
  1. How transactions are carried out
  2. Real estate firms in Omsk
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Omsk in 2022

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Omsk in 2022

Buying or selling real estate is a labor- and nerve-intensive process. The exchange of an apartment is an even more complicated process, especially when a family of several people needs to leave. When directly exchanging one object for another, it is difficult to find a suitable option, so such transactions are rarely carried out. Real estate is changed mainly through a double sale, that is, first one apartment is sold and another is purchased with the proceeds. It can sometimes be difficult to conduct transactions on your own. In most cases, people face certain problems when processing documents. In addition, buying an apartment is associated with a certain risk: you can encounter scammers and “fall into a trap”. Real estate agencies help to solve registration issues, as well as to choose the right option. In the city of Omsk, several dozen real estate firms offer their services in the selection of housing. We will discuss which of them are the best, according to customer reviews, below.

How transactions are carried out

My home is my castle. This expression often flashes on the expanses of the World Wide Web. Its meaning speaks of the role played by its housing in the life of any person. This is a place that can be arranged according to your taste, furnished with beautiful furniture and equipped with modern appliances. People rush here after the end of the working day, receive guests. The home environment is warm, safe, comfortable. That is why the choice of an apartment must be approached with special responsibility. An important step is the registration of property.

The exchange, as already mentioned, is one of the most complex transactions, therefore, using its example, we will consider the process in stages.

Step-by-step procedure for making an exchange by buying and selling:

  • the market value of the object is preliminarily determined by collecting statistical information;
  • the issue of additional payment, if any, is resolved;
  • a search for a buyer and a simultaneous search for a suitable option for moving in are carried out;
  • two transactions are carried out on the same day (i.e., one’s own apartment is sold at the same time and another one is bought);
  • both contracts are registered in Rosreestr (the procedure can be carried out at the MFC);
  • apartments are transferred physically with the drawing up of an act of acceptance and transfer.

Types of secure payments

Currently, there are many completely safe payment methods when concluding transactions. This minimizes the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.
The following options are offered:

  1. A safe deposit box is a safe deposit box leased by a financial institution. The buyer signs the contract in the presence of the seller and the bank representative.After its registration, the money is laid in the cell. A real estate agent helps to submit documents to the USRN for registration. This organization confirms the ownership of the apartment. Only after passing through this procedure, the seller will be able to withdraw money from the safe. You will have to pay for this service.
  2. A bank letter of credit is an account opened by the buyer in his name with a bank. There he puts the necessary amount. Next, the ownership is registered. After receiving an extract from the USRN, the money comes to the seller's account, unless, of course, there is any doubt about the legality of the transaction. The realtor is present at all stages of paperwork.
  3. Payment after registration is stipulated in the contract. The buyer indicates that the settlement will be made later. The parties submit an application for the transfer of ownership, a certificate is issued with an encumbrance on the apartment in favor of the seller. After completion of registration with Rosreestr, payment is made by transferring the required amount to the seller or transferring cash. After the funds are in the seller's account, the parties submit an application to the MFC for the removal of the encumbrance, presenting a receipt for the full payment.
  4. Mortgage is one of the safest payment methods, since all movements of the money supply are controlled by the bank. The buyer fills out a mortgage approval form. Then an agreement is concluded with a banking organization, an account is opened, where the buyer is obliged to make a down payment. The amount of money allocated by a financial institution for the purchase is placed on a special account. When transferring ownership of an apartment, Rosreestr sends a notification to the bank. The entire amount is immediately transferred to the seller's account.

Operations related to the purchase and sale of premises should preferably be carried out under the control of real estate agencies. Experienced realtors will help you understand the legal intricacies and correctly draw up all the documents.

Real estate firms in Omsk

When buying or selling, it is important to make the right choice of a reliable real estate company. Work experience, the availability of trained personnel and an established system of services are taken into account. The more responsible approach to the search for intermediaries, the more successful and faster the transaction will be. A list of the Academy of Sciences of the city of Omsk is proposed. They will help you find the right apartment and contact sellers based on real estate databases.

Real estate companies offer services related to the acquisition of apartments (houses) without any hassle and at maximum speed. Potential customers no longer have to sit online for hours looking for a good option. There is no need to waste your personal time to screen out inadequate ads, visit sites with a dubious reputation, and check documents. Agencies take care of these issues. Many years of practice allows you to choose apartments in the right price range. If there is a question about the sale of objects, then the search for buyers and the execution of all title documents of the company take over. Participants in the transaction only need to be present at the signing of the contract of sale. The teams are staffed by managers who know their business and have previously successfully accompanied other transactions. They can help you understand all the subtleties that arise when buying an apartment.

Advantages of transactions with the participation of real estate firms:

  • the ability to find reliable sellers;
  • ensuring the purity of the transaction;
  • selection of housing for certain requirements.

Each agency has its own database of various objects.Cooperation with proven developers guarantees the purchase of reliable housing.

votes 38

With the help of Arkada-Style, you can sell or buy any apartment. The list of services also includes assistance in obtaining a preferential mortgage loan, checking the legal purity of documents. Any types of payment are considered (cash, mortgage, certificates). In addition, the agency also provides advice on issues related to real estate market prices. The professionalism of the staff is not questioned. Answers to many questions can be found on the company's website. You can also view the list of services here. The team consists of real high-class specialists who are ready to find the key to any person. The company has existed since 1996, it has thousands of satisfied customers and successful transactions.

Information for potential customers can be obtained by writing to Here you can easily and quickly find suitable housing in the city of Omsk, as well as learn everything about renting apartments, rooms, housing in the private sector. The company also offers assistance in renting offices, garages and new buildings. An extensive database makes it easy to search: there is a huge selection from luxury housing to resale.

If something is of interest, then information regarding the object can be obtained by phone without leaving home. The staff on duty will answer any questions. The company also provides legal assistance.

Owners can place their ad on the site. A free service is provided for placing an advertisement for the delivery of housing, an office, a garage in a short time.

Office addresses: st. Frunze, 54 st. 70 years of October, 20,

☎Tel. +7(3812)790-444.

  • extensive experience in the real estate market;
  • staff professionalism;
  • 100% legal support.
  • no.

votes 25

Moving to a new apartment is a very important step, the company will help in the sale of housing and the selection of a new option. Managers are real estate professionals and at the same time sensitive specialists. Any situation is treated with understanding, while an individual approach is guaranteed. Transactions are made in stages under the control of the company's representatives. The first step is to conclude a preliminary contract between the seller and the buyer. In accordance with this document, the latter transfers part of the money from the total amount to confirm the seriousness of his intentions. The contribution is made in the form of a deposit or an advance payment. If the transaction did not take place, the entire amount is returned to the buyer in the same amount. When making a deposit, the money is returned, depending on whose fault the purchase and sale fell through. In the event that the owner changes his mind about selling the apartment, he must return double the amount of the deposit. If the buyer refuses to purchase real estate, the seller keeps the money for himself.
AVESTA-RIELT Group of Companies was established on September 21, 1995. This is one of the first AN. The company offers the most complete information about the apartments for rent and residential premises that are currently being sold. The site always has fresh ads from individuals and reliable realtors.

Agency address: Karl Marx Avenue, 37.

☎ Tel. +7 (3812) 95-00-00, +7 (3812) 95-09-50, 8-904-324-77-07.

There are situations when the transaction can be carried out without a realtor. But sometimes there are some non-standard moments or complex issues that are difficult to solve without the help of experienced real estate professionals.In such cases, you can absolutely free of charge get advice from the leading specialists of AVESTA-REALT:

  • lawyer (48-73-99);
  • mortgage manager (59-26-36);
  • consultant for new buildings (950-950);
  • buying and selling agent (95-00-00);
  • commercial real estate specialist (37-10-47);
  • residential property rental manager (95-435).

  • many years of experience;
  • polite and competent staff;
  • bringing all transactions on a turnkey basis;
  • legal advice.
  • no.

White City
votes 5

The company was founded in 2010. "Bely Gorod" offers its services to individuals and legal entities regarding the rental or sale of apartments and rooms. Experienced specialists are ready at any time to give advice on all issues of interest. A unique database of standard and luxury apartments, which contains more than 700 current options, including short-term rental offers, allows you to choose exactly what the client needs. You can rent a property in Omsk by contacting our company on the same day. A specialist goes to the shows, the commission is paid to the company after the conclusion of the contract with the landlord.

Address: 18 Marx Ave. ☎ Tel. 8-908-793-01-90.

  • full transaction support;
  • only successful purchases;
  • polite friendly staff.
  • no.

votes 0

Real estate company RADA-RIELT is one of the most trustworthy organizations in Omsk. The company provides services for the rental and sale of apartments. Only true professionals work in NA, they take on routine work and bring all transactions to a legal conclusion. Here you can get the most qualified advice on all operations.The list of services provided when buying a turnkey apartment:

  1. Preparation of advertising information about the object being sold with subsequent placement.
  2. Taking calls from customers.
  3. Demonstration of objects.
  4. Negotiating the terms of a future deal.
  5. Organizational arrangements for the preparation and execution of the transaction, support of settlement procedures.
  6. Presence at the signing and state registration of the contract of sale.
  7. If necessary, assistance in deregistration of apartments.
  8. Assistance in drawing up the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment.

Real estate professionals work here. Transactions are conducted in full transparency.

☎ Tel. +7(3812)638488, +79039271365, +79088006296.

  • cozy office;
  • friendly atmosphere;
  • polite friendly staff.
  • no.

House manager
votes 1

AN "Management House" provides the following list of services: drawing up a contract of sale, assistance in buying and selling real estate, appraisal of apartments. The list of operations also includes assistance in acquiring or renting business offices, commercial real estate, suburban, elite, secondary housing in Omsk. Preparation of contracts of sale, exchange, donation, examination of title documents is carried out. The agency "Upravdom" has great prospects for growth in the rating of Omsk companies.

The company is located at Omsk, Marksa pr. (3812) 59-08-22. Request for information of interest can be sent by e-mail:

  • execution of turnkey transactions at a high level;
  • staff professionalism.
  • no.

Pervomayskaya real estate
votes 43

AN "Pervomayskaya nedvizhimost" in Omsk has been working in the real estate market for a long time. Clients of the firm can count on the following services:

  • assistance in the selection of various residential properties, plots, commercial real estate;
  • work with mortgages;
  • apartment exchange;
  • registration of redevelopment and reconstruction with the preparation of projects, obtaining building permits, etc.;
  • examination of title documents;
  • hereditary issues and their registration;
  • representation in courts;
  • consultations.

Reception is carried out by experienced professional realtors with a legal education. Working hours from 10-00 to 20-00, the day off is Sunday. Academy of Sciences is located at the address: Omsk, Zaozernaya street, 11 b. ☎ Tel. 8(913)149-83-18.

  • quality support of all transactions;
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • friendly professionals.
  • no.

votes 0

Experienced managers of the real estate company ALTA have been working in the field of buying and selling housing for many years. They will help resolve any issues related to real estate in the city of Omsk and in the region. The company is also engaged in the rental of real estate and will help rent or rent an apartment (house). Payment is made only after check-in. There is a system of discounts. Competence and efficiency of employees is always on top

Address: 25, Mira Ave.

Email: ☎ Tel. 8-903-927-08-59, +7(3812) 380859.


  • vast experience in the housing market;
  • competent and courteous professionals.
  • no.

votes 0

The company offers a wide range of professional real estate services at affordable prices, which includes almost all operations of any complexity with real estate, assistance in preparing a package of documents for a mortgage. Buying a home with the involvement of funds from all types of housing certificates, restoring lost documents, entering into an inheritance, free legal advice - all this is possible for realtors with experience. They will always be able to find shortcomings in one or another option, especially in secondary housing, because many shortcomings, especially when buying old apartments, do not appear immediately, but only over time. Often they are trying to disguise by performing fresh repairs. The final settlement with the company is made after the conclusion of the transaction.

Address: 99/2 Kosmic Ave, 2nd floor.

Phones ☎+7(3812) 57-41-63, +7(3812)597-107, +79509597110. Email:

  • 100% transaction support;
  • polite and experienced managers.
  • no.


The rating is based on customer reviews and is subjective. But given the fact that competition among real estate firms is growing every year, agencies are expanding the range of their services and improving their working methods. The main factor that should be relied upon when applying for help to a particular organization is the legally competent approach of employees, their ability to quickly find a way out of the prevailing non-standard situations, and the sensitive attitude of specialists.


