
  1. How to choose a shampoo
  2. What problems should shampoo solve?
  3. Types of surfactants
  4. The difference between professional tools and budget options
  5. Ranking of the best professional products in 2022 according to consumers

Professional hair shampoos 2022

Professional hair shampoos 2022

To give hair an attractive appearance, women do not spare time, effort and money. Regular use of balms and hair masks is designed to provide curls with a healthy look. However, the first hair care product was and remains shampoo. The rating of popular professional hair shampoos will help you make the right choice.

How to choose a shampoo

When choosing the optimal tool, the following factors should be considered:

  • hair type;
  • the problem to be dealt with;
  • composition of the product;
  • consumer reviews;
  • manufacturer's reputation.

Currently, shampoos of famous brands are considered the best models:

  1. Vichy;
  2. matrix;
  3. Pantene;
  4. L'Oreal;
  5. Londa Professional;
  6. Schwarzkopf;
  7. Estel.

These manufacturers are rightfully considered the best, their products are regularly tested by independent laboratories, and their hair care products are used by beauty salons and hairdressers.

But, in addition to famous companies, less well-known, but no less high-quality brands of Korean, Russian and Israeli cosmetics are gaining popularity.

What problems should shampoo solve?

When making a choice, you should not focus on the price: a high price is not a guarantee of a quality product. You should focus on the problems facing the shampoo.

  • Products for normal hair nourish the strands without drying them out. The plus is the content in the composition of sorbitol and propylene glycol, which are able to saturate the hair with moisture. Do not use this type of shampoo for owners of thin and weakened hair.
  • Shampoos for oily hair fight against excessive secretion of sebum, therefore, the composition includes antimicrobial components and tannins.The presence of oils is undesirable: excess fat gives the curls an untidy look.
  • Shampoos for dry hair designed to fight breakage and malnutrition, so essential components of such shampoos are oils and moisturizing ingredients. A plus will be the presence of proteins, lanolin and keratin (substances that fight hair breakage). These shampoos are incompatible with hard and thick curls.
  • Models for damaged hair improve the appearance of problem curls, facilitate combing, make the strands silky. The disadvantage is the inability to cure the problem.
  • Shampoos after coloring eliminate external imperfections, dryness. At the same time, they will prevent washing out of the dye and prolong the brightness of the color.
  • Anti-dandruff shampoos include antibacterial substances against a fungus that causes itching and flaking, they should not be applied to weakened hair: a large amount of surfactants will exacerbate problems.

Properly selected shampoo will provide the hair with the missing substances, give a well-groomed and healthy look.

Types of surfactants

Many home cleaning products include surfactants to remove stains. The surfactant works according to the following scheme: its molecule is introduced into the surface layer of the dermis, captures a molecule of fat or pollution and tears it off the hair or skin.

The disadvantage of the component is the washing out of useful lipids that make up the natural protective barrier. Lipid-deprived skin becomes dehydrated, leading to a feeling of dryness, tightness, and possibly itching. The degree of damage to the lipid layer depends on the percentage of surfactants in the product and its variety.

There are two types of surfactants: nonionic and ionic (interacting with water, they form ions, depending on the charge of which anionic, cationic, amphoteric surfactants are isolated).


Anionic surfactants
They are used in budgetary funds, they are distinguished by abundant foaming and high degreasing properties. However, these components are harmful substances that dry the skin. SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) belong to this subspecies and are used in many shampoos due to their low cost.

It is worth noting that scientists have developed gentle anionic surfactants: with a low percentage in shampoo, the harm from them is minimal.

Cationic surfactants
They consist of ions with a “+” charge, which interact well with hair that has a “-” charge. Such surfactants require thorough rinsing, since a long stay of these products on the hair leads to their electrification.

Amphoteric surfactants
Change charge depending on the pH of the water (can be anionic, cationic, or remain amphoteric at neutral pH). These additives are well compatible with tissues and have low toxicity.

Nonionic surfactants

They have no charge and do not form ions. Good compatibility with the dermis and low foaming are the hallmarks of these substances. Nonionic surfactants in cosmetics are usually combined with ionic surfactants to reduce the harmful effects of the latter.

The difference between professional tools and budget options

For a long time, professional hair cosmetics were used only by beauty salons and hairdressers.Firstly, it was difficult for the consumer to find expensive products in the free sale; secondly, there was no understanding of the expediency of spending: is it worth overpaying when there is a wide range of less expensive options on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets.

Currently, more and more buyers prefer professional brands. Consumers who voted in favor of professional shampoos note the different effect of budgetary funds and high-quality professional brands.

Often the list of ingredients of inexpensive shampoos is not much different from expensive products. The difference lies in the percentage of active ingredients: in household brands, the content of synthetic components and cheap surfactants is much higher, there are no substances that block the negative effects of some compounds, and the content of useful additives is minimal. The price of the final product depends on the amount of vitamins, organic oils, minerals in the shampoo. Professional lines of caring and medical cosmetics are distinguished by a rich choice and the ability to choose an individual product.

Ranking of the best professional products in 2022 according to consumers

The choice of shampoos is extremely wide, the article presents models that have received the best reviews from real customers.

Anti-dandruff shampoos


The shampoo contains olamine and piroctone, substances that fight yeast - the main cause of dandruff.

KayPro Professional Shampoos
  • quick result;
  • rinses hair well
  • the price is below average (1700 rubles / 1000 ml.)
  • eliminates itching.
  • not identified.

Vichy Dercos for dry scalp

Funds Vichy belong to pharmaceutical medical cosmetics, so the cost is twice as high as that of shampoos for salon care, but the durability of the result and the complete elimination of the problem make Vichy cosmetics popular with buyers.

Vichy Dercos for Dry Scalp Includes salicylic acid to gently exfoliate dead skin and selenium to stop fungal bacterial growth and normalize bacterial balance.

Vichy Dercos professional shampoos for dry scalp
  • cures dandruff in 4 weeks;
  • has a persistent medical effect;
  • removes dead cells after the first application;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • returns gloss;
  • is a farm. cosmetics;
  • small volume (100 ml).
  • high price (400 rubles / 100 ml.)

Vichy Dercos for normal to oily hair

The composition of the product, in addition to the components that fight the formation of dandruff, includes vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which improves blood circulation, which leads to the restoration of the nutrition of the hair follicles, strengthening the follicles - the hair grows strong and moisturized.

Vichy Dercos for normal to oily hair
  • the presence of a dispenser;
  • economical consumption;
  • visible result.
  • the price is higher than the market average (850 rubles / 200 ml.)

Estel Alpha Home

The male version of the professional anti-dandruff shampoo.

Estel Alpha Homme professional shampoos
  • suitable for daily use;
  • low price (360 rubles / 250 ml);
  • pleasant aroma;
  • antistatic action;
  • pleasant cooling effect;
  • stylish packaging design.
  • not suitable for women because of the masculine scent;
  • liquid consistency;
  • has no therapeutic effect;
  • dandruff returns after stopping use.

Otium Unique

Contains the active active ingredient - zinc pyrithione, which fights dandruff and hair loss.

Otium Unique Professional Shampoos
  • deep cleansing of the scalp and hair;
  • does not dry hair and scalp;
  • convenient packaging;
  • average price (400 rubles / 250 ml)
  • creamy texture.
  • regular use is required to achieve lasting results.

Shampoos for hair loss


Alerana brand hair loss shampoo is sold through a pharmacy chain. It has a gentle composition: surfactants are softened by the addition of co-surfactants, which neutralize the negative effects of surfactants.

Alerana professional shampoos
  • activates hair growth;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • low price for a pharmaceutical product (420 rubles / 250 ml.)
  • a detailed description of the active substances is given.
  • liquid consistency;
  • with frequent use, it is addictive and there is a risk of returning problems with the scalp.

Vichy Dercos firming with Aminexil

It is a well-known pharmacy remedy for the treatment of hair loss, contains B vitamins, vitamin PP and does not contain parabens.

Vichy Dercos firming with Aminexil
  • convenient packaging;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • strengthens well.
  • high price (1200 rubles / 400 ml);
  • hair can be badly combed;
  • regular use is required.

Shampoos for colored hair

Londa Color Radiance

Protects from the harmful effects of the summer sun and ultraviolet radiation. Specially designed microions remove harmful substances left after dyeing, preserving color and gently cleansing hair.

Londa Color Radiance Professional Shampoos
  • obedient hair;
  • does not dry out the ends of the hair;
  • retains color;
  • has a pleasant citrus aroma;
  • easy to wash off;
  • has a thick consistency;
  • average price (400 rubles / 250 ml.)
  • Available in 250 and 1000 ml packs.
  • It contains sodium chloride in its composition, therefore it is not suitable for owners of very sensitive scalp and for those who use keratin hair straightening, as it makes the effect of the procedure short-term.

Wella Brilliance Line

It contains glyoxylic acid, which is responsible for maintaining a normal pH level after the staining procedure. Vitamin E protects against harmful environmental factors.

Wella Brilliance Line professional shampoos
  • hair is soft;
  • facilitates the installation process;
  • retains color.
  • high price (2000 rubles / 1000 ml.)

Shampoos for dry hair

Kerastase Bain Satin2

It has a unique nutritional complex that gives each hair strength and a healthy look. The glycerin, protein and lipids that make up the product moisturize and protect the hair from the negative effects of the environment.

Professional Shampoos Kerastase Bain Satin2
  • disciplines the ends of the hair;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes damaged hair.
  • does not add volume;
  • not suitable for thin hair;
  • contains a lot of silicone;
  • high price (1500 rubles / 250 ml.)

Muslan Cosmetic All Type

Domestic brand of organic cosmetics with a minimum amount of chemical additives. Shampoos of this brand are produced without the use of SLS, parabens, silicone.Due to the presence of a large number of natural ingredients in the composition, the shelf life from the date of production is only 10 months, and sediment often falls on the bottom of the bottle. Shampoos of this brand do not foam well, as they do not contain surfactants.

Professional shampoos Muslan cosmetic All Type
  • without surfactants;
  • organic base;
  • regenerating shampoo;
  • democratic price (400 rubles / 300 ml.)
  • Due to the short expiration date, cosmetics can only be ordered from the official website.

La'dor Keratin LPP Shampoo

Shampoo made in South Korea. Suitable for delicate scalp and dry damaged hair. Contains no parabens, sulfates or silicone.

La'dor Keratin LPP Shampoo
  • rinses hair well
  • does not irritate sensitive skin (pH 5.5);
  • moisturizes dry hair;
  • restores brittle hair;
  • the price is below average (1000 rubles / 530 ml.)
  • protein, silk, natural ingredients.
  • foams badly.

Shampoos for oily hair

Estel curex Volume

The shampoo contains lecithin, which is involved in the renewal of hair cells, being a building material.

Estel curex Volume professional shampoos
  • rinses hair well
  • facilitates combing;
  • low cost (200 rubles/300 ml)
  • rinses off easily.
  • no volume promised.

Vichy Dercos Sebo Correcteur OIL Control

A wide range of Vichy shampoos allows you to choose a product that fights any cosmetic problem.

Vichy Dercos Sebo Correcteur OIL Control
  • does not weigh down the roots;
  • no parabens and silicone;
  • easy to wash off;
  • after two weeks of use, it significantly reduces sebum production, so you can wash your hair twice a week.
  • price (850 rubles / 200 ml.);
  • high consumption.

Shampoos for normal hair

Wella Professionals Enrich

Shampoo designed to give volume to normal to fine hair.

Wella Professionals Enrich
  • thick;
  • small expense;
  • hair is good and has volume.
  • price (650 rubles / 250 ml.)

When choosing hair care products, it is worth remembering that shampoo is one of the stages of complex care, which, coping with its task, still requires additions in the form of balms, masks, hair conditioners. The perfect shampoo in combination with other products of the same series will make your hair truly luxurious.

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