Block construction of low-rise buildings has become widespread in recent decades. Indeed, in comparison with the brick base, the blocks are quite a new material. However, block residential structures have already managed to seriously compete with brick buildings - the reason for this is their increased construction efficiency. Building blocks can be completely different - they differ both in the material of manufacture and in the technology of production and installation. Despite their many variations, heavy foundation blocks and lightweight cellular concrete products are especially popular.
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Whatever material the block is made of, it must have a certain number of technical characteristics that allow it to be used as a building material. Naturally, the concepts of durability, reliability and aesthetics come first, but these properties are rather uncertain, so builders rely on the following clear parameters:
Also, such parameters as cost, laying speed and erection features can be considered significant, but these characteristics do not directly apply to block products.
Brick has long been the favorite material of developers for a long time, but now it is slowly being replaced by blocks, for the manufacture of which lime, clay or cement are used as components. And the role of the filler can belong to expanded clay, slag, sawdust, perlite, sand and even rock crumbs. From this it is clear that modern blocks can differ from each other not only in composition, but also in their structure, which clearly leads to differences in their operational characteristics.The latter will be very important when used at every stage of construction, from the arrangement of the foundation to the construction of ceilings and partitions.
In the production of FBS blocks, heavy concrete grades are used, which is considered an excellent material for arranging a proper tape-type base in a low-rise building. Often, the role of a "pillow" for them is performed by a monolithic tape or a monolithic slab is poured.
In those cases when it is planned to build an underground level, they become an actual alternative to the classic tape base, because they can be quickly erected, labor costs are less, and their price is lower.
In order to increase the strength of FBS, during their manufacture, reinforcement technology is used, which allows them to be used (to a certain extent) even in multi-storey construction.
On a par with the FBS, you can also use the FBV type (the block has a small cutout at the base) - with the help of such elements it is convenient to build underground communications. It is also worth mentioning the FBP (these are hollow block products) - it is preferable to use them in the construction of structures that will not carry any heavy load, but which need to have maximum thermal insulation properties.
When building from concrete foundation blocks, in the vast majority of cases, special equipment will have to be used, which is due to the fact that their weight is large enough and it is almost impossible to lay them out manually. The standard element in question usually measures 20x20x40 centimeters and weighs 35 kilograms.
Classic FBS-blocks have a number of advantageous advantages, among which are the following:
Nevertheless, when using FBS blocks, it is imperative to pay attention to the indicators of their compressive strength and frost resistance.
This type of material combines several types of products at once: foam concrete, aerated concrete and gas silicate. All three types are very popular in low-rise construction. It is no secret that some perceive all of the listed types as something homogeneous, which is not true, because certain differences can be clearly distinguished between them.
For example, foam concrete and aerated concrete differ significantly from each other in production technology. For foam concrete, in order to create cellular pores on a closed structure, a foaming agent is used. But in aerated concrete, cellular pores are formed as a result of a chemical reaction in which aluminum powder (or paste) is involved. As a result of the reaction between the lime and the catalyst, an open pore structure is formed.
The production of aerated concrete can be carried out in two ways - non-autoclaved and autoclaved, and foam concrete has only non-autoclaved origin. It is possible to visually distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete by color: the former have a pronounced snow-white tint, and the latter have a dirty gray color.
However, both blocks can acquire their forms in two ways:
Due to the fact that after the creation of aerated concrete, foam concrete began to give way to the latter in terms of popularity, it is worth considering it in more detail. The basis of such a loss lies in the fact that foam concrete over time allows a significant shrinkage of the structure erected from it, which is a consequence of the need for the blocks to pass through the drying chamber and increased hygroscopicity. Also, foam concrete is very weak in terms of thermal insulation properties.
Due to the fact that this block type is produced by autoclave, it has greater strength and, accordingly, has a greater load-bearing capacity. Also, it is characterized by an increased coefficient of thermal conductivity. One of the quality characteristics of aerated concrete is its density, which is indicated by a special alphanumeric marking. For example, D 400, 500 or 700 - means the mass of one cubic meter and the possibility of using it for certain elements of the structure - for floors, load-bearing walls, internal partitions. Specifically, an indicator from 500 to 700 allows the use of such a block for the construction of load-bearing walls.
In some cases, when building houses for year-round use (especially in an area with harsh climatic conditions), the box can be built from a two-layer material, one layer of which has a low density, and the second is higher, which allows the latter to better retain heat indoors.
It is another popular representative of cellular blocks, which is considered an excellent building material with enhanced thermal insulation properties. It is made exclusively by the autoclave method and from the same raw materials as aerated concrete, but there are slight differences.
In gas silicate, the mass fraction of lime is much larger, and lime is its main component (together with Portland cement). In manufacturing technology, it (lime), along with aluminum paste, plays the role of a catalyst in the chemical reaction created. Out of ignorance, precisely because of the component filling, many consider gas silicate not environmentally friendly and generally dangerous, however, recent studies have shown that there are no real grounds for such an opinion.
It is worth noting that, unlike aerated concrete, gas silicate has a greater bearing capacity - it is possible to build a building up to 20 meters high (this is about 5 floors) from it. But the bending load properties of block gas silicate leave much to be desired. Therefore, when erecting a multi-storey building, it is worth taking care of an extremely reliable foundation. It is better to perform it on the basis of a monolithic slab, which will be able to hold the total weight and the correct geometry of the number of storeys of the entire structure.
The main advantage of gas silicate products is their relatively low cost (in comparison with other cellular type blocks). This will play into the hands financially when the building is being built in the northern climatic zone and the wall must be made in two layers to enhance thermal insulation.If we take into account the standard block size of 600x200x300 millimeters, then the total volume of gas silicate blocks for the construction described above will be much cheaper than the same volume of foam or aerated concrete block elements. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that gas silicate has an increased hygroscopicity and it will always require external and internal finishing, which is desirable to perform in the form of installing mineral wool insulation boards.
For areas with a temperate climate, it is possible to finish with expanded polystyrene, but its use will adversely affect the vapor permeability of the walls. A decrease in this indicator will oblige builders to attend to the device of additional forced ventilation of residential premises. In general, for all types of cellular blocks, it is recommended to finish the outer part of the building using the “wet facade” method. Summing up, it can be argued that the gas silicate blocks have almost ideal shapes, and the deviations in size can be in a small range from 0.3 to 0.8 mm. The material itself is frost-resistant, durable and can withstand up to 100 freeze/thaw cycles.
In addition to cellular blocks, the construction of low-rise structures can be carried out using block elements made of expanded clay concrete, wood concrete or polystyrene. Each of these types has its own unique properties, which can be the best solution in some specific situations, giving the construction a fair share of rationality and economic benefits. Also, it is necessary to mention porous ceramic blocks, in the production of which (as in the production of bricks) clay is used, together with a pore-forming raw material, which is usually powder-based polystyrene foam.Such block products have a number of advantages:
When selecting building blocks for future construction, first of all it is necessary to decide on the purpose of their use, which can be:
The main criteria will be:
This product is used in the construction of houses or outbuildings, to create partitions in office areas and industrial buildings. Made from environmentally friendly materials that are completely safe for humans throughout the entire period of operation. The block size is 390×90×188 mm. Country of origin - Russia. The block has excellent soundproofing and heat-saving qualities, has a small mass (due to the presence of internal voids), and is not capable of exerting excessive pressure on the floors.
It is non-flammable and does not emit harmful substances when heated. Resistant to the formation of mold or fungus. Perfectly supports hardware used for fixing shelves and hanging items or for laying communications. The recommended price for retail chains is 51 rubles.
This model is used for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions in low-rise residential buildings, garages, sheds and other outbuildings. Produced from fine-grained expanded clay gravel. It is characterized by excellent operational properties. The small mass and dimensions of the blocks - 390 × 190 × 188 mm - make it easy and speed up laying, lowering the requirements for the qualification of a bricklayer. The material is made in Russia. It has versatility of application, because it does not lose its properties in an extended temperature range, it is suitable for most climatic zones. Its strength and durability speak for themselves - the service life is about 60 years. It has good heat-insulating and sound-suppressing properties, which is due to internal hollow compartments. It is also characterized by increased resistance to adverse weather factors and immunity to negative biological influences. The recommended cost for retail chains is 133 rubles.
This sample is especially effective for arranging foundations, building load-bearing wall structures, filling various frames, and the like.Its versatility can be explained by its unique properties, namely: reduced water absorption and increased frost resistance, dense structure with no holes and voids, resistance to decay, fire, corrosion and other negative factors, reliable fastening of fixing parts in the material, minimal heat loss in wall elements, laying full-fledged expanded clay concrete block elements with a fairly small consumption of mortar, excellent sound insulation. The recommended price for retail chains is 183 rubles.
This sample is used in the construction of strip foundations, walls in the basements of residential buildings, industrial or warehouse premises, fences and bridges, ramps and flyovers. When using a block element, it is not required to spend time and money on additional work, such as: forming and dismantling formwork, reinforcing a monolithic slab. The block size is 390×190×188 mm. Country of manufacture - Russia. The material withstands significant temperature fluctuations, is weakly susceptible to negative biological effects and adverse weather conditions, and does not require special storage conditions. Made from environmentally friendly elements, does not emit harmful substances during operation. It has a monolithic structure, which provides increased strength and durability. Significantly reduces the time for the construction of the foundation base.The recommended cost for retail chains is 136 rubles.
This block of the "monolith" type is distinguished by its dense structure and it is recommended to use it exclusively for the construction of a monolithic foundation base. It is distinguished by excellent strength properties, complete immunity to an abundance of precipitation, as well as resistance to the appearance of mold and fungi. With its help, it is allowed to strengthen basements in residential buildings or equip lower levels used as underground garages. The recommended cost for retail chains is 140 rubles.
This sample is made of a popular material that has an optimal combination of structural and thermal insulation qualities. It has a density of D500 and a thickness of 150 mm, which is perfect for building walls and partitions. The product can be used for creating interior partitions, decorating a bathroom, building podiums, performing non-standard design ideas, decorating loggias, arranging bar counters and wine cabinets.The surface of the wall from this material comes out smooth and even, and therefore the cost of finishing work can be significantly reduced. The block is easy to saw, drill, ditch, cut out elements from it. An important quality of walls made of aerated concrete blocks is considered to be increased vapor permeability, which allows the walls to “breathe”. The recommended cost for retail chains is 261 rubles.
This sample is very expensive and produced using innovative technologies. It, which has an ideal combination of structural and thermal insulation qualities, is perfect for the construction of residential premises. Blocks with a density of D500 and with a thickness of 400 mm will serve well in the construction of any fences and partitions. Also, it can be used for the construction of load-bearing walls, self-supporting walls, interior walls. The recommended cost for retail chains is 705 rubles.
The use of various types of blocks will always be a justified step, because they allow you to build buildings in the shortest possible time, significantly reduce the load on the foundation base, reduce construction costs (which can include the amount of labor required), and also have good thermal insulation properties, while that most of them do not require special insulation. Building blocks are a convenient material for building walls. Their main advantages can also be attributed to simple masonry. Mastering the process of laying building blocks is much easier than learning how to build brick walls. A huge selection of varieties of block products allows you to choose the ideal material option in terms of cost-quality ratio. And after studying the standard requirements and criteria for a quality building, any person will have the opportunity to build a structure that will serve him for a fairly long time period. One has only to carefully approach the selection of building materials, do not spare finances (in the foolish hope of saving money), and also consider goods only from trusted manufacturers.