
  1. What it is
  2. What are bituminous primers
  3. Benefits of using in construction
  4. Overview of the best bituminous primers
  5. How to use bituminous primer correctly
  6. Outcome

Rating of the best bituminous primers for 2022

Rating of the best bituminous primers for 2022

An increased level of moisture can render even the most durable building material unusable in a short time. In order not to encounter such a problem, a bituminous primer is used. The substance is evenly distributed over the surface, penetrating even into small pores. After drying, it protects the surface from moisture penetration and prolongs the life of the building. Properly selected substance has a viscous consistency and easy application. The ranking of the best bituminous primers for 2022 was created taking into account the opinions of experienced builders and makes it easier for buyers to choose.

What it is

Bituminous primer is an indispensable component during construction work. The product is used for additional insulation. With the help of a substance, you can glue the waterproofing and protect the building from damage. The resinous composition of the product closes small cracks and chips, so the product can be used as an independent insulating layer.

What are bituminous primers

A wide variety of products can be used for construction work. However, in order to get a really high-quality end result, you need to pay attention to consistency. For comfortable application, the consistency must be viscous so that the builder can apply the products with a brush. There are the following types:

  • Ready. Ideal for surface treatment. Do not require prior preparation. Such primers are produced in large containers; for work, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface.
  • Concentrated. Such products are thick, therefore, before applying, the mixture must first be dissolved with gasoline or diesel fuel.

It should also be noted that bituminous primers can have a universal purpose and are suitable for both outdoor and indoor work. There are also products for a narrow purpose, for example, for roof repair.

What to look for when buying

Before purchasing a suitable brand of bituminous mastic, the following criteria must be considered:

  • Possibility of use for various temperatures. This criterion is very important if the substance will be used for both external and internal work.
  • Density and ease of use. The primer should be moderately thick so that there are no streaks after application.
  • Elasticity. Thanks to this criterion, all cracks and pores on the treated plane are filled.
  • No particles. After adding the solvent, the mastic should be of a uniform consistency and free of solid particles.
  • Drying speed. A particularly important criterion for enclosed spaces is a suitable indicator from 1 to 4 hours.

It is also very important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Well-known brands offer quality products at affordable prices.

Benefits of using in construction

Products are made from petroleum bitumen. When choosing such a material for construction, it is necessary to study the following advantages:

  • dries quickly, so it is suitable for those cases when you need to quickly carry out construction work;
  • not damaged by high and low temperatures;
  • suitable as heat and waterproofing, due to the viscous composition, it penetrates well even into the smallest cracks and pores;
  • protects against corrosion;
  • the material is easy to use, can be applied with a brush or roller.

The disadvantages of materials include a sharp unpleasant odor and toxicity. Therefore, in the process of work, it is necessary to acquire personal protective equipment.

Overview of the best bituminous primers

Among the large assortment of bituminous primers, it is necessary to make the right choice. Below is a list of brands that have repeatedly proven their quality and are in great demand.

Cheap primers

Primer bituminous TechnoNIKOL No. 01

The building material is produced in large containers and will be ideal for processing large planes. The substance has a thick consistency, so it can be applied with a brush or roller. Effectively protects against moisture penetration and is suitable for processing both wood and metal. The one-component composition penetrates deeply into the cracks and dries quickly, therefore, after application, it is enough to wait 1-2 hours, and then continue to work.

Primer bituminous TechnoNIKOL No. 01
  • dries quickly;
  • affordable price;
  • universal purpose.
  • not found.

The cost is 1600 rubles for a capacity of 16 liters.

SUHO 1.2 l

Mastic is ideal for applying to metal objects. The material qualitatively protects the surface from corrosion, therefore it is often used in the construction process. It is an excellent option for an insulating layer. Insulation qualitatively repels water and retains thermal insulation qualities. The product can be applied with a brush or roller. Often used for high-quality adhesion of two materials.

The construction product does not require preheating, so it can be used at any time of the year. The substance has antiseptic qualities, therefore it protects against the formation of mold.

SUHO 1.2 l
  • universal use;
  • dries quickly;
  • Medium consistency allows application by roller.
  • not found.

The cost is 280 rubles.

Bison concentrate

The available material is ideal for both construction and roadworks. Available in large containers. The medium density allows the primer to penetrate into cracks and small pores, thus protecting the material from moisture penetration.However, it should be noted that the use of such mastic is not recommended in the cold season. The maximum allowable temperature is 10 degrees.

Products belong to concentrates, therefore, before use, you must add gasoline or alcohol. Mix thoroughly and apply to dry surfaces.

Bison concentrate
  • concentrate;
  • affordable cost;
  • economical spending.
  • not suitable for use in the cold season.

The cost of the product is 100 rubles per liter


A versatile substance will be an ideal option for home construction. Despite the affordable cost, the primer has high insulating qualities and well protects the plane from moisture and weather effects. The product has high adhesion, therefore, within minutes after application, it penetrates into pores and small cracks.

Once applied, the primer is highly flexible and reduces the risk of mold and other fungal infections. However, it should be noted that the product dries for a long period. In order to continue construction work, it is necessary to wait at least 5-7 hours after applying the mastic.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that with prolonged use the substance may acquire a non-uniform consistency. Therefore, it is necessary to stir the mastic every hour.

  • budget cost;
  • good elasticity;
  • universal application.
  • high consumption;
  • must be stirred regularly.

The price for 1 liter is 60 rubles.

Mid price primers

Primer bituminous technonicol No. 04 frost-resistant

One of the most popular types of bituminous mastics.A feature is a liquid consistency, so you can apply it to the surface with a brush. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the material is frost-resistant and is ideal for roof impregnation.

It is consumed very sparingly, so one container is enough for a large plane. It should also be noted that the substance hardens very quickly even in the cold season.

Primer bituminous technonicol No. 04 frost-resistant
  • freezes quickly;
  • simple application;
  • well fills pores and cracks.
  • spreads.

The cost is 3000 rubles.

Bitumex PB-040

Mastic has a large number of advantages and is often used in construction work. A feature of the material is fast drying. In warm conditions, it dries in less than an hour.

The mastic is ready for use after opening the package. The substance contains several types of solvents, so even if you leave the container open, it does not freeze and does not lose its characteristics. Due to the fact that natural solvents are used, the mastic does not have a toxic smell, so it is ideal for interior work. The substance can be used cold. Even in severe frosts, it does not lose its insulating qualities.

Bitumex PB-040
  • dries very quickly;
  • does not deteriorate in the cold;
  • simple use.
  • not found.

The cost is 180 rubles per 1 liter.

Goodhim RUBY GH

This company is very popular and produces various products for construction. Bituminous primer is ideal for impregnating both wood and metal.A specially developed substance has a certain consistency, which immediately after application penetrates deep into the pores of the material, and carefully protects it from damage.

The product is ready to use and already contains solvents. Therefore, after opening the package, the substance must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the prepared plane.

Goodhim RUBY GH
  • does not require the use of solvents;
  • well applied;
  • dries quickly.
  • big expense.

The cost is 180 rubles per liter.

Brit primer bituminous (10 l) / BRIT

The cold applied material is ideal for processing roof surfaces. The one-component composition dries quickly and is suitable for industrial purposes. With the help of a binder, it provides high-quality adhesion between the waterproofing layer and the roof, repels moisture and prevents the formation of mold. Before starting work, the substance does not need to be diluted. To obtain insulating characteristics, it is enough to apply a primer in one layer. After complete drying, the roofing material is laid or another layer is applied.

Brit primer bituminous (10 l) / BRIT
  • economical consumption;
  • simple application;
  • penetrates deeply into the material;
  • has high adhesive properties.
  • not detected.

The cost is 250 rubles per 1 liter.


The substance is plastic, therefore it has good adhesion to absolutely any type of surface. Builders note that the surface does not need to be treated to use such mastic. This is very convenient if construction work is carried out at a height.

The substance has an average density, so it is ideal for processing large planes.It should also be noted that the mastic dries very quickly. When applying one layer, the period of complete drying is only 2 hours.

  • good adhesion properties with any type of surface;
  • dries quickly;
  • thick consistency.
  • not found.

The cost is 180 rubles per 1 liter.

Expensive primers

Bitumast 18 kg/21.5 l

Intended material for processing metal, concrete and wooden structures. After application, the covering material adheres better and protects the surface from leaks. Ideal for gluing tiles or metal sheets. The consistency is medium, so the substance is applied simply with a roller. Can be applied in several layers. The layer dries in 1-2 hours, so it is suitable for interior work.

Bitumast 18 kg/21.5 l
  • economical consumption;
  • simple application;
  • dries quickly.
  • high price.

The price for a container of 18 kg is 6500 rubles.


A proven product that does not require prior surface preparation. After application, it penetrates deeply into the material and disinfects it. The primer has a universal application and is suitable for both outside and inside buildings. After opening the container, it is enough to stir the substance and apply to the surface. The substance hardens very quickly, and can be used for both cold and warm seasons.

  • carefully protects the material from damage;
  • does not require special training;
  • The products do not require the use of solvents.
  • highly toxic odor.

The cost of 10 liters is 3000 rubles.


The material is expensive, however, despite the inflated price tag, it is often used for construction. The manufacturer offers a quality product that has repeatedly justified its cost.

The primer contains additional components that increase the isolating action and already contains the necessary solvents. After applying the mastic, a protective film is formed, which not only protects against moisture, but also retains heat. Can be used for both internal and external use.

It should be noted that the substance is suitable for absolutely any material. Withstands adverse weather effects. The consumption is economical, one container is enough for processing large planes.

ECOMAST primer
  • economical consumption;
  • simple application;
  • contains many additional additives.
  • high price.

The cost is 900 rubles per 1 liter.

How to use bituminous primer correctly

Priming is often used as preparatory work for the installation of roofing or cladding material. Thanks to the bitumen layer, not only heat is retained, but moisture does not penetrate. However, in order for the result to be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  • prepare the surface. Remove all dust and moisture. If there is an old mastic, it must also be cleaned;
  • mix the product thoroughly and, if necessary, add a solvent to obtain the desired consistency;
  • lay a plastic film and use a roller or a wide brush to apply the agent on a plane;
  • leave to dry completely.

After the first layer has dried thoroughly, the second layer can be applied.In order for the end result to quickly harden when installed indoors, careful ventilation must be ensured.


The use of a bituminous primer allows you to make the installation of roofing and finishing materials durable. A properly selected product fits well and provides high-quality insulating properties. When choosing a suitable material, you need to familiarize yourself with the rating of bitumen primers for 2022. All products are of high quality and have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

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