Despite the fact that medicine is at a high level in 2022, in the fight against pain, people continue to use herbal analgesics - healing herbs. This is due to the fact that synthetic drugs have not become a panacea: they are addictive, and long-term use leads to various diseases, which is confirmed by research. The benefits of natural analgesics are undeniable - there are practically no contraindications, and they affect the body much milder. In terms of effectiveness, plants are not inferior to medical preparations, but the latter give relief faster.
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Scientific research on painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac has led scientists to conclude that the harm they cause is greater than the relief they provide. They disrupt the work of the heart (the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood circulation increases), the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and ulcers become aggravated), the liver and kidneys. Of course, if the day is just beginning, and you have a headache, it is better to take a pill, and not to suffer. But some people are forced to constantly use drugs, because chronic diseases are often associated with pain.
The use of natural analgesics helps to avoid the risk of developing a number of problems and effectively get rid of the pain syndrome, and for a longer time. They can both complement and completely replace drug therapy, which is recognized by a number of specialists. In addition, medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect on the human body, relax, give strength and have a general healing effect.
Many plants have an analgesic effect, each of them has its own instructions for use, as well as useful properties and specific features that you should learn about before you start using.
It is worth remembering that herbal therapy is a process that will take time and patience. In order for the remedy to work, it may take several days or a whole course.
But, if you manage, the process will bring decent results.
Analgesics of plant origin help to cope with a whole range of problems associated with impaired functioning of the systems of the human body.The effectiveness of herbal remedies is ensured by their special composition - substances that have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.
There is a list of medicinal plants that will help cope with joint pain. It is recommended to try several options to find the most effective for yourself.
For people who prefer decoctions, the following cooking recipes are suitable:
These recipes are suitable for rheumatoid arthritis and osteochondrosis. The usual drug therapy in these cases is long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which lead to more problems than they solve.Folk remedies, coupled with therapeutic exercises, in this case become the only way to maintain health.
People with cancer often experience severe pain. Medicinal herbs come to the rescue, which relieve pain and improve well-being. Natural analgesics are used in the form of tinctures, decoctions, compresses and extracts.
In folk medicine, the following herbs and recipes are used:
Effective in the treatment of cancer and barberry, sandy immortelle, tartar, thyme, agave, cocklebur. On their basis, decoctions are also made. Extracts from these plants are used as the basis for the creation of anticancer drugs.
Herbs strengthen the immune system and protect the body, but the main treatment for cancer remains surgery and chemotherapy. However, the pharmacological use of herbs once again confirms their effectiveness in the fight against cancer.
Suffering from back pain, people reach for the next pill, not thinking about the consequences for the stomach. Natural analgesics help to avoid side effects. To eliminate back pain, the following recipes are suitable:
Back pain can appear due to menstruation. But the advantage of herbal remedies is that they affect the body as a whole, it is not required to identify the exact nature of the pain.
With menstruation An infusion of St. John's wort flowers helps a lot, which can be brewed in a thermos in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l.per liter of water, and replace them with tea. Similarly, you can infuse chamomile flowers, oak bark, horsetail, calendula petals. They not only relieve suffering, but also act on the causes that cause painful menstruation.
The nutritional value and calorie content of herbal preparations tends to zero, ranging from 1 to 2 kcal per 100 grams (depending on the specific inflorescences, roots and leaves of plants), proteins, fats and carbohydrates correlate as 0/0/0.2 g.
With a similar problem - pain in appendagesThe following herbal remedies will help:
At kidney pain, which also radiates to the back, thyme is usually used, which has a diuretic and sedative effect, as well as chamomile and calendula flowers, sage, St. John's wort and horsetail.
If you are worried about pain in your teeth, it is recommended to prepare a healing infusion of herbs and use it for rinsing three times a day. For these purposes, suitable herbs such as chamomile flowers, sage, willow bark, calamus marsh, plantain.
You can apply a mixture of fresh ginger and red pepper, which contains capsaicin, a pain reliever, to the area of pain. This will help stop inflammation.
Violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract leads to a number of unpleasant consequences. Diarrhea, fatigue, poor assimilation of nutrients in the body appear, which becomes a threat to bones, hair, nails and skin. Medicinal herbs come in very handy.
An infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile, anise and yarrow, as well as specialized multivitamin preparations, help to cope with the pain of the gastrointestinal tract.
Summing up, it should be noted that natural anesthetics have a very wide range of applications. Full or partial replacement of medicines by them will help maintain health and get rid of pain without negative consequences. Healing infusions can also be used to prevent diseases.
It remains to highlight questions about the acquisition, cultivation and storage of herbs.
If we are talking about dry herbs, then they are bought, as a rule, in pharmacies or shops specializing in herbs. It can be purchased from a private person if you are well versed in herbs and are confident in the place of collection.
When it comes to fresh cut plants, let's not forget the vast possibilities of the Internet achieved by 2022. In the open spaces of the network you can find almost any tool, regardless of the time of year.
Proper storage of medicinal herbs is not difficult. A dry, dark place with enough air and an average temperature of up to 20 degrees is required. Plants are best stored separately from each other. You can use both closed dishes - glass, ceramic, wooden or tin, and store herbs in bunches, woven bags or wicker tueskas.
It is recommended to write the time of collection or purchase of herbs. The average shelf life is 2-3 years, sometimes up to 5 years. It is better to find out about the shelf life when buying, since the old collection will not give the results of a fresh one.
This information is relevant for those who have the opportunity to grow herbs on their own land. A small sunny, and not windy area is suitable. Taller plants are best placed in the center, and shorter plants are best placed at the edges so that the sun is evenly distributed. Healing herbs are unpretentious, it is enough to provide them with timely watering, having found out in advance how moisture-loving each of the species chosen for planting is.
Since the growing season of herbs will differ depending on the climatic zone, we will give general recommendations.
Harvest begins in May and ends by mid-summer.
In spring, leaves, flowers and rhizomes of plantain, horsetail, celandine, nettle, dandelion, burdock and oak and willow bark are harvested.
It is customary to collect leaves and flowers at the time of flowering by hand, so as not to damage the plant.
The bark is cut off in early spring, at the same time as the sap flow.
Regarding the roots of plants, there are no agreed terms, so you can dig out at any time during the warm season.