Laundry soap is a tool that has been known for a long time. In Soviet times, it was used to maintain hygiene and replaced all household chemicals. In the production of such soap, only natural ingredients were used, which are completely safe for people and animals.
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Before using laundry soap, you should study its composition, which affects its properties, quality and even shelf life. It is believed that this type of product does not cause allergic reactions, has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. So, the main components are:
In addition to the above elements in the composition, additional additives and impurities may be included in a small amount. These additives include:
To improve the properties of the product, it is allowed to add various fragrances and additives, if they are approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. For example, baking soda and salt can make soap thicker.
Laundry soap can be divided into categories, depending on the content of fatty acids in it:
They are also divided according to their purpose:
Products are also divided by weight, which can vary from 150 to 500 grams.
So, the amount of fatty acids added to it affects the color of laundry soap. The more of them, the lighter it is, respectively, the less the darker. Products with an indicator of 72% will be endowed with great detergent properties.You can also highlight the fact that soap with a high content of fatty acids may have a specific smell.
Soap category laundry is very popular, as it is endowed with many useful properties. Among which are:
Laundry soap is used in folk medicine, in accordance with the types of human skin.
Nondescript in appearance, but affordable means, endowed with various positive qualities. So, among the advantages of this product include:
Among the negative aspects, which are very few, we can distinguish:
Even the remaining remnants can be reused by rubbing them, and then pouring boiling water. It is convenient to store chips, so that later at any time you need to use it for its intended purpose.
The positive qualities and functionality of laundry soap allow it to be used for:
Of course, the list of applications is not complete, it includes only the most common options that are often used in life.
When purchasing a product, you should take the advice of specialists, who primarily rely on the characteristics provided for by GOST-30266-95:
The wide range presented by modern manufacturers often makes it difficult for consumers to choose. To make it easier, you can always take the advice of friends or study reviews on the product you like, as a rule, now they can be found on almost all products. So, below will be presented a small list of products that, according to consumers, can be called the best.
“Antipyatin” with lemon flavor is made on the basis of a BIO formula, which includes natural enzymes and active enzymes derived from bile. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. Refers to means for removing stains and removing dirt on fabrics. It can be used when washing any kind of fabric and even leather. The agent does not discolor and does not damage the materials; upon contact with the skin, it does not cause irritation and allergic reactions. “Antipyatin” copes effectively, even in cold water, ideal for washing collars, but socks and children's clothes.
"Eared Nanny" was created for children's underwear, copes with almost all types of pollution, including protein ones. Soap Eared Nian includes a complex of fatty acids, animal fat, enzymes and glycerin, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. The absence of fragrances and various aggressive additives makes it hypoallergenic and ideal for washing baby clothes from birth. The composition is suitable for all types of fabrics, does not dry or irritate the skin.
DURU Clean & White laundry soap is considered universal and is suitable not only for cleaning various types of fabrics, but also for hygiene purposes. It is produced in small sticks weighing 125 g. The soap has a white color and a pleasant unobtrusive aroma, it consists only of natural plant ingredients, and also includes glycerin, which moisturizes the skin. It lathers well in both cold and hot water, and the enzymes included in the composition help to remove even the most difficult stains. The safe and hypoallergenic formula makes it possible to use DURU Clean & White when washing children's clothes.
The popular universal soap "Nevskaya Kosmetika" includes only natural ingredients, without dyes and fragrances. It lathers well in both hot and cold water. Can be used for washing baby clothes, copes with stains of various origins. Suitable for all types of fabric. In the production, an improved formula is used, thanks to which the soap contains twice as much glycerin, which favorably affects the skin of the hands. The product washes off well without leaving streaks.
"Aist" contains 72% fatty acids, sodium salts, glycerin, natural oils and antioxidants are also added to it.Such a composition carefully cares for the skin of the hands without disturbing the water balance. This soap can be used both for washing things and linen from various types of fabric, and for hygienic purposes. The dense texture of the product does not soak even after contact with water, but it easily forms a soft, soapy foam.
"Sun" differs from most similar products in that some species include various plant extracts. On sale there is a "Sun" with chamomile, lemon and apple. The presence of fragrances almost completely hides the natural and many unpleasant smell of laundry soap. The tool copes with various types of pollution, but requires a little effort during hand washing. To preserve the softness of the skin of the hands, manufacturers add glycerin, which softens the alkaline environment.
The demand for laundry soap has led manufacturers to develop new forms for this detergent. The shape of the product allows you to use it not only for hand washing, but also for machine washing. The cost of products in liquid form is much higher than in solid form, but despite this, many housewives prefer it. Of the common disadvantages of liquid soap, a large consumption can be distinguished, due to its versatility.Its composition will also affect the cost of the product, since manufacturers often add various aromatic oils and moisturizing components to it to improve product quality.
"Mr. Chister" is produced by Nevskaya Cosmetics, the composition contains up to 72% fatty acids. Refers to multifunctional compositions, that is, they can wash various types of fabrics, wash hands, and clean the house. Perfectly copes with different types of pollution even when used in cold water. The gel texture lathers easily and rinses off well without leaving streaks or streaks. On sale there are bottles of 450 ml, as well as soft packs of 500 and 1000 ml. "Mr. Cleaner" does not contain chlorine, silicones, parabens and fragrances, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions and is completely safe for health.
"Spring Juniper" is made from natural herbal ingredients and is completely safe for the health of both adults and children. Universal and functional product is intended for washing dishes, washing, degreasing surfaces, and it can also be used for hygienic purposes. It copes with complex contaminants even in cold water, and the thick consistency makes consumption more economical. Available in liter containers.
"Cinderella" is a concentrate that must be diluted in water, has a cinnamon color and a smell characteristic of laundry soap. Easily copes with old stains of various origins. The concentrate is endowed with antibacterial properties, suitable for washing things from various fabrics, washing dishes, cleaning rooms, and is also suitable for hygiene procedures, as it does not dry or irritate the skin. It is produced in canisters with a volume of 5 liters, the substance is consumed economically due to the fact that it forms a thick foam.
Another version of liquid soap, produced in the form of a concentrate, is packaged in containers of 1 and 5 liters. The improved formula of the product includes cedar oil, which has an antibacterial effect. GraSS copes with all types of dirt, including greasy stains. It can be used for both domestic and hygienic purposes. Safe for people, animals and the environment. Before use, dilute it according to the instructions on the bottle.
The composition of the liquid soap "Recipes of Grandma Agafya" includes juniper oil, which reduces the reproduction of microorganisms and kills them, and among the components there is an extract of plantain, marshmallow root and Baikal skullcap. "Grandma Agafya's Recipes" is suitable for all types of cleaning, laundry and hand washing. It can be used even in cold water, the substance removes dirt and stains well, even old ones, it is quickly washed out and does not leave streaks. "Grandma Agafia's Recipes" has a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. Available in 2 liter cans.
Another type of form in which laundry soap is produced is powder. It can also be used not only for hand washing, but also in washing machines.
"Almaz" does not contain fragrances and does not have a strong smell, so it is ideal for washing children's clothes. Suitable for white and colored fabrics, and a weak solution of powder can be washed floors and other surfaces, removing dust and dirt, as well as destroying bacteria.
One of the best inventions in the form of a powder, it has disinfecting and bleaching properties, while not damaging the structure of the fabric fibers. They are used for washing by hand and in a typewriter, it is consumed quite sparingly and therefore it lasts for a long time.
The quality of laundry soap has been known since Soviet times, and many still prefer this product. This is due to the fact that the proposed products, as a rule, consist exclusively of natural ingredients and are suitable for allergy sufferers and children.