department. After about two months, the patient is transferred to the rehabilitation department, then if after discharge the patient needs further assistance, then he is transferred to outpatient treatment or sent to a special center. The main ways of influencing the human body after a stroke can be called:

  • the use of medicines;
  • kinesitherapy (one of the types of physiotherapy exercises);
  • massage.

The use of medications refers rather to the treatment process, due to the medicinal effect, brain cells are stimulated, which contributes to a more effective recovery.

Kinesiotherapy is a gymnastics, which is also used at all stages of the disease, it includes both passive and active movements in various positions, as well as breathing exercises. Active exercises are used in later stages and consist of the fact that the patient is taught to walk and perform actions that allow him to serve himself.

The best stroke rehabilitation centers in Nizhny Novgorod for 2022

In all major cities of the country there is a huge variety of medical institutions, both public and private. As for Nizhny Novgorod, it is no exception. Citizens residing on its territory can use both paid and free medical services. Persons who have experienced a disease such as a stroke can choose a center for a recovery course, of course there are not so many of them in the city, but among the available ones one can single out those that are on the list of the best, these include:

  • Clinic of the Family Doctor;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Nizhny Novgorod Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise";
  • medical center Dad, Mom and Baby;
  • Clinical Hospital No. 2.

Family Doctor Clinic

☎ +7831 212 77 77

st. Kostina, 4 Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhegorodsky district

One of the modern centers for the provision of medical services in Nizhny Novgorod can be called the Family Doctor Clinic. All services rendered are performed on a paid basis, with the use of modern equipment, treatment and diagnostics are carried out using the latest developed methods.For convenience, visitors are given the opportunity to make an appointment through the organization's website, this can be done at any time. Specialists provide home care, that is, it is possible to call the doctor home at a convenient time. The center also provides services for rehabilitation, which is necessary:

  • in the presence of multiple sclerosis;
  • after severe traumatic brain injury;
  • and of course after a stroke.

Restoration is carried out using modern technologies, classes are conducted by qualified specialists who are considered the best in the city.



  • a wide range of services provided;
  • quality help;
  • availability of amenities for visitors (parking, Wi-Fi);
  • day hospital with the possibility of choosing the time for visiting.
  • services are provided only on a paid basis.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Nizhny Novgorod Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise"

☎ 8 (831) 258-56-80

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Ordinal, 2-B

Despite the fact that this organization provides prosthetic and orthopedic care to residents of the city, it also has a center for the provision of rehabilitation services, which are provided not only to patients after surgery on the musculoskeletal system, but also to those who have suffered a stroke. The branch is considered one of the best in the region and provides assistance in complex, individual and intensive restoration.

In addition, the department of the Moscow Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise is one of the leaders in the field of creating prostheses and orthopedic shoes.

  • quality service;
  • modern technologies;
  • the opportunity to receive assistance, both on a paid and free basis;
  • a wide range of services.
  • cost, prices are quite high.

Medical Center Dad, Mom and Baby

☎ +7 (831) 412-90-29 , +7 (831) 416-16-61

Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, st. Gorky, 195

The main direction of the center is to help in the treatment of infertility in men and women. But in addition to this, the clinic provides a fairly wide range of services, which include:

  • spinal treatment;
  • the whole complex of measures for the management of pregnancy (tests, etc.);
  • detection of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • ophthalmology;
  • treatment and diagnosis of cardiac diseases;
  • neurological and more.

The clinic has a rehabilitation center, where patients with various types of diseases, including those after a stroke, can undergo a rehabilitation course.

  • a wide range of services provided;
  • good specialists;
  • helping everyone, regardless of age.
  • quite high price.

Clinical Hospital No. 2

☎ 8 (831) 428-81-88

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Goncharova, d. 1 D

The main direction of the hospital is the detection and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, surgical treatment of the spine and spinal cord, removal of the formed malignant and benign tumors. In the hospital, you can take a course on recovery after a stroke, including in the early stages. Rehabilitation in the later stages can be carried out both within the walls of the clinic and at home. The staff of the organization is highly qualified, with extensive experience in working with such patients. Among the staff there is a doctor who is a doctor of medical sciences and several candidates. The management of the clinic carries out a rigorous selection of employees before the candidate gets to work in the clinic, the level of his training is additionally assessed by the management, the working period in a similar position is taken into account.The clinic organized its work on the following principles:

  • the quality of care provided;
  • customer safety;
  • the rapid impact of the selected methods, due to the correct selection of methods of treatment.

The success of treatment lies in the fact that assistance is provided by high-level specialists, using new technologies and techniques.

  • excellent professionals;
  • Hi-tech;
  • modern method;
  • affordable prices;
  • fast result.
  • not detected.

Disease prevention

Taking care of your health, you should give preference to a healthy lifestyle. By eliminating improper, irrational nutrition, it is possible to normalize weight, which is very important, since its excess causes not only an increase in pressure, diabetes mellitus, which can cause a stroke, but also many other diseases.

It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, smoking, chemicals released with smoke have a very detrimental effect on human vessels, and first of all, on those that are in the brain.

It should be remembered that preventive measures should not be neglected, since at present pathology begins to manifest in people quite early. If earlier the disease was characteristic only of those who are already over 45, now you can meet patients with a stroke at 40 and earlier.

Preventive measures can be divided into several types:

  • primary, consist of actions to eliminate disorders of cerebral circulation. A person needs to control their blood pressure because the presence of hypertension can lead to an attack. If pressure monitoring shows that it is often higher than normal, you should immediately consult a doctor.You should also pay attention to cardiovascular disease, cholesterol control and blood sugar levels. If you have a migraine, you need to consult a doctor, as its appearance indicates a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.
  • secondary, aimed at preventing a possible relapse, they are similar to the primary ones, but have more stringent limits and restrictions that must be met. They include medical processes with the use of medicines and strengthening ones, which include physiotherapy exercises.
  • tertiary, consist of a set of measures taken to restore citizens who have already suffered from an attack.

You should also not neglect preventive examinations, which must be visited at least once a year. As a rule, doctors prescribe a number of procedures that can identify a possible disease and prevent serious consequences in the early stages. Among the procedures prescribed by the doctor are:

  • blood test for cholesterol and sugar;
  • examination of the brain through MRI or CT;
  • pressure measurements;
  • conducting studies to assess blood clotting and its density;
  • detection of excess weight;
  • as well as the doctor will assess the psycho-emotional state and, if there are signs of his disorder, prescribe sedative drugs.

In addition to these activities, doctors can prescribe physio procedures, physiotherapy exercises. All appointments are aimed at reducing the load on the heart and strengthening blood vessels.

A stroke is a terrible disease that entails serious consequences. In order not to encounter it, you should carefully monitor your health, if possible signs appear, immediately seek help from specialists. The sooner help is provided, the less the consequences will be. Well, if the attack could not be avoided, then it is necessary to choose a good rehabilitation center, whose specialists will help you get back on your feet and restore the body.

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