Paper wallpaper is the easiest and most economical option for decorating rooms. A wide range of types, textures and colors can satisfy even the most demanding customer. Because of this, they are in great demand and are used for finishing walls and even ceilings.
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Paper-based wallpaper is a non-woven fabric made from bleached softwood and hardwood pulp. To apply the pattern, up to 20 different paints with a special composition are used. The more of them, the better the product.
The material can be single-layer and multilayer, and the greater the number of layers, the stronger and more durable it will be. The surface can be smooth or embossed.
There are also other types:
By weight are:
Characteristics | Description |
Properties | Air and moisture-proof, eco-friendly, wide range of palettes |
Roll weight | 660 - 900 gr. |
Width | 55 - 62 cm. |
Diameter | 70-90 cm. |
Length | From 7 to 18 m. |
Density | Light - 110 g/m², medium - 110-140 g/m², heavy - from 140 g/m² |
Lifetime | Single layer - 3 years, multilayer - 5 years |
According to the properties and characteristics of paper canvases, they are divided into several categories:
The cheapest material for wall decoration. In their structure, they are very thin, so when gluing, some difficulties may arise.
There are also two-layer simplices, where two paper sheets are glued during production. As a result, the product is more dense and resistant to mechanical stress.
Duplexes consist of two layers, where one sheet is glued to the other. In the production, materials with different properties are used, due to which the canvases become more wear-resistant and durable. For the outside, a durable sheet is used that can withstand mechanical stress, and for the inside, a paper base is used, which provides better adhesion to the wall.
When gluing, the material creates a perfectly flat surface without joints and seams, which is why they are often used for painting.
These models include:
During production, a photo printing method is used, with the help of which a three-dimensional image is applied to the canvas.
Models are made from a multilayer material with a relief surface. Durable cellulose is impregnated with a special water-repellent composition. Due to this, the top layer does not absorb water. During pasting, it is not necessary to carefully level the surface of the walls, because. the texture of structural models is able to hide small errors and irregularities of the wall.
To create a unique and inimitable design, manufacturers add crushed nut shells or sawdust to the composition.
The material is durable, thick sheet and water-repellent. Thanks to this, wallpaper for painting can be repeatedly repainted. Such a canvas is often pasted over not only walls, but also ceilings.
This is a two-layer paper-based wallpaper, on the front side of which acrylic is applied. Under the influence of strong heat, the material foams, which causes a certain relief or pattern to form on the surface.
The popularity of models is due to such positive qualities as:
When choosing a material for decorating a house or apartment, one should take into account not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages.
Despite all the shortcomings, paper wallpapers for walls continue to be popular models due to their cost, wide choice and ease of finishing.
You can buy them either in specialized stores or order online. But, first, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the modern innovations that the building materials markets offer.
The criteria for the right choice depend on the following factors:
Pay attention to the properties and characteristics of wall coverings, read reviews and product reviews. Try to choose products of well-known brands - this will help not to make mistakes when choosing.
The Russian market of building materials offers wall coverings not only of European, but also of Russian production. Most domestic enterprises produce finishing materials using imported technologies and imported equipment. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about which wallpaper company is better, domestic or foreign, because. Russian-made wall coverings are in no way inferior to foreign counterparts.
Specialized stores offer a wide range of paper sheets, different in price, texture, colors and characteristics. The best decorative coatings cost a lot, but budget options can also be found in the building materials markets.
We have compiled a rating of quality paper sheets, which, according to buyers, have the best characteristics. We hope that our recommendations will help you make your choice and choose a wall covering that meets all the necessary requirements.
Decorative canvases with a relief pattern give the room a cozy and soft atmosphere. A glitter pigment adds aesthetics and sophistication to the interior of the room.
Type - duplex, roll size - 10.05 / 0.53, density - 160 gr.
Rasch Kids & Teens II Kids Teens canvases imitate colorful brickwork. With their help, you can create a unique design not only in the children's room, but also in the bedroom, study, hallway. They will fill the room with a great mood and a new creative direction. Looks good in both artificial and natural light.
Drawing - brick; colors are bright and cold; roll size - 10.05 / 0.53.
Embossed canvases are suitable for decorating the living room, bedroom, children's room. The material is made only from natural substances and perfectly breathable. Duplex coated paper is highly durable, resistant to UV rays, moisture and mechanical damage.Basically, they are glued on walls with small defects, thereby masking irregularities.
Drawing - brick; coating - mother-of-pearl; style - modern; roll size -10.05/0.53.
Wall mural is an easy and quick way to update and refresh the interior. Gold color on a black background always looks stylish, so it will fit perfectly into the interior of your apartment, and classic geometry will never go out of style. The drawing is applied with eco-solvent ink, which is odorless and safe for health. The material is produced in one sheet, without joints. Photowall-paper is packed into a strong cardboard tube.
Color - black, gold; size - 3.1 m², width 200 cm, height 155 cm
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The decorated canvas will perfectly decorate the interior of a children's room. With it, you can instantly change the decor of the room. Animals in a balloon will change the atmosphere of the room and set a cheerful mood. Photowall-paper is made of natural materials and is absolutely safe for health of the child.
Size - 3.1 m², width - 200 cm, height - 155 cm, density - 115 g / m.
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Stylish Japanese-style photo wallpapers will perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment. Delicate colors perfectly complement the decor of a bedroom, living room, hallway or office and create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.
Colors: light; size - 3.1 m², width 200 cm, height 155 cm; density: — 115 g/m.
The designers of the Saratov wallpaper factory have created very beautiful canvases with a relief pattern, seasoned with sparkles. With their help, you can easily and quickly give the room a modern and comfortable style. Wall coverings can be great for decorating a child's room. They are cheap, so they can be easily replaced when little fidgets paint on the walls. Cloths are made according to modern imported technologies and are highly resistant to mechanical damage.
Colors are light; drawing - abstraction; roll size -10.05/0.53.
The simplest and most budgetary option for transforming a room. Decorative foam wallpapers with a relief pattern will help create a soft and light atmosphere. They are ideal for the interior of the living room, bedroom, office and children's room. The canvas is made from natural substances, it passes air well, thereby preventing the appearance of fungi and mold.
When pasting, it is very important to remove excess adhesive solution and bubbles in order to avoid deformation of the canvases after drying.
Drawing - ornament; roll size — 10.05/0.53
Acrylic decorative coatings with printed embossed foam paints help to create a soft, light and aesthetic atmosphere in the room. The material is of high quality, environmental friendliness and low price. A wide selection of colors will help to create an interior design for every taste.
During production, acrylic paint is applied to the canvas, which foams at high temperatures, forming a three-dimensional pattern. Acrylic is considered one of the safest substances, so you can safely paste over the bedroom and children's room with decorative canvases. This coating allows the walls to "breathe", which prevents the appearance of mold and fungus.
Picture - background; roll size — 10.05/0.53
There are difficulties with gluing.
Wall paper coverings need careful care. Models that do not have moisture-repellent properties are recommended to be cleaned only with a dry cloth or brush.
With proper care, paper wall coverings can retain their original appearance for a long time.
To work on the decoration of the walls do not need to have special knowledge. It is enough just to competently approach the matter and follow all the steps sequentially.
When choosing glue, it should be borne in mind that people of different ages will be in the room. Therefore, before deciding which glue is better to buy, pay attention to the composition that meets the following conditions:
Experts advise purchasing a universal glue that is suitable for almost any type of paper decor.
Pay attention to the composition. There must be polyvinyl chloride.When interacting with water, the substance forms a dense substance, due to which a stronger adhesion to the wall is provided.
To quickly and easily remove old paper wallpaper, use the following recommendations:
You can also use chemical products to remove wall coverings. Such a composition is harmless and suitable for any surface, be it wood, concrete or drywall.
Gluing wallpaper yourself is not so difficult if you follow some rules.
Glue should be from the window. To do this, you need to measure the width of the strip and draw the line as evenly as possible with a simple pencil. In the future, it will help you achieve the perfect result.
Dilute the glue according to the manufacturer's instructions. Gently apply the adhesive mass to the canvas with a wide brush or roller, smearing the edges well. We smooth the strip with the back side inward and leave it to soak for 5-7 minutes. Glue can also be applied to the wall.
We take a strip and apply it to the wall, pressing it with a rag from above. The surface should be smoothed from the middle to the edge. This will help remove excess glue. We straighten the lower part of the strip as it is glued. You can smooth out the joints with a rubber roller.
After drying, cut off the excess with a clerical knife, carefully holding the strip with a spatula.
Paper wallpaper is a great budget option for creating a beautiful interior in an apartment or house. Natural decorative finish impresses with a large selection of assortment. Paper canvases are ideal for any style of interior: whether classic or minimalist. The most important thing is to make the right choice and correctly complete the finish.