
  1. Signs of reduced immunity
  2. Prevention
  3. Overview of the best folk remedies to increase immunity
  4. Conclusion

Overview of the best folk remedies to increase immunity

Overview of the best folk remedies to increase immunity

Immunity is the protection of the body from harmful bacteria, viruses, bad conditions. Studying the review of the best folk remedies to increase immunity, you can choose the right recipe for any person.

Signs of reduced immunity

There are two types:

  1. Congenital (natural) - protection against certain diseases is transmitted from the mother.
  2. Acquired (artificial) - after the introduction of vaccines, vaccinations.

The main defenders are white blood cells (lymphocytes), cells of internal organs (macrophages). The number of lymphocytes in the blood shows the presence of infection in the body.

Symptoms of a reduced level of protection:

  • decrease in general tone - memory impairment, low performance, fatigue;
  • the number of SARS more than 4 times a year;
  • drowsiness;
  • temperature 37-37.3⁰С (increase in the evening);
  • depression, apathy lasts more than 14 days;
  • appearance worsens: brittle hair, nails, dry skin, swelling.

An accurate diagnosis will be made by the doctor after an examination, obtaining the results of tests (general blood count).


The increase in the protective properties of the body takes place gradually, subject to conditions that are easy to carry out on your own:

  1. Exclusion of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating).
  2. Daily routine (go to bed, eat at a certain time).
  3. Airing the room 3-4 times, always before going to bed.
  4. Wipe floors with a damp cloth.
  5. Maintaining air humidity of 50-60% (humidifiers).
  6. Try to move more - 30-40 minutes a day.
  7. Hardening (contrast shower, air baths).
  8. Proper nutrition.

Humid, cool room air, on the street will help the moistened nasopharyngeal mucosa (local immunity) to trap viruses and dust particles in time.


Helps to strengthen protection against adverse weather conditions. You need to start hardening:

  • when there are no exacerbations of diseases;
  • carry out regularly, without interruptions;
  • reduce the temperature gradually, every 3-5 days by 2-3 degrees.

There are several types of hardening:

  1. Walking barefoot - on the ground, grass, sand, in the bathroom - on the water.
  2. Morning douche - a gradual decrease from room temperature.
  3. Wiping with a wet towel - rubbing all parts of the body for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Contrast shower - alternating hot and cold water every 5-9 seconds.
  5. Air baths - be in the air without clothes for 2-5 minutes.

For infants, air baths will be the first hardening. Barefoot is suitable for children under 6 years of age.


Good health depends on food. Attention should be paid:

  • use seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • replace cooking methods - frying for baking, more steaming;
  • use vegetable oils - olive, linseed (up to 2 tablespoons);
  • replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones (products from wholemeal flour, with bran);
  • drink plenty of clean, non-chlorinated water.

Breastfeeding is important for babies. Children, teenagers - a varied menu.

Overview of the best folk remedies to increase immunity

All herbal tinctures, drops, products with aromatic oils should be used after consultation with your doctor, therapist, immunologist. It is imperative to check the body's reaction to the components in order to avoid allergic manifestations (itching, rashes, watery eyes).

External use (aromatic oils)

Oils are used for inhalation (aroma lamp, inhaler, air humidifier), as part of balms and ointments.Dry inhalation: place 3-4 drops on a scarf, the end of a scarf, a protective mask.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist, check for intolerance:

  • put a few drops of aromatic oil on a cotton pad, inhale carefully - you can use it if there is no sore throat, cough, tears after 5-10 minutes;
  • Mix 1-2 drops with any oil (olive, coconut) - apply the mixture on the inside of the arm 9-12 hours before use.

5th place Elfarma Rosemary essential oil

Cost: 93-147 rubles.

The second name is "flavor of the heart." Main properties:

  • improved blood supply;
  • tones the body;
  • enhances memory;
  • relieves headache;
  • reduces stress levels.

Use: cosmetology, water procedures, helps to wake up quickly.

Herbal fragrance group.

rosemary oil
  • bactericidal action;
  • relieves pain;
  • increases the general tone, pressure;
  • refreshing.
  • may cause sunburn;
  • it is impossible for patients with epilepsy, convulsions.

4 place Mirrolla essential oil Tea tree

Price: 113-119 rubles.

Tea tree leaf extract (Melaleuca alternifolia).


  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • heals cuts;
  • improves the restoration of hair, skin, nails.

Use: cosmetology, bath, sauna, inhalation, aromatization, massages.

tea tree oil
  • creams, lotions are suitable for oily, problem skin;
  • antiseptic;
  • heals wounds;
  • purifies the air.
  • specific smell;
  • children's age up to 6 years;
  • may cause drowsiness.

3rd place Natural oils Eucalyptus essential oil

Cost: 38-70 rubles.

Woody group of smells.


  • suitable for problematic, oily skin;
  • removes dandruff, strengthens hair;
  • used for inhalation (cough, runny nose);
  • aromatization of premises;
  • additive in shampoos, massage oils.

Storage: dark place. Temperature - up to 25C.

eucalyptus essential oil
  • antiseptic;
  • use for saunas, baths;
  • antimicrobial, antiviral action.
  • only in diluted form.

2nd place Mirrolla essential oil Pine

Price: 33-70 rubles.

Mirrolla product.

The main component is Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Oil.

Woody fragrance group.


  • healing of cuts, cracks;
  • increases skin turgor;
  • revitalizes hair;
  • improves mood;
  • disinfects the air.

Additionally used with oil of cedar, lavender, cypress.

Mirrolla Essential Oil Pine
  • cosmetic additive;
  • refreshes, disinfects the air;
  • protection against mold, fungi.
  • not found.

1 place Natural oils Lavender essential oil

Price: 50-89 rubles.

Producer - LLC "Natural Oils".

Obtained by distillation. Sold in a glass bottle.

Floral group of scents.


  • cosmetology - addition to creams, shampoos, balms;
  • scars, scars, mosquito bites;
  • aromatization of air, linen;
  • moth protection;
  • bath, sauna;
  • massage oil.

Add 2-3 drops (air humidifier, aroma lamp), 8-10 drops (sauna, bath).

Store in a dark place at room temperature.

lavender oil
  • relieves irritation;
  • nourishes the skin, hair;
  • soothes, relaxes;
  • aromatization of air, things;
  • protection of winter clothes from moths.
  • use before bed.


Popular ways of using medicinal herbs, fruits, berries - making decoctions, compotes, balms. Plus: an additional source of vitamins, minerals in summer and winter. Minus: individual intolerance is possible.

Vitamin Blend

Take dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), nuts (walnuts, nutmeg) 400-500 g each, 2 lemons.

Grind everything in a blender bowl or through a meat grinder. Add 350-500 ml of honey, mix. Place in a glass jar with a tight lid. Keep refrigerated.

Eat 1 tablespoon 1 time per day, before breakfast, on an empty stomach. The course is 1-2 months.

  • source of vitamins, microelements;
  • pleasant taste;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves myocardial function.
  • not for people with high glucose levels;
  • allergy to components.

Rose hip

Rosehip - has antibacterial properties, a source of vitamin C.

Infusion of rose hips: wash the berries, chop (you can just crush), pour boiling water. For 1 liter of hot water you need 90-100 g. It is advisable to use a thermos.

Cooking time - you need to brew for 5-7 hours.

Take 1-2 cups of infusion throughout the day. The duration of the course is personal, no more than 2-3 weeks.

You can add herbs, cranberries, sea buckthorn, linden flowers.

Sold in the idea of ​​dry fruits, ready-made syrups, tinctures.

dried wild rose
  • a large amount of vitamin C;
  • strengthens the body;
  • relieves inflammation.
  • diuretic action;
  • should not be taken for more than 2 weeks in a row.

Fruit and berry compotes

Source of vitamins, minerals. When cooking fruit compotes, seasonal fruits, berries (summer), frozen foods (winter, spring) are used.

Popular ingredients: apples, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, currants (red, black).

Rinse the berries, clean from leaves, twigs. Boil 3-4 liters of water, add sugar (150-200 g per 1.5-2 liters). Throw prepared berries and fruits into boiling water. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, close the lid.

You can cook without sugar, with honey. Honey is added to compote at temperatures up to 40 ⁰С.

dried cranberries
  • menu addition;
  • natural minerals, vitamins;
  • help to lower the temperature;
  • easy to prepare yourself for the winter;
  • like children, adults.
  • not found.

Coniferous decoction

Spruce needles (2-3 tablespoons) are cleaned of impurities, rinsed with running water. Place the needles in a saucepan, pour 250-300 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Close the lid. At a decoction temperature of 35-40⁰С, add sugar or honey to taste.

Use a freshly prepared decoction of 90-100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

cedar oil
  • high content of vitamin C;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • relieves inflammation, pain.
  • cook every day.

herbal teas

The collection of medicinal herbs, flowers, fruits can be bought at the pharmacy, at the market, collected and dried on your own.

Popular herbs: lemon balm, oregano, linden flowers, motherwort, chamomile.

The mixture is made up of equal parts. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 450-500 ml of water. Herbs are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, left to infuse for 4-6 hours (you can leave it overnight).

Drink the resulting infusion during the day, 2-3 times.

herbal teas
  • easy to find on sale;
  • you can prepare raw materials yourself;
  • combine any options;
  • low cost.
  • not found.

Pharmacy preparations

Ready-made syrups, balms, herbal preparations can be purchased at stores, pharmacies. these products are not medicines. Before taking, you need to consult a therapist, an immunologist to determine the dose, duration of admission.

5th place Biocomplex "Zhivaton"

Price: 495 rubles.

The goods are manufactured by the company "Radograd" (Russia).

Complex preparation, consists of oils of cedar, sea buckthorn, flax. Additionally - cedar resin, propolis.

Applied during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, with chronic diseases.


  • reduces sugar levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • strengthens blood vessels, heart;
  • improves memory.

Take 4-5 ml (1 tsp) 2 times a day before meals. Do not add to liquid, food, drink water.

The duration of the course is 30 days.

Packaging - white plastic bottle, yellow cap. There is protection against opening. Volume 100 ml.

Biocomplex "Zhivaton"
  • natural components;
  • removes toxins;
  • removes free radicals;
  • improves cerebral circulation.
  • adults only;
  • 2 bottles are needed for the course;
  • price.

4 place Organello-drops for immunity "Master Immunity" with cordyceps, 10ml

Cost: 330 rubles.

The manufacturer is the Russian company "Sashera-Med" (Altai Territory, Biysk).

Produced in a dark glass vial with a built-in pipette. Functions - reduction of inflammation, temperature, pain. It is a prophylactic agent for SARS.

Consists of 23 components:

  • cordyceps;
  • goji fruits, rose hips;
  • clover flowers, chamomile;
  • leaves of ginkgo biloba, bergenia, cinquefoil;
  • badger fat;
  • royal jelly, propolis.

Take adults, children after 6 years: 10 drops in 20 ml of water (2 tablespoons) before meals.Children from 3 to 6 years: 4-5 drops in 15-20 ml of warm liquid 20-30 minutes before meals. Quantity - 2 times for prevention, 4 times for illness. The course is 20 days.

Shelf life - 2 years (without opening), temperature up to 2%C. After opening - up to 6 months in the refrigerator.

Organello-drops for immunity "Master Immunity" with cordyceps, 10ml
  • a large number of components;
  • children after 3 years;
  • use before, during illness;
  • natural composition;
  • without preservatives.
  • not found.

3rd place Balm Altai Gift For Immunity 250 ml

Price: 252-270 rubles.

The product was manufactured by NPO "Altaisky Dar" (Russia).

Produced in a glass transparent bottle, volume 250 ml. It is closed with a stopper, protection from a foil. Rectangular cardboard box - black.

The liquid is maroon.


  • alcohol tincture;
  • fruits of hawthorn, wild rose;
  • St. John's wort, meadow geranium;
  • lemongrass seeds;
  • licorice roots, tea kopeechnik.

Additional substances: sugar, citric acid.

Take with meals, 2 times a day, 10 ml (2 teaspoons). Can be added to tea, cocktail.

Shelf life - 2 years (unopened) at temperatures up to 25 C. After opening - in the refrigerator.

Balm Altai Gift For Immunity 250 ml
  • a large number of components;
  • increases the protective properties of the body;
  • relieves fatigue.
  • alcohol in the composition;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • children, adolescence;
  • cannot be used by diabetic patients.

2nd place Zhiva LLC Oil Zhiva No. 1 for immunity

Cost: 495 rubles.

Produced by Zhiva LLC.

Release form - liquid (volume 100 ml), a complex of vegetable oils, flavonoids, vitamins.

Sold in a dark glass bottle with a white plastic cap. There is protection against the first opening.


  • vegetable oils (olive, grape seeds, cloves, sea buckthorn);
  • moth extract;
  • propolis;
  • oil extracts (rosehip, thyme, nettle, motherwort).

Take: half an hour before meals, on an empty stomach, 2-3 times a day. Increase the dose gradually, every 4-5 days: start with 0.5 teaspoon, stop at 1 tsp. Duration - 21 days. Repeated intake, the number of doses - after consulting the attending physician.

Zhiva LLC Oil Zhiva No. 1 for immunity
  • natural composition;
  • protective, restorative properties.
  • take with caution for pregnant, lactating women;
  • dose setting.

1st place Phytocomplex "For immunity"

Price: 470 rubles.

Producer - LLC "Bee and Man" (Russia).

Release form - capsules.

The packaging is a cardboard box, with indications of herbs, medicinal substances, pictures of plants on the front panel.

Reduces inflammation, relieves cough, improves sleep, is a source of vitamins, interferon.

Active ingredients (dry herbs):

  • thyme;
  • licorice;
  • echinacea;
  • propolis;
  • rose hip;
  • fir foot;
  • ziziphora;
  • fireweed.

It is prescribed for reduced immunity, during the ARVI season. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Duration - 1 month.

Shelf life - 24 months. The number of capsules is 60 pieces.

Phytocomplex "For immunity"
  • reduces inflammation;
  • helps with coughing;
  • source of interferon, minerals, vitamins;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • convenient reception.
  • price.


Simple ways of proper nutrition, daily walks, wet cleaning will help maintain health.After consulting a doctor, you can replace drugs with folk remedies to increase immunity.

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