Initially, plaster is applied to bare walls. This is a rough, coarse-grained material that relatively levels the walls, creates a kind of basis for further work. However, it cannot be laid smoothly and evenly enough, so walls covered exclusively with plaster are not suitable for wallpapering or painting. Therefore, another leveling layer is applied - putty. Plaster is sold exclusively in dry form, while putty (or putty, a more colloquial name) is sold both in dry form and in ready-made solutions.

Applying putty to the walls, you can achieve perfect evenness.Both wallpaper and paint already fit beautifully on such walls. A good level of adhesion is created, so that the walls do not crumble. But in order to apply putty with high quality, a high level of skill is required. This is a difficult job that requires endurance and accuracy. The level of the walls should be the same, there should be no blots, bulges, etc. However, there is a great way to simplify your work, make the puttying process simple and meditative - use boxes to distribute putty. It is this device that will speed up the speed of work and improve the quality of the result.

Difficulties of puttying

  • Puttying is a complex process, the application of the mixture takes a lot of time, even a professional builder cannot complete more than 7-8 m2 per day.
  • The composition is not at all elastic, in order to grind it and make it as smooth as possible, it is necessary to do this immediately after application.
  • Sometimes the mixture does not lie down correctly and it becomes necessary to redo all the steps, starting with the preparation of the solution.
  • Cracks on an already finished surface are not uncommon if the proportions of the batch are not displayed in the correct ratio.
  • There are surfaces, for example, a monolith, reinforced concrete, which “cling” other materials to themselves very poorly. And the tree should not be treated with putty at all, it is worth resorting to this method only in an exceptional case.
  • The drying process takes a lot of time, the longest period in the whole work goes to this stage.

Many of these shortcomings disappear with the purchase of a putty distribution box. It is no longer difficult to apply the material, you can do more work in a short period of time than in the same time, but with a conventional spatula. This method overcomes many disadvantages and makes the application process easy, aesthetic and even pleasant. Despite the massiveness of the device, it is convenient to use, and it is not at all difficult to work on it for a long time. The approximate weight of the entire structure that needs to be lifted is 7-10 kg, which does not seem heavy for short work.

Standard set of tools for puttying

With the usual, familiar method of applying putty, the list of tools includes many different devices. If you purchase and start using a box for applying putty, then some of them no longer seem necessary:

  • A large spatula that is used for the initial application of the mixture to the wall. With this tool, a large amount of material is immediately applied for further work with it.Naturally, it will no longer be needed.
  • A small spatula, for cramped wall spaces, also no longer seems to be an indispensable tool, although it can sometimes be useful to have it on hand.
  • Sanding paper is still needed, but extremely fine-grained, since the putty lays down very evenly, without sharp roughness.
  • The stepladder also fades into the background, as the putty box has an extension handle. It is no longer necessary to climb high to finish the ceiling.
  • Other devices, such as a mixing container, a measuring container, a mixing mixer, remain necessary. However, in more and more frequent cases, the mixture is sold ready-made, therefore, the need for these devices is also largely lost.

It is worth noting how much the list of necessary funds has decreased. The putty distribution box is multifunctional, replacing many important items without any loss in the quality of work.

Types of putty depending on the base

The putty distribution box is suitable for all types of mixture, however, each variety has its own special properties that must be considered:

  • On a plaster basis. The most common option, it is used mainly for residential premises, since the material passes harmful fumes well, so that the environment in the room is favorable for life. It has strong attracting properties, easily sticks to any surface. However, it dries very quickly, so it should be used as soon as the mixture is prepared. There are no big problems with this, since the distribution box acts very quickly, without allowing the putty to settle.Also, gypsum-based mixtures are very sensitive to the environment, they do not tolerate moisture, they begin to crack and break off. It is precisely because of the susceptibility to moisture that it is not possible to use such putty on the street.
  • Based on cement. This option has been tested by time and seems to be one of the most popular options. It can be used for both interior and exterior decoration. The material is not so fast, but over time it passes all harmful vapors, therefore it is safe for human life. At the same time, the mixture is resistant to adverse weather conditions and changes in humidity, which is why it adheres well to external walls. But the cement base has its drawbacks, it sags even when using a distribution box, it is impossible to avoid some subsidence, however, the device reduces the risks and makes the application process more comfortable. Most companies sell formulations in dry form, so you need to mix the mixture yourself.
  • Polymer acrylic putties. The most high-quality option that is suitable for all surfaces, even on wood it holds perfectly. Putty does not crack or sag, but it has a high cost relative to other options.

Why you should switch to using a putty distribution box

  1. Ease of use. Naturally, when working with a spatula, there are many moments when you can spoil the work with one awkward movement. At the same time, it is very difficult to make a mistake when using the device, a smart device does almost everything for you. You set the level of incline, fasten and hold the handle firmly, driving along the surface. This is literally all you need to be able to do to use the device.
  2. Saving time.With a little practice, you can at least cut your work time in half. Even if you have not putty before, you can quickly get used to it and complete the finish in a short period of time.
  3. Higher quality work with minimal experience. No matter how talented a person is, it takes a lot of time to professionally master puttying. And in order to master the use of boxing, you need concentration and very little time.

The components of the standard box for the distribution of putty:

  1. Some manufacturers sell all components of the device separately. So the buyer has the opportunity to assemble a unique kit that he personally needs. But usually in such cases the final amount is too high.
  2. Partial set. In such cases, the kit includes everything you need. Basically, this is a box into which the finished mixture is poured, as well as a handle. This is enough to get started.
  3. Full set. In this case, the composition includes some devices that facilitate the work process, for example, a special container for preparing the mixture, etc.

Rating of boxes for the distribution of putty (when docking, on the seams)

In cases where it is necessary to process joints, certain tools should be used. In detailed moments, good smoothness of actions, a high level of fixation are required.

HYVST PH-10 box for applying putty to the seams when installing drywall
votes 0

The average price is 12,100 rubles.

The main part of the box is 250 mm, and the length of the handle ranges from 1020 to 1620 mm, as the device has 4 adjustable positions. All parts are packed separately, then placed in a common package. The product is orange-gold in color, with black rubber studs.The head of the box, as well as the handle, can be fixed in a certain position.

HYVST PH-10 box for applying putty to the seams when installing drywall
  • ease of assembly;
  • convenient telescopic handle;
  • acceptable cost;
  • high quality;
  • full set;
  • uniformity of application of the mixture.
  • not found.

Box spatula for spreading putty DLT-BOX
votes 0

The average price is 10,600 rubles.

It is used for processing plasterboard joints before applying the main coating. To use, you will need a pen, which is not included in the kit, it must be purchased separately. The product is made mainly of aluminum, there are inserts of elastic rubber. The device is delivered unassembled. There are quite a lot of details that need to be correctly assembled.

Box spatula for spreading putty DLT-BOX
  • affordable price;
  • high quality;
  • durable construction;
  • highly professional equipment.
  • assembly complexity.

Rating of boxes for the distribution of putty (surface without transitions and roughness):

In such cases, boxes with a large volume of putty capacity are needed.

Putty distribution box 10″
votes 0

The average price is 11,200 rubles.

It is used for applying putty at the joints. The material of the product is aluminum, the material is strong, reliable. The kit does not include a handle, for this model you can pick up an extension cord to adjust the length, it is also possible to purchase a telescopic one. The amount of putty applied is regulated.

Putty distribution box 10″
  • reliable quality;
  • it is possible to adjust the width of the mixture;
  • the ability to use both in the initial stages of work, and in the final.
  • high price;
  • incomplete set.

Box for putting putty SPEKTROS HP-10 55862
votes 0

The average price is 16,500 rubles.

The product is a box itself, where putty is poured, a handle with adjustable length. This is a standard kit. There is a function of regulating the supply of the mixture to the surface. The material of the box is made of aluminum metal, the handle is combined. The whole product is 7 kilograms.

Box for putting putty SPEKTROS HP-10 55862
  • high, undeniable quality;
  • the ability to regulate the supply of putty;
  • easy assembly;
  • available instructions.
  • high price.

Manufacturers of putty distribution boxes:

  • HYVST is a company that manufactures products for painting work. They provide a wide range of products, the brand is known all over the world. If you need to do painting work, you can find everything you need among HYVST products. In addition to a large selection, they provide high quality, certified by the issuance of certificates.
  • ASPRO is a Russian company that is in no way inferior to Western counterparts in terms of the quality of the goods it produces. They provide professional products for indoor painting jobs, etc. All warranties are provided upon purchase.
  • SPEKTROS is a company providing goods for repairs. Professional quality products. Manufacturers leave no doubt, providing the buyer with all the guarantees and opportunities to verify the quality of the purchased goods.
  • DLT is a company that manufactures and sells professional construction equipment. The company provides quality products at an appropriate price.They produce a wide range of products for painting work. All items are sold with a lifetime warranty.

Where to buy the best putty distribution boxes

  1. in specialized stores. One of the most reliable options where you can feel the material yourself, really evaluate the quality, see the product on a scale, consult with savvy sellers and make your choice. You can also purchase a tool to order in order to fully satisfy your preferences to the smallest detail. If the structure of the room in which the repair is being carried out has a unique specific shape, then this measure is necessary.
  2. The tool can also be purchased in online stores (Ali Express, etc.). On such a site, a wide variety of products that are easy to browse. In a convenient online format, you can simply study all the details and characteristics. Sitting comfortably at home, it is possible to review all available models and companies, and in the end choose the best option for yourself. However, the most profitable option is to consider the online platforms of the manufacturers themselves, so you will be more confident in the quality and originality of the purchased product.
  3. You can also purchase putty distribution boxes on platforms such as Avito, Yula, etc.

How to choose the right boxes for putty distribution

Since the device is used for interior decoration, the choice should be approached most carefully.

  1. Decide on a price range.If your budget is limited, then it is better to buy a minimum package that meets your needs, usually such a set includes a box and a handle, the simplest option is without the ability to change the length.
  2. You should even understand what stage of work is going on in the construction process. Do you need a box for the final moments or have you just started finishing. Here it is necessary to look at the indicator of the intensity and thickness of the supply of the composition to the wall. In case of uncertainty, it is better to buy with the ability to regulate the supply of putty.
  3. Depending on the layout of the room, the availability of hard-to-reach places. If there are many insidious corners and narrow passages, then it is better to choose a product with the ability to adjust the degree of inclination and the width of the box. If the room has a standard look, then spending money on these functions does not seem to be the greatest need.
  4. Volumes also need to be considered. Large ones allow you to go many meters at a time, but small volumes are much easier to manage.

The putty distribution box can greatly facilitate the finishing process, but the choice should be made after carefully evaluating all the criteria.


