Cough is considered one of the most unpleasant symptoms of many infectious diseases. It is difficult to deal with it, since each of its varieties requires a different medicine. The most important thing in treatment is to eliminate the cause of the disease, if it is an infection of bacterial origin, a powerful remedy will come to the rescue - an antibiotic. Consider the rating of the best antibiotics for children and adults for coughing for 2022 with a description of the pros and cons, contraindications and effectiveness.
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The best cough medicines are mucolytics. After all, not always a person can independently determine what kind of cough is: dry or wet. And sometimes it can begin to oppress that kind of it, which contributes to the removal of sputum and recovery.
To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly what infections are accompanied by a cough. There are two types:
Antibiotics should be used only in the second case. The main symptom is the appearance of yellow-green sputum. The most common bacterial diseases of the respiratory system:
The antibiotic will not eliminate the symptomatic cough, but the cause of its occurrence, killing pathogenic microbes. At a temperature, antimicrobials will help perfectly.
IMPORTANT! Antibiotics will not help with a cough with a viral infection!
In the treatment of a prolonged cough, mucolytics (ambroxol, bromhexine) are needed to better thin and remove sputum. With a dry cough, after an illness, antitussive drugs are prescribed: sinekod, stoptussin. In the most severe cases, with a strong cough, the doctor may resort to narcotic drugs: codeine, morphine. For the rapid action of the drug, it is important to know which antibiotics are needed when coughing with sputum.
Natural penicillins are not currently used in medicine.They were replaced by synthetic, effective and easy-to-use preparations of a new generation, with the best composition and different forms of release. The most famous, according to buyers, are amoxicillin, ampicillin. They destroy bacteria from the inside, act on most microorganisms. In order for them not to produce the enzyme beta-lactamose, which is resistant to antibiotics, clavulanic acid is added to the preparations.
Broad spectrum drugs. Features of the choice are due to the form of release. They are more often used in stationary conditions, since they are prescribed parenterally: intravenously, intramuscularly. There are four generations, the younger the drug, the less bacteria resistant to it. With the resistance of microorganisms, drugs with the addition of clavulanic acid are used. Along with expensive medicines, inexpensive analogues, which are distinguished by the best price-quality ratio, also work well.
Unlike other groups, they do not kill bacteria directly, but those that inhibit protein synthesis, which leads to a halt in the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. They are used for resistance or intolerance to other drugs. They have a low number of side effects, low toxicity. Erythromycin is one of the natural macrolides, while azithromycin is considered the most popular synthetic macrolide.
The so-called reserve drugs, prescribed only in exceptional cases, when all other antibiotics are powerless. The reason is high toxicity and a large number of serious side effects that are negative for the body. According to the chemical structure, they are divided into three types:
To avoid mistakes when choosing an antimicrobial agent, it is advisable to take into account several important parameters:
Important tips for choosing a drug:
Consider a list of the most effective cough antibiotics from the best manufacturers, top-selling in 2022, according to customer reviews.
A popular antimicrobial agent that has a detrimental effect on microbes: it disrupts protein synthesis, as a result of which the protective shell of the pathogen is destroyed, and it dissolves without the possibility of regeneration. This is an inexpensive, low-toxic for humans, effective drug with a wide spectrum of action. However, there is one minus - it does not act on bacteria that produce beta-lactomase, resistant to penicillins.Therefore, it is often prescribed together with a strong antibiotic of another group. It has a high degree of absorption by the tissues of the lungs and bronchi, so it is excellent for treating cough with uncomplicated bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days, taking 2 tablets twice a day, depending on the severity of the disease. Common side effects include allergies and indigestion.
Average price: 65 rubles.
The drug affects a large number of gram-positive aerobic bacteria, destroying the cell membrane, thereby causing cell death. Popular release forms:
The drug penetrates well into fluids and tissues, excreted mainly in the urine. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease, the sensitivity of the pathogen, the localization of the infectious inflammatory process. Take four times a day at regular intervals. The drug has few contraindications, among which the main ones are: liver dysfunction and individual intolerance to penicillins. For children, the remedy is prescribed from birth, depending on the weight of the child. The drug regularly receives high customer ratings.
Average price: 26 rubles.
A powerful broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, including penicillin-resistant bacteria, since the composition, in addition to the main component - ampicillin, contains clavulanic acid, which is resistant to beta-lactamase. Available in the form of coated tablets, powder for injection, powder for suspensions. An excellent solution for seriously ill patients who are unable to swallow pills whole - dispersible tablets that quickly turn into a liquid slurry in water. It is quickly absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, and is also quickly excreted from the body by the kidneys. Effectively cures bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, practically does not cause side effects. It is taken before meals three times a day.
Average price: 420 rubles.
A common effective medication prescribed for children and adults suffering from bacterial respiratory diseases. The active substance - amoxicillin has a detrimental effect on the cell walls of bacteria, irrevocably destroying them, leading to death. The drug is powerful, kills all microorganisms, including useful ones. Therefore, it is advisable to use it together with a probiotic to prevent disturbance of the intestinal microflora. Adults are prescribed in the form of tablets three times a day or injections; for babies older than two months, a powder is recommended for preparing a suspension with a pleasant taste. The drug copes well with acute chronic bronchitis, when other drugs are powerless.
Average price: 250 rubles.
III generation cephalosporin, effectively fighting most pathological microbes. Detrimental to infectious agents, it is almost non-toxic to humans, which is the reason for its particular popularity in the treatment of coughs in children and adults. The only serious disadvantage of the drug is that its injection is quite painful. Otherwise, buyers note its advantages. Release form - powder for injection, which can be subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous. One injection is given per day. The total duration of treatment is 5 days, which is enough for a complete recovery.
Average price: 30 rubles.
Inexpensive cephalosporin I generation for parenteral use. It is used to treat cough in bronchitis and pneumonia, but does not work on all strains of bacteria. Therefore, before the appointment, it is advisable to undergo an examination in order to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug and the absence of allergies in the patient. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, possibly in the form of a dropper, two to four times a day, depending on the degree of damage. There are at least contraindications and side effects, although the instructions for use indicate a whole list of possible manifestations from different systems and organs, but in practice this almost never happens, as evidenced by numerous reviews.Children medicine is allowed from 1 month.
Average price: 38 rubles.
Macrolide to suppress pathogenic microflora already in the first hours after application, to prevent complications from the respiratory system in bacterial bronchitis. With the development of paroxysmal morning cough, we can talk about the transition of the disease into a chronic form, when other antibiotics simply cannot cope. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect on a number of pathogens. Safe to use, even in children does not cause side effects, based on practical observations. They simply do not have time to appear in a short period of treatment - only three days. It is convenient that you need to take the medicine only once a day. Available in the form of capsules and oval tablets.
Average price: 157 rubles.
An effective macrolide, to which a large number of pathogenic microbes are sensitive. Despite its excellent performance against lung infections, there are a number of side effects that negatively affect overall well-being and health. It can cause serious violations of the liver and biliary tract, malfunctions of the kidneys. However, the therapeutic properties of the drug are high, it is able to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in a matter of days.Recommended for children from 4 months and adults in the doses prescribed by the doctor. Take 4-6 times a day for 7-10 days.
Average price: 190 rubles.
The "heavy artillery" of antibiotics is rarely used in cases of complicated bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. Copes with pathogenic microbes in a matter of days, but the course of treatment is ten days. Take one tablet once a day. Tablets are oval biconvex in shape, which is comfortable when swallowing even in large dosages.
Average price: 660 rubles.
Fluoroquinolone, which is part of the composition, acts on any group of pathogenic bacteria, paralyzing vital activity and destroying the structure from the inside. Produced in the form of tablets, solution for injection. Rapidly absorbed from the intestine. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted through the kidneys. Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with epilepsy and drug intolerance, as well as people with impaired liver function. Side effects are serious, affecting many organs, so the drug is prescribed in exceptional cases when other antimicrobial agents do not work.
Average price: 58 rubles.
The proposed review will tell you which cough antibiotic is better to buy, if there are indications for use, which company is better, how much they cost, what to look for when choosing. Only a doctor knows how to choose antibiotics depending on the disease, how to take it correctly and whether it is necessary to take antibiotics when coughing.