
  1. What are the substitutes
  2. How to choose
  3. The best analogues of Omeprazole
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best analogues of Omeprazole for 2022

Rating of the best analogues of Omeprazole for 2022

Omeprazole belongs to the drugs that reduce the secretion of the gastric glands and proton pump (pump) inhibitors (PPIs). Its main task is to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and neutralize heartburn, stabilize the condition of the patient with ulcers and gastritis.

Active action is to block the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach with the manifestation of the effect within a few hours after ingestion and up to 24 hours.

Omeprazole is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • stress stomach ulcer;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • gastropathy against the background of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer with prevention courses;
  • eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer.

Drug addiction or individual intolerance can be a reason to look for a replacement for a popular drug. In such cases, analogues come to the rescue.
They help out and, if necessary, higher efficiency.

What are the substitutes

In the case of the best analogues of Omeprazole, drugs can be called:

  • Nolpaza;
  • Pantoprazole - III generation;
  • Lansoprazole - II generation;
  • Rabeprazole - IV;
  • Dexlansoprazole, Esomeprazole - the latest V, VI generation of PPI stereoisomers;
  • Kvamatel;
  • Razo;
  • Nexium;
  • Emanera;
  • Famotidine.

Drug analogues of the second generation include Lansoprazole medicines:

  1. Lancid;
  2. Lanzabel;
  3. Epicurus.

Each new generation of PPIs is more bioavailable.

III generation PPI is the Pantoprazole group:

  1. Crosacid;
  2. Sanpraz;
  3. Panum;
  4. Controloc;
  5. Nolpaza.

New generation medicines do not have an extensive list of side effects and are distinguished by their speed, strength of action, duration of exposure, and purity of the components.
IV generation includes the Rabeprazole group:

  1. Rabiet;
  2. Pariet;
  3. Hairabezol;
  4. Rabelok;
  5. Zulbeks;
  6. Razo.

In 2001, Japanese and US researchers received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the separation of S-R stereoisomers. The technology formed the basis for the development of Esomeprazole with a pronounced antisecretory activity and high bioavailability.

Esomeprazole is an isomer of the already known Omeprazole, has a composition similar to the main substance, but its atomic composition is different. This is the main reason for the new properties and characteristics.

The isomer is more often prescribed for reflux esophagitis and stomach ulcers. Slow excretion from the body provides a longer action with a pronounced antisecretory manifestation. Stable suppression of secretion appears already on the 5th day of treatment.

How to choose

An appeal to a substitute is an insufficient effect or drug intolerance. As a rule, generics have an approximate formula to the branded drug. The correct metabolism of substances is not available to a separate group of patients, so self-medication is dangerous.

Release form

Tablets or capsules? It is important to follow the dosage and regimen. Injections or solutions are used exclusively in accordance with the intended use.


The price range for analogues is large - from several hundred rubles to 4-5000 rubles.
Not always a more expensive tool is a guarantee of a better result. Individual tolerance and the achieved therapeutic effect depends on many factors, most of which are not predictable.


A complete list is always given in the instructions for use. You should be serious about possible side effects, soberly assess the risk and remember about your own safety.

Top Producers

Among the popular pharmacological manufacturers of omeprazole analogues are:

  • Sweden with Nexium, Losek MAPs;
  • India with drugs Razo, Sanpraz, Rabelok Khairabezol;
  • Slovenia with medicines Emanera, Ultop, Zulbeks;
  • Russia from Nolpaza.


Proton pump inhibitors are popular means of treatment necessary in the treatment of peptic ulcers, digestive dysfunctions based on increased formation of hydrochloric acid. The group is represented by several names with a single mechanism of action and the same type of indications. A "close" analogue of Omeprazole is Pantoprazole, which was registered in 1994 in Germany.


Inhibitors in the treatment of erosive esophagitis are used in a course of 4 to 8 weeks. In the absence of improvement at standard dosages, a double dose is used twice a day.
Frequent heartburn allows the use of over-the-counter remedies such as reduced dose Lansoprazole CC.

Maximum concentration

The parameter is characterized by the time it reaches in the blood plasma. For omeprazole, the range is 0.5 to 3.5 hours. For Pantoprazole, the time limits are from 2 to 3 hours.


The heading dose of Pantoprazole provides 77% of bioavailability, while for Omeprazole a single use gives 35%, and in a course dose - 60%. With a visible difference in biological characteristics, the acid-blocking effect of 20 mg of Omeprazole can only be compared with a dose of 40 mg of Pantoprazole.

Interdrug exemption

Most medications require joint exclusion from use. The course of taking one remedy excludes another drug. A good advantage of the drug is the possibility of taking it without excluding other medicines.

Abrupt withdrawal

Long-term use complicates the moment of drug withdrawal.
There is a relapse in the form of a return of symptoms of increased secretion of HCI, namely:

  • dyspepsia;
  • sour belching;
  • heartburn.

Symptoms provoke a clinical need to return to inhibitors of hydrochloric acid secretion. Cancellation is practiced through a gradual decrease in dosage, followed by a complete refusal.

Where is the best place to buy

Many substitutes, like the original drug, are sold by prescription. When ordering online at the pharmacy, a warning is received that a written appointment must be presented upon redemption or delivery. Non-prescription drugs can also be ordered through online stores.

Errors when choosing

The advice of friends or loved ones is not an indication for use. Only a doctor, a doctor can make an appointment. Dosage compliance is essential.

The phenomenon of addiction to the drug after prolonged use is common. This is an example of forced recourse to analogues.

Any drug has a certificate of conformity, its clinical, preclinical trials are carried out. It is dangerous to buy drugs from the hands without certificates confirming the quality.
Each manufacturer uses their own list of additional ingredients. In the presence of acute reactions to individual components, the composition should be studied in detail, which is always described in the instructions.

The best analogues of Omeprazole

Overview of Budget Group Substitutes


A wide range of indications leads to increased demand, and proven effectiveness has made the medicine popular.

  • suitable for adults and children from 2 years of age;
  • indications include, among other things, erosions, ulcers, refluxes;
  • noticeable relief from the 4th day of admission;
  • practiced in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori;
  • belongs to the group of proton pump inhibitors;
  • is issued in the form of capsules;
  • with an individual appointment of the duration of the reception;
  • democratic price.
  • list of possible adverse reactions;
  • prohibition of use by pregnant women and during the period of feeding.


Pantoprazole or Nolpaza is available in several dosages of 20 or 40 mg and a different number of tablets per package - 56, 14, 28 pieces.

  • with ulcers and gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • prescription leave;
  • from a proven Swedish pharmacological company;
  • does not require discontinuation of other drugs;
  • patients note rapid effectiveness with heartburn;
  • relieves pain syndrome;
  • helps with many types of dyspepsia;
  • take before meals;
  • from the age of 18;
  • individual course duration;
  • best price/performance ratio.
  • cautiously in case of hepatic dysfunctions and under supervision;
  • limited list of side effects.

Pantoprazole Canon

The active substance is pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate, which is often used for concomitant manifestations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, namely erosive gastritis.

Pantoprazole Canon
  • as an element of combinatorial reception with an antibacterial agent for Helicobacter pylori;
  • the course is assigned personally, the standard is from 7 to 14 days;
  • a rare manifestation of concomitant negative manifestations;
  • allowed to use from 18 years old;
  • from a well-known Russian manufacturer;
  • recommended for symptoms of reflux diseases, gastritis, ulcers;
  • without fear of overdose.
  • possible dizziness;
  • requires cessation of breastfeeding for mothers.


A small tablet of the drug requires taking only once a day.The manufacturer is the well-known Indian company Dr. Reddy's.

  • has a lasting therapeutic effect;
  • frequent use in complex therapy;
  • usually a long course of admission;
  • absorbed regardless of food intake;
  • rapid achievement of results in terms of eliminating pain and heartburn.
  • Patients report interruptions in supplies to pharmacies.


The medicine has the largest line of release forms - from tablets of various dosages to injection solutions.

  • representative of the latest generation;
  • belongs to the class of favorites among substitutes;
  • the treatment regimen decides the dominant role for the rapid achievement of results;
  • with liquid form for emergency;
  • tablets 10 mg or 20 mg;
  • with rapid healing of erosion;
  • without "rebound syndrome" to stop taking;
  • side effects are minimal.
  • not always on sale.


Quick help with heartburn and as a gastric pain reliever is realized through a substitute for omeprazole.

  • quality and stable results;
  • gradual withdrawal is recommended;
  • small tablets for easy swallowing;
  • rare manifestations of adverse events;
  • high percentage of healing of ulcers;
  • as an element in the complex treatment of Helicobacter pylori;
  • price in full relation to quality.
  • only from 18 years old;
  • prohibition of use by pregnant and lactating women.

Rating of analogues of the mid-price segment


The famous German quality of the European level brought the drug into the category of leaders in terms of the frequency of appointments by gastroenterologists. Diseases of the stomach are easily stopped in the acute stage in the absence of side effects.

  • a new generation of APIs;
  • with a gradual abolition;
  • without the risk of associated negative effects;
  • small tablets are easy to swallow;
  • modern analogue;
  • guarantee of a high result of treatment;
  • without reducing the effectiveness and interaction with other drugs;
  • patients indicate a convenient form of release.
  • price.


Each tablet contains magnesium esomeprazole trihydrate, as well as titanium dioxide E 171, sucrose, iron oxide E 172.

  • high efficiency;
  • drunk as a full tablet without chewing;
  • from the global Swedish manufacturer AstraZeneca;
  • recommended for violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • without pronounced side effects;
  • does not give addiction;
  • acceptable price;
  • recommended for gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • a lot of positive feedback from patients;
  • noticeable relief after 4-5 days of treatment.
  • with gentle cancellation mode;
  • prescription drug.


The first generation PPI drug, which significantly surpassed the Russian model in terms of quality and effectiveness.

  • frequent appointment by attending physicians;
  • the best representative of antisecretory therapy;
  • guarantee of safe use;
  • proven high efficiency;
  • relief of symptoms after a short dose;
  • with a reduced recurrence rate with long-term therapies;
  • allowed to be taken by pregnant women;
  • low likelihood of side effects;
  • approved by narrow medical specialists;
  • as prescribed by a doctor, it can be taken from the age of 2 years.
  • the price is above the average for the category.

Medicinal substitutes for omeprazole at a high price


The drug with the active ingredient of the 2nd generation Rabeprozole is prescribed for dyspepsia, reflux, heartburn.

  • taken without reference to the time of day and diet;
  • it is advisable to drink tablets at the same time for the clarity of the scheme;
  • a course of 2 weeks should be completed by an appointment with a doctor for further appointments;
  • belongs to the IPP group.
  • not always available for online ordering.


A unique drug from a Japanese manufacturer is prescribed for heartburn and dyspeptic symptoms.

  • with rabeprazole as an active ingredient;
  • tangible relief after the first dose;
  • without acute side effects;
  • often prescribed by gastroenterologists;
  • quality and speed;
  • convenient packaging;
  • required to take from 1 tablet in a few days;
  • for individual purposes.
  • high price.

The newest generation of Dexilant

The latest development was Dexlansoprazole in the form of Dexilant capsules. The capsule disintegrates in the stomach and contains 2 types of enteric-coated granules. There is a release of active substances depending on the pH of different areas of the small intestine, that is, sequentially. The first peak in the concentration of the active substance occurs after 1-2 hours after ingestion. The second phase occurs 4-5 hours after ingestion. This combination allows you to prolong the action and helps to reduce the secretion of gastric juice for a long time.


The result is the strongest inhibitory effect among PPIs and the longest stay of the substance in the bloodstream.The main indication for use is gastroesophagitis reflux disease in all forms, including the neurosive type.

Comparative table of the best analogues of Omeprazole      
1.budget class
NameDosage, mgNumber of tablets in a pack, piecesManufacturerAverage price, rubles
Nolpaza20, 4014, 28, 56−”−450
Pantoprazole Canon2028Canonpharma200
RAZO2030Dr. Reddy's500
Hairabezol2015, 30HiGlance550
Rabelok10, 2028Cadila healthcare550
2.Mid-price segment
LOSEK Maps2030−”−600
3.Substitutes at a high price
Zulbeks2014, 28KRKA1100
Pariet1014Bushu Phamaceuticals4300


Omeprazole is one of the most used drugs in medical practice. For various manifestations of chronic diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, as well as for heartburn, there are a number of substitutes for omeprazole. Individual selection in accordance with the appointment of the attending physician will help you find the most suitable drug. It is important to remember about contraindications and not to use prescription drugs uncontrollably. The dosage and duration of the course is also assigned personally.

Taking NSAIDs and acetylsalicylic acid, as well as antibiotics, provokes the development of gastropathy, acid-dependent diseases. It is necessary to be careful with long courses and be under the supervision of a specialist.

The development of PPIs continues, the greater the choice of medicines on offer, the easier it is to find a personal medicine in accordance with the individual characteristics of each patient.

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