For any new driver who has recently successfully passed the test for the right to drive a category "B" motor vehicle, the question always arises of choosing his first car. Here you will have to take into account its cost, and the advantages and disadvantages of new and second-hand cars, as well as many other technical details. In addition, before purchasing the first car, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the current rating of cars for beginners.

Budget and premium options

Naturally, if the financial side is not a problem for a novice driver, then you can buy your first car and even for 2 million rubles - everything will depend on your wishes. However, would there be any point in such a purchase? After all, the first car will have to work out the skills of practical driving, while not the fact that it will be possible to avoid mistakes. It would be nice if they passed without a trace for both the driver and the car itself. But as practice shows, a couple of scratches and abrasions of the body become constant companions of first-year drivers. And this situation is the best of many possible options. Thus, it is better not to suffer from the fact that an expensive car will be damaged by your own hands.

Another reason may be the cost of repairs and maintenance. Money is spent on a car not only once at a car dealership, but also in the process of its operation itself.From this follows the conclusion that it is necessary to measure personal capabilities with the average cost of car maintenance per month. In addition, a car in premium variations quickly loses its price and its subsequent sale can become difficult.

Based on the advice of professionals, cars in the price range from 300 to 700 thousand rubles will be an ideal option for new car owners. Nevertheless, if the budget allows some expenses “from above”, then it is advisable to equip the vehicle with the maximum number of systems responsible for safety (traction control systems, ABS, brake force distribution system, etc.). This also includes passive safety units - curtains and pillows, reliable head restraints, pre-tensioned belts. All of the above will not be superfluous, because novice drivers are in the high-risk category.

Used or new car

This question is even more relevant than the previous one. The main advantage of a used car is that it can be purchased for a relatively small amount, and the car itself can be quite high in its class and may even be better than new budget options. However, speaking of moral obsolescence, such a machine can only be compared with the same devices of the same year of manufacture. And as always, when buying a used car, a number of important questions arise that the seller may be silent about, for example:

  • Conditions for permanent operation of the machine;
  • Has the engine overheated (and how often);
  • Has the hull been deformed?
  • Did the transmission work for “wear and tear” (especially true for automatic transmissions);
  • Are all electronics working properly, etc.?

At the same time, a used car is likely to require additional financial investments and maintenance before the start of operation, such as: technical inspection, elimination of minor faults that could not be identified during the initial inspection, etc.

  • Here are a few conditions, the presence of which will greatly facilitate the purchase of a used car:
  • There is no need for cash investments in excess of the cost paid, and future maintenance costs are quite reasonable and predictable;
  • The car is generally serviceable and prepared for travel;
  • It is possible to insure a car on favorable terms and insurance covers most of the possible problems;
  • The manufacturer's warranty has not expired.

Dimensions of a car for a debutant

Large off-road vehicles, of course, have many advantages: a reinforced body, increased visibility, and all-wheel drive. At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages, such as: poor maneuverability, which is their guaranteed feature, they are difficult to feel due to their size, which cannot be said about more compact models. And these properties of the car for a novice driver play an important role, because they can complicate driving in reverse, make diagonal parking more difficult, there are also problems with changing lanes when driving on the highway, the same can be said about advancing and trying to overtaking. A particular problem for newcomers driving large jeeps will be maneuvering in a confined space.

As a result, experts suggest not choosing large cars as your first vehicle, but rather focusing on classes “A”, “B” or “B +” - they can even include relatively small crossovers, which are close in size to hatchbacks of the same segment.

Drive type

Another question over which the debutant driver should “break his head”. Both the all-wheel drive, and the rear, and the front have their pros and cons.

Front-wheel drive


  • Cheap, simple and reliable design, due to the absence of a cardan shaft;
  • Sufficiently safe entry into the turn, tk. the front wheels do not "push", but "retract" the car;
  • Improved cross-country ability (compared to rear-wheel drive vehicles). This circumstance is due to the fact that the front wheels are more loaded with the weight of the technical units installed in the bonnet compartment, and this, in turn, improves the grip of the driving wheels with the surface.


  • The maximum angles of rotation of the drive wheels are reduced by the force of the hinges of equal angular speeds installed on them;
  • Slippage and stall are significantly worsened (in the event of a sharp pressure on the gas), because the center of gravity is transferred to the rear axle, which reduces the coupling of the drive wheels to the surface.

Rear drive


  • Increased acceleration efficiency due to the transfer of the center of gravity to the drive axle;
  • Increased information content and management control.


  • The risk of skidding the rear axle is increased (relevant for uneven or wet surfaces), which is a consequence of excess weight, increased cranking of the rear part of the body and the transfer of torque to the rear wheels.

Four-wheel drive


  • Increased stability and handling on the track;
  • Excellent acceleration dynamics due to the transfer of torque to all four wheels with minimization of power losses in case of slip;
  • Improved cross-country ability due to the ability to redistribute torque between the wheels and axles (if necessary).


  • Extremely expensive maintenance and repair due to design difficulties.

Gearbox: choice between "mechanics" and "automatic"

Manual gear shifting is considered only a “matter of habit”, many drivers simply do not need it. Based on the objective conditions of driving in the city, then "twitching" with a manual transmission is not the best start for the driver, and this situation will always arise. Sometimes, automatic transmissions can be accused of limited economy, but modern vehicles have already adapted quite competently to save fuel, and change gears much more efficiently than a person.

Power of the first car

Professionals advise not to choose too powerful models, the first car should have enough power, which is enough for correct overtaking and movement in average traffic conditions. Such conditions are quite consistent with an indicator of 150 horsepower, regardless of the size and type of car.

The choice between a foreign car and a Russian model

This issue is also very controversial and urgent. What is better for a beginner to buy: a model of the domestic auto industry, but a new one, or to choose an older foreign car, but guaranteed to be more reliable? Most motorists agree that there is only a dispute of personal taste. However, when answering this question, it is preferable to be guided by the following criteria:

  • What is the reliability of the transmission, chassis and engine in general;
  • Price and availability of maintenance, the possibility of acquiring spare parts without problems;
  • The popularity of the car brand in the criminal environment (risk of theft);
  • What are the skills of the future car owner in minimal repairs (no one is immune from emergency situations on the road);
  • General vehicle control skills (it is quite possible that the power steering can even interfere with the novice driver more than help).

NOTE: Current statistics show that most new car owners prefer the Russian car industry in its used version - from VAZ 2109 to VAZ 2114. The second most popular models are the fairly new Lada Priora or Lada Kalina models. The third place is still occupied by a foreign model - Chevrolet Lanos.

Domestic passenger vehicles are attracted by their simple design and low price for repairs and maintenance (this is especially true for VAZ models up to the tenth generation with front-wheel drive). However, in terms of comfort and safety, they lose to many foreign cars from the budget segment. And those, in turn, have a significant drawback, expressed in the high cost of spare parts and repairs in general. Recently, the exorbitant amount of insurance and tax has also been added here.

PRO TIP!!! The ideal option for a new driver will be a hatchback, because it is the easiest to park on it (clearance is 15 centimeters, which is very convenient when parking next to curbs). It is preferable to choose an automatic gearbox, and it will not be superfluous to install a parking sensors system - both front and rear. And it is better to choose an engine from the middle segment - 1.6 liters.

The best car for passing an autoexam

The question is rather controversial, because the fleet of cars in driving schools is not large enough. And not every unit from this fleet is also equipped to pass a car exam with the participation of a traffic police officer.At the same time, the inspector taking the exam will not care much about the fact that the examinee learned to drive a Lada Kalina, and he has to take a more weighty and powerful Chevrolet Cruze. However, if it is possible, then it is easier to rent a car, which, in terms of size and power, is most like a training car. Thus, the answer to this question for each dealer will be different.

Criteria for competent selection of the first car

First you need to determine the price limit in which the future car owner decides to purchase a car. Too expensive car will not be the preferred option, because a weak driving skill can harm not only the vehicle, but also the owner. A first-year driver still has little sense of the size of the vehicle in the process of its movement, has a minimal skill in foreseeing changes in the traffic situation, does not remember dangerous road segments and uneven surfaces, and is not able to quickly maneuver in difficult situations.

In addition, the lack of driving experience injures the car itself, fuel is consumed uneconomically, and the owner is not able to properly monitor the health of the main units and components of the mechanical horse. Therefore, the basic recommendation would be to purchase a hardy device that will not require expensive financial costs for repairs and maintenance.

ADVICE! It is best when a professional driver is directly involved in the process of buying the first car.

Also, it is necessary to take into account how many passengers the interior of the car will be designed for. If it is supposed to operate the vehicle mainly only by the car owner himself, then it is not worth chasing a spacious interior, because then the price will increase.It is enough that the seat of the driver himself would be convenient and comfortable. If you plan to regularly transport friends or family members, then the cabin issue will become more relevant and you should take care of its capacity and convenience for passengers. If passengers feel discomfort, then this may distract the novice driver from driving.

General recommendations from professionals are as follows: it is better to give preference to a common and reliable brand so that there are no problems with finding spare parts or repairs, which will be an indispensable headache when choosing an exclusive sample.

The main mistakes when choosing the first car

According to statistics that are collected and summarized annually by leading automotive magazines (for example, "Behind the wheel"), mistakes often made by future car owners practically do not change from year to year.

As a rule, these include:

  • Purchasing a car is extremely unprofitable in economic terms. Such a car can perfectly fit in terms of a lot of parameters: color, brand, performance, size - but the same expenses for gasoline, inflated to incredible proportions, level out all the joy of buying. This shows that before purchasing a “candy in a beautiful wrapper”, it is better to get advice from an experienced driver, as well as calculate in advance all the estimated costs for operating a vehicle.
  • Until the very purchase, the car owner does not take into account the prices for future maintenance of the vehicle. The standard first impression of a new driver is that the car will continue to please him with excellent technical indicators and performance, and if not always, then at least for a very, very long time.Even though the machine is completely new, it will need maintenance someday anyway. Thus, one of the main criteria in the acquisition process should be the availability of spare parts and the relative cheapness of repairs.
  • When buying a car in the secondary market, the buyer forgets to check the history of the car. Her participation in traffic accidents, problems with car taxation, and other troubles that will definitely come up later will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. Checking the history of a used car is the sacred duty of the buyer.
  • Buying a car that is too expensive or too cheap. Going to extremes during the purchase is a very, very harmful move. An example would be the impulsive purchase of an expensive and exclusive car when a novice driver has little or no idea about the current state of Russian roads. In such a situation, the exclusivity and novelty of the model can overshadow the mind. In addition, an inexperienced car owner may well not know that some brands are not intended for city use at all. The result of a reckless purchase may be the premature failure of mechanisms and assemblies and the loss of operational and technical indicators of the vehicle. At the same time, you should not buy a vehicle that has seen everything in its lifetime. It is possible that the joy of buying will be overshadowed by the constant need for maintenance and unforeseen costs for it. It is best to calculate in advance the total budget, average fuel consumption per day, possible repair and maintenance costs before purchasing.

Examples of the most reckless and unprofitable purchases:

  • Expensive models at a low price - most likely these will be outdated samples in technically poor condition;
  • Vehicles with a large engine capacity - gasoline consumption will become prohibitive, and the transport tax will also increase;
  • Vehicles that have crossed the bar of 10 years of age - the body metal of such samples has long lost its strength and the general operating load conditions remain unknown;
  • The vehicle has "changed" more than three owners;
  • Sports models - they are very expensive in terms of maintenance, the risk of their breakdown is extremely high, an inexperienced driver is unlikely to feel comfortable in them with all their power (there may be problems with changing lanes and parking).

Ranking of the best cars for novice drivers for 2022

Russian auto industry

4th place: VAZ 2114

This five-door front-wheel drive hatchback is equipped with a 1.6-liter (81 horsepower) gasoline engine. It does not reach the recommended parameters in terms of power, but it is distinguished by cheap repairs and a reliable power plant. Additional options may include seat heating, an on-board computer, and a GPS alarm system.

Year of issue2010
Power, l/s1.6
Engine volume81
Number of doors5
Price, rubles150000
  • Good maneuverability;
  • Reliable engine;
  • Distribution of parts.
  • Finishing the interior with fragile plastic.

3rd place: VAZ 2110

A good model with a manual transmission. It is characterized by a rather comfortable interior, especially in the luxury configuration. As an option, you can install heated seats and turn signal mirrors. The model earned good marks due to the reliability of the engine, low cost of maintenance, overall endurance of components and mechanisms.

Year of issue2013
Power, l/s1.5
Engine volume76
Number of doors4
Price, rubles130000
  • Streamlined design;
  • Budget price;
  • Big trunk.
  • Weak body metal.

2nd place: Lada Granta

Despite low ratings from international publications, the model, in general, sells well in Russia. This situation is due to the extremely economical consumption of gasoline. The gearbox is foreign-made and only automatic, the trunk of the sedan is spacious.

Year of issue2013
Power, l/s1.6
Engine volume98
Number of doors4
Price, rubles280000
  • Economical engine;
  • High suspension;
  • Auto checkpoint.
  • Slightly uncomfortable interior.

1st place: VAZ 2121 Niva

This small SUV showed itself perfectly in the Russian open spaces and is even exported. It is characterized by a special compactness and cross-country ability, relatively low fuel consumption for its class, and a fair price. A variety of options may be present in the configuration - from hydraulic booster to alarm.

Year of issue2012
Power, l/s1.7
Engine volume83
Number of doors3
Price, rubles290000
  • Profitability;
  • Endurance;
  • Compactness.
  • Most uncomfortable lounge.

Foreign designs

4th place: Ford Focus

A popular model among novice drivers of the second generation, it was produced between 2000 and 2005. The sample is quite comfortable, unpretentious in work and very easy to manage. There are five doors in this model, the trunk is spacious.

Year of issue2014
Power, l/s1.6
Engine volume100
Number of doors5
Price, rubles320000
  • Maneuverability;
  • Profitability;
  • Comfort.
  • Problems with access to spare parts.

3rd place: "Kia Rio 2"

A very popular South Korean vehicle in Russia, a hatchback with five doors and front-wheel drive, which has automatic transmission. Most novice car owners love the Kia Rio 2 for the budget price of maintenance, and a widespread network of authorized centers has completely solved the problem with access to spare parts. Differs in special endurance and is adapted for long operation.

Year of issue2015
Power, l/s1.6
Engine volume112
Number of doors5
Price, rubles200000
  • Comfortable salon;
  • Availability of spare parts;
  • Durability.
  • Weak starter.

2nd place: Skoda Octavia

This liftback has a front-wheel drive with a manual transmission. Owners note a spacious interior and a roomy trunk. Also among the advantages are good handling, reliable assembly, ergonomic arrangement of control and monitoring systems. Maneuverability is confirmed by an excellent level of cornering.

Year of issue2008
Power, l/s1.8
Engine volume152
Number of doors4
Price, rubles250000
  • Spacious salon;
  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Sustainability.
  • Cheap service.

1st place: Renault Logan

At one time, this sample took first place in sales in Russia. It is often recommended for driving training by both professional drivers and driving school teachers. The gearbox is reliable, five-speed. The engine has a long service life. The availability of auto parts does not cause any problems.

Year of issue2007
Power, l/s1.7
Engine volume87
Number of doors4
Price, rubles200000
  • Quality suspension;
  • Availability of repair and maintenance;
  • Operational durability.
  • Soundproofing problems.

Instead of an epilogue

The first car is a very important choice. It is able to influence the entire subsequent life of the driver, the quality of his driving skills, as well as the speed of mastering the driving experience. Thus, before buying, you should always measure the available budget with your own desires. Similarly, it is worth thinking about the future: sometimes, the initially low price of a vehicle can later turn into large financial investments in repairs. At the same time, it is worth taking care of the availability of spare parts - it is never possible to know exactly at what point a repair is needed, albeit a minor one, albeit a major one.

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