
  1. What it is
  2. Types of outsourcing
  3. Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow
  4. How to choose

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow for 2022

In our life, everything is constantly changing, developing, improving. No sphere of human activity can boast of unchanging stability. This also applies to the economy. The emergence of new forms and types of activities, a change in priorities, changes in intersectoral and international relations entail economic changes.

One of the key challenges faced by organizations around the world is cost minimization. Reducing and optimizing costs without compromising output and worsening working conditions is what every entrepreneur strives for, regardless of the size of the enterprise. One way to optimize costs is outsourcing.

What it is

Outsourcing is the transfer by an organization of certain types or functions of production activities to third-party companies operating in the desired area, on the basis of an agreement. The contract is not concluded for one-time work, but for a long period of time and often contains the condition of automatic extension. The meaning of outsourcing is to increase the efficiency of using the organizational, financial and human resources of the enterprise by redirecting them to other tasks.

This term comes from the English word outsourcing, which is an abbreviated expression of outer-source-using - the use of an external source.

The history of development

Despite the fact that this concept came to the modern Russian economy relatively recently, its history has ancient roots. The first agencies to operate in the field of recruitment can be considered the groups of recruiters who recruited rowers for ships during Roman times. This type of activity was very profitable due to the high mortality among sailors, and remained popular until the 19th century.

In Russia, the first recruiter can be considered Emperor Peter I, known for his reforms in all spheres of society.Thanks to his efforts, several hundred foreign specialists in the field of shipbuilding, as well as financiers and engineers, came to the country.

The first recruitment agencies, close to those that exist now, appeared during the rapid development of the railroad in the United States. They hired factory workers, railroad workers, and also workers in the postal service, which in those days was very dangerous, because postmen were often attacked by bandits.

In Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century, recruitment agencies for hiring servants began to flourish. Then, accounting and law firms began to emerge in outsourcing in countries that had case law. From these firms grew four of today's largest outsourcing firms: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG, which later merged with Peat Marwick.

The effectiveness of outsourcing ideas was shared by the auto magnate Alfred Sloan, head of General Motors. In 1921, he headed the concern, which was on the verge of collapse, and not only saved it from bankruptcy, but even managed to surpass its main competitor, Henry Ford.

HR outsourcing experienced its second wave of prosperity after the end of World War II. Former military men were found peaceful positions in which they could use their professional skills (agricultural aviation, etc.). At the same time, the first business process assistance companies began to emerge.

In the Soviet Union there was an activity similar to Western outsourcing companies.It was called socialist cooperation and consisted in the fact that manufacturers of individual units and assemblies were attached to the parent enterprise, and orders for scientific developments were transferred to research institutes located throughout the country. With the advent of the first computers, special computing centers for collective use (VCKP) were created, in which organizations could work using punched cards, printing out the necessary data on roll paper. The lack of remote access and the small number of these centers, which were about 30 throughout the country, were significant shortcomings. Nevertheless, they accelerated the work of accountants and personnel officers of large enterprises.

Since the 90s. In the 20th century, numerous private enterprises began to appear in our country, which experienced a severe shortage of professional personnel in the field of accounting, IT support, personnel records management and other areas. Professional freelancers who worked simultaneously for several companies came to the rescue. These specialists were also in demand among foreign companies that began to appear on the Russian market. Their main problem was their lack of knowledge of Russian legislation.

90s The 20th century can be considered the beginning of the formation of a modern outsourcing system in Russia. At first, these were mainly recruitment agencies, then the range of activities expanded. Currently, outsourcing services include accounting, transport and IT services, office maintenance (for example, office cleaning), translation services, advertising services, security and maintenance of order. About 80% of administrative functions existing at enterprises can be transferred to outsourcing.

Types of outsourcing

The following types can be distinguished:

  1. Outsourcing in the field of marketing communications. It includes telemarketing, call processing (call centers and individual operators).
  2. Outsourcing by force of law. In some cases, the organization does not have the right to conduct any activity, and is forced to transfer it to the side. For example, mutual funds cannot independently manage their own assets, as well as conduct an audit of their own reporting.
  3. Retail outsourcing, or retail outsourcing, involves the transfer of functions related to trade to specialized contractors.
  4. Outsourcing of personnel management involves hiring employees, conducting trainings and education, calculating compensation and payments, etc.
  5. Outsourcing in the financial sector includes accounting support for enterprises. Outsourcing of financial processes is also popular.
  6. Outsourcing of publishing activities involves the transfer of functions of printing, translation, processing of literature, and sales support.
  7. Office printing outsourcing involves the installation by a third party of its own printing equipment.
  8. Knowledge Management Outsourcing (KPO) aims to support processes associated with deep learning or complex analytical processing of data. This is the youngest direction of outsourcing.

The following types are popular in Russia:

  1. Inventory audit. This type of service involves the solution of the issue of property accounting.
  2. IT outsourcing (ITO).
  3. Logistic outsourcing.
  4. Legal and information support.
  5. Manufacturing outsourcing.
  6. Social outsourcing is practiced by social institutions and consists in the transfer of individual social services to external performers.

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow operating for less than 10 years

A short period of work is not always a negative indicator. Young firms are better adapted to current economic conditions, they are more flexible and are most interested in retaining customers.


Address: Nizhny Susalny lane, 5, p. ten


You can safely entrust this company with financial, accounting and legal support of your enterprise. Qualified staff is ready to work seven days a week, without days off and holidays. They help even in the most advanced cases. The company has an excellent reputation and many positive reviews.

  • qualification of specialists;
  • operational approach to work;
  • work without days off and holidays;
  • take on the most difficult cases.
  • not found.


Address: Gamsonovsky lane, 2, p. one


The company provides services in the provision of production processes, retail trade and catering, as well as warehouse logistics. He selects any personnel in his field of activity, from couriers to employees of the trading floor. The company has many positive employees not only from employers, but also from selected staff.

  • round the clock support;
  • quick search for personnel;
  • good working conditions;
  • assistance in matters related to employment.
  • occasional interruptions in work schedule.

United Outsourcing Company (UAC)

Address: pr-d Serebryakova, 14, building 15


For 8 years of work, the company managed not only to establish itself in the field of personnel management, but also to create a network of branches in major cities of the country. Uses the latest technology.Helps in organizing most work processes, including non-core ones. It also operates in the real estate sector.

  • branch network;
  • use of the latest technologies;
  • operational selection of employees;
  • informative site.
  • aggressive market policy.

Work is SIMPLE

Address: Keramichesky proezd, 53


A young, actively developing company is recruiting mainly among young people and students. Offers both full and part-time employment, as well as shift work. A flexible approach, a wide variety of vacancies and active feedback provided this firm with a rapidly growing popularity.

  • several branches in Moscow and other cities of the country;
  • more than 70 vacancies;
  • job search of any level of complexity;
  • official employment;
  • democratic principles of governance.
  • most of the workers are low-skilled.


Address: Jerusalem street, 3


This company is engaged in employment of foreign citizens. Personnel and accounting operations are executed in strict accordance with the current legislation of the country. They work with employees from the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and the EAEU, and can help find even the rarest specialist.

  • efficiency;
  • free recruitment and replacement of personnel;
  • assistance in matters of employment, payment of taxes, etc.;
  • legitimacy of the activity.
  • not found.

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow operating from 10 to 20 years

This selection includes organizations located on the territory of the capital, which managed to positively recommend themselves and gain solid experience.


Address: Ryazansky prospect, 75, bldg. four


One of the largest firms, whose first office opened in 2005, offers accounting assistance and legal services. Works in various fields: construction, wholesale and retail trade, IT-technologies, agriculture, etc., both by Russian and foreign enterprises. He does consulting.

  • wide profile of work;
  • several branches in different cities;
  • is among the top companies according to RAEX;
  • experienced staff.
  • not found.

Matrix Outsourcing

Address: Kholodilny Lane, 3, building 1, p. eleven


Hiring workers through this company will reduce the cost of it up to 40%. Payment is made only for the time actually worked, and the company takes care of the troubles - hospital, work-related injuries. Also, its employees resolve issues with labor and tax inspections, pay vacations and hospital staff.

  • selection of experienced specialists of any professions;
  • full support of staff;
  • operational work;
  • quick response to changing conditions and solving new problems.
  • workers complain about frequent fines and inconvenient schedules.

Schneider Group

Address: 1st Kazachy per. 7


A large international company has been operating since 2003. It works in the field of international cooperation and provides a wide range of accounting, legal, financial, IT and HR services, builds payroll projects, and helps enterprises reduce risks in their activities. Carries out cross-border business management.

  • European quality standard;
  • versatility of services;
  • activities in the field of international operations;
  • great experience;
  • operational feedback.
  • price.

Bridge Group

Address: Warsaw highway, 42


The company offers a wide range of services: accounting and law, HR and IT services, recruitment, payroll and labor protection services, as well as management accounting services. It has been operating since 2008 and has repeatedly been included in various prestigious ratings.

  • range of services;
  • inclusion in the register of reliable partners;
  • development of complex and non-standard projects in the field of digital transformation of accounting functions;
  • maintaining confidentiality;
  • work efficiency.
  • not found.

Center for Professional Accounting

Address: Ordzhonikidze street, 11, p. 3


This company has been on the list of the best outsourcers in Moscow for several years now. Specialization - accounting, finance and taxes. A full range of services is offered, from working with primary documentation to the formation and submission of final reports, as well as keeping records of all operations. The firm pays great attention to the confidentiality of information to which access was granted, which served as the basis for an impeccable reputation.

  • effective solution of issues related to accounting, finance and taxes;
  • great experience;
  • responsible approach to the formation of documents;
  • friendly approach to customers.
  • not found.

Rating of the best outsourcing companies in Moscow operating over 20 years

This rating contains real aksakals in the field of delegation of authority.Longevity, experienced staff and well-honed working methods make them the best.


Address: Enthusiasts boulevard, 2


One of the oldest recruitment agencies has been operating for over 30 years. It is one of the most popular in Moscow and the Moscow region. The office is located in a prestigious business center. Employees of the company will not only conduct the selection of personnel, but also send them for training, advise on all issues related to employment, payment of taxes, etc.

  • leader in the field of recruitment;
  • high popularity;
  • prompt selection of employees for any field of activity;
  • good working conditions;
  • organization of training and internships.
  • intrusive service.

Unicon Outsourcing

Address: st. Malaya Semenovskaya, 9, building 3, 4th floor, business center "On Semenovskaya"


This company offers a wide range of services in the field of accounting, IT, including maintenance of ERP systems, jurisprudence and personnel recruitment. You can also contact here for questions about freezing and defrosting activities. The company is focused on the impeccable quality of services and encourages employees to work well, providing them with career growth.

  • efficiency;
  • responsible approach to work;
  • a wide range of services;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • one of the market leaders according to the RAEX rating agency.
  • not found.

Informauditservice (IAS)

Address: st. Novodmitrovskaya, d.2, building 1, MFC "Savelovsky City"


This enterprise stood at the origins of outsourcing in Russia and has been operating for 30 years. The vast experience accumulated over the years has been repeatedly confirmed by prestigious titles and awards.The organization has repeatedly taken top places in the prestigious RAEX rating. HR, accounting, legal, IT and HR services are offered.

  • work experience;
  • personnel qualification;
  • range of services;
  • location in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow;
  • high ranks and awards.
  • not found.

International recruitment agency Favorit

Address: Pyatnitskaya street, 71/5, p. 2


One of the best recruitment agencies in the capital, engaged in the selection of personnel for enterprises of any field of activity. For this, 14 departments have been formed in it, each of which is engaged in one of the important areas: medicine, industry, construction, etc. Personnel are selected for both permanent and temporary work.

  • prompt search for a specialist of any profile;
  • attentive attitude to the requirements of the employer;
  • free replacement of an employee if his qualifications are lower than required;
  • operational feedback.
  • not found.


Address: Bolshoy Savvinsky pereulok, 12 p. 6


This organization has a solid foundation in the form of the main bank of the country and has been providing legal, accounting, consulting and financial services to enterprises for 27 years. According to RAEX, it is the leader in Russian outsourcing. Collaborates with enterprises of any scale, including small businesses.

  • range of services;
  • great experience;
  • small business support;
  • leading positions in their field;
  • qualified specialists;
  • benevolent approach.
  • weak service.

How to choose

The choice of an outsourcing company is a responsible task, because in the case of incompetent work, for the most part, problems will arise not from them, but from the employing organization. To decide which of the many companies it is better to conclude an agreement, three stages will help:

  1. Determining the range of necessary duties to be delegated to the side. You should clearly define the area in which services are required.
  2. Selecting an outsourcer. It is necessary to calculate the expenses of the organization for the conduct of certain business processes and compare them with the cost of the work of the partner company, thus calculating the possible savings. Preference should be given to organizations, when working with which you can get a full package of services with the greatest savings. After that, it is necessary to evaluate the reputation of prospective partners, study reviews about them, check prices and services for transparency and understandability and compare them with the data on the organization's website, ask about the availability of specialists in other fields of activity. It is recommended to request a contract template for review. You can go to the office and form your own opinion about the organization and its employees. The location of an office can say a lot. If it is located in a basement on the outskirts of the city, this is an indicator of financial problems experienced by the enterprise. Therefore, the level of services may not be high enough.
  3. Assessment of own capabilities. You must be ready to answer numerous questions (especially at the beginning of cooperation), provide the required documents. It is necessary to appoint employees who will be responsible for interaction with a third-party organization. And, of course, you need to be able to pay for services on time.

Choosing a reliable outsourcing company is the right step that will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, strengthen its competitive position and allow it to better meet the stringent requirements of the current economic realities.

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