
  1. How to make money working remotely
  2. Rating of the best freelance exchanges for beginners
  3. Top best exchanges for professionals

Ranking of the best freelance exchanges for 2022

Ranking of the best freelance exchanges for 2022

Freelance exchanges are changing the way we think about work. You can earn remotely from anywhere in the world. Ideally, this process looks like this: you need to choose an exchange, apply for an order you like, complete it and get paid for it. In practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated. Having found a good project, you need to make your proposal in such a way that you get the job. The rating of the best freelance exchanges for 2022 will help you choose the platform where both a beginner and a professional will feel comfortable.

How to make money working remotely

Freelancing is one of the most popular earning models.It attracts many people with a free schedule and the opportunity to pursue their favorite profession, but some specialists are afraid to quit their main job for fear of not finding the first order and not earning anything.

Experienced users advise at first to combine freelancing with the main type of activity. Of course, it will not be easy, but you won't have to worry about paying for utilities, apartments, etc. As soon as regular customers appear, you can think about completely switching to freelancing. In addition, be prepared to fulfill inexpensive, budget orders, the average price of which starts at 1,500 rubles. They do not require special skills and most often take little time. Earnings directly depend on the speed of work and its quality.

Don't forget portfolios and testimonials. The more material you can provide to the customer, the higher the chance of getting an expensive order. The following follows from this: first you need to work for your reputation, then it will work for you.

Advantages of freelancing

What is a freelance exchange? Many mistakenly believe that the popularity of these income models is due to the lack of a good job. However, freelancers themselves know how good it is to live when you can independently choose a project and plan your day. In addition to these obvious advantages, there are others, these include:

  • Low costs. Rent, utilities, employee salaries, business management are all too expensive. Freelancers do not have such problems, the work does not require any additional investment. It is enough to register on the site you like and choose an order.
  • Performing multiple tasks at the same time.During a crisis, a single-tasking company may fail and shut down, while a multi-tasking entrepreneur will simply adjust to the situation. In the process of work, freelancers have to constantly learn, expand their network of contacts in order to be competitive in the labor market. Thus, even if there is an economic crisis in the country, freelancing will allow you not to worry about the loss of a job and a significant share of earnings.
  • Free schedule. Freelancers often do not contact the employer directly, so they can afford to take a break at any time or even refuse the order if the conditions are unacceptable. Remote work is considered the best option if you have to balance between family, personal life and career. For those who are ready to work hard and hard, it will not be difficult to establish a comfortable life.
  • You decide with whom to work. Remote work involves an independent search for customers and orders. Thus, it is possible to do what you love and get paid for it. Office employees, for example, cannot refuse to complete the task given by the employer. Freelancing doesn't have to do what you don't like.
  • Salary. Everyone who has been working remotely for a long time determines how much their time is worth. It is the freelancer who chooses for what amount he is ready to complete the order, the employer, in turn, can accept his conditions or refuse to cooperate.
  • The ability to travel. Thanks to a free schedule, freelancers are not tied to one place, which allows them to travel, visit new cities and countries. Many keep their own blog and talk about other countries of the world.The Internet allows you to communicate with the customer and work on the order wherever you are.
  • Stability. The expansion of employment of vulnerable groups, which include mothers of many children, people with disabilities is the main advantage of freelancing. Remote earnings allow you to feel stability. You cannot be fired, lowered in salary, transferred to another department, or made redundant. While many spend their time interviewing and storming job boards, freelancers continue to pay taxes, feed their children, and make steady loan payments.
  • Contacts. Many freelance exchanges have their own groups on social networks, where users communicate with each other and share their experience.
  • Regular customers. The best manufacturers, leading the rating of quality products, whose goods can be ordered in the online store very often cooperate with such exchanges. Therefore, having completed the order well, you can get a permanent employer who will give you highly paid projects. These can be advertising texts on the topic: “Which company is the best vacuum cleaner” or any other work.

Disadvantages of remote work

In addition to the advantages of freelancing, there are also things that you should pay attention to, the main disadvantages are:

  • Inconsistency. In one period there may be a lot of orders, while in another there may be none at all. This means that earnings will be inconsistent. Most often, such difficulties are typical for novice freelancers who do not have experience in this field and their own client base.
  • Discussion. Having found a new client, it becomes necessary to discuss all the details, payment and conditions. The employer, choosing which project is better to buy, is afraid of getting a bad result, so he wants to clarify all issues related to the past experience of the contractor.This process can take a lot of time, which will not be paid.
  • Fraud risk. When working remotely, there is a risk of being deceived and not getting your money, which is not very good for making money. Lack of official registration, social lack of insurance increase the risk that the customer can pick up the finished order, but not pay for it. Naturally, not everyone is like that, but a freelancer always has a chance to run into an unscrupulous client.
  • Loneliness. Freelancing implies the absence of work colleagues and superiors, which can cause discomfort for many. After all, working in a team is attractive because you can ask for advice, chat at lunchtime and make new acquaintances. This will not happen remotely.
  • Lack of social package. Another minus which in modern society is no longer so relevant. Illness, sick leave is not paid, and for vacation you will have to adjust your schedule. There are also no pension savings.
  • Organization. Such work can easily disorient a person. If the office has a boss watching you, then the freelancer needs to learn self-discipline. After all, sometimes you just don’t want to work, and the home environment doesn’t have it.

Common Freelancer Mistakes

Many people make similar mistakes when choosing a platform and promotion tactics that lead to the loss of customers and high-paying orders. The most popular are:

  • Violation of labor discipline. A remote employee works at a convenient time for him. He has no superiors who would influence the timing and quality of the order. Therefore, it is so important to be disciplined and mobilize your forces at the right moments.
  • Lack of portfolio, information about yourself, description of additional skills and work experience.When choosing a contractor, the customer first of all pays attention to the portfolio and the specified information.
  • Low quality of work. When freelancing, it is important to meet deadlines and complete projects with high quality. Therefore, the recommendations and reviews of people who have achieved success speak of the need to calculate their strength and take as many orders as you can. So, what are the freelance exchanges, we will consider further.

Rating of the best freelance exchanges for beginners

freelance job

The site opened in 2006 and is considered the best place in Runet for newbie freelancers. Basically, the exchange is intended for artists, illustrators, text writers, programmers, WEB and IT industry workers.

To start working, you need a stable Internet connection, an electronic wallet or a bank card. For beginners, there is a tutorial column where you can learn the basics and then start doing simple tasks to improve your skills. For more prepared people, the site offers an advanced account that allows you to show yourself on the main page with top performers, add an unlimited number of works to your portfolio and immediately respond to interesting orders. Beginners, having gained experience, can apply to the catalog of professionals, which will be considered by a special commission. There is also a forum for communication with colleagues. Customers can, if desired, leave reviews both under the work performed and on the portfolio with a general profile. If it is not possible to work on long-term projects, there are also one-time projects. For example, creating a logo, photo retouching. In addition, vacancies for permanent remote work are posted here. Payment can be ordered online.

It is worth noting that the site works without an intermediary in the form of site administration, so you can directly communicate with the customer, discuss the terms of the order and set your price. 12 years of existence of the Freelancejob site allows you to judge the reliability of the site.

  • There is no commission for organizing a tender and competitions;
  • You can start working without investments;
  • Little competition;
  • Great site age.
  • Few orders available;
  • You will have to solve financial issues with the customer yourself.


This is another exchange for beginner freelancers, but professionals can also find work here. For those who do not have any special skills, you should familiarize yourself with the "Simple Help" function. As an example of a task, you will be asked to register an account, fill out a table or download information.

The platform is replenished daily with new orders. which is great for remote work. The main functionality is programming, design, texts, marketing, translations. Thanks to an algorithm that is tuned to select the best performer or task for a freelancer, any beginner will be able to feel comfortable here.

To resolve disputes, there is arbitration, where the site administration will study the problem and make a fair decision. To keep abreast of the latest exchange events, the site offers to subscribe to the newsletter. But you will have to pay for access to the exchange, buy a subscription directly on the site.

  • Many simple tasks;
  • There is an affiliate program;
  • Different options for how to withdraw money;
  • According to buyers, the site guarantees the security of transactions.
  • Different types of payment for access to the exchange.
  • The exchange is paid, at the price of three months it will cost 490 rubles.Further, the subscription will need to be renewed: one month 100 rubles, three months 250 rubles, six months 400 rubles.


If you have decided to work remotely for the first time, then you should register on this Russian-language site. To get started, you need to write a resume, choose a specialization and choose an order. The site administration recommends starting with simple orders, so you can build up a good portfolio.

The Weblancer freelance marketplace is ideal for copywriters, translators, app developers, and editors. The site guarantees full financial protection, the work is paid only after the project has been completed and approved by the customer. Freelancers are sure that they will not be deceived, and the customer receives a quality project. Technical support is responsible for resolving disputes. There is also a tutorial section for beginners.

  • There is a forum where you can chat with colleagues;
  • Great age of the site, the project has been operating since 2003;
  • Safe transaction guaranteed.
  • From the referral program you will receive only 25%.
  • In order to respond to tasks, you need to activate tariffs. The amount of a monthly subscription varies from 1 to 8 dollars depending on the specialization.

Top best exchanges for professionals


This is the most popular free exchange, which appeared as a result of the merger of Elance and oDesk to hire specialists for computer projects. Since the site is international, you need to know at least a little English to correspond with the customer. The main plus is a large amount of work and high wages, which range from 5 to 200 dollars per hour. For remote work, this is pretty good.To receive the first order, it is enough to respond to the proposed vacancy, then the application will be considered by the customer. Freelancers can be paid by the hour or individually. Today, the site has over 12 million registered users.

  • High pay;
  • Large selection of orders.
  • You need to know English.
  • First orders are inexpensive.


FL is the largest platform in Russia where people with experience get paid more. It was founded in 2005. The site is intended for photographers, programmers, copywriters, optimizers. When registering, you can indicate your skills and add information about the experience and projects on which you have previously worked on the questionnaire.

The platform is replenished daily with new orders. To increase the chances of getting a job, communicate with customers and choose only those projects that you can complete. The exchange has a rating system. If the order was delivered on time and made with high quality, the customer can put the highest mark. This helps interested freelancers to take a place in the top.

  • Large selection of specializations;
  • Many high-paying orders;
  • In any case, the work performed will be paid.
  • High competition;
  • The exchange provides paid access to services.

So how do you choose a freelance exchange? If you are interested in making money at home, take a look at any site from our selection and get to work. The review presents the best newcomers and already existing sites. All sites are easy to use, and beginners do not have to worry that the order will not be paid. When choosing, rely on your own selection criteria. As in any field of activity, starting from scratch is always difficult.Clients willing to pay big money are a rarity. However, all freelancers professionals were once in a similar situation and were able to achieve good results. The main thing is to work hard and constantly improve your skills.

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