
  1. Specifications
  2. Equipment
  3. Design
  4. Functional
  5. Pros and cons

Hobot Legee 688 Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review – Really the Best?

Hobot Legee 688 Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review – Really the Best?

Hobot Legee 688 is a device that stands out from the competition with its design, navigation system and incredible performance. The editors of the site "" present to your attention an overview of the smart robot vacuum cleaner Hobot Legee 688.


This is the latest generation robot vacuum cleaner, which continued the line of hybrids. The gadget has become even smarter and added in functionality, therefore it is capable of:

  • at the same time to carry out both dry and wet cleaning;
  • build a map of the premises to guarantee the best cleaning efficiency;
  • clean surfaces using one of the 8 available work options.
BATTERY:- lithium-ion type with a capacity of 2750 mAh.
CLEANING AREA:- no more than 150 sq. m.
AUTONOMY:- 1,5 hour.
WATER TANK:- 320 ml.
NOISE:- 56 dB.
DIMENSIONS:- 34x33x9.5 cm

This model takes 1st place in the ranking of the best robot vacuum cleaners for 2022!

robot vacuum cleaner Hobot Legee 688


The robot vacuum cleaner is sold in a cardboard box with a plastic handle for comfortable carrying.

In the package:

  • in fact, a gadget;
  • docking station for battery recovery;
  • network PSU;
  • remote control;
  • HEPA type filters (3 pcs.);
  • side brushes (3 pcs.);
  • wipes for wet and dry cleaning (2 pcs. for each type of cleaning);
  • nozzles (4 pcs.);
  • a container for filling the tank with water or detergent;
  • manual;
  • warranty card.

Important! Batteries for the remote control are also included.

The charging dock has been redesigned. The manufacturer added latches, so the owner of the "smart" assistant can install the base on the wall so that the robot vacuum cleaner does not push it when it returns to recharge.


The design is similar to model 669. The device is made in a D-shaped form factor with a wide front area and a rounded back. The case is made of matte black plastic materials. The dimensions of the model are 34x33x9.5 cm.

There are two control keys on the front glossy cover:

  1. Departure to the base.
  2. "Start", which combines the option of Wi-Fi restart, if you hold the button for 5 seconds.

Under the lifting cover are a container for water or detergent, a compartment for a dust collector and a switch. Along the contour of the U-shaped bumper on a springy course there is a rubber pad, which weakens the collision of the “smart” assistant with walls and furniture.

The bumper has 3 holes for laser sensors, and 2 more sensors are located on the sides of the device. The rear part has built-in terminals for recharging.

If you turn the gadget over, you can see:

  • a suction hole that stretches across the width of the case;
  • two vibrating swabs on which washable (7 mm wide) wipes are fixed;
  • between vibrating swabs holes designed for spraying water;
  • wide rubber tracks on the sides;
  • on the right (in the corner) an end brush, which peeks out from behind the body by about 4 cm;
  • in the front corners there are 2 laser-type sensors.


The first thing to start with is the navigation system. It is laser, so the gadget is perfectly defined in a space divided into a maximum of 8 rooms. The robot vacuum cleaner moves in parallel, at the same time not losing sight of untidy places. In addition to laser-type sensors, the model is equipped with an encoder (rotation angle sensor), an electronic type compass and a gyroscope.

Cleaning modes

"Smart" assistant can clean up in 8 modes:

  1. "Standard". It will be an excellent solution for most cases. They should also be used in that situation, if you still do not understand which mode suits you best.
  2. "Kitchen". The mode is intended for cleaning floor coverings with stagnant stains, which often remain in the kitchen. The gadget will divide the room into blocks (squares) of one and a half meters and properly moisten them in order to clean the floor from stains. After that, the robot cleaner performs a second approach in order to completely clean the floor from dirt.
  3. "Pet".Without slowing down, the device increases suction power in order to collect pet hair, and also increases the water supply to the floor covering in order to effectively clean the floor covering from pet paw marks.
  4. "Powerful". In this program, the smart assistant increases the suction power and movement speed to the limit, properly moistening the floor. As a result - smart and high-quality cleaning.
  5. "Economical". In this program, the model cleans the maximum area, while moving quickly, but with reduced suction power. This mode is a great choice for quiet everyday wet cleaning.
  6. "Polishing". In this mode, the gadget strongly moistens the flooring and increases the frequency of movement of the napkins in order to qualitatively eliminate dirt and polish.

Interesting information! The robot vacuum reduces the speed of movement in order to effectively polish the floor and clean the dirt.

  1. "Dry". The "smart" assistant will clean the floor without splashing in places where the surface cannot be wetted. To do this, the robotic device deactivates the liquid spray system and increases the suction power, which allows you to collect the dust that has accumulated on the surface.

Interesting information! The cleaning rate in this program is maintained at a high rate, which saves time.

  1. "Custom". The manufacturer has provided the ability to create a cleaning mode directly by the user. The owner needs to set the key spray characteristics, suction power, the frequency of the reciprocating movements of the wipes and the speed of the gadget.

Important! You can configure the user mode as conveniently as possible using the smartphone program.

Fast Brush Cleaning

In fact, the novelty is a 2 in 1 model, since the “smart” assistant is able to carry out both wet and dry cleaning at the same time. The essence of the device is a four-stage FastBrush system:

  1. stage. The powerful brushless motor guarantees effective cleaning of pet hair and other dirt, sending the collected debris into the dust container, which has a volume of 0.5 liters. There, the air passes through a two-stage purification system through a mesh and high-purity filter that retains microparticles of dust.
  2. stage. Contaminants that the device could not remove with a pump are held on a microfiber cloth that moves at a speed of 10 reciprocating movements per second. Thanks to the statics, the dust lingers between the fibers of the napkin and does not fly off during the further cleaning process.
  3. stage. The gadget is measured and balanced sprays water on the floor, moistening it before wet cleaning. Water (or detergent), which is available in a 320 ml container, enters through the nozzles, while the amount of liquid varies depending on the current mode.
  4. stage. The final stage of cleaning up the room comes down to cleaning the remaining dirt and absorbing moisture through the rear microfiber cloth. Due to the fast reciprocating movements, the floor covering is cleaned of dried dirt, and then polished.

Important! The frequency of the reciprocating swipe changes depending on the activated mode.

Garbage containers (0.5 l) are enough for a couple of cleanings. When the container is full, the user will receive a notification on the phone, and the robotic assistant will make a characteristic sound.

Interesting information! The garbage tank is equipped with a two-stage filter system, which includes a fine mesh, as well as a HEPA filter for fine air purification.

Operating modes

There are three basic operating modes, as in previous models:

  1. Zigzag movement. While moving in a zigzag, the device cleans the entire area, moving in parallel and not losing sight of a single corner, focusing on the map of the premises.
  2. Moving around the perimeter. The gadget bypasses the area along the contour, thoroughly removing corners and baseboards. The end brush effectively sweeps and sends dirt to the vacuum channel.
  3. Automatic cleaning. In this mode, the robot vacuum cleaner first cleans the room along the contour, and then cleans the remaining space, moving in a zigzag pattern.


When you turn it on for the first time, the gadget generates a map of cleaning rooms, marking on it the space to be cleaned, furniture, walls and other barriers. The built map is stored in the device's memory. The "smart" assistant uses it during further cleaning, which significantly improves the quality of cleaning and saves time. The device "looks" into every corner of the room and accurately recognizes the areas in which it needs to put things in order.

Cleaning diary

The gadget records information about the work done. The information is available to the owner in the smartphone application. This allows you to monitor the robotic assistant. The user has access to:

  • information on harvested areas;
  • duration of cleaning and other information.

The report clearly outlines the tasks that were assigned to the device.If he did not remove some segment of the territory, for example, he could not get there because of an obstacle, then it is possible to give him an order to clean up the missed section, removing the obstacle in advance.


The gadget can clean up the room according to the schedule, taking into account the day of the week and time. The owner can, for example, set cleaning at a time when there is no one in the room so that the robot vacuum cleaner does not get in the way. Upon completion of the scheduled cleaning, the gadget will return to where it started from.


Putting things in order in the room, the robot vacuum cleaner is accurately determined in space due to a system of sensors, including:

  • gyroscope;
  • rotation angle sensor;
  • electronic type compass;
  • laser sensors.

The model recognizes obstacles in the way of movement and decisively overcomes them, returning after this to a given course. Thanks to laser-type sensors that are integrated into the body of the robot vacuum cleaner, it easily recognizes the difference in the height of the floor in front of it.

Pros and cons

Having studied the technical parameters specified by the manufacturer, as well as personal experience of use, I would like to note the strengths and weaknesses of the model.

  • fashionable appearance in a D-shaped form factor;
  • does both dry and wet cleaning at once;
  • excellent indicators of autonomy;
  • multi-stage cleaning (FastBrush);
  • high suction performance;
  • a well-thought-out navigation system, which consists of optical and laser sensors, as well as an electronic compass and a gyroscope;
  • drawing up a map of the premises in real time;
  • fluid intake and monitoring in automatic mode;
  • eight cleaning programs (Talent Clean);
  • you can control the robot vacuum cleaner through a mobile program;
  • scheduled cleaning;
  • doesn't make noise.
  • no virtual wall;
  • it is difficult to cope with obstacles that are higher than 0.5 cm.

Important! This review is purely subjective, does not refer to advertising and does not call for a purchase. Before you buy a "smart" robot vacuum cleaner Hobot Legee 688, be sure to consult an expert.

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