
  1. Need for antibiotics
  2. How to choose
  3. Rating of the best antibiotics after tooth extraction for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best antibiotics after tooth extraction for 2022

Rating of the best antibiotics after tooth extraction for 2022

One of the common procedures in dentistry, in addition to fillings, cleaning stones, is tooth extraction or extraction. This happens only when the tooth becomes completely unusable, and its stay in the oral cavity is fraught with possible complications. Only the doctor makes the final decision regarding the future fate of the tooth. Surgical intervention occurs if periodontitis has developed, and the dental unit has become very mobile, with a purulent-inflammatory process, constant intense pain, and the inability to carry out its further medical treatment.

Need for antibiotics

The list of such cases is not exhaustive. After tooth extraction, different situations may arise: the resulting hole may become inflamed, poorly overgrown, infection and complications are possible. In order to avoid the appearance of negative consequences, it is necessary to take antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor.

Do not think that this therapy is mandatory for absolutely all patients. As a rule, if you are a professional in their field and the operation was successful, in addition, you are a completely healthy and strong person, then taking medication is not necessary. The doctor will observe the wound healing process in dynamics for some time and, if inflammation is detected, will prescribe antibiotics. This may not happen immediately, but after a certain period of time. As a rule, the need arises if the dentist detects redness, the presence of pus in the fossa, and swelling of the mucosa.

Who Should Avoid Antibiotics?

It is mandatory to take medicines in the following cases:

  1. After an unscheduled tooth extraction, when the inflammatory process has become acute, and treatment is no longer possible (for example, a large cyst has formed at the root).
  2. Removal of a wisdom tooth with a complex structure (winding and branched roots).If during the surgical intervention it was necessary to crush the jaw, cut the gum or get the root in pieces, and then sutured, then it is necessary to drink antibiotics.
  3. When the patient is elderly. In older people, the immune system is weakened, so the doctor prescribes medications so that an inflammatory process does not occur during prolonged tissue regeneration.
  4. In the presence of diseased teeth located in close proximity to the remote.
  5. Due to inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, gingivitis.
  6. If the patient has hypertension, diabetes, poor blood clotting.
  7. If during the operation there was severe bleeding due to a cut in the gums, the walls of the hole.

According to statistics, only 38% of patients experience complications after surgery, the rest do without antibiotics.

Consequences of not taking this medicine

It is worth noting that the decision to take an antibiotic is made solely by the doctor. And it’s up to the patient to listen to his recommendations or ignore good advice. But before you make the right decision, you should think about the consequences of "disobedience." What can be expressed?

Possible optionsWhat will lead
A protective clot has not formed in the fossaMay occur due to poor blood clotting or a weakened immune system. A “dry” hole leads to a complication of alveolitis, which is accompanied by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into an unprotected hole, followed by the onset of an inflammatory process and suppuration. A person will begin to feel acute pain, swelling will appear, general malaise, the temperature will rise.
Unsuccessful surgery and the presence of untreated teethThe resulting inflammation can affect the jawbone, leading to osteomyelitis. This purulent disease can quickly spread to other organs, resulting in sepsis. If the disease is started, then it is fraught with a fatal outcome. Periostitis may also develop.

Therefore, before abandoning antibiotic therapy, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. If you allow the occurrence of complications, you will have to be treated for a long time, while spending significant money and experiencing constant strong pain.

How to choose

In most cases, the doctor prescribes a certain medication, depending on its functionality. There are several selection criteria:

  • the patient's condition;
  • his age category;
  • financial condition;
  • indications.

There is currently no shortage of medicines. The best manufacturers offer both long-proven complexes and new products. Which company is better, the dentist will tell, based on the rating of quality goods. The best products don't come cheap. As a rule, a list of medicines, both inexpensive and at a significant price, is provided to a person to choose from.

Which product is better to buy depends on the preferences and capabilities of the patient. Many, before making a purchase, make an overview of possible options, determine what drugs in this area are in general, carefully study the characteristics and contraindications, reviews.

What should you pay attention to in order not to make mistakes when choosing? According to buyers, the average price and popularity of the manufacturer is not always important. The main thing is the ability of medicines to achieve the desired result and the presence of individual intolerance.To take precautions, choose the right option for purchasing antibacterial products. Give preference to public or private pharmacies with a proven range.

If, when asked where to buy the necessary complex, you have chosen an online store and want to order it online in order to save money, then you need to remember the disadvantages of this method of purchase. Often, this is how you can purchase a low-quality product (fake), which can cost a person’s health, or even life.

Rating of the best antibiotics after tooth extraction for 2022

Tetracycline group

Unidox Solutab
votes 7

The complex is based on doxycycline. It has a soluble form, so it costs a little more than its counterparts, such as Doxycycline. For adults and children, a single dosage is provided - 100 mg. Released without a prescription. How to take, you can learn from the enclosed instructions.

The product in pharmacies can be purchased at a price of 320 rubles.

Unidox Solutab
  • high efficiency;
  • safety in compliance with the dosage;
  • can be purchased for a child;
  • low cost;
  • side effects are minimal.
  • significant have not been established.

votes 2

Russian made product. It is prescribed by a doctor after a dental operation, if subsequently you have to deal with gumboil on the gums. It belongs to the group of tetracyclines. Reviews about him are good. Given the safety rating, the tool is not the last in it. Description, dosage and method of use are described in the attached instructions. For children and adults, the dosage is the same - 100 mg.

How much does the medicine cost? In the pharmacy chain, it can be purchased for 35 - 55 rubles.

  • fakes are not found;
  • leads to a complete cure;
  • side effects are minor.
  • in case of an overdose, hearing impairment is possible;
  • in the process of its use, it is worth minimizing the patient's stay in direct sunlight or at high temperatures outside. Skin redness and itching may occur.

The question may arise, is it necessary to drink such a medicine? But the answer is obvious. To get rid of the infection, the complex must be taken, but with caution. If side effects are detected, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution.

votes 1

The product is available in capsules of 8 pieces in one package. One capsule contains 300 mg of metacycline hydrochloride. Refers to the type of semi-synthetic tetracycline antibiotics. Has antibacterial action. According to dentists, one of the most effective complexes for the appearance of inflammatory processes due to tooth extraction. It is taken after or during meals, twice a day. It is strictly forbidden to drink medicine for hepatic - renal failure, pregnancy, hypersensitivity, leukopenia, during lactation and for children under the age of eight. The cost of the product depends on the pharmacy point and its availability in the warehouse.



  • the course of treatment is short;
  • a positive effect is quickly achieved;
  • side effect is gentle;
  • democratic value.


  • significant ones are missing.

Penicillin group

votes 1

Refers to the type of combined antibiotics. A prescription option that dentists prescribe when a flux appears on the gums, swelling of the cheeks and oral tissue occurs.The drug quickly and effectively kills the source of inflammation, acting directly on the pathogen. Belongs to the penicillin group with a beta-lactamase inhibitor. Its effectiveness is associated with the presence in the composition of amoxicillin, which has excellent antibacterial properties of a wide spectrum of action and clavulanic acid, which enhances the action of the antibiotic due to inhibition of the synthesis of the bacterial wall.

Products are produced in several dosing options:

  • 250 mg + 62.5;
  • 500 mg + 125;
  • 875 mg + 125.

The drug is soluble. Its analogues include Augmentin and Flemoklav Solutab. This complex should be taken only during meals, so as not to disturb the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Among dentists, the medicine is very popular due to the possibility of acquiring different dosages. Medicines are available in both tablet and powder form, so they can be taken orally or injected with them. It is prescribed for aggravated complications after surgical intervention.

The average price of a product depends on the form of release and dosage and varies from 220 rubles to 430 rubles.

  • a wide range of activities;
  • you can inject or take pills;
  • good absorption;
  • recommended for both adults and children;
  • budget option for medicines;
  • used not only in dentistry;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • it is not advisable to use for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases;
  • overdose may cause negative consequences.

Flemoxin Solutab
votes 9

It is based on the substance amoxicillin, which is part of the penicillin group. It is prescribed when a flux appears on the gum.Dissolves quickly in the mouth. There are several options for its use:

  • dissolve and drink some water at room temperature;
  • dissolve in liquid, taking a small amount.

Great for people who have difficulty swallowing. Adult dosage in the manufacture of the product: 1000 mg, 500 mg, 250 mg. The main active ingredient is amoxicillin trihydrate, which belongs to semi-synthetic penicillins. It is valuable because it quickly and efficiently copes with gram-positive bacteria.

Release form - oval tablets. In order to prevent counterfeiting of goods, the manufacturer puts a company logo on them. Dentists prescribe a remedy exclusively for the adult population. The child consumer is completely excluded. Analogues include Ospamox, Amosin, Amoxicillin.

Like any other medical drug, Flemoxin Solutab has certain contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to drink medicine for people suffering from:

  • lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys in severe form;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding.

Products can be purchased at any pharmacy at a price of 220 to 400 rubles, depending on the dosage and related markups of the distributors.

Flemoxin Solutab
  • convenient soluble formula;
  • does not allow the temperature to rise significantly;
  • individuality of setting the course of treatment;
  • highly efficient complex;
  • no fakes.
  • the presence of side effects.

votes 0

Belongs to the penicillin group, is prescribed by a doctor when a flux occurs on the gums. Belongs to broad-spectrum antibiotics. The active ingredient is amoxicillin of the same name.The manufacturer produces the drug in three variations: capsules, granular powder for suspensions, tablets. Designed exclusively for adults. Dosage 500 mg and 250 mg.

Its main feature is that it goes well with metronidazole, which helps to significantly enhance the effect on the pathogen. Recommended for people over 18 years of age. In no case should you use the complex in a state of intoxication, people suffering from alcoholism, with serious problems with the liver.

The product is sold at a price of 35 to 90 rubles, depending on the form of release and dosage.

  • able to effectively and in a short period of time destroy bacteria of various origins;
  • does not allow complications to appear;
  • considered universal, as it is suitable for adults and adolescents;
  • after ingestion is not destroyed in the stomach;
  • time of maximum concentration - 1 - 2 hours after ingestion;
  • potent substance;
  • excellent pricing policy;
  • can be prescribed to pregnant women.
  • it is advisable to take drugs in parallel, thanks to which you can maintain or restore the intestinal flora.

Lincosamide group

votes 2

The product is produced by the Serbian Pharmaceutical Company. Marked with a quality mark. Available in capsules. Used for intravenous and intramuscular injections. Basically, it is prescribed by doctors in cases where the patient has intolerance to substances of the penicillin group. After a surgical intervention to remove teeth, they are prescribed for children over the age of 8 years, as well as for the adult population.

The main component is clindamycin hydrochloride, which can suppress the harmful effects on the human body of gram-positive infections of various types. With regard to non-spore-forming anaerobes, bacteroids and many other microorganisms, the effect of the drug is 10 times stronger than, say, lincomycin.

Dentists do not prescribe a substance in the presence of:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute ulcerative colitis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • older people who are over 80 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers.

In the network of pharmacies, the medicine is purchased for 170 rubles per package (16 ampoules).

  • can be both injected and taken orally;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • in one hour the maximum concentration of the drug is reached;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • not too many side effects.
  • significant cost, but the drug costs such money;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the annotation, as there are restrictions on the use with other medicines.

votes 1

Russian and Belarusian pharmaceutical companies have launched the production of the drug. The release is carried out in one dosage - 250 mg. It belongs to the group of lincosamides. The most effective remedy for gram-positive bacteria (staphylococcus and streptococcus), which are the source of flux on the gums. Analogues include drugs such as Doxycycline, Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin.

The cost of goods depends on the manufacturer. Despite the similar high quality, it is sold at a price of 55 to 80 rubles per pack.

  • excellent efficiency;
  • efficiently and quickly cope with pathogens;
  • universal remedy;
  • convenient dosage;
  • minor course of treatment;
  • affordable price;
  • sold in all pharmacies;
  • can be ordered online from the online store.
  • there may be side effects, so you need to carefully study the annotation and take the drug only as directed by your doctor.

Cephalosporin group

votes 1

The medicine is produced in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. Winner of the nomination "Best Packaging" in 2022. It is present in the ranking of the best drugs - antibiotics, a little short of reaching the maximum score. Considered a novelty, it is considered a third generation product. The action of the drug is such that it is able to cope in full with gram-negative, gram-positive, anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms.

Dentists, as a rule, prescribe this drug after a surgical intervention, as it quickly and effectively copes with purulent-inflammatory processes. Release form - powder for infusion solution.

The medication is sold at a price of 27 rubles.

  • highly efficient;
  • resistant to beta-lactamase;
  • universal (prescribed for both children and adults);
  • convenient dosage;
  • high quality;
  • no fakes;
  • acceptable cost.
  • individual intolerance is possible;
  • it is not advisable to take it simultaneously with other antimicrobial drugs, regardless of the form of their release and frequency of administration.

votes 0

High-quality and highly effective preparation of the German production. Received many awards and prizes.The second generation medication is prescribed not when the extraction of the tooth was forced due to the occurrence of flux on the gums or purulent inflammation, but when the operation is planned, without negative consequences. Due to timely application, postoperative wounds heal quickly. It is also able to destroy gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and not only them.

The drug is used in conjunction with other medicines. For example, to enhance the effect, you need to take aminoglycosides in parallel. To weaken the action, it is worth using the drug in conjunction with bacteriostatics. The medicine is so unique that it can only be prescribed by a professional dentist with extensive experience. Much will depend on the clinical picture.

The form of release of the product is varied. It can be purchased at:

  • tablets;
  • powders;
  • capsules;
  • suspensions;
  • dragee.

The dosage also varies. The principle of its action is the complete destruction of the walls of pathogenic cells. It is prescribed for both adults and children. You can take it even with food, which does not interfere with the rapid absorption of the drug. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the patient's condition and wound healing.

The product is offered by the manufacturer at a price of 300 rubles.

  • high quality of the drug is guaranteed;
  • release form;
  • you can choose an acceptable dosage;
  • no long-term treatment is provided;
  • helps both in adulthood and in childhood;
  • acts on bacteria of a certain type in order to destroy and prevent their subsequent reproduction.
  • not all pharmacies can buy goods;
  • overpriced, but the drug is worth it.

votes 0

The first generation drug is produced in Serbia.It is well tolerated by different categories of patients. The main task is to completely destroy bacterial cells, preventing the possibility of their reproduction. The medicine has been used for a long time and has proven itself on the positive side. It is prescribed for those who have undergone a surgical operation to remove a tooth and there are no purulent foci. The drug also successfully destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and other pathogens. There are two forms of release: powder and capsules. Can be taken orally orally or diluted.

The average price of the drug is from 85 rubles.

  • quickly absorbed;
  • easy to use;
  • ease of use;
  • portability;
  • preservation of the therapeutic effect for 5-6 hours;
  • complete elimination from the body through the kidneys;
  • the minimum number of side effects;
  • a wide range of applications (in addition to dentistry);
  • long shelf life of the drug;
  • is inexpensive;
  • sold in every pharmacy.
  • overdose can lead to unwanted results.

Fluoroquinolone group

votes 0

It is difficult to refer to a universal medicine, despite its effectiveness. Basically, it affects gram-negative bacteria and a certain type of gram-positive microorganisms, while being resistant to beta-lactamase. Doctors, knowing its virtues and positive characteristics, prescribe it in order to block DNA synthesis in bacterial cells.

Production is carried out by pharmaceutical companies in Israel, the Republic of Belarus and Russia. Children cannot take it, therefore it is prescribed for people who have reached the age of eighteen. Otherwise, you may experience side effects.As for contraindications, their list is so impressive that the drug should be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The active substance reaches its maximum concentration two hours after its administration. Excreted in full through the kidneys. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, aminoglycosides, beta-lactam drugs, metronidazole are taken in parallel.

Manufacturers offer products at a price of 200 rubles per package.

  • efficiency;
  • high quality product;
  • absorption rate;
  • completely removed from the body.
  • must be taken very carefully;
  • too many contraindications;
  • significant cost.

Tsipronol, Tsifran, Tsiprolet
votes 1

The group of Indian drugs is widely represented in the domestic market. The basis of their manufacture is ciprofloxacin. The medicine is used when a flux appears. In pharmacies, a dosage of 500 mg is mainly sold, it is rare to find tablets of 250 mg. But the dose can be adjusted by splitting a large tablet in half. For these purposes, the manufacturer provides a special notch or risk. The frequency of administration is twice a day.

The average cost of production is from 80 to 110 rubles.

  • high quality product;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • small cost.
  • significant ones are missing.


As a rule, tooth extraction occurs as planned, in special institutions, in good conditions, by professional doctors and without negative consequences. But there is a possibility of getting a postoperative inflammatory process. To avoid it, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.This will make it possible to suppress residual pathogenic bacteria, avoid purulent discharge, fever, and so on.

There is no single rule for prescribing medicines. The dentist selects medications depending on the age of the patient, his condition, the presence or absence of chronic diseases. Self-medication must be discarded immediately. Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid side effects.

There are certain contraindications that you need to be aware of. The dentist must first find out from a person if there are any individual contraindications. If there are problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, sparing medications are prescribed. Sometimes it becomes necessary to administer an antibacterial drug before the operation, so that there is no need to take it later.

If the patient is constantly taking other medications, then this information must be conveyed to the doctor without fail so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body. In the absence of contraindications, antibiotics must be taken without fail if they are prescribed by a doctor.


