
  1. How to choose an anti-aging product
  2. TOP anti-aging face creams for 2022

Ranking of the best anti-aging face creams for 2022

Ranking of the best anti-aging face creams for 2022

At any age, a woman wants to look young and beautiful. The condition of the skin plays an important role in this, because it is no secret that after 30 years it begins to be exposed to external negative influences and age-related changes, leading to fading. Modern microbiology and cosmetology work wonders, offering unique anti-aging face creams to maintain elasticity and maintain skin tone. We offer a rating of the best for 2022, compiled according to customer reviews, with a description of the characteristics and advantages.

How to choose an anti-aging product

We all know that youth is short-lived. It quickly passes, inevitably leaving age-related manifestations on the face: age spots, sagging oval, wrinkles, dull color, sagging and dry skin. This does not only apply to women. The structure of the male dermis is somewhat different, due to which the signs of aging begin to appear in men a little later. However, they are also affected by this problem. But there is a way out - anti-aging creams designed to effectively deal with the above signs of impending old age, restoring skin elasticity, radiance and youth. Consider how to competently approach the choice of a reliable cosmetic product, according to what parameters it should be chosen.

Features of mature skin care

In adulthood, in addition to the natural aging processes, there may be other factors that adversely affect its appearance and structure:

  • lack of sleep - less than 8 hours a day;
  • ultraviolet - an excess of the sun's rays leads to dehydration and pigmentation, which are difficult to correct;
  • stress - nervous situations lead to an increase in blood sugar, which provokes a decrease in the production of collagen, elastin, which are responsible for elasticity and smoothness;
  • diets - lack of nutrients and trace elements leads to early aging.

We will reflect the features of care in what is recommended and what absolutely cannot be done.

It is forbidden:
  • wash yourself with hot water - as a result, blood vessels expand and the epidermis loses its elasticity;
  • wash with cold water - vasoconstriction leads to peeling;
  • oily product - clogs pores, resulting in the effect of an orange peel.
  • contrast washing - a change in water temperature keeps the epidermis in good shape, maintains a healthy complexion;
  • bold means - helps to preserve the respiration of epidermal cells, does not cause expansion of pores;
  • give preference to moisturizing preparations - they are the ones that have a composition that helps prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
  • face fitness - regular use of exercises will help you enjoy elastic, velvety beautiful skin for longer.

One of the face fitness video tutorials:

Criterias of choice

Before you buy the first anti-aging facial product that comes across in a pharmacy, cosmetic department or order online in an online store, it is advisable to consider some selection options:

  • appointment - it is appropriate to remember what anti-aging products are in order to know which one is better to buy: day, night, for the skin of the eyelids and lips, for pigmentation, intensively moisturizing, restoring;
  • skin type - even the most expensive cosmetic product will be useless, and in some cases - harmful, if you do not take into account your skin type;
  • age - for a woman at 35 and an elderly lady after 50, cosmetics with different anti-aging effects will be required, depending on the presence and severity of signs of aging of the dermis; the markings on the jars will tell you how to choose the right one: after 30 years - 30+, after 40 years - 40+, etc .;
  • hypoallergenicity - it is important that the product is completely safe: this is facilitated by the manufacturer's compliance with the ban on testing products on animals, the use of natural ingredients, the absence of synthetic preservatives and fragrances;
  • manufacturer - according to buyers, the popularity of a beauty product directly depends on the cosmetic company, it is desirable to give preference to the best manufacturers who have already gained recognition in the world market; It should be noted that recently Asian cosmetics, not only for women, but also for men, with a rejuvenation function, including unique exotic ingredients, have also been especially popular.;
  • price - cosmetic products are varied in price, for every budget and taste: budget - from cheap raw materials, direct deliveries, economical simple packaging, medium - an adequate ratio of affordable price and high quality, premium - brand name, manufacturing technology, expensive ingredients, own laboratories;
  • reviews — it is impossible not to take into account the responses of real people, because they contain reliable information, not always positive, about the texture, appearance, performance, packaging material and other little things that make up the product as a whole.


A few tips to help you make a good purchase:

  1. Know your skin type, proceed, first of all, from this, choosing the right remedy.
  2. If possible, purchase a comprehensive facial skin care, rather than a separate product.
  3. Be sure to read the label indicating the age restrictions of the product.
  4. For summer, choose a product that protects against ultraviolet radiation (SPF20 and above).
  5. Preferably beauty products with peptides, as well as hyaluronic acid, retinol, collagen.
  6. It is advisable to have a product tester on hand to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction, individual intolerance.
  7. When buying goods, pay attention to the expiration date.
  8. In the formula of the product, plant components should take precedence over synthetic ones.
  9. Discard the prevailing opinion that the best funds should be exorbitantly priced: often an effective anti-aging cream is sold in the middle or budget price segments.

TOP anti-aging face creams for 2022

We offer a rating of beauty products that are relevant after 30 years. It highlights the most effective products of different price categories with an indication of the average price.

Budget (up to 500 rubles)

Black Pearl: Self-Rejuvenation, 50 ml

A Russian-made daily use product is popular among customers over 45 years old (this is the marking indicated on the product packaging). Such popularity is explained by the fact that he fights well with age-related changes that appear on the face, takes into account the needs of the mature dermis. The composition is balanced with herbal ingredients that help to enhance regeneration at the cellular level, strengthen the membrane of epidermal cells. If used daily, elastin and collagen begin to be synthesized, which improves the tone of the face, tightens the contour, increases the elasticity and external attractiveness of the skin.

Cream Black Pearl: Self-Rejuvenation, 50 ml

Cost: 240 rubles.

  • delays aging;
  • softens quickly;
  • pleasant floral fragrance;
  • cheap;
  • long enough;
  • no feeling of stickiness;
  • does not create a film on the face;
  • Suitable for décolleté and neck.
  • will not smooth out deep wrinkles.

Secret Key: Hyaluron Aqva Soft Cream, 70 ml

Korean-made budget hyaluronic cream, recommended after 50 years, rejuvenates the epidermis thanks to collagen, hyaluronic acid, herbal extracts on which the formula is based. This allows you to maintain the required level of moisture, supply all the necessary substances and nutrition, restore elasticity and even complexion. Adenosine and niacinamide effectively control the production of melanin, thanks to which they perfectly cope with age-related pigmentation, coping even with large age spots. Despite the cheapness, the product has proven itself on the good side: it is distinguished by a non-greasy texture, a pleasant smell, instant absorption, no stickiness, and convenient packaging.

Cost: 500 rubles.

Secret Key: Hyaluron Aqva Soft Cream, 70 ml
  • deep hydration;
  • vitamin composition;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • pleasant texture;
  • evens out the relief of mimic folds;
  • fight against pigmentation;
  • inexpensive in price.
  • does not eliminate deep wrinkles.

L'Oreal: Age Expert, 50 ml

Non-greasy, rich in composition, the sculptor cream is made in Germany. This is one of the beauty products of the series after 60 years of famous cosmetic brand. The uniqueness is that it can be used both in the morning and in the evening. Customer reviews testify to the effectiveness of this inexpensive cream, some use it a little earlier than the age indicated on the label.

Cost: 450 rubles.

cream Loreal: Age expert, 50 ml
  • noticeable lifting;
  • significant lightening of age spots;
  • help with flaking and dryness;
  • return of a healthy color;
  • dispenser for convenient economical application;
  • affordable cost.
  • no.

Medium (from 500 to 3000 rubles)

Mizon: Collagen Power Lifting Cream, 75 ml

A bright representative of Korean cosmetics, which has won the appreciation of customers after 35 years, is a lifting cream with collagen. A powerful lifting result is due to the unique composition:

  • peptides - activate the process of restoration of elastin and collagen fibers responsible for the elasticity of the skin;
  • extracts of cereals and cocoa - provide intensive nutrition of the dermis even in the deep layers;
  • adenosine - fights even with pronounced wrinkles;
  • snail collagen - molecularly identical to the cells of the dermis.

The thick cream has a dense texture, but it is absorbed instantly, leaving no oily sheen or sticky film. Especially good for dry skin care, which becomes toned, fresh, radiant after 6 weeks of use.

Cost: 1370 rubles.

Mizon: Collagen Power Lifting Cream, 75 ml
  • value for money;
  • long-term preservation of the result;
  • rich formula;
  • a large percentage of collagen (75%);
  • without oily sheen;
  • intensive nutrition;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • gives shine.
  • not suitable for oily skin.

Five Elements: Forma Cream Contour Anti Age, 50 ml

The new product of the popular Swiss brand in the field of beauty and rejuvenation was developed exclusively for the Rive Gauche store, where it can be purchased at a promotional discount. A product without dyes, parabens, silicone, which causes a trusting attitude towards the manufacturer. The only nuance that may not appeal to all buyers is a pronounced honey aroma. But this is where the cons end, because the product noticeably evens out the relief, restores the dermis of any type after 35 years, and protects against negative influences.Despite the dense texture, it lays down easily and evenly, is instantly absorbed without clogging the pores, without leaving a sticky feeling on the surface of the skin. This makes it easy to use as a make-up base. Feels fresh and hydrated after application.

Cost: 1350 rubles.

Cream Five Elements: Forma Cream Contour Anti Age, 50 ml
  • fast absorption;
  • Base makeup;
  • deep hydration;
  • effective protection against adverse factors;
  • safe formula;
  • gives velvety, elasticity;
  • eliminates wrinkles;
  • affordable.


  • unrepresentable design.

Vitex: Peptide Youth Vaccine, 50 ml

Belarusian cosmetics do not need advertising, everyone has long known its quality, safety and effectiveness, combined with affordable prices. Night cream with peptides after 50 years is no exception. It harmoniously combines all of the above properties, which led to the love and trust of customers. The peptides included in the composition and occupying most of it help to launch the natural resources of cells in the production of collagen and elastin, oligosaccharides provide lifting, and polysaccharides are able to retain moisture in the deep layers of the dermis for a long time. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin after several weeks of use. However, cosmetologists recommend not to abuse this remedy, periodically changing it to a similar peptide content. This recommendation is due to the significant amount of synthetic ingredients that can lead to undesirable effects with long-term constant use of the product.

Cost: 550 rubles.

Cream Vitex: Peptide Vaccine of Youth, 50 ml
  • comfortable feeling after application;
  • long-term moisture retention;
  • long-term rejuvenation result;
  • reduction in the number and depth of wrinkles;
  • pleasant gentle fragrance.
  • many chemical components.

Premium (from 3000 rubles)

Tony Moly: Intense Care Gold Snail, 45 ml

Golden ampoule cream with snail mucin filtrate deservedly belongs to premium beauty products. The Korean-made preparation contains many other unique components of anti-aging cosmetics. The most active of them are hyaluronic acid, shea butter, colloidal gold, niacinamide, adenosine. They make the formula of the product truly magical, because it simultaneously provides full saturation with nutrients and vitamins and a delicate, mild effect. Result: fresh moisturized skin of the face, neck and décolleté, acceleration of cell regeneration processes, elimination of toxins. Colloidal gold ions act as an activator, helping active substances to penetrate deeper into the skin, and also relieve inflammation and irritation.

The maximum result is achieved thanks to the ampoule texture: a moisturizing emulsion and a highly concentrated gel. The rejuvenation effect declared by the manufacturer is achieved with the simultaneous use of the product as part of complex care.

Cost: 4300 rubles.

cream Tony Moly: Intense Care Gold Snail, 45 ml
  • adequate cost;
  • excellent lifting effect;
  • rich formula;
  • unique ampoule texture;
  • visual effect after the first application;
  • long-term hydration;
  • stylish design;
  • spatula included;
  • pleasant citrus smell;
  • lightening age pigmentation;
  • smoothes deep wrinkles.
  • no.

Sensai: Sellular Performance, 50 ml

A professional Japanese-made day cream will be appreciated by those over 50. Its effectiveness is due to several properties at once:

  • rich plant composition;
  • advanced scientific developments;
  • mandatory dermatological tests and clinical trials;
  • guarantee of safety and hypoallergenicity.

The product with the most delicate fresh aroma and melting texture is dressed in an easy-to-use tube with a lid. The unique composition of anti-aging components makes the product one of the most effective in the fight against age.

Cost: 5900 rubles.

cream Sensai: Sellular Performance, 50 ml
  • the strongest anti-aging components;
  • scientific development of the formula;
  • clinical tests;
  • the use of natural antioxidants;
  • weightless texture;
  • delicate aroma;
  • fast absorption;
  • result from the first application;
  • makes the skin dull and velvety;
  • convenient packaging;
  • economical consumption.
  • high price.

Dior: Capture Totale, 50 ml

One of the leaders in rejuvenation, which glorified its famous brand, suitable for any skin type and age, starting from 40 years. Promotes active nutrition and deep hydration, high-quality protection from external destructive factors and withering processes. Significantly slows down the aging process at the cellular level, which becomes noticeable after a few weeks. The drug has a cumulative effect, so for lovers of the instant visual effect of rejuvenation, it is not suitable.However, with prolonged systematic use, the result will be radiant skin from the inside, a circular tightening around the entire perimeter, a healthy appearance and wrinkles erased from the face.

Cost: 7510 rubles.

cream Dior: Capture Totale, 50 ml
  • significant rejuvenation;
  • for any type;
  • reduces the depth of any wrinkles;
  • tightens the contour;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • healthy color;
  • silkiness;
  • light texture.
  • high cost.

For men

Loreal: Men Expert Vitallifting

A distinctive feature of the cream is a constantly increasing effect, a significant reduction in wrinkles, skin tone, elimination of sagging men's skin after 50 years. Dermatological tests confirm this. For lasting results, regular use is recommended. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve in a few weeks the removal of traces of fatigue, restoration of relief, significant lifting, a feeling of softness and freshness.

The product is sold in a convenient bottle with a dosing pump that prevents unnecessary consumption. At first glance, the product is quite dense in consistency, but does not cause discomfort, does not clog pores, does not create stickiness, and is absorbed almost instantly. Many men prefer to use it after shaving to relieve irritation.

Cost: 690 rubles.

Loreal cream: Men Expert Vitallifting
  • suitable after shaving;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • economically spent;
  • comfortable feeling;
  • result in a short time;
  • affordable;
  • intensively moisturizes.
  • does not smooth out deep wrinkles.

Biotherm Homme: Force Supreme, 50 ml

An effective French-made day cream ideal for mature male skin.It does not contain harmful synthetic additives, fragrances, dyes, parabens, which makes it completely safe even for sensitive and irritated skin. Numerous consumer reviews show that the product retains moisture well, significantly improves elasticity and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Cost: 4750 rubles.

cream Biotherm Homme: Force Supreme, 50 ml
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • gives natural color;
  • tightens;
  • moisturizes;
  • does not contain chemical components;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • has an unobtrusive smell and a pleasant texture.
  • expensive.

Oriflame: NovAge Men, 50 ml

Anti-aging cream-gel for men from the famous Swedish manufacturer of natural cosmetics contains active organic extracts for greater effect:

  • ginkgo;
  • baobab;
  • coffee tree stem cells;
  • Japanese coal.

The formula also includes hyaluronic acid, collagen and allantoin.

Clinical tests show that when used regularly in combination with other products of the cream-gel series, it can show brilliant results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • dull color disappears;
  • bumpy relief is leveled.

The drug has a matting effect, gives moisture and freshness. The elongated bottle with a dispenser allows you to comfortably hold it in your hand and use the product correctly.

Cost: 1690 rubles.

cream Oriflame: NovAge Men, 50 ml
  • clinical tests;
  • safe rich formula;
  • scientific development of the company;
  • comprehensive care is possible;
  • mattifies the skin;
  • slows down the processes of wilting;
  • affordable price.
  • no.

Despite the fact that youth passes, and time cannot be turned back, a woman at any age can remain well-groomed, prolong youth and beauty. A well-chosen anti-aging cream will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations on the face. Where to buy, which company is better, an expensive or budget tool is a purely personal decision. The presented rating of high-quality anti-aging drugs will help you avoid mistakes when choosing, tell you what to look for in order to buy a real elixir of youth.

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