
  1. The need for bandages and plasters
  2. Rating of the best bandages and adhesive plasters for 2022
  3. plasters

Rating of the best bandages and adhesive plasters for 2022

Rating of the best bandages and adhesive plasters for 2022

This article will focus on dressing materials. There is an opinion that they are suitable only for being in places where they provide first aid, and you should not worry about them being also at home. Such a judgment is erroneous. And even better, if the family car is equipped with various options for plasters and bandages.

The need for bandages and plasters

Bandages and plasters are needed in cases such as:

  • treatment and fixation of various wounds;
  • callus treatment;
  • bandages reliably protect burns and cuts from external influences;
  • fixation of joints and arteries in case of fractures and bruises.

Below will be presented the best samples of dressings (bandages and plasters). Let's get acquainted with their characteristics in more detail.

Rating of the best bandages and adhesive plasters for 2022

Gauze bandages

The simplest and most popular product. This was held in the hands and used by almost every one of us. Ease of use and minimum price have made gauze bandages one of the most popular. Availability is also expressed in the fact that you can buy it at any nearest pharmacy. You can buy models of various widths.

Despite the cheapness, the quality leaves much to be desired, often the edges are not even and fixing the bandage evenly is not possible.

Consider the best models.

votes 4

Gauze, sterile bandage, which is sold in individual packaging. The price is very reasonable and is only 36 rubles.

It is used to fix an open wound or burn. A common practice is when special tampons are made from a bandage, which are used to stop heavy bleeding.

bandage NEW LIFE
  • budget cost;
  • Versatile in application.
  • The edges crumble, which creates not very convenient conditions for dressing.

Bandage non-sterile
votes 4

Also, like the previous version, this one is sold in individual packaging.The country of origin is Russia.

The price here is four times less, only 8 rubles. Medical gauze was used for production. Before its use in production, gauze is initially subjected to bleaching.

Bandage non-sterile
  • Minimum price.
  • The same problem as most similar products - jagged edges;
  • Not suitable for fixing and treating open wounds.

Samples with crepe weave

Here the edges are much better. They are reinforced due to special weaving. For the manufacture of cotton and gauze are used.

Again, crepe weaving prevents the threads from falling out of the main composition and getting into, say, an open wound. In contact with the skin, they do not rub it, the bandage does not jump on the arm, and besides, the skin breathes. Used for bandaging in any part of the body.

Let's go straight to the review.

Peha - haft
votes 4

It is used mainly on rounded parts of the body. Bandage includes:

  • viscose;
  • cotton;
  • polyamide.

In addition, a special latex impregnation is used. It allows you not to tighten the material tightly on the wound, but fixes it securely even for two turns.

The cost of packaging is 120 rubles.

Peha - haft
  • Acceptable cost;
  • After one application, you can not throw it away, but apply a couple more times until it completely loses elasticity;
  • The impregnation used is completely safe for human skin, no reactions occur.
  • It is not a sterile type of product.

Samples are elastic

Great for fractures, varicose veins, stretch marks. Still, many doctors recommend that their patients wear this type of bandage for some time after surgery.

Widespread in the field of sports.Boxers use them in training, and some even in performances. In general, there are a huge number of such bandages and they differ in length, width, color. But all the same, the last word remains with the doctors, only he can recommend a worthwhile sample.

Here are the most common types:

  • hosiery, tape.
  • by extensibility - high, medium and small;
  • by type of weaving - knitted or woven;
  • by destination - medical or sports.

UGNA - VR S - 305 UNGA
votes 0

It has a high level of stretch. It is fixed in a bandage with the help of special Velcro.

In terms of cost, this product can be attributed to the middle price category.

UGNA - VR S - 305 UNGA
  • Middle price segment;
  • Simple and easy to use;
  • Reliable Velcro for a long time fix the bandage;
  • Excellent degree of stretch;
  • Does not cause discomfort during use.
  • Not detected.

Lauma Medical M
votes 3

The bandage has a high degree of extensibility, has dimensions of 10 cm in width and 3 m in length. It is 96% cotton with 4% elastane for stretch.

The cost is 360 rubles.

elastic bandage Lauma Medical M
  • the presence of a fastener for secure fastening;
  • optimal size;
  • good elasticity.
  • no.

Samples self-fixing

Relatively "young" product on the domestic market. Note that it was not immediately appreciated, only over time it was seen as a worthwhile product. Experts highlight a number of advantages, including:

  • it is possible to fix the wound on any part of the body;
  • it is not required to tie the ends, as when using, for example, gauze;
  • due to the existing adhesive base at the ends, they fit snugly against each other;
  • it is convenient for fixing in the area of ​​​​the joints, from there it does not slip;
  • absolutely hypoallergenic for the skin. It is proved that no reactions and irritations occur when worn.

Hartmann Peha – white haft
votes 2

Belongs to the category of non-sterile bandages and costs only 119 rubles. It has all the above advantages that are inherent in this type of product. It does not contain latex, but only cotton.

Hartmann Peha – white haft
  • Acceptable prices;
  • Versatile in its application;
  • Holds the density of compression for a long time;
  • Can be applied multiple times
  • If water gets on the material, the ends still fit snugly together;
  • Not harmful to health.
  • Not detected.

Peha - haft color red
votes 1

The same sample, only made in red. Despite the identity of the composition and functionality, its cost is slightly more than the previous version, namely, 150 rubles per package.

Peha - haft color red
  • Reliably protects a wound or bruise.
  • You can not do it again after one dressing.

Tubular specimens

These models are perfect for such parts of the body as the head and torso. Sold in two versions - mesh and dense.

BETM - BOB size 1-6.
votes 0

The most budgetary way to protect the resulting wound from exposure. The cost is due to 10 rubles. In appearance, this is a kind of pipe of a mesh structure.

Dressings from this material are superimposed on top of the main one. 8 different sizes are available for purchase, i.e. can be selected for a particular occasion. And they are suitable for both fingers, and for the pelvis and abdomen. The larger the number, the larger the size.

The composition contains:

  • latex;
  • polyamide;
  • cotton.
BETM - BOB size 1-6
  • Large size range;
  • Cheap.
  • One time use;
  • Fragile.

Tonus Elast
votes 0

This is a stocking model, suitable for both male and female. Manufacturers use textiles in its production. It is not expensive - 160 rubles.

Tonus Elast
  • More suitable for protecting the knee joint;
  • Universal for both feet;
  • Low price.
  • Limited application possibilities;
  • After several uses, it loses its elasticity.

Immobilizing samples

The scope of this model is traumatology and orthopedics. Their peculiarity lies in the solidification upon interaction with water and air. Below we consider the types of immobilizing bandages.

  1. Gypsum. When water gets in, the bandage turns into a real plaster. The most common option.
  2. Starch. Not as popular as the previous version, but still, it has a place to be. Not so good and hard freeze. The joint is not well protected. Hence the low popularity of this product.
  3. Polymeric. As common as gypsum. And, by the way, there are more advantages here than the first option. This includes the following: they do not leave dust in the atmosphere, they are capable of transmitting X-rays, and they weigh little. Rigid and semi-rigid versions are available for sale.

Special detail
votes 0

This is a plaster version, which can often be purchased only in an online pharmacy. The cost is small - 90 rubles. But, if you meet in a pharmacy, the price will not differ.

The material, in this case gauze, is impregnated with gypsum. Here are the time intervals for which the whole process takes place:

  • 5 minutes - the time during which the material gets wet;
  • 3 minutes - the form is formed;
  • 7 minutes - the time during which the bandage solidifies.
Special detail
  • Quality material;
  • The bandage becomes very hard;
  • There is no discomfort when wearing.
  • It is problematic to apply this type of gypsum on your own.

Orthoforma CastO
votes 0

And this is a polymer model. It costs several times more, namely - 400 rubles.

Experts recommend applying it for sprains.

Orthoforma CastO
  • Material that is able to repeat the curves of the body;
  • Comfortable to wear under any clothing;
  • Does not lose its shape for a long time;
  • In such a bandage, you can freely take an X-ray picture.
  • Not detected.


Along with bandages, they belong to the types of dressing material. Available for purchase both in pharmacies and on the Internet. Here are the options for the material from which the patches are made:

  1. Silk. He goes to the base. And adhesive plasters made from it are usually referred to as medical. Perfect for sensitive and irritated skin of an adult, as well as for a delicate newborn. It is also used for reliable fixation of various dressings, catheters and various types of needles and tubes.
  2. Hypoallergenic. Their basis is cellulose, it does not prevent the penetration of radio rays. Suitable for protecting damage on small areas of the skin.
  3. Polymer. Everything is simple here, the base consists of a polymer. The film creates the appearance of the location of the injury, which gives the exact location of the patch.

And now, let's turn to the most common samples.


Relatively cheap, easy to use, nothing personal.

votes 0

The set comes with a hundred plasters at once, and their price is about 200 rubles. Those.for 1 piece it turns out only 2 rubles, even less. The base here is polymeric and has a white color.

patch arma
  • Long term use;
  • Under it, the skin breathes.
  • The adhesive backing peels off quickly.


The most popular option among the population. Available in all pharmacies in any city. It is distinguished from all others by the presence of an antiseptic. It can be brilliant green, chlorhexidine or furatsilin.

Their cost is different. Recently, even patches with a design have appeared. These can be stuck on small wounds to children.

Silkoplast Kid's
votes 0

A plaster intended for children, and therefore drawings of various animals are applied on it. The basis is still the same polymer, but already here we see the addition of silver particles. Note that the image of animals is applied not selectively, but on each individual adhesive plaster.

Packaging is sold at a price of just under 120 rubles.

Silkoplast Kid's
  • A child can paste the same drawing several times;
  • Choosing a picture can be turned into a game.
  • Some users point to a not very high-quality adhesive base.

votes 0


Along with the previous sample, this one costs only 7 rubles. It is simple in its composition, it is just a fabric base and a special antiseptic impregnation, in particular, brilliant green.

  • Accessible;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Adjustable size.
  • Doesn't last long
  • Not compatible with moisture;
  • After peeling off, it may leave a sticky layer.

Callus samples

Such adhesive plasters are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in any supermarket.Affordable, they have gained their trust among the fair sex who love to flaunt in heels.

They help fight calluses thanks to a special substance that makes damaged skin soft.

Vefofarm Salipod
votes 0

For 90 rubles, you can buy a whole package, which contains 11 patches at once. Useful in the fight against dry corns.

Vefofarm Salipod
  • Convenient in their packaging and quantity;
  • The set contains several sizes that can be selected to fit any size;
  • Does the job it's supposed to do very well.
  • Not detected.

Anesthesia Samples

It does not use an antiseptic substance, but an anesthetic. Stop the pain in the muscles, which can occur with bruises and sprains.

votes 0

A wide range of applications for this model. Doctors recommend it for:

  • arthrosis;
  • bruises;
  • sprains;
  • headache;
  • neuralgia.
  • The average price is 137 rubles;
  • Value for money;
  • Comfortable to wear under clothing. No glue marks.
  • May cause allergies

Eye samples

Prefer the parents of those children who have undergone surgery in front of their eyes. In addition, they are used to correct strabismus. Available in a wide range of sizes and designs.

PHARMADOCT Ocular Occluder
votes 0

Sold in a pack of 5 pieces. Doctors prescribe them to correct major visual deprivations.

PHARMADOCT Ocular Occluder
  • Inexpensive - only 70 rubles;
  • They do their job well.
  • You can easily find a non-original product.


They are widely used by those people who want to get rid of such an addiction as smoking. Compared to all the goods considered before, these are the most expensive, their price is set from 600 rubles.

Nicorette transderm. Therapist
votes 0

It costs a little less than a thousand, but this is the price for 7 pieces at once. Really reduces addiction.

Nicorette transderm. Therapist
  • Many use it to reduce the moral craving for cigarettes;
  • For such a volume is not such a big price;
  • Easy to use.
  • It has a number of restrictions, in particular for those people who have any chronic diseases;
  • Before use, consultation with a competent specialist is required.

We hope our review was helpful.


