
  1. What types are
  2. What to look for when choosing ski clothing
  3. Where can I buy
  4. Rating of popular protection models for 2022

Ranking of the best protective equipment for skiers and snowboarders for 2022

Ranking of the best protective equipment for skiers and snowboarders for 2022

Alpine skiing and snowboarding are very interesting and exciting sports, however, they are often traumatic. In order to protect themselves from the consequences of an unsuccessful fall or collision with other participants, each snowboarder must take a responsible approach to the choice of equipment. Qualitatively selected protection will allow you to evenly distribute the force of impact and reduce discomfort.

What types are

The whole body is exposed to external damage without exception: arms, legs, back, torso and, of course, the head. Consider what types of protection are available on these parts of the body, as well as what else can be secured when skiing and snowboarding.


In such extreme sports, falls are very often possible. Even if the user is already quite experienced, it is possible that another skier or snowboarder who does not yet have enough skills can crash into him. Therefore, a helmet should be a mandatory attribute when riding. The consequences of rest without this type of protection can be unpredictable.

There are many different options available for sale. In appearance, they are either closed or open. Closed models are more suitable for competition. They are heavier and less ventilated, but the degree of protection is much higher as it extends to the face and chin. Open helmets are more used for free riding.

The outer part of the structure is made of high quality plastic, and inside there is a lining that creates a soft shell between the head and the helmet itself.

In order to prevent overheating and sweating of the head, helmets come with active and passive ventilation systems. The difference between them is that the active one can be adjusted independently. To do this, there are special flaps on the helmet that open and close the holes on the helmet. If desired, you can completely close access to air or make it as open as possible.

Passive ventilation is produced by openings through which air enters and exits from the other side, thereby ventilating the head and protecting against sweat.Models of helmets with this type of ventilation are more popular.

There are options on the market with built-in visors that are used instead of a mask or goggles. Recently, such helmets are gaining more and more popularity among riders, as they have better visibility and a more stable mount.

All head protection must have safety certificates. This indicator indicates that they have passed tests for impact resistance in normal condition and at speed, as well as under different weather conditions - cold, frost and rain. Three types of certification are considered the most popular: CEN, Snell and ASTM.

Read about the best ski helmets here.

Back and torso protection

In order to protect the spine from severe damage or even fracture, riders need to use a special "shell" vest. With its help, the energy from the impact is evenly distributed over a larger area of ​​the body. It is worn under outerwear.

A significant number of injuries occur when two snowboarders or skiers accidentally collide. Therefore, when falling on a hard surface, a large load is placed on the spine. The protective shell will prevent serious consequences.

According to the varieties, hard and flexible (or soft) shells are produced. Soft vests consist of plates that are filled with special EVA foam, polyurethane foam or gel. Due to this material, impacts are softened when falling. Such options are "breathable", quite light in weight and do not restrict movement when riding. Suitable for skiing from slopes or on a flat surface, without trees and stones.

Rigid types of shells have elements of plastic or metal built into them. They allow you to minimize pain when falling on a rocky surface or from hitting branches.Such a vest is more reliable in terms of safety, but limits movement in the back.

To protect the torso, the same "shells" are often used, they only include additional plates for the chest area. When active skiing or snowboarding in dangerous terrain with uneven rocky surfaces, special jackets are used. They include not only protection for the torso and back, but also designs for the shoulders, ribs and elbows. Such equipment is quite heavy and creates some inconvenience. Therefore, it is recommended to use on tracks that are not prepared for skiing, where there is a high probability of getting severe damage in the event of a fall.

Protective equipment for hands

In order to minimize the pain of a blow or to prevent sprain when falling on your elbow, it is recommended to wear elbow pads. With the correct size and fixation, it does not interfere at all.

Very often, when losing balance or colliding with another snowboarder, the rider begins to fall on the exposed palms. Therefore, a wrist injury or even a fracture of the radius is a very common consequence of such a landing.

Special equipment on the wrist will help to avoid or significantly reduce the consequences of a fall. By type, internal and built-in protection are distinguished.

Internal protection in appearance resembles a wristband, it is very comfortable to wear and does not interfere at all. Gloves are worn over it. In addition to convenience and compact size, they additionally have a warming effect.

Built-in wrist equipment - in fact, these are gloves in which protective inserts are already built in. The only drawback is that after the gloves have served their time, you will have to purchase a new inner one separately or again gloves with protection.

Leg protection

The lower limbs should also be protected as much as possible. Consider what types of equipment and for which particular part of the body it is recommended to use during active recreation on skis or snowboards.

Protective shorts. Beginners in this sport often land when falling on the buttocks and thighs. Therefore, these places should be well protected.

To soften the force of impact when falling on the lower body, professionals strongly advise purchasing shorts with special pads. These inserts are installed on the coccyx and outer thigh - these are the places that most people land on. Some models have additional lining in the lumbar region. In addition to being protective, such equipment also performs a warming function.

According to the degree of protection, shorts with soft and hard inserts are distinguished. Options with soft overlays are very light, but they also have a small degree of protection. They are very comfortable to wear and invisible under outerwear.

Models with rigid elements are very warm, soft and have plastic plates in places that are subject to increased injury. They help to minimize and distribute the force from the impact when falling. They are located on the lower back, coccyx, and hips.

Recently, shorts, which are made of modern polymeric materials, began to go on sale. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that outwardly they are very soft, elastic and comfortable, but as soon as a fall occurs, this material becomes hard, thereby significantly reducing the consequences of a fall. But for the price, such models are much more expensive than from other materials of manufacture.

Equipment for knees and lower legs. Falling to your knees is also not uncommon in these sports. Therefore, knee pads are considered an important mandatory attribute for skating.In addition to the protective and warming functions, they warm up the muscles and joints.

Often, shin guards can also be purchased with knee pads. They are used more in extreme types of skiing, but they are also perfect for beginners.

What to look for when choosing ski clothing

Protective equipment saves from numerous bruises and injuries, but the choice of a suit must also be taken responsibly. Skating can take place in bad weather conditions with precipitation, and this will lead to some discomfort. Consider what other criteria you should pay attention to when choosing ski clothing so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible.

The outer part of the suit is made of two types of fabric: with or without elasticity. Clothing options that have increased elasticity look modern, and also do not restrict movement at all during outdoor activities on skis or snowboards.

Suits that lack stretch tend to cost less and have a looser fit. They are replaced by much stronger and denser materials. The pattern should take into account all the nuances that may arise when doing extreme sports. More often they are purchased for skiing on unprepared tracks for this - freeride.

The following materials are considered the most popular as a heater: fleece, thinsulate, synthetic winterizer or polartek.

Fleece-lined clothing is great for snowboarding and skiing, as it retains heat well, does not accumulate moisture and does not interfere with active movements. Collars in jackets most often have fleece insulation.

Instead of fluff, thinsulate is now actively used: it is also warm in it and the material does not crumple after washing, therefore its service life is longer.

Insulation from Polartek includes polyester, cotton, nylon, lycra and a few more components. It retains the heat of the whole body, and also dries quickly after getting wet.

In order to prevent precipitation from penetrating into the clothing, it is covered with a special barrier - a membrane fabric. It not only protects against moisture, but also helps to remove sweat. According to their structure, membranes are divided into three types. The porous membrane fabric allows vapor molecules to pass through, but does not allow water to enter the clothing.

With a non-porous structure, evaporation is collected inside the product and removed to its outer part. The downside of this type is that it creates a feeling of moisture inside the product. But such clothes with this membrane will last longer, have good elasticity and do not need increased care for the product.

A fabric with a combined membrane combines a porous and non-porous structure at the same time, therefore it is considered the best. But the price of clothes with such a composition is very high.

When purchasing a ski suit, you should pay attention to some more details that will be very useful. These include the presence of a hood. In the mountains, the air is cold and there are often strong gusts of wind, so this element is indispensable. Hoods can be removable, decorated with fur inserts, or adjustable in width. The latter are most often used, since they can even be put on a helmet and fixed.

To prevent snow from getting into the sleeves, the jackets are equipped with special elastic cuffs.Thanks to the material of manufacture, they tightly wrap around the wrist, preventing the penetration of snow. To prevent the cuffs from moving out, there are models with a hole for the thumb.

To prevent snow from penetrating under outerwear and not blowing wind, many jackets have a snow skirt. It fits tightly around the abdomen and lower back. Many models have special strips that are connected to the trousers of the ski suit and provide additional protection against the ingress of snow and cold air.

With a long ascent to the slope, the level of released moisture from the athlete increases significantly. Therefore, some suits are equipped with ventilation zippers. Such elements are especially popular with freeriders, since after active skiing it is necessary to get rid of high humidity and establish thermoregulation.

If skiing takes place in a ski resort, then you should pay attention to the presence of a pocket on the sleeve for a magnetic card - a ski pass. Such an element in the suit will allow you to pass the turnstile faster, since the card will always be at hand. For freeride enthusiasts, such a detail is not so much essential.

Subject to all the necessary recommendations for choosing a ski suit, you can choose the most comfortable to wear and suit other criteria.

Where can I buy

 If the user decides to go skiing, then first of all he must take care of protecting his body and head from damage. Therefore, the purchase of equipment is the most important thing in this type of recreation.

The largest selection of goods for sports and protection can be found on the websites of online stores. The range of products and the choice of size range they have much more than in specialized stores.

For convenience, the user can set the necessary filters for the search: what kind of equipment is of interest, size, colors, as well as models of a particular manufacturer. If the price category is an important criterion, then you can set a filter from the most budgetary goods or vice versa.

If the buyer has not yet made a choice, then on the site you can get acquainted with popular models, novelties in this category, or pay attention to the reviews of other buyers - very often you can extract important information from them.

When a specific model is selected, in the description you can see the characteristics of the product: price, material of manufacture, brand and size range. To clarify detailed information before buying, it is better to consult with the manager. If everything suits you, then you can place an order and wait for the purchased goods within the specified time frame.

Rating of popular protection models for 2022

Let's review the most popular protective equipment for the head, back and hips. Since these parts of the body are most often subject to external damage, the demand for these types of goods is quite justified. Consider their main characteristics, popular manufacturers, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Rating of the best protective helmets

Oakley MOD3 MIPS
votes 0

This model is made in an interesting design, suitable for both men and women. It has an active ventilation system that can be adjusted by the user as needed. It also has a helmet adjustment in size without changing its fit on the head.

The MIPS system is designed to minimize pressure on the brain in the event of an impact. A special material helps to fight unpleasant odors and prevent the growth of bacteria.

For careful storage and carrying, the helmet comes with a case. The cost is about 7000 rubles.

Oakley MOD3 MIPS
  • Modern design;
  • Case;
  • Light weight of the product;
  • Convenient adjustment.
  • High price.

Sky Monkey VS621
votes 0

The material of the outer part is PVC plastic, the inner part is made of expanded polystyrene. The ventilation system and belt are adjustable. The inner earbud and earphones are removable. A universal model, therefore it can be purchased for the female and male half of users. Recommended for snowboarding. The price is within 3500-4000 rubles.

Sky Monkey VS621
  • Removable liners;
  • Comfortable strap and clasp.
  • Not detected.

Blizzard Double
votes 0

Suitable for both skiers and snowboarders. Adjustable ventilation is installed to prevent overheating or sweating. For a comfortable fit and fixation on the head, you can adjust the size. The features include detachable headphones and a special lining that prevents the appearance of germs and unpleasant odors. The price category ranges from 4800-5500 rubles.

Blizzard Double
  • Strength;
  • The presence of removable elements.
  • Not detected.

Rating of protective vests and shells

Dainese Flexagon Waistcoat Man
votes 0

The presented model is equipped with special foam plates of different sizes. They are located on the back and in the region of the ribs. The material absorbs impact as much as possible, and the inserts evenly distribute the impact force throughout its territory. The breathable internal material provides uniform ventilation of air.

The outer part of the vest is made of nylon and elastane, thanks to which there is no feeling of restriction in movements.The weight of such a product is only 620 grams. Designed for men.

The product has a corresponding certificate of passed quality control. The price of such a vest is from 15,000 rubles.

Dainese Flexagon Waistcoat Man
  • Availability of a certificate;
  • Protective inserts on the ribs;
  • Very light.
  • High price.

Dainese Flexagon Back Protector Man
votes 0

Memory foam protectors add more flexibility to the shell. The inner plates are installed independently of each other, so they do not hinder movement. For optimal breathability, the inner lining is made of a special material.

Adjustable shoulder and waist straps for a comfortable fit. The weight is less than 500 grams. The product is also certified and meets all the necessary requirements. The cost is from 9000 rubles.

Dainese Flexagon Back Protector Man
  • Quality certificate;
  • Light weight of the product;
  • Quality manufacturing materials.
  • High price.

Dainese Ultimate Bap 01 Evo
votes 0

Universal shell suitable for men and women. The presence of 6 plates of increased rigidity, made of polypropylene, help to distribute the impact force over the entire area and minimize it. Removable shoulder straps, like the belt, are adjustable for the required size and degree of comfort. Polyester mesh is used for air circulation. The material of the outer part is polyester and nylon. The price is within 4500 rubles.

Dainese Ultimate Bap 01 Evo
  • High level of protection;
  • Removable straps;
  • Low cost.
  • Protective plates significantly weight the product.

Rating of popular thigh equipment

Dainese Action Short Evo
votes 0

Protective inserts are made of polypropylene, they are located in the tailbone area and on the outside of the thighs. To protect the buttocks from bruising during a fall, additional impact softening elements are installed. Elastics at the hips and waist contribute to a snug fit, as they have a silicone coating. The price starts from 7700 rubles and above.

Dainese Action Short Evo
  • High quality.
  • Size mismatch.

Wed'ze DSH 100
votes 0

Suitable for skiing and snowboarding. The main part is made of polyester, the protective part is made of foam. Protective elements are also located in the coccyx and outer thighs. The price is from 2500 rubles.

Wed'ze DSH 100
  • Low cost.
  • Poor tailbone protection.

Dainese Flex Shorts Man
votes 0

The outer part of the product is made of nylon and elastane, protective inserts are made of foam, which has a memory effect. Thanks to this material, the elements adapt to the contours of the body and create maximum comfort.

The inserts are located on the parts of the body that are most often prone to injury: on the coccyx and hips. In order for the shorts to fit the body tightly and not move, a silicone layer is added to the material. The price is within 10,000 rubles.

Dainese Flex Shorts Man
  • Have a quality certificate;
  • Quality manufacturing materials.
  • The high cost of the product.

A detailed study of the information provided will help the user to choose the best option for protective equipment according to all the criteria necessary for him.


