
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Overview of analogues of the drug Teraflu
  3. Outcome

Rating of the best analogues of Theraflu for 2022

Rating of the best analogues of Theraflu for 2022

With the onset of autumn, every second person is faced with such a problem as colds. A cold in the absence of timely treatment can flow into more complex types of diseases and pose a threat to the functioning of internal organs. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant cold symptoms, it is necessary to use special fast-acting preparations. Theraflu should be attributed to the most popular in the manifestation of fever and an increase in body temperature against the background of a cold, however, the drug may not be suitable for everyone, so the selection of an analogue will become relevant. The rating of the best analogues of Theraflu for 2022 makes it easier to choose and helps you choose the right drug.

Criterias of choice

In order for the medicinal substance to approach, it is necessary to approach the choice with all responsibility. When choosing a suitable analogue of Theraflu, the following points should be considered:

  • Release form. The most popular drugs are in powder form. After dilution with water, the drink quickly begins to act and relieves discomfort in the throat area, improves the general condition. However, it is always convenient to take medicines in tablet form with you and use them on the road.
  • Age restrictions. This criterion is very important if the medicine is purchased for children. Pay attention to the information on the packaging.
  • The presence of flavors and dyes. Almost all powders against colds have additional flavors. Therefore, if there are contraindications, it is necessary to avoid taking such drugs.
  • Speed ​​of impact on the problem. With acute signs of influenza and SARS, it is very important to choose medicinal substances that begin to act 15-20 minutes after use.
  • Compound. When choosing a cold medicine, it must be borne in mind that many of the powders contain a substance such as paracetamol. Therefore, with intolerance, such medicinal substances are not suitable for the treatment of colds.

When choosing a suitable remedy for a cold, you must first consult with your doctor. This reduces the risk of side effects and overdose.

Overview of analogues of the drug Teraflu

The choice of drugs to eliminate the symptoms of SARS can cause a problem.Among the large assortment of drugs, the most popular ones can be distinguished, which are similar in their characteristics to Teraflu.

Russian drugs

Orvis Flu

The medicinal substance is effectively used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and respiratory diseases. The product contains paracetamol, therefore, it has not only an antipyretic effect, but also anesthetizes.

At the first sign of a cold, it is necessary to use the medicinal substance 2 times a day. With severe symptoms of the disease - 4 times a day. The combined remedy has a pleasant taste and rarely causes side effects. It should also be noted that the medicine does not contain sugar, so it is ideal for diabetics.

Orvis Flu
  • does not contain sugar, so it is suitable for diabetics;
  • quick result;
  • pleasant taste.
  • there are contraindications.

The cost is 280 rubles.


The Russian analogue of Theraflu is fast-acting and is suitable for eliminating the symptoms of colds and flu. After using the effervescent powder, the desired result is maintained for a long period. It has the property not only to reduce the temperature, but also to eliminate the symptoms of nasal congestion and sore throat.

Drink has a pleasant taste without bitterness. However, the duration of application - no more than 5 days. Otherwise, side effects may appear. Also, AntiFlu is not recommended to be mixed with other medicinal substances containing paracetamol.

  • pleasant taste;
  • complex effect on the disease;
  • long lasting result.
  • there are contraindications.

The cost is 300 rubles.


The drug from a Russian manufacturer, unlike Theraflu, has a more affordable cost.The composition includes such active ingredients as: Paracetamol, Phenylephrine, Pheniramine, Ascorbic acid. The package contains 8 bags of powder. Using a medicinal substance, you can reduce the temperature and sore throat. Also often the drug is used for headaches and muscle discomfort.

After use, a decrease in unpleasant symptoms can be seen after 10-15 minutes. Therefore, GrippoFlu is very popular during acute respiratory diseases.

  • quick effect;
  • not addictive;
  • many different flavors;
  • rarely causes side effects.
  • not suitable for frequent use.

The cost is 300 rubles.


The medicinal substance is available in a convenient powder form, therefore, not only reduces unpleasant cold symptoms, but also eliminates swelling and sore throat. Use of the powder is necessary for patients over 12 years of age. After use, the action of Maxicold lasts for 4-5 hours.

The medicinal substance is not addictive even with prolonged use. The manufacturer offers a wide range of flavor options, so each user will be able to choose the most suitable one.

  • affordable price;
  • many pleasant tastes;
  • has a complex effect on the body;
  • fast result.
  • there are contraindications for use.

The cost is 250 rubles per package.


Among analogues of domestic production of Theraflu, it is necessary to highlight Prostudox. The drug in the form of a powder has a quick effect on the body and reduces the temperature. Also, the substance effectively relieves symptoms such as nasal congestion and chills.

It should be noted that the effect of the medicinal substance begins 20 minutes after consumption, and lasts for 4-5 hours.

  • pleasant taste;
  • quick effect;
  • affordable price.
  • It is necessary to use only from 14 years.

The cost is 250 rubles.

Temponorm Flu

The combined remedy is ideal at the first signs of the disease. Effectively reduces temperature and has a vasoconstrictive effect, therefore it is effective for nasal congestion.

Due to its analgesic properties, it reduces headache and muscle discomfort. Suitable for ages over 12 years old. Available in powder form, the action of one sachet is enough for a period of up to 8 hours.

Temponorm Flu
  • quick result;
  • pleasant taste;
  • long action.
  • high price.

The price of one sachet is 180 rubles.

Foreign drugs

Coldrex HotRem

A drug that allows you to get a quick result. Often used when it is necessary to reduce the temperature in a short time. The tool effectively relieves pain symptoms from the throat and eliminates nasal congestion.

The product contains a large amount of paracetamol, so it can be used for severe manifestations of a cold. The product is available in the form of a powder with various flavors.

Coldrex HotRem
  • quickly eliminates the symptoms of a cold;
  • many different tastes;
  • has an analgesic effect.
  • not suitable for long term treatment.

The cost is 310 rubles.


A medicinal substance from an Indian manufacturer is ideal for quickly eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of a cold.Due to the potent active elements that are part of Rinzasip, it can be used both at the first signs and in acute infections.

The manufacturer produces the product in the form of a convenient powder, which is convenient to take even if the user is not at home. However, the dosage must be observed, since a large amount of paracetamol can cause poisoning. Therefore, the instructions have recommendations to use no more than 4 sachets per day.

  • quick result;
  • combined effect on symptoms;
  • Suitable for all symptoms of the common cold.
  • the lemon taste is unpleasantly bitter.

The cost is 70 rubles per sachet.


The tool from the Indian manufacturer is very popular due to its fast action. After use, relief occurs within 10-15 minutes. Effective not only to reduce fever, but also against the common cold and weakness in the muscles. It contains a lot of vitamin C which supports the immune system and speeds up recovery.

Stopgripan does not cause addiction and allergic reactions. Available in powder form with a pleasant lemon flavor. It can be used to prevent SARS when the first signs of discomfort appear.

  • pleasant taste;
  • no addiction;
  • fast result.
  • many contraindications.

The cost is 60 rubles per sachet.

Reenie Cold Hotmix

Among the analogues of Theraflu, Reenie Cold Hotmix should be singled out. The powder has a quick effect and is suitable for long-term treatment. It is used to reduce body temperature and effectively acts both at the first signs of the disease and complications.

Despite the fact that the substance has a high concentration of paracetamol, it is quickly excreted from the body.Therefore, it rarely causes side effects.

Reenie Cold Hotmix
  • a positive result is noticeable after a short time;
  • many pleasant tastes;
  • acceptable cost.
  • suitable for people over the age of 15.

The price is 280 rubles.


The analogue can be produced both in powder and tablets. In a short time, it eliminates unpleasant symptoms and has a wide range of effects on the human body.

The drug relieves discomfort, including nasal congestion. It does not cause side effects and is suitable for users over 12 years of age.

  • combined impact on the problem;
  • pleasant taste;
  • suitable from 12 years old.
  • the duration of treatment is not more than 5 days.

The cost is 800 rubles per package.

Vicks AntiGrip Complex

A complex remedy is ideal for the treatment of colds and SARS. Used for fever, runny nose and high fever.

Due to the large amount of paracetamol, there is an analgesic effect. The composition of the drug includes Guaifenesin, which removes phlegm from the lungs and makes breathing easier. The drug is used from the age of 12, the maximum dosage is not more than 4 packets per day. The drug is not recommended for use while driving, as dizziness may occur.

Vicks AntiGrip Complex
  • quick result;
  • complex impact on the problem;
  • pleasant taste.
  • may cause side effects.

The price of the package is 800 rubles.

Children's analogues Theraflu

Antigrippin for children

With the formation of the first signs of a cold, one of the most popular drugs is Antigrippin.The medicinal substance is available in a convenient form of effervescent tablets. Before taking the product, it is enough to dilute it in water. Effectively relieves headaches, lowers the temperature. It is also recommended to use the drug to reduce unpleasant cold symptoms, such as a runny nose and muscle pain.

You can use the drug for children over the age of 3 years. Antigrippin has a pleasant fruity taste, so there will be no problems with use.

Antigrippin for children
  • convenient use;
  • quickly relieves headaches and lowers the temperature;
  • suitable for the treatment of throat;
  • is not addictive.
  • only suitable for the first symptoms of a cold. In advanced cases, it is necessary to use strong drugs.

The cost is 390 rubles.

Antiflu Kids

An effective drug for children quickly relieves fever and relieves unpleasant cold symptoms. You can use the drug both at the first symptoms of a cold, and in an acute situation. The drug is available in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in warm water.

Antiflu is suitable for children over 2 years of age, does not cause addiction and drowsiness. Contains paracetamol and ascorbic acid. Almost all children like the pleasant aroma of raspberries.

Antiflu Kids
  • acts quickly;
  • suitable for the treatment of complex symptoms;
  • one sachet is enough for 4-6 hours to reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • not found.

The cost of one sachet is 70 rubles.

Coldrex Junior

The drug is intended for children from 6 years old, so it is often chosen by parents of schoolchildren.Thanks to a specially developed formula, it not only eliminates the first signs of a cold, but also reduces fever and sore throat. The powder contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria.

Coldrex Junior
  • convenient use;
  • not addictive;
  • effectively relieves nasal congestion and lowers the temperature.
  • take no more than 3 days.

The cost is 350 rubles.

FreeCold Kids

The medicinal substance is effective for sore throat and high fever. Can be used for children from 2 years old. The pleasant raspberry flavor makes the solution easy to use, even for small children. Suitable for long term treatment.

FreeCold Kids
  • not addictive;
  • comprehensively affects the problem;
  • pleasant taste.
  • may cause allergic reactions.

The price is 250 rubles.

Fervex for children

The medicinal substance is used for the systematic treatment of colds. It has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. When used in the recommended dosages, it does not cause addiction and drowsiness.

Available in powder form with a pleasant banana or raspberry flavor. Recommended for ages 6 to 15.

Fervex for children
  • pleasant taste without bitterness;
  • convenient dosage;
  • effectively reduces heat.
  • there are contraindications.

The price is 350 rubles.


Theraflu is a popular remedy that is often used both at the first signs of a cold and for complications. However, not everyone is suitable for Theraflu, so many users choose analogues. They have a similar effect to Theraflu and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of SARS and colds.Among the large range of medicines, the rating of the best analogues of Theraflu for 2022 will help not to get lost. All drugs have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and rarely cause side effects.

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