
  1. How to choose balsamic sauce
  2. homemade balsamic sauce
  3. Recommendations for use
  4. Rating of quality balsamic sauces for 2022
  5. Rating of the best balsamic creams for 2022

Rating of the best balsamic sauces for 2022

Rating of the best balsamic sauces for 2022

When cooking, spices are often used, one of which is balsamic sauce, recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage of mankind. It is considered universal, because it goes well with any dishes: vegetable, meat, fish, sweets. Consider the rating of high-quality balsamic sauces for 2022 with a description of taste characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

How to choose balsamic sauce

In order to choose the right balsamic sauce, to avoid mistakes when choosing, first of all, you need to know exactly what it is, what this seasoning is served with, what are its useful and dangerous properties, how to make the sauce yourself at home. No less important thing to pay attention to is the question of where to buy and how much a quality product from the best manufacturers costs.

Characteristics and composition

The scope of balsamic sauce is cooking. Its main purpose is to give original flavors to prepared food. This additive allows you to fill ordinary food with a bright aroma, delicious taste, decorate the dishes in which it is served, giving it a festive look. Bottles with magic seasoning are usually small: 100-250 ml. It is made on the basis of balsamic vinegar, grape must, natural additives in the form of fruit juices (pomegranate, lemon, orange), spices. In cooking, only natural thickeners are used - flour, corn starch. The best manufacturers do not use any chemicals. The product does not contain sugar, so it has a low calorie content and is used in recipes for many diet dishes. Grapes and berries that are added to the sauce during cooking give a sweetish taste: figs, strawberries. The novelties contain other ingredients:

  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin;
  • truffle;
  • mustard;
  • honey.

The peculiarity of balsamic is that popular manufacturers subject it to many years of aging, especially for Italian-made sauces: from two to twelve or more years. Aged product is more expensive, with a more pronounced smell and taste.

Consider what types of balsamic sauce are:

  • not sharp;
  • moderately sharp;
  • spicy.

The most common type, according to buyers, is mild, made according to classic recipes from traditional ingredients. Such popularity is due to the sphere of use of this spice - the preparation of everyday and festive food, restaurant dishes with the usual type of food. The addition of chili peppers from 2 to 5% gives the appropriate pungency and piquancy. Which one is better to buy depends on your taste preferences.

What is balsamic for?

Balsamic sauce is an indispensable seasoning for those who like not only to cook deliciously, but also to decorate food beautifully. Viscous, thick or semi-liquid consistency, with a pleasant smell of fruit and a slight hint of vinegar, it has a sour-sweet taste and a beautiful chocolate or cream color. Perfect for decorating ready-made dishes and dishes on which they are served to the table. Spicy refined taste will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmet, giving new flavors to familiar food. A big plus of the product is its versatility, because the list of what it is eaten with is quite long:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • salads;
  • soups;
  • cheeses;
  • side dishes;
  • cereals;
  • hamburgers;
  • desserts;
  • ice cream.

Just a few drops of balsamic sauce will transform any dish, give it sophistication and originality, thanks to its rich taste and bright fruity smell.

Benefit and harm

Any food product has useful and dangerous properties. Balsamic (in translation - healing, healing) sauce, rich in vitamins A, B, C, contains vital trace elements necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

This product helps prevent the development of oncological, cardiovascular diseases, normalizes the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, the brain, optimizes metabolism, contributing to weight loss. Healing qualities are used for the production of anti-aging and anti-aging cosmetics. According to customer reviews, the regular use of this dressing has a number of positive consequences for the body:

  1. blood pressure decreases;
  2. immunity is strengthened;
  3. the elimination of toxins is improved;
  4. improves the process of hematopoiesis and blood composition.

Harm from this product can be caused only in one case - with diseases of the digestive system.

All this allows us to attribute balsamic sauce to healthy foods.

Criterias of choice

To buy a quality product that has all the positive properties, it is appropriate to consider several factors:

  • packaging - it is preferable to choose a product in glass bottles than in cheap plastic ones: this way the taste characteristics are better preserved without losing useful properties;
  • composition - real balsamic sauce should not contain synthetic additives (dyes, stabilizers, thickeners, preservatives);
  • color - a quality product has a uniform saturated transparent dark brown, less often creamy beige color. It should not be cloudy, too dark, precipitate;
  • taste - delicate, unobtrusive, with a pleasant aftertaste, without a sharp smell and chemical aftertaste;
  • consistency - viscous, dense, when a drop of high-quality sauce is applied to food or a plate, the stain does not spread, keeps its volume and shape;
  • manufacturer - traditionally considered the best are balsamic sauces and creams from Italian and Greek manufacturers, who have long perfected the technology of preparation and recipe;
  • cost - a good product cannot be too cheap in price, however, you should not overpay for a brand or packaging: it is better to choose a popular product from a well-known manufacturer based on positive customer reviews.

homemade balsamic sauce

It will not be difficult for any housewife to independently prepare the original dressing in her kitchen. For this you will need:

  • 170 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 130 ml of water.

To give different flavors, you can add:

  • cream;
  • honey;
  • mustard;
  • pomegranate juice, etc.

The step by step instructions are simple:

  1. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, mix, put on a slow fire.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Leave the finished product to cool completely, then pour into hermetically sealed bottles.

Homemade sauce is thicker than store-bought.

Recommendations for use

Here are a few tips for using balsamic sauce to get the unique taste of food and maximum seasoning effect.

  1. If possible, do not subject the product to heat treatment, serve with already prepared dishes.When heated, the unique smell is lost, the unique viscous texture can increase the feeling of sourness to an unpleasant vinegar taste.
  2. Most often used for salads, including fruit salads, to add brightness and sophistication, to ennoble ordinary components.
  3. Do not add too much dressing, the usual rate is a few drops. An excessive amount will lead to the fact that the taste of the dish will become sharp, rough, lose its originality and sophistication.
  4. The longer the sauce is stored, the richer and more delicious it becomes. Many Italian producers offer for sale a product with an exposure of more than 12 years, which has a beneficial effect on its taste, aroma and texture.
  5. Store in a dark, cool place, away from sources of heat. The ideal place is the kitchen cabinet.
  6. It is preferable to purchase in specialized stores or order online in an online store from the manufacturer. The product presented in an ordinary supermarket is most often a crude imitation of the original quality sauce, made from cheap wine vinegar with the addition of synthetic colors, thickeners, sweeteners, preservatives.
  7. For those who want to lose weight, it is an excellent alternative to mayonnaise when dressing salads.

Rating of quality balsamic sauces for 2022

Monini Glaze, 250 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 545 rubles

Classic Italian balsamic gives dishes a pleasant sourness. Suitable for salads, fish, meat, enriching the taste characteristics of food. Very tasty, thick. Thanks to a special spout on the lid, you can decorate plates by pointwise squeezing out the contents of a plastic bottle. Shelf life - 2 years.

balsamic Monini Glaze, 250 ml
  • classic recipe;
  • tasty, fragrant;
  • moderately sour;
  • convenient dispenser spout.
  • expensive.

Saarioinen Balsami-etikka Kastike, 345 ml

Country: Finland
Average price: 270 rubles

The Finnish-made sauce is made from white wine vinegar with the addition of rapeseed oil, potato starch, spices and flavorings. Served with any meal, from soups to fruit and ice cream. It will not be possible to squeeze out a thin stream due to the too large hole in the dispenser cap. Can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture.

balsamic Saarioinen Balsami-etikka Kastike, 345 ml
  • inexpensive;
  • delicious;
  • natural composition;
  • without synthetic preservatives.
  • large dispenser opening.

Filippo Berio with black truffle, 250 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 439 rubles

Slightly sour, perfect with cheese, fish, vegetables, fruits. It has a delicate mild taste, does not contain synthetic ingredients and food additives. Shelf life - 2 years.

balsamic Filippo Berio with black truffle, 250 ml
  • soft taste;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • universality;
  • affordable price;
  • natural ingredients.
  • no.

Galaxy with chili, 250 ml

Country: Greece
Average price: 333 rubles

Moderately spicy Greek-made dressing has gained popularity due to its piquant taste. Suitable for making marinades, adding to any dishes, including seafood and desserts. Does not contain monosodium glutamate and TMO. Shelf life - 2 years.

balsamic Galaxy with chili, 250 ml
  • universality;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • beautiful shade for decoration;
  • affordable.
  • contains dyes and fragrances.

Leonardi Pregiato, 100 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 2228 rubles

The balsamic sauce of the Italian production of the world famous brand has an exposure of 10 years. Due to this, its consistency is thick and viscous, the aroma and taste are rich and bright. Production is located in the province of Modena - the birthplace of balsamic products. Ideally complements cheese, salads, mushroom, fish, vegetable dishes, boiled and fried meat, including grilled. Pairs well with desserts. Refers to vegetarian, dietary, farm products. It is one of the lowest calorie balsamics. Unlike the factory sauce, it is aged in oak barrels, acquiring a complex unique bouquet of aromas. Sold in an elegant glass bottle, placed in a gift cardboard tube.

balsamic Leonardi Pregiato, 100 ml
  • proven technology;
  • exposure 10 years;
  • unique aroma;
  • gift tube.
  • expensive.

Rating of the best balsamic creams for 2022

Leonardi with chili pepper, 175 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 526 rubles

Excellent seasoning for barbecue, hamburgers, french fries. It is used to decorate meat and fish dishes. The composition of chili peppers is 2%, which provides a spicy spiciness and gives a novelty to ordinary food. It is indispensable for those who, in cooking, care not only about its taste, but also about the benefits and aesthetic appearance. Like any classic balsamic cream, it differs from the sauce in a thicker texture and rich taste.

balsamic Leonardi with chili pepper, 175 ml
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • sharp note;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • no synthetic ingredients.
  • high price.

Leonardi with blueberries, 175 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 580 rubles

Cream of balsamic vinegar from Modena and boiled grape must contains blueberries and natural sulphites. It is made according to the classical technology with insisting on blueberries for at least two months, followed by straining. After opening the package, the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for three years. It is considered an ideal dressing for meat, cheese, pastries, salads, desserts.

balsamic Leonardi with blueberries, 175 ml
  • qualitative;
  • classical technology;
  • long shelf life;
  • pleasant smell and color.
  • expensive.

Just Greece with basil, 250 ml

Country: Greece
Average price: 400 rubles

Greek-made thick cream for meat, fish, salads, soups and seafood of Mediterranean and European cuisine is made from natural high-quality ingredients without monosodium glutamate and GMOs, synthetic thickeners and preservatives. Customers note the exquisite taste and pleasant smell with a touch of natural basil. Sold in a plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser on the lid.

balsamic Just Greece with basil, 250 ml
  • delicious;
  • universal;
  • bright smell;
  • convenient dispenser.
  • liquid texture.

Casa Rinaldi with orange juice, 150 ml

Country: Italy
Average price: 469 rubles

Delicious aromatic product, the beneficial qualities of which are preserved thanks to technology using acidity regulators. It has a long shelf life of three years. Thick, dense texture allows you to decorate cooked food.

balsamic Casa Rinaldi with orange juice, 150 ml
  • qualitative;
  • delicious;
  • thick;
  • stored for a long time.
  • expensive.

Pure Premium, 220 ml

Country Russia
Average price: 864 rubles

Russian-made seasoning has proven itself from the best side due to the universal mild taste, pleasant smell, various types of additives: basil, hazelnut, pomegranate, cream. After opening the package, it can be stored for no more than a year.

balsamic Pure Premium, 220 ml
  • tasty and fragrant;
  • many flavors;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • beautiful bottle design
  • quality components.
  • expensive;
  • liquid.

Papadimitriou with orange and lemon, 250 ml

Country: Greece
Average price: 380 rubles

The popular Greek-made cream sauce pleases customers with an affordable price, a convenient bottle and dispenser shape, and a natural high-quality composition. A classic Mediterranean seasoning for a wide variety of meals. It is a low-calorie vegetarian dressing, it has a delicate citrus aroma, a thick, dense texture, and a beautiful honey tint. Shelf life - 2 years. Light lemon sourness gives piquancy and sophistication, and the smell of orange refreshes and renews the taste of ordinary food.

balsamic Papadimitriou with orange and lemon, 250 ml
  • unforgettable taste;
  • pleasant citrus smell;
  • universality;
  • high quality;
  • convenient packaging and dispenser;
  • inexpensive;
  • ideal for decoration.
  • plastic bottle.

Using low-quality seasoning means spoiling not only the dish, but also the mood. In order for food to bring pleasure and aesthetic pleasure, it is advisable to use only proven balsamic sauce from reliable manufacturers.The presented review will help you make the right choice and buy a quality seasoning that can emphasize the benefits of your favorite culinary creation.

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