
  1. Popular types of baths and saunas
  2. The best baths and saunas in Voronezh
  3. How to choose a sauna?

Rating of the best baths and saunas in Voronezh in 2022

Rating of the best baths and saunas in Voronezh in 2022

Sauna and bath are a special pleasure, which cannot be replaced by the usual bathing or showering. The bath procedure is a separate type of relaxation, which can not only give a feeling of absolute cleanliness, but also have a healing effect, cheer up and simply bring a lot of pleasure to lovers of water procedures and hot steam. It is important to choose a worthy institution. We will talk about the best baths and saunas in Voronezh below.

Popular types of baths and saunas

Today, many types of baths and saunas are popular and accessible to everyone. With a long history, they exist in almost every city, offering their services, and in order to choose the most suitable type of bath or sauna, you should familiarize yourself with their key features.

  • Traditional Russian bath.

It has won great popularity not only in our country, but abroad. The bathhouse, according to tradition, is a log cabin, inside of which there is a brick oven, called a heater (stones are placed in the oven, which heat up to 600-700 degrees in the process). The stove is heated with wood, and hot stones are poured with water to produce hot steam, the more steam, the hotter the bath. At the same time, the humidity level is high, and the temperature level is average, warming up is quite strong.

  • Finnish sauna.

It has a great resemblance to the Russian bath, both in style and in the method of obtaining steam. However, the Finnish sauna has a significant difference - a low level of humidity (no more than 15%), due to which the Finnish sauna is also called a dry steam room. Due to the effect of dry steam on the body, excess weight is reduced. As for the temperature, in the Finnish sauna it is regulated and can be set both low and extremely high.

  • Roman term.

It has existed since ancient times and consists of several rooms: a room with a brazier, a heating bath, a separate dressing room, a bath with warm water and an air temperature of 40 degrees (tepidarium) and a bath with hot water, where the air temperature is from 70 degrees (laconium) . The device of the Roman term has not changed much, and steam is still supplied to the rooms through special pipes located in the walls and floor. Aromatic oils and herbal tinctures are often added to the steam. Also, the term is equipped with a swimming pool.

  • Turkish hammam.

Like a Roman bath, it consists of several rooms: a dressing room (jamekyan), a shower room (pestemal), and a spacious steam room (hararet).As in the Roman term, the walls and floors are lined with tiles and stone, the benches in the bath are made of marble. The bath is heated by a boiler on the stove, through the holes in which steam enters the room. The air temperature in the hammam rises no higher than 60 degrees. Another feature of the Turkish bath is a complex of body care procedures - specialists providing massage and peeling services work here.

  • Japanese bath.

The most unusual type of bath, which is divided into two types: public (sento) and individual (furo). Furo is a small pool (or barrel) for one person with water heated to the desired temperature, usually up to 50 degrees. At the same time, the air in the room with the tank is heated up to 30 degrees. Inside the barrel there is a special seat so that the water level does not reach the chest, and healing herbs and solutions are added to the water. Sento is a spacious pool designed for several people and kept in perfect cleanliness. The water is constantly changed, and you can dive into the pool only after taking a shower.

  • Infrared sauna.

A modern type of steam room, where infrared rays generated by special devices are responsible for heating the air. Before visiting the infrared sauna, it is necessary to take a hot shower, this will contribute to sweating. The achievement of this effect is also helped by water taken 30 minutes before visiting the sauna (about a liter). You must have two towels with you, for sitting and for wiping sweat. The temperature inside the sauna cabin is set to 45 degrees, but can be adjusted during the process. Exposure to infrared rays has its own contraindications, so a doctor's consultation is necessary before visiting the sauna.

The best baths and saunas in Voronezh

The city offers a wide variety of establishments with a high level of service and a wide range of services. There are more than a hundred different saunas and baths in Voronezh, they are located both within the city and in picturesque corners of nature, on the banks of reservoirs. Many establishments are part of hotels and mini-hotels, which allows you to rent a cozy room and extend your vacation. In addition to the steam room, establishments offer a number of additional services and entertainment: a swimming pool, whirlpool baths, healthy and relaxing phytobarrels, fonts, as well as lounges, music, karaoke, billiards and much more. The list of the best includes bath complexes with the most positive feedback from visitors, with the widest range of services and various types of steam rooms.

Sauna "Amsterdam"

Address: Sovetsky district, Dorozhnaya street, 24

☎Phone: +7 (952) 952-61-96

Working hours: around the clock

Steam room "Amsterdam" works like a Finnish sauna, located in a spacious and comfortable room, which is suitable for individual relaxation and for a large company, as well as corporate events (up to 15 people). The sauna is equipped with a shower, a phytobarrel, as well as a large pool equipped with heating, filtration and lighting. To relax from bathing procedures, the sauna invites guests to sit in a cozy living room with a fireplace, where you can use the provided music and video equipment, a dance floor and karaoke. For secluded relaxation, two separate rooms with a pleasant design are equipped here.

All accessories necessary for bathing procedures can be rented or purchased here.

Sauna "Amsterdam" also offers to treat yourself to dishes of Russian, Caucasian and European cuisine, or visit a bar with drinks.

Additional services - aromatherapy, backgammon, table football and American billiards. The territory and parking of the sauna are guarded.


  • From 6:00 to 17:00 - 600 rubles / hour;
  • From 17:00 to 6:00 - 900 rubles / hour;
  • The cost of a set of disposable underwear is 130 rubles.

The minimum sauna rental time is 2 hours. Payment is made in cash.

  • excellent swimming pool with clean and warm water;
  • high level of service;
  • cozy and spacious;
  • good quality kitchen
  • competent administrators;
  • suitable for bath procedures and for holidays.
  • there is a lot of chlorine in the pool;
  • the sauna is hard to get to.

Sauna "Edessa"

Address: Northern district, Vladimir Nevsky street, 48 building 2

☎Phone: +7-903-651-47-478; (473) 251-47-47

Working hours: around the clock

As a steam room, "Edessa" is a Finnish sauna, its capacity can accommodate up to twelve people, so it is convenient and comfortable to relax here with family, friends or colleagues. Guests can sit in a spacious living room or in separate rooms with double beds. For couples and secluded rest there is a comfortable hotel room with a separate shower room, TV, spacious double bed.

In addition to the Finnish sauna, guests are provided with a shower room, as well as two heated pools. For events, the Edessa sauna is equipped with a banquet hall equipped with a TV, musical equipment, karaoke, wi-fi, and a billiard table.

As for the cuisine, guests can visit the bar for drinks and light snacks. You are also allowed to bring your own food. In the sauna "Edessa" you can also buy a set of bath accessories: a bath cap, disposable slippers and sheets.


Reservations are made by phone, around the clock. Payment can be made using a bank card.

  • The cost of renting a sauna is 1000 rubles per hour (for 8 people);
  • Surcharge for an additional person - 100 rubles / hour;
  • The cost of a set of bath accessories is 50 rubles.
  • cleanliness and tidiness;
  • cozy and comfortable environment;
  • premises with a good repair, new furniture;
  • billiards and karaoke are free;
  • clean pools;
  • pleasant administrator;
  • high quality service.
  • not found.

Sauna "Foxy"

Address: Kominternovsky district, Vedugskaya street, 96

☎Phone: (473) 229-98-56

Working hours: around the clock

Sauna with a mini-hotel "Foxy" opened in Voronezh relatively recently and quickly gained popularity due to its comprehensive service. Foxy provides a Finnish sauna, a Turkish hammam and a modern infrared sauna that can accommodate up to eight people, as well as a heated and illuminated pool. After the bath procedures, guests can sit in the living room or one of the two lounges. The living room is equipped with a large comfortable sofa and modern appliances: plasma screen, XBox, stereo system and karaoke. There is also a table for six people.

Snacks and drinks can be brought with you, or ordered in the sauna. In addition, guests are provided with a barbecue and table setting service (for a large feast) free of charge. Also in the sauna you can buy a bath set of necessary accessories.

Sauna "Foxy" is suitable for any type of recreation - family, friendly, corporate, for bachelorette parties and other events and holidays.The sauna building is equipped with a parking area (parking is free), and for those wishing to extend their stay, a mini-hotel located in the same building is provided. Each hotel room has an area of ​​15 m2, and is equipped with a TV, refrigerator and Wi-Fi access.


For regular visitors there are discounts and special offers.

  • Sauna rental - on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00: from 750 rubles per hour; evening of weekends and holidays - 1,200 rubles / hour (company up to 8 people);
  • Infrared sauna - 300 rubles / hour;
  • Phyto barrel - 300 rubles / 20 min;
  • A set of bath accessories - 200 rubles;
  • Hookah - 350 rubles (without coals and tobacco).

Cost of Mini-hotel services:

  • Three-hour stay - 900 rubles (the cost of each subsequent hour is 300 rubles);
  • Renting a room for a day - 2,200 rubles (breakfast included);
  • Ten-day stay - 15,000 rubles;
  • Rent for a month - 30,000 rubles.
  • easily accessible by car, good location of the building;
  • convenient spacious parking;
  • friendly staff;
  • several types of steam room;
  • comfortable water temperature in the pool;
  • good repair in all rooms;
  • cleanliness in the sauna and mini-hotel rooms.
  • no billiards.

Sauna "Afalina"

Address: Leninsky district, Matrosova street, 29

☎Phone: +7 (960) 109-0774

Working hours: around the clock

Due to the high level of service, as well as high-quality and delicious cuisine, the Afalina sauna is very popular among guests and residents of the city. The sauna is equipped with two halls - Finnish (capacity for 20 people) and Turkish (for 15 people), according to the type of steam room.

The room of the Finnish hall is designed for eight people.Here, in addition to the steam room, there is a spacious living room equipped with a TV, music and video equipment, karaoke, as well as comfortable upholstered furniture and a table. Those who prefer secluded rest are provided with two separate comfortable rooms. The banquet hall is equipped with a billiard table for the American pool.

In order for guests to cool off after visiting the steam room, there is a large pool with lighting, heating and constant filtration.

In the Turkish hall, guests can enjoy a real hammam, designed for six people. Here, visitors are provided with a jacuzzi, billiards and karaoke. The banquet hall is equipped with a TV and DVD player, soft sofa, dining table. There are also two separate rooms for relaxation.

Guests can order drinks, snacks and other dishes in the Kapitan cafe-bar located in the sauna building (orders can be made until 23:00).


  • Sauna rental - 1000 rubles / hour (up to 8 people);
  • Surcharge for an additional person - 100 rubles / hour;
  • A set of bath accessories - 200 rubles (slippers, towel, sheet, hat);
  • Bar services, as well as a kitchen and barbecue - 150 rubles;
  • Parking - 1000 rubles / day.
  • pleasant and polite staff;
  • large spacious rooms;
  • stylish and cozy interior;
  • large and warm swimming pool;
  • convenient parking;
  • cleanliness, neatness;
  • high level of service.
  • not found.

Bath "Quiet Pier"

Address: Zheleznodorozhny district, Inyutinskiy pereulok, 59

☎Phone: +7 (960) 109-0774

Working hours: around the clock

The Quiet Pier bath complex is located in the suburbs of Voronezh, and the key advantage of this vacation spot is its remote location from the noisy and dusty city.The building of the complex is located in a picturesque place, on the banks of the reservoir and has an outdoor swimming pool, but in winter it naturally becomes a real ice hole.

For relaxation, you can not just rent a steam room for a few hours, but partially or completely rent a house. The surrounding nature provides additional activities such as fishing and boating.

As for the steam room, a real Russian wood-burning sauna operates in the bath complex “Quiet Landing”, located in two rooms, each of which can accommodate up to six people. Each room is also equipped with a shower room, living room and lounges. The living rooms are quite spacious, they can accommodate from ten to fifteen guests, there is cozy upholstered furniture, plasma TVs, musical equipment and karaoke.

Near the bath complex there is a restaurant, the services of which can be used by guests of the "Quiet Pristan" - the menu is quite varied, includes snacks and salads, barbecue, Uzbek pilaf, as well as drinks.


Hourly and daily bathhouse rental is possible, including as a holiday home without visiting the steam room.

  • Mon-Fri - 600 rubles / hour (from 8:00 to 18:00), 800 rubles / hour (after 18:00);
  • Fri-Sun — 1000 rubles/hour;
  • Surcharge for each additional person - 100 rubles / hour;
  • A set of bath accessories - 80 rubles;
  • Renting a house without using a steam room - from 400 rubles / hour;
  • Renting a rowing PVC boat - 50 rubles / hour, 300 rubles / day;
  • Rent a motor boat - 300 rubles / hour, 1000 rubles / day;
  • Fishing rods with a float — 100 rubles/day;
  • Bait - 50 rubles / pack.
  • great service;
  • quiet pleasant place;
  • pure water;
  • polite and friendly staff;
  • purity;
  • New furniture;
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • attractive prices.
  • get far.

Bath complex "505 km"

Address: Sovetsky district, 505 km of the M4-DON highway

☎Phone: +7 (960) 109-0774

Working hours: around the clock

Another bathing complex, located in the bosom of nature, in the forest, which allows you to combine steam procedures with countryside relaxation. The steam room operates in the Finnish sauna mode, and guests are also provided with a contrast bath in a special barrel, which is pleasant to take immediately after bath procedures. An alternative to the barrel is a comfortable shower room, as well as a large heated pool.

The sauna room is spacious, suitable for relaxing in a large company, it includes a dressing room, a living room with a TV, air conditioning and a table for 6-8 people (on the first floor), two bedrooms and a living room (on the second floor)

The bath complex also includes a mini-hotel with a living room and two bedrooms. The recreation room is equipped with a TV and a billiard table.

It is worth mentioning separately the interior of the bath complex: made in the form of a classic log cabin, it not only represents a traditional Finnish steam room, but also allows you to feel the atmosphere of nature, forests, and a relaxing countryside holiday. The furniture is made of natural wood, decor and accessories also emphasize the main style of the interior design. Such a harmonious combination helps to purify both body and soul, take a break from the usual city walls, the noisy and fussy rhythm of life.


  • Sauna rental - 1,000 rubles / hour (based on 8 people);
  • Surcharge for each additional person - 200 rubles / hour;
  • Renting a house for a day - 12,000 rubles.
  • spacious rooms;
  • nice atmosphere;
  • purity;
  • good cafe menu;
  • friendly service staff;
  • free parking.
  • not detected.

How to choose a sauna?

Among the variety of bath complexes, it is not easy to find a really good institution with quality service. Here are a few key criteria to help you choose:

  • Capacity

If a family vacation is planned or a large company is going, it is necessary that both the steam room and the relaxation room can accommodate guests with a sufficient level of comfort. Saunas often offer several accommodation options, have additional rooms or a mini-hotel. Please check this information before visiting.

  • Type of steam room

Traditional Russian steam rooms, as a rule, are designed for a small number of people, even more often these are individual steam rooms. In addition, there are not so many lovers of a real Russian bath, in comparison with those who want to visit a dry steam room. Well, if the sauna has several types of steam room. The Finnish sauna and Turkish hammam are the most popular, and if the bath complex includes several types of steam rooms at once, this is a very good indicator.

  • Additional services

Relaxation in the sauna, in addition to bath procedures, usually includes entertainment during relaxation, so the wider the range of additional services offered, the better. Usually it is music, karaoke, TV, billiards, game consoles. Some saunas offer massages, spa treatments, and bathing services. The cost of additional services also needs to be clarified in advance - some establishments provide a free service, while in other saunas the same service must be paid. The same goes for parking.

  • Purity

The most important criterionAccording to the rules, the sauna is cleaned after each session of bathing procedures, the relaxation rooms are also cleaned with special products. Naturally, cleaning takes some time, so if no more than 10 minutes pass between the departure of previous guests and the arrival of new ones, this gives reason to doubt the quality of the cleaning. For sitting it is necessary to use sheets, do not forget about special shoes (slippers or slates).

  • Swimming pool, shower room, jacuzzi.

The presence of a tank with cool or warm water is necessary in order to cool off after a hot steam room. The cleanliness of the pool is of great importance - the water must be filtered and changed regularly, in addition, a disinfectant must be present in the water. A visual inspection of the water in the pool can give some indication of its purity. As for the jacuzzi, the best option is to fill the tub yourself with water.

A visit to the sauna brings great benefits to the body and soul, it is a great opportunity to relax and unwind, chat with friends and family in a pleasant environment. The time spent in the steam room gives strength, improves mood and gives a charge of vivacity.

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