Rating of the best gasoline generators for 2022

Gasoline generators are becoming more relevant every year. This is due to the fact that in the absence of a permanent source of electricity or frequent interruptions in the network, generators are able to solve the problem. Such a power tool cannot be compared with similar diesel devices, which are not able to function normally in low temperatures.

What is it and why is it needed

The generator is a combination of an electric machine and a fuel engine. During operation, it generates current. Mobile design can be used as an additional power source in enterprises and private homes. Due to the light weight of the structure, it can be carried over long distances. An important feature of the correct operation of the purchased power tool is the low performance of the power supply used.

This type of equipment can be classified as irreplaceable. It will be useful both during construction work and in the presence of constant power outages. Also, it is impossible to do without gasoline generators when arranging computer parks and electronic storage facilities. Their presence will help save data in those moments when there are problems with the network.

Also, the generator is useful in the suburban area, where there are frequent power outages.With it, you can work with a circular saw or grinder in the absence of access to the network. Also, the unit is useful for starting the pump and in order to start the car engine under the most difficult weather conditions. Budget ones are in demand among fishermen and tourists, who turn on the radio, boiler and necessary lighting devices with their help. Only a high-quality gasoline generator will cope with such functions, which was chosen taking into account the numerous tips that are presented below.

Recommendations and tips for choosing a gasoline generator

Before you buy the model you like, it will not be superfluous to decide on the main (desirable) parameters. The following selection criteria will be reflected in the functionality:

  • the presence of autorun;
  • whether he will often move;
  • permanent storage location (indoors or outdoors);
  • whether the unit will be used as a backup or main source of energy.

Based on the data obtained, the selection of a gasoline-type design will be carried out. What should you also pay attention to and how to choose really high-quality equipment?


There are three main types: inverter, asynchronous (brushless) and synchronous (brush) generators. Brushless ones are practically not in demand. In structure, they are simpler, however, the current is also produced by such a technique of very poor quality. This makes the scope of their possible application rather narrow. According to buyers, it is better to purchase synchronous type generators for the home. A more stable indicator is given by inverter units. To feed expensive equipment, it is recommended to use them.

The main advantage of gasoline-type structures is that they are able to operate at a temperature of -20 ° C.In addition, a little rain is not terrible for them.


Can be water or air. The device, where the first option is used, is very large, and its cost is several times higher. However, the efficiency of water chillers is higher. When buying a unit of medium or low productivity, an air cooling system is also sufficient.


Single-phase structures can only power those devices that operate on the usual 220 V. Three-phase ones are also designed for 380 V. If only single-phase devices are used in the house, then the generator should be bought of the same type. This aspect is considered one of the most common mistakes when choosing this device, since most people prefer to buy three-phase units in the hope that they are better.

Power rating

Based on this parameter, all popular models can be conditionally divided into several categories. What are they:

  1. mobile units. Their performance ranges from 1000 to 3000 watts. A great and fairly budget option for lovers of fishing and camping. The small device is made of durable materials. Often they have additional protection against moisture. Almost every online store can offer up to a dozen such installations at an affordable price.
  2. With low power - from 3000 to 5000 watts. This option is perfect for giving. Their dimensions are modest, and if necessary, they can be taken on a hike.
  3. With an average power - from 6000 to 10000 watts. This option is not suitable for feeding a cottage or construction. Equipped with wheels for easy transportation.
  4. High power - 10000 W or more.They are rarely used in everyday life, as they are able to provide electricity to a small outbuilding or a large house. Suitable for professional use.

In order to choose exactly the one you need from the numerous popular models, you should correctly calculate the total power of the available devices. When choosing a synchronous type unit, add 20% to the obtained indicator. However, if we are talking about inductive models, then it should be taken into account that the equipment will need more performance when starting up. As a result, the total power of operating devices is multiplied by 2.5 times.

Business continuity

The generator can keep the electrical appliances running until the fuel runs out. After a break is made for refueling. It is from the stock for which the tank is designed that the continuity of the unit depends. With low productivity, they are able to work without interruption for several hours. More expensive ones are designed for 10 hours of uninterrupted power supply.

Popular models for 1 kW

Mobile and inexpensive designs. Can be carried by hand or transported in a car. Despite their more than modest dimensions, they can be used in places where there is no source of electricity to operate or repair equipment.

Patriot GR 1000-I (700W)

The warranty for the product is provided by the American manufacturer. Equipped with a four-stroke single-cylinder motor (40 cm3). The weight of the structure is 9 kg, with dimensions of 39.5 / 35.5 / 20.9 cm. It can be used both in a summer cottage and in field conditions.

The average price is 14,000 rubles.

Patriot GR 1000-I (700W)
  • has an output of 12 V;
  • equipped with an oil sensor;
  • profitability;
  • motor overload protection available;
  • The included muffler and soundproofing cover help reduce noise by up to 58 dB.
  • due to the Chinese assembly, many buyers complain about the rapid failure of small parts;
  • low quality materials;
  • does not start the first time;
  • difficult to add oil.

Inforce IN 1200

A model of a domestic manufacturer that can be used to power household appliances (single-phase). The maximum output is 1200W. It can be used in cottages, country houses or garages. The noise level is 65 dB, which allows the unit to be used in close proximity to a residential building.

Cost - 13,000 rubles.

Gasoline generator Inforce IN1200 04-03-01
  • high build quality;
  • bright color, which allows you to easily detect the device in low light conditions;
  • compact dimensions 46/37/38 cm;
  • the volume of the fuel tank is 6 liters at a consumption of 375 g / kW;
  • protection against dust and moisture;
  • total weight - 26 kg.
  • instructions incomprehensible to the layman;
  • lack of automatic switching on of the reserve;
  • transfer handles are not provided.

Huter HT 1000L

Quality equipment from a German manufacturer. Product dimensions are 46/36.5/39.5 cm with a weight of 28 kg. Such dimensions allow you to transfer the unit manually, moreover, you will not need much free space for its installation. Such installations are often used by people who prefer outdoor recreation. Such devices fit perfectly in the luggage compartment of the car. Approximate power is 1000 watts.How much does a model cost? In a complete set, it will cost the buyer 11,000 rubles. Do not forget about the manufacturer's warranty, which allows you to replace components within a year after its purchase.

Huter HT 1000L
  • acceptable cost;
  • economical consumption;
  • built-in protection against possible overloads;
  • installation on a surface of any type is possible;
  • lack of "floating" turns;
  • ease of subsequent maintenance;
  • 4-stroke engine that starts on the first try.
  • The damper inscription is located in an inconvenient place;
  • the declared power is not true (900 W);
  • low-quality clamps on the fuel tank;
  • strong vibration during operation;
  • noisy, despite the specified 65 dB;
  • lack of protective casings of the factory type.

Which company is better to buy a 2-3 kW gas generator

This type of equipment is used for short-term power supply, no more than a few days. In addition, the object of consumption should be relatively small (2000-3000 W). In order to reduce the cost of the product, most manufacturers have equipped them with manual start. The simpler the design itself, the more reliable it will be, and the easier it will be in subsequent operation.

Makita EG 2250 A

A high-quality and relatively inexpensive unit with a capacity of 2000 W will cope with the functions assigned to it without difficulty. The current strength indicator will be 8.7 A, however, the manufacturer allows the connection of electrical tools with other capacities. There is protection against erroneous user actions. For control, the built-in voltmeter will come in handy.

The purchase will cost 19,000 rubles.

Gasoline generator EG2250A (2000 W)
  • appearance;
  • the presence of auxiliary indicators;
  • ease of operation;
  • 15 l fuel tank;
  • the presence of an OHV engine;
  • noiselessness;
  • economy of fuel consumption;
  • acceptable cost.
  • it will not be possible to pour oil into the crankcase the first time, it is necessary to carefully approach the study of this issue.


A design so popular on the market will cost the buyer 27,000 rubles. It is worth noting that the performance of the device is 3000 W, which is considered acceptable for feeding a small cottage or summer cottage. In short-term mode, it can be 3500 W, which is more than enough for the needs described. Ease of use and a warranty period of 2 years will allow you not to worry that you will have to spend an impressive amount during the first repair. To prevent surges in the network, you will have to buy a stabilizer.

You can simultaneously connect to such a unit:

  • lamps;
  • electric tool;
  • fridge;
  • boiler.

However, when buying, you must not forget about the recommended power reserve of 20-30%. Thus, a person will not only protect himself from the wrong purchase, but also significantly extend the service life of the product used.

  • the total weight of the structure will be 48.5 kg;
  • excellent equipment;
  • engine durability;
  • high performance.
  • with an average tank load of 15 liters, it will last for 8-9 hours of continuous operation.

Hyundai HHY 3020

Reviews about this device are high. Under normal operation, one tank is enough for a day of continuous operation. It is equipped with a starter which simplifies start.The hour meter is responsible for performing routine maintenance. In addition to two standard type sockets (220 V), there is also an output with 12 V. The performance indicator is 2800 W. Suitable for connecting electrical equipment with large starting current.

It is worth noting that with the onset of cold weather, the fuel consumption indicator will begin to increase significantly. The use of an external container will help reduce possible costs.

In order to order equipment online, you will have to pay 33-35 thousand rubles.

Hyundai HHY 3020
  • high-quality and reliable device;
  • the starting system is equipped with an electric drive;
  • for several years, the model has topped the rating of the highest quality generators with a capacity of 2000-3000 W;
  • excellent quality of components and assembly;
  • equipped with a silencer.
  • the fuel gauge does not provide reliable information.

Huter DY 2500L

One of the best models on the market today. Easy start is observed even at low temperatures. The noise figure is only 66 dB, so it can be installed at a distance of 10 m from residential buildings. The volume of the factory tank is 12 liters. This is enough to carry out continuous work for 20-22 hours. The declared and actual performance indicator is 2000 watts. Device weight: 36 kg with dimensions 60/44/44 cm.

The price of the device is 16,000 rubles.

HUTER Gasoline Generator DY2500L (2000W)
  • reliable start;
  • profitability;
  • ease of use;
  • small sizes;
  • stable current indicator;
  • acceptable cost.
  • the valve responsible for adjusting the supply of gasoline is incredibly tight.

Daewoo Power Products GDA 3500

Based on numerous reviews, this unit will perfectly cope with providing autonomous power supply to a small country house when the network is turned off. The declared power indicator is 2800 watts. This is enough for the simultaneous operation of several convectors, a lighting system and a refrigerator. It is also permissible to connect other equipment with an inrush current load of not more than 14 A.

If welding work is planned in a remote area, experts recommend buying equipment with a power of 5000 W or more.

The price of the device is 22,000 rubles.

Daewoo Power Products GDA 3500
  • factory protection against overloads;
  • high-quality engine assembly;
  • low noise level;
  • ease of subsequent maintenance;
  • tank volume - 18 l;
  • Voltage regulator;
  • acceptable fuel consumption;
  • high performance.
  • for the "wheels" will have to pay separately;
  • no electric start function.

Rating of the best gas generators with a capacity of 5-5.5 kW

When buying equipment of this type, the intended purpose will be of great importance. An indicator of 5 kW is enough to operate a welding machine with a current of 150 A. Such models are often used in construction and for solving a number of professional tasks in other fields of activity.

Fubag BS 5500

A reliable unit with a capacity of 5 kW will provide an autonomous power supply at no tangible cost. The device is designed for simultaneous use:

  • deep pump;
  • lighting fixtures;
  • boiler;
  • multiple refrigerators.

The alternator is responsible for normal operation during short-term overloads.In order to increase the declared motor resource by 50-60%, it is enough to use high-quality filters and oils.

The price of the device is 46,000 rubles.

Fubag BS 5500
  • simplicity of design;
  • neat assembly;
  • high-quality cooling system;
  • high level of reliability.
  • big weight;
  • high noise level.

Caliber BEG 6100 AI

Mini power plant that can be carried independently (model weight 60 kg). It is used to supply electrical appliances with a frequency of 50 Hz and a standard voltage of 220 V. Tank volume - 19 liters. The oil sensor will turn off if there is not enough fuel. Noise level - 97 dB.

Can be purchased at a price of 57-59 thousand rubles.

Caliber BEG 6100 AI
  • the presence of an electric starter;
  • equipped with digital display with backlight;
  • compact dimensions (58.5/51/58 cm);
  • acceptable cost.
  • high noise level;
  • significant weight.

Champion GG 6500

Quality product at an affordable price. The performance of the device is 5 kW. Even under the condition of maximum load, the generator will maintain a stable voltage. Severe frosts will not interfere with the launch. The brand is well known in our country. In addition, the manufacturer is guaranteed to send spare parts of the device as soon as possible.

Price - 36,000 rubles.

Champion GG 6500
  • ease of use;
  • acceptable combination of cost-quality;
  • the stability of these characteristics;
  • protection against moisture and dust;
  • economical consumption;
  • the best product in this segment, according to buyers.
  • not identified.

Eurolux G6500A

It is used exclusively for the supply of energy to household and lighting appliances, as well as electric tools. To start, you need to press only one button. For ease of use, a control panel is installed along with a table, which provides all the information regarding the current operating parameters. An engine of 13 horsepower is responsible for the duration of the work. The regulator will automatically maintain voltage based on the number and type of connected devices.

The cost of the device is 25,000 rubles.

Eurolux G6500A
  • compactness - weight 72 kg and dimensions 70/57/53.5 cm;
  • quality assembly;
  • the case is made of durable and high-quality material;
  • quick start regardless of weather conditions.
  • short warranty period;
  • a small fuel tank with a volume of 15 liters.

Which is better to buy a gasoline generator with a capacity of 6 kW and above

When choosing equipment of this type, special attention should be paid to the intended purpose of the future purchase. Installations with a capacity of 5.5 kW and above are designed not only for feeding electrical appliances, but also for carrying out full-fledged construction work, including welding. The general list contains reviews of new products and a description of less modern models, which, due to their characteristics, annually fall into the TOP of the most frequently purchased generators.

Hyundai HHV 9020 F

The power of the device is 6 kW. Ideal for applications where long-term energy maintenance is required. The operation of such equipment can be described as "switch it on and forget it". Immediately after starting, the device will switch to fully automatic mode.The output voltage indicator may have a deviation of 1%, but no more. For connection, two sockets are used: 32 A and 16 A. The declared consumption rate is 300 g per kW / h. With a full fuel tank of 25 liters, the device will operate up to 14 hours. The formation of emergencies is excluded, since the generator has built-in automation.

Cost - 59,000 rubles.

Hyundai HHV 9020 F
  • fuel gauge with indication;
  • starting is carried out electrically;
  • low noise figure;
  • economic model;
  • stable performance;
  • high service life;
  • excellent build quality;
  • high-quality components and other components.
  • to increase the duration of work, you will need to install an external tank.

Pobeda GB 6500

It will perfectly cope with the assigned duties, both on the construction site and on the territory of a private house. The declared performance is 6.5 kW, the engine itself (four-stroke) is 13 horsepower. The cooling system is installed air type. Voltage stabilizer automatic. Due to this, it is possible to exclude the rapid wear of equipment and fueled equipment. For ease of movement (72 kg), the body is equipped with comfortable handles.

The price of the kit will be 29,000 rubles.

Pobeda GB 6500
  • continuous operation due to a tank with a volume of 25 l;
  • number of sockets - three 220 V each;
  • excellent quality of components and materials used;
  • compact dimensions (69/55/53.5 cm);
  • acceptable cost.
  • it is permissible to operate only in a room with good ventilation;
  • significant weight of the structure.

Union BGE 6500

A powerful and high-quality generator that can be used both to feed electrical appliances and electrical tools. It can be used as an additional or main source of electricity. It is installed both on construction sites and in suburban areas. For an hour of operation, the device burns about 2.2 liters of fuel, while the tank volume is 25 liters.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer insists that the generator be filled exclusively with AI-92 gasoline.

The price of the device is 35,000 rubles.

Union BGE 6500
  • quality assembly;
  • durable case;
  • profitability;
  • capacious tank;
  • acceptable cost.
  • noisy;
  • heavy.

Denzel GE 8900 E

One of the most powerful generators of the new generation is perfect for professional tasks. Its capacity is enough to meet the needs of a family of six people who live around the clock on the territory of the house. If necessary, he will pull out a welding machine, several power tools and machine tools. Even with a long working cycle, it will easily maintain optimal temperature conditions in hot weather. To start in the winter, an electric starter will come to the rescue.

The price of the model is 42,000 rubles.

Denzel GE 8900 E
  • for the manufacture of the winding, the manufacturer uses a high-quality copper alloy;
  • reliable motor;
  • overload protection;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • output to four sockets: 1 - for 12 V and 4 for 220 V;
  • profitability;
  • high performance.
  • noisy.

The best inverter type gas generators

Equipment of this type has a voltage conversion unit.Through special processing, an ideal, in all respects, sinusoid is formed, the normalized frequency of which is 50 Hz. This aspect is extremely important when it comes to powering electronics and computers in particular. The cost of such a kit will be impressive, however, you will not need to buy a number of additional stabilizers and special filters. The standard unit is able to create a voltage of 290-300 V, which, through an inverter, will receive a standard signal of 220 V.

Denzel GT-2600 i

The most high-quality and popular models can be found in the comparative table below:

Top ProducersModelDeclared powerApproximate cost
DenzelGT-2600i2.3 kW35-45 thousand rubles.
DDEDPG 1201i1 kW8-10 thousand rubles
FubagTI 23002.3 kW49-56 thousand rubles
HuterDN 1500 i1.1 kW19-20 thousand rubles
bisonZIG - 35003 kW25-29 thousand rubles
HondaEU 10i0.9 kW57-64 thousand rubles
PatriotGP 1000 I0.7 kW13-17 thousand rubles
HuterDN 4400i3.3 kW37-38 thousand rubles.
Huter DN 4400i


When choosing a high-quality gasoline generator for a summer cottage or at home, one should take into account not only the main aspects given in the article, but also the opinion of experts, as well as customer reviews. Modern manufacturers do not cease to please with new products, which every year are becoming more practical, more affordable and more powerful. The number of options is increasing, the range is gradually expanding, which only complicates the choice.In order to choose the best gasoline generator in 2022, you need to pay special attention to eminent foreign and domestic brands that have long established themselves in the market for such devices. The TOP can include not only the most powerful generators, but also affordable, compact and economical models.

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