
  1. Features and Specifications
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Recommendations
  4. Rating of popular herbal tea varieties for 2022
  5. Popular pharmacy teas

Rating of the best herbal tea in Russia for 2022

Rating of the best herbal tea in Russia for 2022

Herbal tea has long been famous for its amazing taste, aroma and undeniable benefits: when brewed, its constituent plants release a maximum of active substances, vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids. This drink is good for health and well-being. The best producers offer a variety of classic varieties and new products.

How to choose a truly delicious, affordable product, which company is better and where to buy, we propose to figure it out together by studying the rating of high-quality herbal tea in Russia for 2022.

Features and Specifications

The main feature of herbal tea is the need for a competent balance and combination of ingredients. Otherwise, the smell and taste of the drink can be unpleasant and even unbearable, depending on the individual preferences of the person. The composition usually includes medicinal herbs, berries and fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. There are mixtures for women, for men, as well as for sleep, for vivacity, for weight loss, for the kidneys. They are used in their pure form, added to regular or green tea. There are types of herbal teas for every day, which are distinguished by excellent taste and aroma.

The most popular raw materials for herbal mixtures:

  • St. John's wort, lemon balm - for sleep;
  • oregano, valerian - for the heart;
  • chamomile - for weight loss;
  • thyme - for cheerfulness;
  • hibiscus - for men's health;
  • Rhodiola - to support the female reproductive system;
  • rosehip - to strengthen the immune system;
  • mint - for general health improvement;
  • fireweed (Ivan-tea) - for the kidneys, from gastritis, for sleep.

The popularity of herbal mixtures among European manufacturers is due to the important quality of plants to heal the human body.

To avoid mistakes when choosing, it is important to know what types of herbal teas are. The types of herbal mixtures most commonly used by top brands are:

  1. pure herbal blends;
  2. with berries and fruit pieces;
  3. with buds and flower petals;
  4. with spices;
  5. with citrus zest;
  6. with nuts;
  7. with crushed plant roots.

Classification depending on the impact on the human body contains three types of herbal tea:

  1. Tonic - able to invigorate the body with the help of natural stimulants, overcome drowsiness, increased fatigue and fatigue.
  2. Calming - a sure remedy for insomnia, anxiety, mental stress, problems with concentration.
  3. Healing - normalizing the work of certain functions (hematopoietic, respiratory), systems (nervous, immune, cardiovascular, urinary-genital) and individual organs (heart, kidneys, stomach).

To get a healthy and tasty drink that will give the best properties of the components to the maximum, it is important to know what to look for when brewing: the dishes must be porcelain, not glass or metal. It is not recommended to leave the teapot open in order to avoid saturating the contents with extraneous odors, and it is also impossible to store the finished drink for more than a day: the healing properties are lost.

Criterias of choice

When choosing herbal tea, it is appropriate to know what to look for, take into account a number of factors that affect the success of the purchase.

Appointment. First of all, you should proceed from the purpose of purchasing herbal tea, for what purpose it will be used, which type of herbal mixture is better to buy. Be sure to look at the ingredients to make sure that the soothing drink contains the right herbs for this effect, and that slimming teas have ingredients that help in this process.

Brand. According to buyers, it is preferable to purchase a product of a proven brand, a well-known brand, a large pharmaceutical company that has proven itself in the market from the best side.Such a manufacturer purchases only high-quality plant material, carefully studies it, conducts research and analysis of ingredients in order to optimally balance them in the required doses in the future and achieve maximum benefit and safety of the final product.

Raw material quality. The problem of air pollution is acute in the modern pharmaceutical industry: there is always a risk that plants will absorb substances harmful and dangerous to humans: toxins, carcinogens, heavy metals. Therefore, herbs used as raw materials should grow in ecologically clean places, and it is better to collect them in the phase of their greatest biological activity. It is good when the manufacturer himself chooses the place of growth of plant materials, controls the collection process and controls the quality of the collected material. This is the only way to achieve maximum purity of raw materials and avoid the ingress of harmful impurities and unnecessary plants.

Production. The equipment and technologies used play an important role in the processing of raw materials in order to obtain the most useful end product with excellent taste and aroma characteristics. Modern technologies make it possible to eliminate errors in the processing of raw materials, to carry out each technological stage in compliance with all the norms and requirements for pharmacy products. The certificate of the international GMP standard is an important indicator of the reliability of the manufacturer, a guarantee of the purity and quality of products without preservatives, without artificial colors and flavors.


A few tips to help you choose the right herbal tea:

  1. Before buying, study the information about the manufacturer: how reliable and conscientious he is at all stages of making the herbal mixture, a big plus if he controls the process from growing raw materials to testing the final drink.
  2. When deciding where to buy good herbal tea, it is better to order online in the manufacturer's online store or buy at a pharmacy where the products have quality and safety certificates.
  3. Be sure to study the detailed description of the composition of the drink, identify if it contains synthetic components, make sure that it does not contain GMOs and preservatives. Among herbal ingredients, highlight the main ones that give effect and benefits, depending on the type of tea.
  4. A good herbal mixture should not contain any flavorings: the herbs and berries themselves give a pleasant rich aroma.
  5. Carefully consider the packaging: herbal tea bags must necessarily have additional individual foil packaging: this preserves the taste and aroma properties. A drink sold in cans is perfect for brewing in a teapot.
  6. It is good if the metal jar is equipped with a vacuum lid, which carefully preserves the freshness and benefits of the herbal mixture.
  7. Be sure to study customer reviews about this drink, consider those that are posted not on the official website of the manufacturer, which are of an advertising nature, but on third-party Internet sites, review sites, consumer forums, written in an expanded form, giving a detailed overview of the product and its characteristics.
  8. When choosing herbal tea, it is important to answer the question of how much a quality drink costs. Remember that too high a price is just as inadequate as too low, and cannot be an objective indicator of quality.Even inexpensive products of well-known brands can be much more useful and safer than analogues with an inflated space cost.

Rating of popular herbal tea varieties for 2022

We offer the TOP of the most popular herbal tea varieties in Russia in 2022 with a description of the characteristics, average price, pros and cons.

Teaco Moroccan mint

An excellent tasty drink from a popular domestic brand in high-quality packaging that does not lose its taste and aroma even in an open box. You can drink it all day, enjoying the freshness and delicate aroma. The package contains 30 bags, each of which is placed in a foil envelope.

Weight: 33g
Average price: 168 rubles.

Teaco Moroccan mint
  • budget cost;
  • foil individual packaging;
  • pure content without impurities;
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • without fragrances;
  • delicious.
  • no.

Milford Chamomile

The product of the popular German brand is made according to the traditional recipe and complies with the GMP standard. It is known for its general strengthening effect and calming effect: it relieves pain, strengthens vitality, promotes restful sleep, and relieves nervous tension. Golden color, delicate floral aroma and pleasant taste distinguish this herbal tea from similar ones. Does not contain caffeine, synthetic components, GMOs, therefore it is completely safe even when used every day. Perfectly complemented with honey. The budget price is achieved thanks to cheap packaging in bags without individual foil envelopes.

Weight: 30 g.
Average price: 88 rubles

Milford Chamomile
  • natural composition;
  • lack of caffeine;
  • achievement of the declared effect;
  • nice smell;
  • excellent combination with honey;
  • budget cost.
  • no foil packaging.

Teacher Hibiscus

Leaf herbal tea, which is a mixture of petals and leaves of the Sudanese rose. They contain a large amount of anthocyanins - active substances that give the drink a noble ruby ​​​​hue. It has a beneficial effect on the male sexual sphere, improves immunity, and also normalizes blood pressure, heart function and the digestive system, perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Easily and quickly brewed due to the large particle size, only 1 g of the mixture is required per 100 ml of boiling water. Used as a base for soft drinks. It is used hot and cold: in the first case, it invigorates and helps to increase pressure, in the second, it reduces it and relieves fatigue. The only minus is paper packaging, since during storage the mixture can absorb odors.

Weight: 250 g.
Average price: 420 rubles.

Teacher Hibiscus
  • saturated;
  • a large spectrum of action;
  • economical consumption;
  • clean coarse mixture;
  • fast brewing;
  • drunk hot and cold.
  • paper packaging.

Crimean bouquet Calming

One hundred percent natural gluten-free herbal tea containing natural herbs: thyme, chamomile, lavender and mint, collected in the protected places of the Crimea, promotes relaxation and soothes after a busy day. It is recommended to drink it in the evening or before going to bed. The cardboard box contains a foil bag with twenty filter bags without strings, soldered together in pairs. The bags are easily separated along the perforated lines, but this is somewhat inconvenient when brewing. But the cost of goods is much lower than analogues equipped with threads and individual envelopes. The contents of the bags are clean, free of dust and debris.Herbs are great for flavor and aroma.

Weight: 30 g.
Average price: 54 rubles.

Crimean bouquet Calming
  • sedative effect;
  • budget price;
  • clean;
  • well brewed;
  • natural composition;
  • gluten free;
  • floral fragrance.
  • sachets without strings.

Greenfield Summer Bouquet

The rich smell of ripe raspberries is perfectly complemented by the sourness of hibiscus, the brightness of rose hips and the freshness of a green apple. A great option for a drink with the mood of a sunny summer. Added raspberry flavor for more brightness. Does not contain caffeine. Can be consumed cold to quench thirst in hot weather. Packed in a cardboard box containing 25 sachets in individual foil envelopes.

Weight: 50 g.
Average price: 68 rubles.

Greenfield Summer Bouquet
  • individual packing;
  • balanced taste;
  • rich berry smell;
  • pieces of fruits and berries;
  • quickly brewed;
  • cheap.
  • no.

Tess Summer Time

Deep, quirky and full bodied with soft raspberries, sweet and sour hibiscus and tart feijoa. The drink invigorates, refreshes and gives strength on a hot day. It is drunk both hot and cold. In a cardboard box with a convenient hinged lid, 20 transparent fabric pyramids are placed, in which the contents are perfectly visible, clean, without unnecessary impurities and debris: crushed pieces of berries and fruits, fermented petals and leaves. It contains only natural vegetable raw materials, without preservatives, GMOs and synthetics.

Weight: 40 g.

Average price: 75 rubles.

Tess Summer Time
  • convenient packaging;
  • well brewed;
  • affordable price;
  • quality raw materials;
  • saturation of taste and aroma.
  • no.

Ahmad Tea Healthy&Tasty Collection №2

Herbal tea of ​​a well-known brand is distinguished by the brightness of the taste properties of fruits, berries, flowers and herbs. Blend for lovers of fresh and rich drinks from three compositions, 20 bags each:

  1. Magic Rooibos with Cinnamon;
  2. Mint cocktail with mint and lemon;
  3. Forest berry with wild berries.

Flavored assortment will cheer you up, fill the day with the freshness of natural smells and the taste of berries. 60 labeled sachets in foil envelopes are placed in a cardboard package, which prevents foreign odors from entering the mixture and loss of their own aromas.

Weight: 90 g.
Average price: 242 rubles.

Ahmad Tea Healthy&Tasty Collection №2
  • perfectly tones;
  • qualitatively packed;
  • affordable cost;
  • assorted three compositions;
  • natural ingredients.
  • no.

Popular pharmacy teas

Evalar bio For kidneys

At the heart of the formula of this medicinal herbal tea are three medicinal plants:

  • highlander bird;
  • bearberry;
  • Birch.

The crushed grass of the highlander bird is known as an excellent diuretic and antispasmodic. Bearberry has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and birch leaves improve urination and are an excellent antiseptic. Herbal tea prevents the appearance of stones, normalizes the state of the urinary-genital system, therefore it is sold in pharmacies and at a cost higher than the usual tonic or soothing herbal tea. The drink does not contain any synthetic components: preservatives, flavors, dyes, GMOs.The flavor and aroma complex included in the composition is patented by the manufacturer and includes only natural ingredients: fermented crushed leaves of wild strawberries, black currants and peppermint. Thanks to this complex, the medicinal product acquires a pleasant rich taste and aroma.

The purity and benefits of Altai herbs are guaranteed by the GMP certificate. Rules for use for an adult: brew one sachet in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and take 1 cup twice a day for three weeks. After a 10-day break, if necessary, repeat the course. Convenient individual packaging in a foil sachet allows you to take the right amount of bags with you on the road, rather than dragging the entire box.

Weight: 30 g.
Average price: 500 rubles.

Evalar bio For kidneys
  • effective;
  • proven therapeutic result;
  • convenient packaging;
  • sold in pharmacies;
  • from environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • no chemical components;
  • natural aromatic complex.
  • expensive.

Leovit Fat Burning Complex

Pharmaceutical herbal tea from a well-known domestic manufacturer is popular among the female half of the population. This is due to its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. The complex works in three directions:

  1. body cleansing;
  2. breakdown of fats;
  3. elimination of toxins.

It is based on herbs that speed up metabolism and help get rid of excess weight for a long time. Sold in most pharmacies, the cost corresponds to the quality, contains vitamin C.The downside, according to some of the buyers, is only in the specific spicy taste of the product, which is provided by the cinnamon, turmeric and ginger included in the composition, and which not everyone likes. However, for the sake of the result in the form of a slender figure, these inconveniences can be tolerated. The packaging is convenient and sealed, in individual foil envelopes.

Weight: 50 g.
Average price: 410 rubles.

Leovit Fat Burning Complex
  • safe;
  • effective;
  • natural;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • convenient to take with you;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • strong spicy taste.

Alatau Ivan-tea with currant

Ivan-tea is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants. It is a general tonic that stimulates the immune system. Blackcurrant leaf not only adds a fresh, slightly sour note, but has a rich composition and antioxidant function, therefore it is an excellent natural remedy for strengthening and cleaning blood vessels, and prevents atherosclerosis. Normalizes blood pressure, heartbeat, hematopoiesis. Sold in a cardboard box in bags without strings, this is the only inconvenience when brewing.

Weight: 40 g.
Average price: 136 rubles.

Alatau Ivan-tea with currant
  • natural composition;
  • does not contain chemical ingredients;
  • refreshing;
  • useful for the whole organism;
  • inexpensive.
  • awkwardly packaged.

Herbal tea is always handy: in the evening it will relieve fatigue and help you fall asleep soundly, in the morning it will invigorate and quickly drive away the remnants of drowsiness, in the spring it will give you a whole bunch of vitamins and restore strength and energy to the body. The main thing is to choose the right drink, which will help the review of the most popular herbal tea varieties in Russia.

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