Ufa is a city with a history of more than 440 years. But not only age has influenced the rich history of the city. Ufa is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in which the culture, customs and religious characteristics of many peoples are closely intertwined. The picturesque nature and rich history of this city is reflected in more than 20 museums and exhibition halls. Consider the most popular of them.
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Address: st. Soviet, 14
Phone: ☎ +7 347 273-35-77
Website: http://www.museumrb.ru
Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 11:00-18:00; Sat: 12:00-20:00; Sun: 11:00-18:00; Mon: day off.
It is not without reason that we started our review of the most popular museums in Ufa with the National Museum. This is the largest museum in Bashkortostan and one of the oldest in Russia. The date of its foundation is April 23, 1864. The storerooms of the museum include about 140 thousand exhibits, which are presented to visitors in 34 exhibition halls. Each hall is dedicated to one specific topic, which is very convenient for visitors. Exhibition halls dedicated to nature stand out against the background of others. They give a visual representation of different biological environments, allowing you to practically immerse yourself in them. For example, the hall "The Age of Stone" tells and shows the richness and originality of the bowels of Bashkiria. Several halls are devoted to the ethnography of the peoples inhabiting the republic. They tell about the national characteristics of the culture of each people. Rich historical expositions allow you to plunge into the distant past, starting from the eras of bronze and stone.
In addition, the National Museum has 9 branches, which are dedicated to either outstanding people or have a local history direction.
The cost of a full entrance ticket is 150 rubles, excursion services - 100 rubles per person.
Address: st. Zainulla Rasuleva, 4
Phone: ☎ +7 347 276-83-52
Website: http://www.aksakov.info
Opening hours: Tue-Sat: 11:00-18:00; Mon: day off.
Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov is a memoir writer and literary critic. This is not the whole list of manifestations of Aksakov's multifaceted personality.He was also an active public figure, responsible and honest official, author of books on fishing and hunting. It was in Ufa, in the family estate of the Aksakovs, that this outstanding person spent his childhood. Here, in the house of Aksakov, a memorial museum of Sergei Trofimovich was organized. Not only the contents, but also the building itself, dating back to the middle of the 18th century, has historical value. It is recognized as the oldest wooden structure in Ufa.
The fund of the house-museum counts more than 1.5 thousand items. The exposition is divided into several sections. One of them conveys the interior of the second half of the 18th century as realistically as possible: furniture, original items belonging to Aksakov himself and his family. Another exposition tells about the life of Sergei Timofeevich, about his activities as an official, writer, critic, etc. Separate rooms are dedicated to his children, and especially Konstantin and Ivan, who were the ideologists of Slavophilism.
The cost of a full entrance ticket is 150 rubles, excursions - 50 rubles per person.
Address: st. Gogol, 27
Phone: ☎ +7 347 272-13-85
Website: http://museum-nesterov.ru
Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 10:00-18:30; Sat: 12:00-20:30; Sun: 10:00-18:30; Mon: day off.
The museum was opened to the public in early January 1920. It was located in the former estate of the merchant M.A. Laptev, located in the historical part of Ufa. The Art Nouveau building with an adjoining garden is an example of a Russian estate of the early 20th century.It houses a permanent exhibition of classical art.
Despite the fact that the museum was named after Nesterov only in the 50s of the 20th century, its beginning is associated with the gift of Mikhail Vasilyevich. In 1913 M.V. Nesterov donated over a hundred paintings to his native city, including works by many famous Russian artists. In addition, the museum exhibits the works of Mikhail Vasilyevich himself. All these authors are collected in the collection of Russian art 18 - early. 20th century.
A separate exposition is made up of works of ancient Russian art: icons of the 15th-17th centuries, Palekh writing, church copper-cast plastic, etc. The museum also presents Western European culture of the 16th-19th centuries. This is painting, and engraving, and sculpture.
Of genuine interest is the collection of decorative and applied art of Bashkiria. Here you can see embroidery, woodcarving, sculpture, painting, samples of national clothes, etc.
The cost of a full entrance ticket is 150 rubles, excursions - 50 rubles per person.
Address: st. Wave, 21
Phone: ☎ +7 347 250-77-12
Website: http://museum-nesterov.ru
Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 10:00-18:00; Sat: 12:00-21:00, Sun: 10:00-18:00, Mon: closed.
Alexander Erastovich Tyulkin is a Russian painter who, without a shadow of a doubt, can be called the founder of the fine arts of Bashkiria. Since childhood, his life has been connected with painting.He received his first lessons from his father, then studied at the Kazan Art School. The main theme of Alexander Erastovich's work was the image of his native city, the Bashkir land, the Urals. In addition to painting, he was engaged in teaching: he gave drawing lessons to orphans. Thanks to his teaching gift, an entire Ufa school of painting was formed. A talented painter and a wonderful teacher, A.E. Tyulkin left behind not only beautiful works for their simplicity, but also outstanding students.
The Alexander Erastovich Memorial Museum was founded in 1989 in the house where the painter lived and worked since 1922. The house of the beginning of the 20th century is itself a monument of architecture and history of Ufa. It preserved the arrangement of rooms and furnishings that were during the life of the artist. Near the house there is a garden, which was planted by Alexander Erastovich himself.
The exposition of the museum is represented by furniture, photographic materials and, of course, paintings by A.E. Tyulkin. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum hosts temporary ones, where you can see the works of young Bashkir artists. Lectures, musical and creative evenings are also held.
The cost of a full entrance ticket is 150 rubles, excursion services - 50 rubles per person.
Address: st. Gogol, 28
Phone: ☎ +7 347 272-65-65
Website: http://literatmuzey.ru
Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00-18:00; Thu: 14:00-21:00; Sun, Mon: day off.
Mazhit Gafuri is a man of sharp mind and remarkable intellect. From early childhood, Majit was a capable student. Despite his poor background, Mazhit Gafuri had a great desire to study. Having no money to enter Ufa, Mazhit went to receive a religious-scholastic education, which did not satisfy all his need for knowledge. He was actively engaged in self-education, taught languages, history, geography. Dissatisfaction with traditional education resulted in open statements against the entire school system. He even led a group of his followers.
Mazhit Gafuri is a poet and writer who had a great influence on the literature of Bashkiria and Tatarstan. In his works, he reflected the thoughts and views of the progressive population of his time.
The museum is housed in a house that belonged to the writer. He lived here for more than 10 years, which were the most productive in his creative activity. The exposition is represented by furnishings, furniture and personal belongings of Mazhit Gafuri. Separate halls are devoted to the creative path and creativity of the writer.
Admission fee for adults: 40 rubles.
Address: st. Novomostovaya, 20
Phone: ☎ +7 347 272-65-43
Website: www.museumrb.ru
Opening hours: Tue-Sat: 11:00-18:00; Sun, Mon: day off.
Shagit Akhmetovich is a bright figure in the history of Bashkortostan. Being an active political figure, Khudaiberdin dealt with the issue of recognizing the autonomy of Bashkiria. He also did a lot to recognize the Bashkir language as the state language.In the difficult years of the formation of autonomous Bashkortostan, Shagit Akhmetovich was engaged in the elimination of illiteracy in the republic, fought against devastation and hunger. Despite the workload of political and social work, Sh.A. Khudaiberdin also found time for literature. He owns more than 30 publications in which he spoke as a patriot of his republic.
The house-museum is located in a wooden mansion, which was donated by the Government of the Bashkir ASSR to Shagit Akhmetovich in 1923. The exhibits collected in a single exposition tell about the time of the formation of Bashkortostan as an autonomous republic. In addition, the museum conducts military-patriotic work among schoolchildren and youth.
The cost of a full entrance ticket: 30 rubles.
Address: st. Lenina, 47
Phone: ☎ +7 347 273-12-21
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10:00-17:00; Sat-Sun: day off.
Huge fossil reserves have become not only the subject of attention of the industry of Bashkortostan, but also its property, which is reflected in the corresponding museum. More than 60 types of minerals are currently mined in this region. How it all began, what the Ural Mountains are rich in, all this is reflected in the expositions of the exhibition halls.
Free admission.
Address: st. K.Marx, 6
Phone: ☎ +7 347 272-29-79
Website: http://www.museum.ru/m2089
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10:00-17:00; Sat-Sun: day off.
Opened in 1976, the museum was the logical outcome of past archaeological and ethnographic studies of the region, conducted under the guidance of the scientist R.G. Kuzeev. Based on the results of research and expeditions, collections of exhibits relating to the ancient and medieval period of the development of the southern part of the Urals were collected. The rich expositions fully and vividly reflect the culture and history of the peoples of the Urals, which was formed as a result of the centuries-old contact between Europe and Asia, which makes these exhibits unique. Of particular interest are the collections of clothing and household items of various nations, which attract attention with a variety of colors. The archaeological exposition is rich in exhibits relating to the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic periods, as well as the Early Iron Age and the Middle Ages.
Admission fee for adults: from 200 rubles.
Address: Lesnoy proezd, 1
Phone: ☎ +7 347 232-89-31
Website: http://www.museum.ru/m2089
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00; Sat-Sun: 11:00-19:00.
Unusual and the most mysterious museum of the city. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, a two-story building with an unusual layout houses a forest museum. The main part of the expositions is in the form of dioramas with stuffed animals of various animals, which reflect the peculiarities of the nature of the region. A separate exposition is devoted to the life of the ancient peoples who inhabited these lands.
An excellent addition to the exhibits is the park behind the house with animals in enclosures.
The cost of a full entrance ticket: 100 rubles.
Address: st. Mendeleev, 152/2
Phone: ☎ +7 347 256-64-04
Website: http://lemonarium.ru
Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 10:20-16:20; Mon: day off.
Lemonaria is a huge greenhouse with an area of more than a hectare. They grow over 1000 trees. It's not just citrus. Here you can see representatives of tropical flora: pomegranate, bananas, papaya, ficus, kiwi, coffee, etc.
The cost of the tour for adults: 100 rubles.
Address: st. Sofia Petrovskaya, 52/2
Phone: ☎ +7 347 246-34-34
Website: http://intellectus-ufa.ru
Opening hours: daily: 10:00-20:00.
The youngest, but at the same time the most unusual museum in Ufa. "Intellectus" positions itself as a museum of entertaining sciences. It is the only one of its kind in Bashkortostan. The active exhibits that can be touched, used in experiments and research will be of interest not only to children. Daily prepared scientific shows with a bright program and an exciting plot lift the veil of secrecy over various natural and scientific phenomena.
The cost of a full entrance ticket: 330 rubles. (excursion service included).
Each of the described museums is unique in its own way.All of them preserve the culture and history of the extraordinary Bashkir land, and also give visitors new knowledge.