
  1. Cheese making process
  2. Varieties of lactose-free cheeses
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. Rating of the best inexpensive lactose-free cheeses
  5. Rating of more expensive popular lactose-free cheeses

Rating of the best lactose-free cheeses in Russia for 2022

Rating of the best lactose-free cheeses in Russia for 2022

People who suffer from lactose intolerance need to responsibly approach the choice of consumed dairy products. Unfortunately, cheese also belongs to the category of food products containing this component in its composition.

But thanks to a special cooking technology, cheeses that do not contain lactose go on sale. Therefore, they can be used by people with lactase deficiency without worrying about possible unpleasant consequences for the body.

Consider which cheese products that do not contain this enzyme in their composition are popular among buyers with lactose intolerance in 2022.

Cheese making process

Before you get acquainted with the process of making cheese, you should study in more detail what lactose intolerance is, what are its symptoms, and only then understand how to properly prepare a cheese product without this component in it.

One of the main components of milk is milk sugar (it is lactose). When food with this component enters the human body, it reacts with lactase. As a result, milk sugar is broken down into useful substances and absorbed into the blood.

But in people who do not have enough lactase enzyme, the process of splitting does not occur and milk sugar enters the large intestine. As a result, some time after eating a meal containing lactose, a person begins to feel discomfort and malfunction of the intestines: flatulence, bloating, problems with stool. But with proper preparation, it is possible to enjoy the taste of cheese without all of the listed consequences.

To obtain lactose-free cheese, milk must be heated and certain enzymes (coagulants) and starter cultures necessary for curdling must be added to it. Later, the resulting mass is divided into whey and cottage cheese. It is in whey that most milk sugar remains.

The resulting curd mass is pressed and dried, then the cheese ripening process begins in it. The longer it ripens, the less lactose remains in it, since bacteria growing during ripening finally break down its remains.

Varieties of lactose-free cheeses

 Consider what types of dairy products are, as well as existing popular varieties that belong to a certain group.

  • hard and semi-hard

Exposure of this type of cheese is about 6 months. During this period, all the moisture from the food evaporates, and lactose is almost completely absent in it. Therefore, it can be safely used by people with lactose intolerance. They also have a long shelf life - even after storage in the freezer, they do not lose their taste and nutrients.

Edam is considered the most popular variety of semi-hard cheese. But since Holland is considered its homeland, buyers often call it Dutch.

The cheese head has a pale yellow color, covered with a paraffin layer on the outside. The longer the exposure, the saltier the taste of the product. Made from pasteurized cow's milk. This product can be consumed for breakfast as part of a sandwich or as a dessert.

A gouda cheese delicacy with a creamy taste also comes from Holland. The longer its exposure, the richer and sharper its taste. The product has a delicate yellow color with a caramel crust. There are also small holes in the cheese. It is used as an additive to pasta, salad, pizza and as a filling in pastries.

Another type of hard cheese delicacy in demand among buyers is the cheddar variety. It has a slightly spicy and sour taste, depending on the exposure, it may have a nutty aftertaste.

The color of the product is bright yellow or closer to an orange tint, the texture is quite dense, without holes. It can be added to hot dishes and pastries, ideal for making cheese sauce, used for sandwiches and salads.

Solid Italian parmesan is characterized by increased brittleness, therefore it is recommended for adding slices or grated to a salad, therefore it acts more as an additive to the main course. It has a rather sharp taste with nutty notes. The maturation period is about 3-4 years, some heads can withstand up to 10 years. Depending on the exposure, the color of parmesan can be from a light shade to dark yellow.

  • Soft

Such types of cheese, in comparison with hard varieties, have a short shelf life. Usually they have a pleasant creamy or cottage cheese flavor, contain many useful amino acids. There are many varieties with mold, which adds spice to the product. Due to its soft texture, it is not always possible to cut the cheese into even slices, so it is often used for cooking hot dishes.

One of the brightest varieties of soft cheese delicacy with mold is the French Camembert. Usually the head has a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of up to 4 cm. It has a white crust on the outside, inside a viscous consistency of cheese with a mushroom aroma and flavor. It takes about 4-6 weeks to mature.


The next popular representative is tofu. One of the types of vegetarian cheeses, as the main ingredient for making is soy milk. Due to its low calorie content and high protein content, it is great for people on a diet. It is used in desserts, casseroles, as well as to create meat culinary masterpieces. By itself, soy cheese does not have a pronounced smell and taste, but easily adopts these qualities from other products that are involved in cooking.

French brie cheese looks like camembert, only the head is usually 2 times larger. Outwardly, it is also covered with a velvety crust, inside the cheese is light yellow in color with a soft consistency. It has a pleasant delicate aftertaste, may have a slight ammonia smell. Used to create meat and vegetable dishes, with fruits, different types of nuts.

Processed cheeses can also be classified as soft types. Usually they serve as a filling for sandwiches or for making some hot dishes. Often on sale you can find a cheese delicacy with the addition of various additives: greens, pepper, garlic.

  • Pickled

The aging period of this type is usually short, while a lot of moisture remains in them. As you know, milk sugar remains in this brine (separated whey). Pickled cheeses cannot be considered completely lactose-free, since the percentage of this sugar in them can reach up to 2.8%. Reducing the percentage of lactose is achieved by adding specialized starter cultures. Pickled varieties have a pleasant milky smell and a rather salty taste. By consistency, the products are usually dense and do not break, and their color is in white or cream tones.

Feta is one of the most popular pickled cheeses. It takes about 3 months to mature. Soft, slightly curd-like consistency, salty, but rather delicate taste. Made from sheep or goat milk.

Another popular option is the Suluguni variety. Unlike feta, it has a denser elastic consistency. May have minor holes inside. Made from cow or buffalo milk. It can be baked, fried, eaten raw in salads or appetizers.

Also, buyers often purchase a pickled type of feta cheese. This variety has a sour-milk aroma and taste, suitable for use in salads. Depending on the manufacture, it has a white or slightly yellowish tint. The structure is dense, a little brittle.

Many buyers are familiar with the mozzarella cheese variety. This type also belongs to brine, often used for cooking hot dishes.

  • vegetable

For the manufacture of this type of cheese, the main ingredient is not animal milk, but its substitute of vegetable origin: coconut, rice milk, as well as soy or linseed.

This food product is recommended for people who have given up eating plant-based foods, as well as for users with severe lactose intolerance. They also taste good, but have a higher calorie content.

Criterias of choice

Which cheese to choose, first of all, depends on the desire of the buyer. Some connoisseurs like hard ones, but others prefer processed or soft varieties. In the varieties of cheese delicacies, it is described in more detail in which particular culinary direction this or that variety is used.

But there are certain nuances that you should pay attention to before the final purchase. One of the main ones is the presence of an inscription that the product does not contain lactose.

It is also worth checking the expiration date of the cheese. If the cheese product is purchased at a grocery or specialized store, then you can find out the period until which the cheese is good simply by looking at the date on the package.

In the case when the purchase is made via the Internet, this information should be clarified with the seller or manager.

Another important criterion is the composition of the selected food.The presence of preservatives, nitrates or food colorings can adversely affect the health of the buyer. Therefore, cheese delicacies, which include at least one of the listed ingredients, should be discarded without regret.

The price category for this food product can vary from 90 to more than 1000 rubles. The most expensive cheeses are usually heavy. But it is worth noting that often the cheapest type of cheese is actually a cheese product. This means that for its manufacture, natural dairy ingredients are replaced with vegetable fats. The taste of an unnatural cheese delicacy is much worse than that of a natural one. The body also does not receive useful substances from the use of such a cheese product.

The final cost of real lactose-free cheese may also depend on its manufacturer. In order not to harm your health, it is better to give preference to well-known brands. Of the domestic cheese producers, it is worth noting Alpina Russia, Umalat or Bez Lactose. Each of them is engaged in the production of high quality food products. The Green Idea brand specializes in the production of cheeses only from herbal ingredients.

If you want to buy only foreign-made cheese delicacies, then the Finnish company Valio and the French manufacturer Ile De France deserve the attention of the buyer.

If you take into account all the above tips for choosing, you can buy a quality product.

Where can I buy

Not all grocery stores carry lactose-free cheeses. Therefore, with a strong desire to taste a lactose-free food product, you should seek help from an online store.

Many sites provide a wide range of different types of cheeses. But before buying, you should make sure that the online store sells quality products. To do this, you can read the reviews of other buyers.

On the site you can find a full description of the product: its manufacturer, price, type and grade of cheese, composition of manufacture and the presence of flavorings, weight of the product, conditions and shelf life. If necessary, you can use filters to quickly search by specified criteria.

Many online stores have a section on their website with new products in this category of food. Users are encouraged to explore new arrivals, perhaps he will be interested in something new.

After the final choice, an online order is made and the buyer is notified of the terms and conditions of delivery.

Rating of the best inexpensive lactose-free cheeses

Let's review lactose-free cheeses, the cost of which does not exceed 300 rubles. These cheese products are the most popular among buyers in 2022.

Unagrande Mozzarella Fior Di Latte lactose-free 45% 125 g

The brine type of mozzarella cheese was made relatively recently - in 2020. It is made from pasteurized cow's milk. Free of gluten, palm oil, citric acid and preservatives of any kind. Live enzymes and salt are used to produce lactose-free cheese.

The fat content of the product is 45% and has the shape of a ball. The weight of the entire package is 225 grams, the weight of the cheese itself is 125 grams, the rest is a special pickle.

The energy value is 297 kcal, contains 23.5 grams of protein and 22.5 grams of fat (calculations presented per 100 grams of product).

The storage conditions are as follows: the period is 31 days, the temperature regime is from 2 to 5 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of up to 87%. Can be used in salads or for making sandwiches.

The cost of a food product weighing 125 grams is about 150 rubles.

Unagrande Mozzarella Fior Di Latte lactose-free 45% 125 g
  • Pleasant aroma and taste;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Useful composition;
  • Doesn't break when cut.
  • Not detected.

Oltermanni Creamy grated semi-hard 45% 150 g

A lactose-free food product with a creamy taste from a Finnish manufacturer is made from cow's milk and has a fat content of 45%. Rich in many vitamins, suitable for use in salads, sandwiches or pizza. It does not contain vegetable fats. Produced in grated form.

100 grams of the product contains 26 grams of protein in 25 grams of fat, the total nutritional value is 329 kcal. The weight of the plastic packaging in which the food product is produced is 150 grams.

Shelf life is up to 60 days, the recommended temperature is 0-6 degrees Celsius, air humidity should not exceed 85%.

The price for a package weighing 150 grams is up to 200 rubles.

Oltermanni Creamy grated semi-hard 45% 150 g
  • Pleasant gentle taste;
  • Relatively long shelf life;
  • Melts well;
  • Sealed packaging.
  • It wobbles a little.

Green Idea Vegetable Mozzarella 200 g

Coconut oil, potato starch, a thickener and preservatives are used to make a brine type of mozzarella-flavored cheese. Does not contain lactose, sugar and gluten. Suitable for people who have refused food of animal origin and for fasting.

The shape of the cheese is a square piece, the energy value is 308 kcal, which includes 24 g of fat and 23 g of carbohydrates. The quantity is indicated per 100 grams of the product, it is produced in a package weighing 200 g.

Can be used for sandwiches, pastries, salads, hot dishes or on the grill.

Shelf life can reach up to 90 days, subject to positive temperature conditions from 2 to 6 degrees. The cost of lactose-free vegetable cheese ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

Green Idea Vegetable Mozzarella 200 g
  • Melts well.
  • Not all users liked the taste of the product;
  • The taste is not exactly like mozzarella.

Rating of more expensive popular lactose-free cheeses

Consider which models of cheese delicacies, the price of which is over 400 rubles, are considered the most delicious among buyers with lactose deficiency.


It has a solid texture, made from goat's milk, the fat content of the food product is 29%. It has a rather salty taste.

Produced in a rectangular piece weighing 175 grams in vacuum packaging. Country of origin - Finland.

It can be used for cooking both hot dishes and salads.

The energy value of 100 grams of the product is 380 kcal, of which proteins make up 27 grams, and fats - 32. The aging period is 6 months.

The price for a lactose-free dairy product is within 800 rubles.

  • Long exposure time;
  • Made from goat milk.
  • Strongly salty.

METRO Chef Goya hard 40% 300 g

Cheese delicacy in solid form has a fat content of 40%. It is made from cow's milk.Produced in vacuum packaging, it is packed in the form of a piece of cheese weighing 300 grams.

The energy value is 234 kcal, which includes 212 grams of protein, 22 grams of fat and a small amount of carbohydrates - only 0.2 grams. The indicated data are calculated for 100 grams of cheese product. The product is usable for 120 days.

It should be borne in mind that sodium nitrate is included in the composition. The cost of goods is about 500 rubles.

METRO Chef Goya hard 40% 300 g
  • Long shelf life;
  • Original taste.
  • The presence of preservatives in the composition.

OLTERMANNI Valio semi-solid, 300 gr BZMZH

A semi-hard cheese delicacy made from pasteurized cow's milk, its fat content is 45%. It can be used as an addition to a sandwich or added to a salad. The product has a pleasant creamy taste.

The energy value is 329 kcal, food - 26 grams of protein, 25 grams of fat. Potassium nitrate is present as a preservative.

The cheese is produced in a vacuum package in the form of a rectangular piece, its weight is 300 grams.

The recommended temperature regime for storage is from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of not more than 85%. The shelf life, subject to all recommendations, is 180 days.

The price of a nutritious cheese product is within 500 rubles.

OLTERMANNI Valio semi-solid, 300 gr BZMZH
  • Long shelf life;
  • Good tasting.
  • The presence of a preservative in the composition.

The presented ranking of cheaper and more expensive cheese delicacies is the choice of buyers with lactose intolerance in 2022. They differ in texture, taste, shape, cost, have certain advantages and disadvantages, but are the most popular among users.Which processed lactose-free dairy product to look for depends only on personal culinary preferences and the scope of its use.

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