In medicine, a stroke is called a catastrophic disruption of the blood vessels, causing pathological disorders in the brain tissues. The blood stops flowing to the brain cells. Because of this, they begin to die.
There are two types of stroke:
The disease is so widespread that doctors have even determined Stroke Day, which is celebrated all over the world - October 29th. According to statistics, stroke is the second most common cause of death after oncological diseases. In order to minimize all negative consequences and return a person to work, it is necessary to provide professional medical assistance in the first hours after an attack. No less important is the rehabilitation period that patients undergo in specialized medical institutions. There are quite a lot of them, all differ in various sets of measures for restoration.In order to understand the rehabilitation process in various institutions in more detail, you should study the rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Yekaterinburg for 2022, understand what treatment methods they use and how they differ.
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It is completely in vain to think that the effectiveness of recovery entirely depends on the clinic and the qualifications of the specialists working in it. Not at all. To achieve positive dynamics in the recovery process, not only doctors, but also the patient's relatives and, of course, the patient himself should be directly involved.
Doctors are just pushing the body to heal itself. Everything else is a long and painstaking work of the patient and his family. Therapy after a stroke can be done in both private and public clinics in the city.
The process of returning the patient to a full life is multi-stage. To achieve a high-quality result, it should include:
At the same time, the obligatory guarantee of success is the fact that restoration activities must begin as quickly as possible. Their regularity and duration are equally important. One of the most important conditions for success is the attitude towards the recovery of the patient himself and the patience of his relatives, who are ready to support him in this difficult path.
Of course, in many ways, the results of recovery depend on the location of the lesion and its size. This directly affects the body's ability to self-heal, which in turn directly depends on the rate of reorganization of brain cells (neurons).
The main goals of the rehabilitation period are:
Nootropic drugs (drugs that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, improve memory function and increase learning abilities) are recommended for patients to use throughout the entire recovery period. They are taken in courses with short breaks. This group of medicines allows doctors to restore speech and eliminate mental problems.
Some patients recovering from an attack are diagnosed with depressive states. In especially difficult cases, antidepressants are added to psychological therapy. For the correct selection of the drug, a narrowly specialized specialist is needed.
In parallel with this therapy, patients are prescribed medications to ensure the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, lungs and other organs.
One of the main tasks of therapy after an attack is to eliminate pathologies of motor functions. The basis for post-stroke rehabilitation is kinesitherapy (physiotherapy exercises). This is due to the fact that in 80% of cases the condition of patients after a stroke is accompanied by the presence of paresis and paralysis, impaired coordination. The main goals of kinesitherapy are:
Passive and active kinesitherapy should be performed exclusively by highly qualified instructors. The ongoing therapy to achieve the maximum effect should be supplemented by hardware electrical stimulation of all muscle groups.
Biofeedback promotes participation in therapeutic therapy directly by the patient. To a greater extent, this applies to cases of ischemic stroke.
From the very first days, relatives caring for the patient or hired medical personnel begin to help him perform passive exercises. Their essence is to help the patient with outside help to work out the full range of all movements of the parts of the body that have suffered after a stroke.
Particularly relevant are passive exercises in restoring the functioning of the arms and legs. The fact of the psychological impact of these exercises on patients is also interesting. With their help, patients feel positive dynamics in the shortest possible time, which becomes an additional incentive for further recovery of patients and their recovery. The effect can be consolidated only with the help of hard and regular work.
The gradual disappearance of paresis and paralysis provides patients with the opportunity to independently perform such manipulations as:
Then the patient begins to get out of bed and walk with a stick. And, if at first he needs outside help for this, then over time he copes with everything quite independently.
Pathological reproduction instead of a full-fledged speech of an inarticulate set of sounds and impaired perception of the speech of others occurs after an attack in almost 30% of patients. Here you need professional actions in which they take part:
They transfer rehabilitation methods to relatives and friends of patients, at the same time advising them on the fact that the patient understands them perfectly (many relatives thought that a person after a stroke was not at all able to adequately perceive reality). In order for the classes to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to use a whole range of proven exercises.
Recovery in society and psychological techniques that eliminate the negative psychological consequences of prolonged immobilization:
The most important thing at this stage is to create such a psychological microclimate for a person, where he will not feel his inferiority, maintain an optimistic attitude and instill in the patient a desire for recovery. In some cases, hypnotherapy is used for this.
Social rehabilitation includes the formation of a new personality, taking into account the selection of work that would not only be within the power of the patient, but also give him moral satisfaction. The patient gets used to his new opportunities and position. In order to choose the most suitable rehabilitation center for your relative, you should familiarize yourself with the most famous of them.
For the comprehensive rehabilitation of the consequences of a stroke, the best specialists in their field are gathered in the clinic. Patients are helped:
Each of these highly specialized specialists plays an important role in a set of measures to restore the normal life of a person who has had a stroke.
The neuropsychologist is supposed to consider the personal psychological characteristics of the patient, which, in turn, are responsible for:
The doctor will facilitate the task of establishing the relationship between disorders in the brain and the daily functioning of the body for the patient and his relatives.
Consultations by a clinical psychologist are aimed at creating a new scenario for life after a stroke. This is achieved in several ways:
The tasks of the massage therapist are:
The master of adaptive physical culture is engaged in increasing physical adaptation.In particularly difficult cases, specialists such as:
All doctors of the clinic are specialists of the highest category. Among them there are candidates and doctors of sciences (medical and psychological).
The Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation is located at Yekaterinburg, st. March 8 194. To make an appointment with a specialist or get additional advice, please call ☎ +7(343)380 25 70.
The regional center, which deals with the rehabilitation of the disabled, has a separate set of rehabilitation measures aimed at the complete recovery of patients after a stroke. It includes:
But, not everyone can get treatment at this center. Treatment may be denied if:
The Center is located at st. Belinsky, 173a. You can make an appointment with specialists by phone number ☎ +7 343 270-88-19. Pre-registration is conducted on the website
Rehabilitation after a stroke in the Clinic of the Institute of the Brain is carried out in a 40-bed inpatient department, located in a picturesque suburb of Yekaterinburg (Berezovsky, Shilovskaya 28-6).
Violations of the functioning of brain cells cause pathological disorders throughout the body. Therefore, rehabilitation measures after a stroke are no less important than arresting an attack or its prevention.
A set of exercises in the Rehabilitation Center at the Clinical Institute of the Brain is developed individually, taking into account the needs of each patient individually. This allows you to achieve obvious positive dynamics in the shortest possible time.
The Center has developed complex multi-stage recovery processes, which are supervised at each stage by highly qualified specialists. First of all, doctors pay attention to the restoration of motor and speech functions.
In some cases, it takes a long period of time to restore the full functioning of the body. Proper recovery requires:
To restore motor activity in the Recovery Center of the Clinic of the Brain Institute, the following methods are used:
The complex of such measures is that mobility gradually returns to the limbs of the victim.First of all, after stroke therapy, doctors prescribe massages and passive gymnastics (with this set of exercises, the patient’s limbs are moved by doctors or relatives instead). With each new lesson, the load gradually increases.
Restoring the ability to speak is an important task for rehabilitation doctors. This set of activities also includes the restoration of such skills as writing, reading and counting. In most cases, after a stroke, they are lost along with the ability to talk.
To restore speech, the patient in the Center will have classes with:
To achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time, patients will also have to perform independent tasks, the complex of which will be selected for them by the clinic's specialists.
This medical institution is located at Berezovsky, st. Shilovskaya 28-B. You can make an appointment by calling ☎+7 343 379-04-60.
Experienced certified doctors and individually designed treatment programs allow the most effective restoration of motor and speech capabilities of patients, returning them to a full life in the shortest possible time.