
  1. Grain-free feed - general information
  2. Canine Celiac Disease and Grain-Free Foods
  3. Indications for the use of grain-free food
  4. Difficulties of choice
  5. Ranking the best grain-free dog food for 2022
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking the best grain-free dog food for 2022

Ranking the best grain-free dog food for 2022

In most varieties of dog food, the amount of meat by-products and meat is from 30 to 60% of the total. The remaining share falls on the cereal component, because this component is relatively cheap for the manufacturer, so even premium segment varieties are available to most dog owners. However, most canine nutritionists believe that modern dog food has too much grain in relation to the meat component. In a natural habitat, a dog would never eat cereals - its diet would consist exclusively of animal proteins. This is due to the fact that cereals provide too little energy for the life of the dog's body and can often cause health problems. For example, an increased content of cereals in the feed can provoke the process of obesity, various allergic reactions, and even the development of diabetes.From this it is clear that buying cheap feed, in which the level of cereal content is very high, can undermine the health of a pet.

Grain-free feed - general information

The considered type of feed is a finished industrial food product that does not contain cereals at all. This exceptional composition makes it possible to classify the grain-free feed as a holistic one (high-class animal feed, in which the meat component reaches 50-80% and which do not contain by-products and other low-quality components). Holistics are also characterized by the content in their composition of berries and vegetables, extracts of oils and medicinal herbs, fruits, which are sources of vitamins. This type of nutrition can not only provide the consumer with the right amount of energy, but also generally maintain his body in a physiologically impeccable condition.This food is intended for animals that are prone to gaining excess weight, suffering from various types of food allergies of various origins, as well as young animals that need a lot of energy. It will not become superfluous for service and hunting breeds.

Canine Celiac Disease and Grain-Free Foods

This disease has appeared in veterinary medicine relatively recently. Her research and the use of special types of food by doctors revealed an interesting pattern: because of an allergy to cereal containing dogs, chronic diseases of the skin and ears can occur, and pain in the joints will appear. Many veterinarians strongly recommend that dogs eat a diet that completely eliminates the grains that contain gluten. These cereals include:

  • Barley;
  • Rye;
  • wheat.

Gluten intolerance (also called celiac disease) has a number of accompanying symptoms, including digestive difficulties, heartburn, chronic fatigue, and skin conditions. Due to permanent pain in the bones and muscles, the dog may lose its former activity. But the most striking manifestations of such a disease include the occurrence of diarrhea and itching, with the complete exclusion of infectious diseases. Hence the conclusion: the use of grain-free feed is by no means a tribute to fashion, but a necessary reality.

Development of celiac disease

Glutens are carbohydrates that can cause the destruction and damage of the villi on the walls of the small intestine, which can further disrupt the entire digestive process, because the damaged villi will not be able to absorb nutrients in the required volumes. The key to normal digestion in four-legged pets is the duodenum.The villi with which it is covered from the inside atrophy in individuals sensitive to the sticky properties of gluten. Therefore, malnutrition occurs, which is very difficult to diagnose even through clinical observations. Thus, due to the removal of grains from the diet (as the main source of carbohydrates), manufacturers of grain-free feeds replace them with vegetables and fruits, which compensate for the lack of vitamins previously obtained by the animal's body from the cereal component. This is how the dog gets the maximum amount of carbohydrates.

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that, unlike humans, dogs are not very dependent on carbohydrates, because animal protein has always been their main food. By and large, conventional food only destroys the dog's nutrition system, because for the most part they contain carbohydrates rather than the usual protein. In turn, most veterinarians believe that only protein can provide full health for a dog.

Nevertheless, if we do not take into account the development of celiac disease, then the issue of a balanced diet will permanently remain relevant. Too many carbohydrates can cause not only digestive difficulties, but also lead to diabetes, weight gain, joint pain and other medical troubles.

Total carbohydrate level

The absence of grain in the diet will not always mean a decrease in carbohydrate intake, because there are feeds in which the percentage of this component will be up to 55%, despite the fact that cereals are completely excluded from the composition. Some pet owners prefer to choose foods that are significantly higher in protein than in carbohydrates.This type of food will appeal to your dog while supporting optimal digestion, promoting healthy skin and coat, and building firmer muscles without excess fat. Using grain-free food can be a good alternative, however, it is not suitable for all dogs. For some of them, cereal supplements may be in dire need. For example, maintaining a low protein level along with a high carbohydrate level would be a great solution for those individuals that have a very sensitive stomach. Supplementing the diet with a high-quality cereal component can help such an animal lead a healthy lifestyle, although this will go against the traditional canine protein requirements.

Indications for the use of grain-free food

If a dog suffers from celiac disease, which is accompanied by hair loss, skin rash, diarrhea, and general malaise, then this will be the main reason to provide him with a grain-free diet. Moreover, this diet will be relevant when it comes to puppies, because. during the course of this disease, they grow poorly and develop slowly. This is especially true for the Irish Setter breed. The basis for the transition to grain-free food will be the exact diagnosis of the veterinarian. Accordingly, all products that have wheat as an ingredient are excluded from the diet. This applies not only to ready meals, but also to various delicacies. Dogs will be prohibited from eating sweets (cakes), bread and pizza, in general, any flour product.

Representatives of small breeds are most prone to disorders of the digestive tract, so their food, coupled with the absence of grain, should contain a certain amount of starch.Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids contained in it will make the coat more shiny and healthy. For ornamental breeds, it is better to choose a type of food that will be perfectly absorbed. It must contain meat (chicken, turkey or lamb).

IMPORTANT! It is worth remembering that the ancestor of any dog ​​was a predatory wolf, and these animals may be allergic to certain types of meat. Therefore, veterinarians consider dietary turkey or lamb to be the best solution.

Hypoallergenic foods

They are produced using the technology of adding components that help the normal functioning of the digestive tract, while removing the main allergens from the diet. First of all, the positive effect of hypoallergenic food will affect the condition of the coat and skin. Even in dry foods, you can add fiber and vegetables, which will increase intestinal motility. In such feeds, meat with a high risk of allergenicity is replaced with a safer option - turkey, veal, duck, lamb. And instead of corn or soy, rice is added. Usually, hypoallergenic foods have a gluten-free grain-free composition, with the addition of marine fish, probiotics and prebiotics, there is a saturation with amino acids.

  • There are other ways to secure a dog's diet:
  • Changing the technology of processing components - for example, animal protein is subject to hydrolysis, it is split into easily digestible parts with a low molecular weight;
  • Decrease in the share of chemically synthesized components - these are not observed at all in premium feeds;
  • Processing the feed material with enzymes and then drying them at low temperatures - this way the food will be better digested, so it is perfect for a young and growing puppy body with a sensitive stomach;
  • The use of special formulas of the composition - with them the digestibility of food improves, the risk of recurrence of allergies decreases.

The above methods usually find their application in holistic and premium foods. They do not contain unsaturated fats, and chemical preservatives have been replaced by natural ones, for example, tocopherol. These diets contain all the useful elements - vitamins A, C, E, D, Omega 6 and 3 acids, copper, calcium, phosphorus and others.

Grain free food for puppies

Young dogs require a diet that can fully meet their nutritional needs. Naturally, it is very difficult for the owner himself to create a balanced menu for the dog, which forces him to resort to the services of ready-made food manufacturers. Puppy food is very relevant for disorders of the digestive system and allergic reactions. On the packages there is a marking "puppy" ("puppy") and this means that it is recommended for dogs under the age of six months. The label "junior" ("young") recommends food for dogs under the age of one year. There is no doubt that in addition to usefulness, puppy food should be attractively tasty, but the use of chemical flavors and sweeteners in its composition is not allowed. Puppies need high-calorie nutrition for active development and growth. However, you should not overfeed a small dog - if the pet moves a little, but eats a lot, then obesity will come very quickly.Conversely, if the puppy is underweight, then the portion should be increased or the type of food should be changed to a more high-calorie one. Also, grain-free dry food has an excellent effect on the condition of the teeth and prevents the appearance of plaque on them. And the puppies themselves are very comfortable eating small dry croquettes.

Nevertheless, proteins must be in the diet of any predatory animal. Of course, natural meat is considered their best source, because the protein present in it has a positive effect on the production of enzymes and hormones, maintains water balance, and promotes cell regeneration. Puppies also need fats, which maintain a healthy coat and skin, and promote the absorption of vitamins. There is no shortage of carbohydrates in grain-free feeds, because cereals are replaced by rice, vegetables or fruits.

Grain free food for older dogs

Dogs over 7 years of age require special nutrition. With the achievement of a certain age, the overall activity decreases, which slows down the metabolism in the body. For older dogs, grain-free food is very useful in that they are extremely prone to obesity against the background of less physical activity, and in this type of food there are a lot of proteins, but less carbohydrates. Moreover, the content of the prebiotic has a positive effect on digestion.

When choosing food for your elderly pet, you should consider the following points:

  • Feed should not be extremely high in calories;
  • It is intended for animals with low physical activity;
  • It should be suitable for the dental system of an elderly pet;
  • It should contain substances that affect the strengthening of bones and are aimed at reducing the risk of developing arthritis.

The current types of senior dog foods in question are being developed with their needs in mind.They contain glucosamine and chondroitin, which help strengthen bone tissue. Vitania E and C reduce the risk of muscle degeneration in the heart organ, and fiber increases the efficiency of the intestines.

Difficulties of choice

It is necessary to select food for your pet, taking into account its breed, age and lifestyle. For dogs prone to allergic reactions, veterinarians recommend only grain-free food. The thing is that corn and wheat are not the basis of the diet of predatory animals in the wild. By eliminating these elements from your dog's diet, you can reduce the risk of food intolerances. In any case, when buying food, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • First of all, you need to study its composition and the higher the percentage of meat in it, the better for the pet;
  • Even if a package of food of an already proven brand is purchased, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with its recipe, because it can change. The packaging itself must be completely intact;
  • You should always check the expiration date;
  • When choosing a particular type of food, you should pay attention to how it will be combined with the age / weight / activity of your pet.

IMPORTANT! An adult dog should not be fed puppy food, and vice versa. However, there is an exception and it concerns a lactating female. It is also worth noting that dry grain-free food lasts longer than canned food. This is their advantage.

Ranking the best grain-free dog food for 2022

Economy class

3rd place: VitAnimals
votes 1

This is a development of a domestic manufacturer, which he positions as a complete diet, with a rich vitamin complex, which does not require the use of additional food inclusions.The composition includes: beef, rice, offal, salt, jelly additive and water. The product allows you to improve the structure of wool, strengthen bone tissue. The amount of microelements and vitamins is ideally balanced and is able to provide the daily allowance necessary for the dog's body. In canned food, a dietary grade of meat is used, which is suitable for pets with a sensitive digestive tract. The recommended cost for retail chains is 120 rubles.

grain free food VitAnimals
  • Affordable price tag;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Proper consistency.
  • Low information content of labeling (there is no complete data on the vitamin component).

2nd place: "Our Puppy Brand"
votes 0

This product is intended for puppies and its composition is based on tender dietary rabbit meat. It is also hypoallergenic, which is important if the dog is diagnosed with allergic reactions. The preparation formula includes a prebiotic (whey protein) and a vitamin complex. The food is easy to digest, does not burden the organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, it can be consumed by puppies from the first months of life. Thus, at a very affordable price, the puppy receives a completely balanced diet. The recommended retail price is 25 rubles.

grain-free food Nasha Brand for puppies
  • Extremely democratic price;
  • Good balance of ingredients;
  • Easy digestibility.
  • It is not recommended for individual intolerance to rabbit meat by a pet.

1st place: "PROtail"
votes 0

Perfect for daily use. The composition contains juicy meat pieces in jelly, there is no grain in the composition, an excellent food for most breeds. Does not cause allergies and can be quickly absorbed.The formula contains fiber, which ensures proper intestinal motility, there is an enrichment with vitamins A, D, E. Calcium and phosphorus in these canned foods have a good combination, which has a positive effect on teeth and bone tissue. Protein sources are: ground chicken, ground beef, some offal. The recommended price for retail chains is 80 rubles.

grain-free food PROtail
  • Easy opening of the container with built-in key;
  • Relatively long shelf life after opening;
  • Adequate price.
  • Too much jelly in the composition.

Premium class

3rd place: Purina Pro Plan Optidigest
votes 0

This product uses grain-free technology, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive function of the dog, allows you to easily control weight, improves the structure of the coat and increases the overall physical activity of the pet. The use of this food for daily feeding allows you to increase the life of the dog by 2-4 years, based on the statistical studies of the manufacturer. Starting to use this product for the first time, after a week it is possible to notice a change in the behavior of the pet - it will become more mobile and energetic. The basis of nutrition is turkey, which is recommended for animals with eye problems. Also good for dogs prone to severe allergic reactions. It has a rich vitamin complex. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2700 rubles.

Purina Pro Plan Optidigest Grain Free
  • Sufficient size of croquettes;
  • Hypoallergenic composition;
  • Packaging variability.
  • Individual intolerance is possible.

2nd Place: "Monge BWILD Feed The Instinct"
votes 0

This product uses a unique formula from which grain has been excluded, as indicated by the Grain Free label. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (salmon oil) improve the protective functions of the pet's skin. The structure of the feed contains copper, iodine, manganese, iron, which has a positive effect on metabolism, skeletal rigidity and overall physical activity. The food base is duck meat. Nutrients are most effectively combined, improving physical condition. Croquettes are oily, very attractive to dogs, eaten by them very quickly. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1650 rubles.

grain free Monge BWILD Feed The Instinct
  • Extremely balanced structure;
  • The best ratio of quality and price;
  • Economical due to fast saturation.
  • Too small croquettes.

1st place: "Grandorf"
votes 0

This product is completely free from meat by-products. Protein sources are fish, poultry and beef. Legumes and grains, which could provoke skin itching and allergies, are also completely excluded. The source of fiber is dried fruits and vegetables. A rationally filled complex of minerals and vitamins has a beneficial effect on maintaining the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the skeleton in general. It is especially worth noting that information about the product on the packaging is disclosed as much as possible. The composition does not contain preservatives and antioxidants of unknown origin. On the contrary, extracts of orange, grapefruit and rosemary are present, which stimulate the functioning of the immune system. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.

grain-free food Grandorf
  • Excellent value for money;
  • Pleasant and rich smell;
  • Optimal balance.
  • The product is poorly represented on the Russian market.


3rd place: "Barking Heads"
votes 0

This granular holistic is preferred as a daily food that is able to fully provide the pet with nutrition. Enriched formula perfectly strengthens the immune system, prolongs life. Nutrition includes all the necessary substances to maintain the active life of the animal. The basis of the feed is exclusively natural products. Corn and soy raw materials, as well as any GMOs, along with non-natural flavors, dyes and preservatives, are completely excluded. The food is stored for a very long time without losing nutritional value and retaining a pleasant smell. The digestibility is almost 90%, which indicates an ideal solution for dog breeders. The choice of varieties is very large and suitable for pets of any age. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7600 rubles.

Barking Heads Grain Free Food
  • A wide range of;
  • Quality formula;
  • The best balance.
  • The product is poorly represented in retail chains.

2nd place: Acana Heritage
votes 0

This food is intended for dogs of small breeds with a number of special needs - overweight, hyperactivity, age-related aging. The composition contains a lot of fresh meat (about 70%), the basis can be fish, turkey or chicken, forage contains a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. There is a complete exclusion of growth hormones, pesticides, nitrates, chemical top dressing.It is characterized as a type of food that can be selected with a minimum error for any dog ​​relative to its breed and age. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7300 rubles.

Acana Heritage grain free food
  • sealed packaging;
  • A large assortment;
  • Good balance.
  • High price compared to volume.

1st place: "NOW FRESH"
votes 0

This product is extremely well balanced. The formula is based on 100% fresh turkey meat or fish. Thus, the dog is provided with high quality protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The product does not include grain, but there is a slight presence of legumes (peas). The food is suitable for consumption by any breeds - from small to large, indicated for individuals with problems with the alimentary tract or with weakness of the bone joints. The mineral complex of calcium and phosphorus contributes to the strengthening of bones. Also, it is possible to note the qualitative combination of fats and proteins, which has a beneficial effect on the life of the animal. The aroma is very pleasant even for the human sense of smell, and vegetable and berry smells coming from the available ingredients are noticeably different. The recommended cost for retail chains is 5600 rubles.

grain free food NOW FRESH
  • Excellent protein composition;
  • Good content of vitamins;
  • Availability in the Russian market.
  • Not detected.

Instead of an epilogue

The analysis of the market for the products in question has established that grain-free dog food samples are increasingly gaining popularity with the consumer.Their healthier content is able to maintain the health of the pet in good condition, extend its life span, and provide delicious feeding. However, it is worth noting that the more useful the composition of the diet, the more expensive its cost. At the same time, it is gratifying that the variability of product packaging is quite extensive, which allows you to choose the required volume at an adequate cost.


