
  1. Batteries in detail
  2. Batteries for engines up to 1500 cc
  3. Batteries for engines from 2700 cc.
  4. Most purchased batteries
  5. Outcome

Rating of the best diesel batteries for 2022

Rating of the best diesel batteries for 2022

A competent choice of battery directly depends on the device of a particular diesel engine. An incorrectly selected battery threatens the user with problems starting the car, especially at low temperatures.

Diesel engines have a number of characteristics that are not characteristic of standard gasoline ICEs. One of the main differences between a diesel engine is the increased compression of air in the cylinders, which is important to consider. In a gasoline device, ignition occurs due to a candle, in a diesel device, the combustion chamber comes into working condition before injection.

Batteries in detail

It is important to understand that the combustion chamber in the diesel version comes to working condition due to increased air compression. To achieve the required compression force, it is necessary to create an increased pressure. In this case, the requirements for the battery resource are increased.

Also, during cold periods, the air masses inside the motor will require preheating due to candles. The above steps will also put a strain on the battery. In addition, the oil in diesel engines differs in consistency. This is most noticeable during cold periods, when the already viscous substance hardens from frost. The starter in a diesel car will require additional effort to interact with such material.

When choosing a battery for a diesel car with the expectation of year-round operation (regardless of the temperature outside), it is necessary to take into account the above nuances. Diesel devices will require an increased resource from the battery, especially at low temperatures. It is not recommended to install standard batteries in such cars.

When choosing a battery, it is recommended to focus on a number of the most important aspects:

  1. One of the main parameters is tied to the starting current indicators. These indicators indicate the ability of the battery to work with the shaft. This item shows the capacity of the battery for a certain period of time.
  2. capacity indicators. This item will show the instance's potential to power the system. Modern cars, whose engine is designed with an eye on the latest technology, allow the use of moderate-capacity batteries. Older machines that are not able to show impressive results at a cold start will require an instance with an increased capacity.
  3. The origin of the terminals.These devices are divided into 2 categories: Asian origin and European. The former have a smaller diameter than the latter.
  4. Features of polarity. Before purchasing the desired model, you need to understand the polarity features in a particular car. There are 2 variations of this parameter: direct and reverse. If we consider the battery from the front, then the direct variation is recognized by the left localization, respectively, the reverse version is located on the right side.
  5. Features of the dimensions of the spare part. It is important to pay attention to the form factor and dimensions of the product. American, Asian and European size standards are available on the market. The Asian form factor is distinguished by the increased height of the part with a moderate width. European and American standards imply impressive dimensions.

Diesel engines are common in the vastness of the Russian Federation, due to the more affordable cost of fuel. The trend towards this type of fuel is only growing, and so is the demand for suitable batteries. In the cold season, the resources of a standard battery are not always enough to comfortably start a diesel car, so the requirements for batteries for such vehicles are increased.

Batteries for engines up to 1500 cc

Vehicles with a small displacement, as a rule, do not have an increased fuel consumption. However, even a small engine will require power from the battery if it runs on a diesel engine (small-displacement gasoline engines are less demanding on the battery). When choosing an instance for such a machine, at least the minimum requirements must be met.

AkTech Standart Atst 55-3-L

A popular domestic manufacturer among consumers. The instance offers an impressive amount of power, endurance and stability.According to reviews from the owners, there are no complaints even under operating conditions in the cold seasons. In the manufacture of modern technologies are used. That allows you to achieve stable operation even under high loads. The shape and dimensions are thought out, the part can be easily integrated into the subcompact system. The voltage readings are 12V at a current of 500A. The capacity indicators are 55 Ah with the direct polarity of the terminals and the weight of the product is 15 kg.

AkTech Standart Atst 55-3-L
  • Adequate cost;
  • Withstands increased loads;
  • Brand reputation.
  • Not always available in stores.


“The battery is excellent, it fits into the small car system without problems, it works stably, it does not appeal. For an adequate price tag, the device gives a good supply of capacity and power. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality battery for a small car in the budget segment!”

Akom 55

Another popular brand from Russia. The product is highly stable when operating at low temperatures. Made of corrosion-resistant material, which is important for a spare part that is under the hood in high humidity conditions. The starting current shows high performance when starting the motor. The manufacturer provides this copy with a guarantee of up to 4 years. The current indicators are 460 A with a capacity of 55 Ah, a voltage of 12 V and a weight of 14.8 kg.

Akom 55
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Quality assembly;
  • There is a charge indication;
  • Easy to maintain;
  • Resistant to corrosion.
  • Requires regular maintenance.


“A good copy, the case is of high quality, it works stably. At low temperatures, it shows strong stability, but requires regular checks of the electrolyte.If there are problems with the latter, you will have to purchase a new battery. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a budget diesel battery!”

Hyundai Energy 85b60k

This copy is considered one of the best in the economy segment of batteries for diesel engines. It is popular among owners of small cars, produced in Korea. The company's engineers thought over the architecture of down conductors, thanks to which this instance is distinguished by an increased resource of endurance, service life, and stability. Shows strong results both in cold climates and in conditions of increased loads and driving on problematic roads.

If you operate the car without frequent overloads, this battery is able to show strong results for 7 years. Perfectly compatible with diesel engines and with vehicles equipped with advanced electrical systems. It is worth considering that with the above advantages, the device has a reverse polarity type, which not everyone accepts. The voltage of the model is 12V with a capacity of 55 Ah and a starting current of 550 A.

Hyundai Energy 85b60k
  • Adequate price;
  • Build quality;
  • Operational terms;
  • Endurance indicators;
  • The quality of materials;
  • Power characteristics.
  • Non-standard dimensions.


“An excellent device, it copes with both increased loads and low temperatures without any problems. High-quality assembly, with adequate operation is able to serve an impressive period. It is worth considering that this instance is slightly lower than standard boxes, so there may be problems with a strong fixation of the battery under the hood. Also, it is worth considering the reverse polarity of the device when buying. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a strong quality battery for a small diesel car!”

Batteries for engines from 2700 cc.

Special equipment and SUV-type vehicles imply a high-powered engine under the hood. To work with such internal combustion engines, the battery must meet increased standards. Such batteries are superior to other categories in terms of power, but the price of these instances is much higher. It is worth paying attention to the reputation of the manufacturer so as not to stumble upon a fake in this segment.

Akb American

The South Korean copy is characterized by increased resistance to frost. In tests, this device showed results even at a temperature of -29 ° C. There are no problems regarding capacity indicators, so the driver should not worry about the battery operation time in sub-zero temperatures (at least the device will show average results). This model is popular both in Asia and America. The manufacturer provides a 3-year warranty for this model.

Domestic drivers argue about the quality of this brand online. Based on the position of the opponents of this company, we can conclude that an impressive number of brand fakes enter the markets of the Russian Federation. It is important to familiarize yourself with the certification in advance when buying, so as not to encounter a low-quality device.

Akb American
  • Frost resistance;
  • Warranty 3 years;
  • Build quality.
  • There are fakes.


“Not a bad device, but it is important to pay special attention to certificates when buying. There are many fakes of this brand on the market, so you should not trust stores that offer a tempting price tag, because a poor quality battery can create many problems. In the work shows good results, in the cold there are no problems. I recommend to anyone who is looking for a battery from the middle segment!”

Tab Polar Truck

A brand from Slovenia, suitable for cars that require battery starting capabilities.Fits perfectly into the systems of special equipment, not large buses, SUVs. In the manufacture of the device, modern technologies were used, which helped to achieve increased endurance and service life. The device is designed for both moderate and harsh conditions, operation is allowed in the cold seasons.

Tab Polar Truck
  • Resistant to low temperatures;
  • Power indicators;
  • Stable work.
  • Large part weight.


“Good battery, allows for harsh conditions and increased loads. It is important to consider that the product weighs from 26.2 kg, so it will make the car heavier, which affects handling. I recommend to anyone who is looking for a battery for large diesel vehicles!”

Bosch S5 Silver Plus

A well-known brand from Germany at an affordable price is distinguished by its power performance and long service life. This model is used as a regular one in many car brands due to the ratio of affordable price and strong quality. It is often used in systems of special equipment running on diesel.

Bosch S5 Silver Plus
  • Affordable price;
  • Strong quality;
  • Power indicators;
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Not found.


“Excellent device, adequate power and endurance provided for an adequate price. There is an opinion that new copies have lost in terms of operational terms due to the transfer of production outside of Germany. However, I have no complaints about this model. I recommend to anyone who is looking for an inexpensive battery for an SUV!”

Most purchased batteries

If the buyer does not understand batteries for a diesel engine and does not want to delve into this topic, it is worth considering the best-selling items. It is important to consider the specifics of a particular car before buying the model you like. It is recommended to check compatibility with dimensions, engine displacement, terminal arrangement. Also, it is worth comparing the power of the engine and the battery in question.

Mutlu Calcium Silver

Turkish brand, shows good results for an adequate price. The current indicators guarantee the start of a diesel internal combustion engine even in cold conditions, but it should be borne in mind that with a long idle time in the cold, a quick start is not guaranteed. Also, it is worth considering that the polarity on this model is reversed.

Mutlu Calcium Silver
  • Stable work;
  • Easy to maintain;
  • Build quality.
  • It is not recommended to allow long downtime in the cold.


“A good battery for a reasonable price, but it is worth considering that the dimensions are non-standard, in some cars you will need to think over the placement more carefully. Would recommend to anyone looking for an affordable battery!”

Varta Blue Dynamic

The German manufacturer offers a quality battery at an affordable price. It is perfectly combined with cars equipped with an advanced electronics system. The polarity of the model is reversed, the weight is 16 kg.

Varta Blue Dynamic
  • The quality of materials;
  • brand reputation;
  • Easy to use.
  • Not always available for sale.


“It shows itself well in any conditions, there were no complaints during the year of operation. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality diesel battery at a reasonable price!”

Topla Energy 60

A manufacturer from Slovenia offers a device with high inrush current.The specimen showed decent results in tests, the polarity is reversed, and the weight is 17.5 kg. Among the people, this brand is quite popular, it is found on sale at an average price of 4900-5000 rubles.

Model name
  • Acceptable cost;
  • brand reputation;
  • Build quality.
  • Not found.


“Battery for relatively undemanding cars. It is unlikely to fit large vehicles, but it will do for small cars. Considering its affordable price and endurance, this example is worth considering for owners of small cars. I recommend to anyone who is looking for an inexpensive and durable battery for a diesel engine!”


The most important characteristics in a diesel battery are capacity and starting current. These parameters must be taken into account first of all when buying a spare part, otherwise the user runs the risk of encountering a number of natural problems when starting a car. It is also worth checking the recommendations of the manufacturer of a particular vehicle regarding acceptable batteries. If the user has noticed a specific instance, it is worth reading in detail the reviews on the network about the model in question. Also, it is important to take into account the overall features of the part and its compatibility with a particular vehicle.

Choosing the right battery is only half the battle. The requirements for operation and maintenance must also be observed. There are a number of requirements, observing which, the user has the right to count on the long-term operation of the part. For the correct operation of the battery, it is worth considering the following requirements:

  1. Don't forget to charge the battery. In the summer, a single charge is enough for 2-3 months of operation.In cold seasons, it is recommended to charge once a month.
  2. It is important to pay attention to electrolytes. It is not recommended to allow the plates to dry out. If drying has occurred, a battery replacement will most likely be required.
  3. Also, do not forget about the density of the electrolyte. It is worth checking the density after a charging session. It is recommended to focus on the proportions of 1.27 g per 1 cm3.
  4. Regular cleanings. It is worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the battery case, as well as the terminals. It does not require impressive efforts, and the driver receives basic prevention from a number of problems.
  5. It is worth making sure that the electrics and the auto generator are in good condition. The health of these parameters guarantees protection against problems associated with an incorrect charge level.
  6. Battery storage under recommended conditions. If the car is not used for a long time, the battery should be removed and taken to the home.

The above recommendations will not require impressive costs and efforts from the driver. If these points are observed, the spare part will last longer and there will be no problems with operation.

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