
  1. Classification of car seats for children: selection criteria
  2. Rating of quality car seats from Britax Romer for 2022
  3. Popular Group 0+ Car Seat Models for 2022
  4. Ranking of the best booster and backpack car seats for 2022
  5. Conclusion

Ranking the best car seats for 2022

Ranking the best car seats for 2022

Keeping your child safe is the responsibility of every parent. We are talking about moving in a car, the transportation of children in which requires special devices. Attention is presented a list of the best car seats from various manufacturers for 2022 with its pros and cons, as well as the price segment.

Classification of car seats for children: selection criteria

When buying a car seat, two indicators play a role, which you should pay attention to - the weight category and the age limit. However, almost all buyers choose this product based on the physical development of the child. This is due to the fact that a child may fall within the range of acceptable values ​​by age, but not by weight, and vice versa. This situation most often occurs with children under one year old. How to choose a car seat for a child? First you need to familiarize yourself with what types of devices exist. The table shows the classification of child car seats.

Table - "Type of car seat and its purpose"

Name:Purpose:Product description:
Cradle:for newbornsframe product made of durable plastic, equipped with additional seat belts, loops for fastening backwards
Booster:for teenagersa portable platform with two handles, through the slots of which car belts are pulled. Baby is strapped forward
Seat:from 1st yearoutwardly resembles a chair, is installed with the back or facing forward, has additional seat belts and other devices
Frameless:for teenagersfastened in the car on the seat, like a backpack.Protection is provided by their own seat belts.

According to the results of crash tests, the safest car seats are seats with a headrest and armrests.

Recommendations for choosing child car seats:

  • For travel, one of two models is suitable: a “backpack” or a booster. The first option is good because it folds compactly, but it will take more time to install. The second option is a little larger, although lightweight and instantly fixed on any seat in the car, where seat belts are provided.
  • The best models for children of all ages are car seats, the price segment of which is the most expensive among all types of car seats. They are designed mainly for children from one year old.
  • For babies just born and older (0-9 months), a cradle is available. It performs several functions: a chair for safe movement in a car, a carrier and a device for rocking a child before bed.

Cradles are in second place in terms of cost after chairs, but it is much more profitable to purchase them with a stroller. The stroller can be 2 or 3 in 1, one of the elements of the set of which is the cradle.

Installation Tips:

  • For newborns, I install the car seat in front, if the mother (father) is transporting the child alone, while the front airbag must be turned off. Otherwise, in a collision of vehicles, it will crush the child.
  • In terms of safety, the best option for installing a child seat is considered to be a seat behind the driver.
  • If there are two children, then it is better to install car seats behind the driver's seat and in the middle of the car's interior (back row).

A video review of the product, a comparative analysis of several options, user reviews, favorite chairs and advice from consultants in the store will help you not to make mistakes when choosing a car seat. It's also helpful to have a mini-plan that a person can follow when purchasing a car seat:

  1. Comparison of the type of construction with the age of the child;
  2. Possible installation method;
  3. The level of the safety system of belts and other structural elements;
  4. product material;
  5. Chair capabilities;
  6. Which firm is better;

With such a plan in mind or on a piece of paper, any buyer will quickly decide which is the best copy of the car seat to buy to ensure a high level of safety for their child.

Rating of quality car seats from Britax Romer for 2022

According to buyers, this manufacturer, this year, is considered the leader in the production of automotive children's systems. There are various models, therefore the most common options are taken in the review.

Model "
votes 0
King II» 1stth group

Device with an anatomical pillow (follows the contours of the head) and soft pads on the internal five-point harness. There is additional lateral protection against side impacts, the backrest tilt, the height of the head restraint and the internal belts can be adjusted.

The appearance of the car seat "King II" of the 1st group


Type of:armchair
Group:from 9 to 18 kg
Dimensions (centimeters):54/45/67
Net weight:10 kg 300 g
How to install:facing forward
Fastening:car belts
Backrest positions:4 things.
Color:white + brown
By price:14400 rubles
Britax Romer King II 1 group
  • Many colors;
  • Functional;
  • Easy installation;
  • Removable cover: easy care;
  • Fabric quality.
  • Price.

Model "King II" 2nd and 3rd group
votes 0

The safety device is available in 4 colors, equipped with an adjustable anatomical cushion and protective bumpers that ensure safety from side impacts. The cover is removable (easy to wash). The child is fastened with car seat belts. The combination of colors of this commodity unit is black + elements of white and red.

Car seat design "King II" 2nd and 3rd group


Type of:seat
Group:from 15 to 36 kg
Net weight:5 kg 100 g
Dimensions (centimeters):49/45/85
Installation:facing forward
Headrest height positions:11 pcs; 68-85 cm - range of changes
Crash test score:good (4 points)
Color:the black
Average price:8000 rubles
King II 2-3 groups
  • Deep sidewalls;
  • portable;
  • Easy and fast installation;
  • High level of security;
  • Reliable design;
  • Unfolds with the car seat;
  • Design.
  • Not identified.

Trifix2 i-Size model group 1st, 2nd
votes 0

The device has internal belts (five-point), a pillow, protective sidewalls and soft pads on the belts. It allows you to adjust the backrest and headrest height. Available in 7 colors.

Model "Trifix2 i-Size" group 1st, 2nd, side view


Type of:seat
Weight category:from 9 to 25 kg
Parameters (centimeters):45/54/65
Net weight:10 kg 500 g
Height limit:76-150 cm
Installation:facing forward
Weight limit:8-22 kg
Crash test:4
What is the price:25500 rubles
Trifix2 i-Size
  • Value for money;
  • Convenient;
  • High level of security;
  • Functional.
  • Expensive;
  • Heavy.

Model "
votes 0
Evolva 1-2-3»

Device with the function of sound notification about the correctness and degree of belt tension. The design provides the ability to adjust the sidewalls, tilt and height of the backrest, internal belts, headrest. There are various colors. The cover is removable and easy to clean.

Appearance of the car seat "Evolva 1-2-3"


Type of:seat
Group:from 9 to 36 kg
Dimensions (centimeters):49/48/61
Net weight:8 kg
Installation:face in the direction of travel
Child's age:1-12 years old
Average cost:13200 rubles
Evolva 1-2-3
  • Multifunctional;
  • Price;
  • High degree of protection;
  • Universal chair: any age;
  • Comfortable;
  • Durable.
  • Not identified.

Group 1 "King II ATS" model
votes 0

Armchair with automatic belt tension in the style of an exotic animal - a giraffe. For comfort and maximum safety of the movement of the child, there is an anatomical pillow, soft pads on the inner belts, and protective bumpers. The inclination of a back, height of a head restraint and belts is regulated. The ATC system warns the driver of a low belt tension with an audible and visual warning.

Car seat design "King II ATS" group 1


Type of:seat
Dimensions (centimeters):54/45/67
Net weight:10 kg 300 g
Group:from 9 to 18 kg
Fasteners:car belts
Installation:facing forward
Back positions:4 things.
Internal straps:five-point
By cost:18000 rubles
  • Design;
  • Functional;
  • Value for money;
  • Comfortable;
  • Small size.
  • Not identified.

Model "Kidfix SL Sict" 2nd and 3rd group
votes 0

Car seat with anatomical cushion included, adjustable shock-absorbing element that improves lateral protection.The design allows you to change the position of the backrest and headrest.

Chair design "Kidfix SL Sict" 2nd and 3rd group


Type of:armchair
Dimensions (centimeters):49/45/85
Net weight:6 kg 700 g
Fastening:Latch, car seat belts
Permissible weight:from 15 to 36 kg
Installation:sideways to the direction of travel
Headrest positions:11 levels
Average cost: 12800 rubles
Kidfix SL Sict
  • Functional;
  • Value for money;
  • Light weight;
  • Design;
  • Convenient;
  • The security system is high.
  • Not identified.

Popular Group 0+ Car Seat Models for 2022

This category includes cradle-type chairs for newborns and children up to a year. The best representatives, according to buyers, are firms:

  • Britax Romer;
  • Doona+;
  • Maxi Cosi.

Model "Baby-Safe" from the manufacturer "Britax Romer" (Germany)
votes 0

Device with an anatomical cushion and soft pads on the inner straps. The design allows you to fix the cradle even in an airplane, which is very convenient for those who are going to travel. It is portable, weighs a little, so the hands will not get tired so quickly if you have to walk for a long time. Features: used as a rocking chair, there is an awning from the sun, carrying handles. It is possible to install on the chassis, suitable for Britax strollers.

The appearance of the car seat "Baby-Safe" from the manufacturer "Britax Romer" (Germany)


Dimensions (centimeters):44/69/58
Net weight:3 kg 600 g
Carry handle positions:3 levels
Weight limit:up to 13 kg
Fastening:transport belts
Price:11000 rubles
Britax Romer Baby Safe
  • 3 in 1;
  • Compact;
  • Protection system;
  • Capabilities;
  • Lightweight;
  • Sun hood;
  • Structural strength.
  • Not identified.

Model "Group 0+" from the manufacturer "Doona +"
votes 0

Child car seat with the ability to transform into a stroller. It has a modern stylish design. Installation and internal filling meets all standards. The cover is removable for easy cleaning. Additionally, there is protection against side impacts. Five-point inner harness provides additional protection for the child when moving. The pillow is anatomical, well holds the head of the newborn. There are convenient handles on the sides for transporting the chair. In sunny weather, you can use an awning.

Side view of the "Group 0+" model from the manufacturer "Doona +"


Dimensions (centimeters):44/66/99
Net weight:7 kg
Setting the handle and internal straps to the number of positions:3 pcs.
Test mark:4 points
By price:27900 rubles
Doona+ Group 0+
  • Appearance;
  • Compact;
  • Light weight;
  • Comfortable handles;
  • Can be used as a stroller.
  • Expensive.

Model "Citi" from the manufacturer "Maxi-Cosi"
votes 0

The back-to-front chair is equipped with a pocket for a bottle or other things, carrying handles and internal safety belts. There is a sun hood, anatomical pillow and protective bumpers. Can be installed on a wheelchair. Single color, 7 colors to choose from.

Front view of Citi bassinet from Maxi-Cosi


Type of:car seat
Net weight:2 kg 750 g
Weight limit:up to 13 kg
Internal straps:three-point
Holder Adjustment:3 levels
Chassis / Stroller Compatibility:Maxi Cosi Quinny
Average cost:7300 rubles
Maxi Cosi City
  • Lightweight;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Convenient;
  • Transformer: turns into a stroller;
  • Compact;
  • natural fabric;
  • Good mark on crash tests;
  • Safe.
  • Not identified.

Ranking of the best booster and backpack car seats for 2022

The best steel producers in this category are:

  • "Heyner SafeUp";
  • "Peg-Perego";
  • Child Car Seat.

Model "XL Fix" group 3 from the manufacturer "Heyner SafeUp"
votes 0

The booster with a removable cover is designed for children from 7 years old. The material is hypoallergenic. The design allows various ways of fastening in the car. There are armrests that provide a comfortable ride for the child.

Booster "XL Fix" group 3 from the manufacturer "Heyner SafeUp", side view


Type of:booster
Dimensions (centimeters):47/44/20
Group:from 22 to 36 kg
Net weight:3 kg 600 g
Permissible height of the child:110/150 cm
Fastening:Isofix, car seat belts
Installation:facing forward
By price:5750 rubles
Heyner SafeUp XL Fix
  • Comfortable;
  • Light;
  • Wear-resistant cover;
  • Good quality;
  • Appearance.
  • Not identified.

Model "Viaggio Shuttle" from the manufacturer "Peg-Perego"
votes 0

A feature of the product is the tensioner of the regular belt. The seat is corrugated, provides massage to the buttocks and allows air to pass through, thereby the child does not sweat and feels comfortable on long trips.

The appearance of the booster "Viaggio Shuttle" from the manufacturer "Peg-Perego"


Type of:booster
Parameters (centimeters):44/41/24
Net weight:3 kg
Fasteners:Isofix, vehicle belts
Installation:in the direction of travel
Weight limit:from 15 to 36 kg
By price:5000 rubles
Viaggio Shuttle Peg-Perego
  • Comfortable;
  • Easy installation;
  • From the series "budget goods"
  • Doesn't take up much space.
  • Not identified.

Model "T0007" from the manufacturer "Child Car Seat"
votes 0

Chair-backpack with a soft headrest, four-point safety system of internal belts. Coloring double: black-brown. Has padded shoulder straps. Everything in the design is adjustable in height.

Model "T0007" from the manufacturer "Child Car Seat" on the car seat


Type of:frameless
Parameters (centimeters):34/76,5/0,3
Fastening:own belts
How to put:facing forward
Producing country:China
Average cost:1200 rubles
Child Car Seat Т0007
  • Comfortable chair for travel;
  • Fits in the back seat up to 3 pieces (if there are a lot of children);
  • Inexpensive;
  • The material washes well.
  • Not identified.


Attention is presented with a list of the best car seats for 2022, from which you can easily determine which devices are. The main indicators when buying any model is knowing the weight of the child and his age. Based on the type of construction, there may be one of the types of installation:

  • Face forward;
  • Back forward;
  • Combined type.

The popularity of models among the population was won by frame car seats with internal seat belts of the “seat” or “cradle” type. In second place are boosters (from a certain age), in third are frameless options (inexpensive in cost, good for traveling, but with poor protection).


