
  1. The best museums in Perm

Overview of the best museums in Perm in 2022

Overview of the best museums in Perm in 2022

The history of the city of Perm began in 1723, when the construction of a large copper smelter began. In 1780, the city became provincial, and already at the beginning of the 19th century, important trade routes passed through it. In 1863, the Motovilikha plant began its work, with which the huge historical past of the city is associated. However, Perm is not only a major industrial center. The life and work of many scientists, artists and writers are connected with this city.

It is not for nothing that Perm is called the cultural capital of the Urals. There are 13 museums in the city. Some of them are known not only in the city, but also far beyond its borders. Consider the most popular museums in the city and their features.

The best museums in Perm

The most remarkable museum object of the city is the Perm Museum of Local Lore, which has more than 500 thousand exhibits. It includes 11 branches in Perm and the Perm region. Consider the most popular of them, located in the city itself.

Meshkov House Museum

Address: st. Monastery, 11

Phone: ☎ +7 342 257-18-09


Opening hours: Tue-Wed: 10.00-19.00; Thu: 12:00-21:00; Fri-Sun: 10:00-19:00; Mon: day off. During the summer months Tue-Sun: 12:00-21:00; Mon: day off.

The museum is located in a beautiful old mansion on the banks of the Kama River and is named after its first owner, N. V. Meshkov. Nikolai Vasilyevich was not only a rich and successful entrepreneur, but also a famous patron of the arts, who helped many young writers, actors and artists. The house, built in the style of Russian classicism, suffered from fires twice. Having passed into the possession of Meshkov, the building was rebuilt by the novice architect A.B. Turchinov. He, having retained the general features of the old building, gave the house elements of a real palace. The mansion is still considered the most beautiful house in the city and is an architectural monument.

In 2007, the Meshkov mansion became the head center of the Perm Museum of Local Lore. The permanent exhibition tells about the history of the region. It covers the period from ancient times to the 20th century. Of particular interest are the mineralogical and paleontological departments. The latter shows a complete skeleton of a mammoth. In addition, the permanent exhibition exhibits ancient icons of the 18th century, books, etc.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 150 rubles, guide services for a group - 300 rubles. from a person.

  • unique historical artifacts of the 14th century are available to visitors;
  • halls are equipped with multimedia devices that facilitate the study of exhibits;
  • a large number of technical exhibits (cash registers, typewriters, etc.).
  • not all exhibits have informative captions;
  • due to the small area of ​​the building, few exhibits are exhibited.

Museum of Perm Antiquities

Address: st. Siberian, 15

Phone: ☎ +7 342 212-56-57


Opening hours: Tue-Wed: 10.00-19.00; Thu: 12:00-21:00; Fri-Sun: 10:00-19:00; Mon: day off.

The museum is quite young - it was opened in 2011. Even before entering the hall with exhibits, visitors are already beginning to receive useful information. Going up to the 4th floor, where the exhibits of the museum are exhibited, visitors can get acquainted with the features of each geological period that preceded the Permian period (it got its name from the name of the city and region). On the walls, in an accessible and understandable form, a description of each period is given. Thus, having reached the main exhibition, visitors already have an idea about the stages of development of life on Earth. The exposition allows you to plunge into the distant past of our planet. The exhibits introduce visitors to the amazing world of plants and animals that have already disappeared, leaving only paleontological traces in the form of fossils. The most famous exhibit is the skeleton of a mammoth, which was accidentally found by children in 1927. In addition to it, visitors are presented with other fossils and restorations of skeletons of dinosaurs and ancient animals.

In addition to fossils, the museum has a large collection of stones and minerals from the Perm region. The rich mineralogical composition of the bowels of the region is due to the fact that about 300 million years ago this territory was covered by the sea.Of particular interest is Perm oil, which has an unusual color: red, green.

The museum does serious work with children. An interactive hall has been created for them, which allows children to learn a lot of new and interesting information during the game.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 150 rubles, excursion service for a group - 300 rubles. per person.

  • a well-organized program for children, there is an imitation of paleontological excavations in which children can participate;
  • an interesting and informative exposition that tells about the whole period of the planet's development;
  • convenient location of the museum in the city center.
  • the museum is located on the fourth floor without an elevator, which makes it difficult for people with disabilities to visit it;
  • quite a small area for such an important museum.

Museum-diorama in Motovilikha

Address: st. Ogorodnikova, 2

Phone: ☎ +7 342 267-55-82


Opening hours: Wed-Sun: 10.00-18.00;; Mon-Tue: day off.

The museum, as part of the historical and revolutionary memorial, was opened in 1970, on the day of the centenary of V.I. Lenin. The central exhibit of the museum is a sounded diorama (a picture curved in a semicircle) dedicated to the December armed uprising in 1905 in Motovilikha. The dimensions of the canvas are striking: length 25 meters, height 6 meters. In addition to revolutionary events, the exhibits of the exhibition allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Motovilikha of the 18th-20th centuries. Visitors can get acquainted with the life of factory workers, their way of life and culture.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, the museum hosts meetings with significant people of the region, festive concerts, and tea parties.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 100 rubles.

  • the diorama allows you to feel the atmosphere of the 1905 uprising, to feel yourself in the center of revolutionary events;
  • the museum has an interactive room where you can play old Russian games, use books from the library;
  • a lot of interesting and useful information on the history of the Perm region.
  • Tours are by appointment only.

Memorial house-museum of N.G. Slavyanova

Address: st. 1905, 37

Phone: ☎ +7 342 267-77-41


Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00; Mon: day off.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the life and inventive activity of Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov. N.G. Slavyanov owns the invention of electric arc welding of metals, which is what he first became famous for. The exhibition is located in a house designed by Nikolai Gavrilovich himself. The atmosphere of the house conveys the atmosphere in which the inventor lived and worked. The exposition at the same time tells about a specific person, and about the features of the development of technology at that time.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 150 rubles.

  • the only museum in this theme;
  • guides who are passionate about their work, who tell in detail and in an interesting way about the times of life and work of N.G. Slavyanov.
  • the house-museum is located far from the usual tourist places, which makes it little known to a wide range.

In addition to the branches of the Perm Museum of Local Lore, there are other exhibition halls and museums in Perm that are popular with residents and guests of the city. About them below.

Perm State Art Gallery

Address: Ave. Komsomolsky, 4

Phone: ☎ +7 342 212-95-24, 212-23-95


Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 12.00-21.00; Mon: day off.

The art gallery begins its history in 1922, when it was still only a museum. The most ancient exhibits of the collection were collected thanks to its founders: A. Syropyatov and N. Serebrennikov. It was they who organized the collection of historical artifacts in the Perm region at the beginning of the 20th century. So samples of Perm wooden sculpture (Perm idols), "Stroganov" icons, gold and ornamental embroidery were collected. In addition, the gallery presents canvases of Russian and European painting of the 15th-19th centuries. In general, the museum's exposition includes more than 50 thousand items and covers works of art from various eras: from antiquity to the present. The gallery is rightfully considered the largest of the country's regional museums.

Currently, the location of the gallery is the Transfiguration Cathedral, which is an architectural monument of the 19th century.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 150 rubles.

  • an extensive and varied collection in which everyone will find something interesting for themselves;
  • a unique collection of wooden sculpture;
  • the location of the gallery in the cathedral creates a special atmosphere and additional advantages: you can simultaneously view the structure of the temple from the inside.
  • not found.

Modern Art Museum

Address: b-r. Gagarina, 24

Phone: ☎ +7 342 254-35-52

Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 12.00-21.00; Mon: day off.

The Museum of Modern Art became a logical continuation of the Russian Poor exhibition, which was held in Perm under the direction of S. Gordeev (senator of the administration of the Perm Territory) and the famous gallery owner M. Gelman.The concept of "Russian Poor Art" unites the creations of artists created from atypical (poor) materials for art: foam rubber, cardboard, adhesive tape, etc. Particular attention is paid to working with children. For children aged 1.5-12 years, the children's museum space "Attic" was organized, where children draw, get acquainted with the works of artists, participate in theatrical performances, etc.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 150 rubles.

  • The activities of the museum are not limited to exhibitions, lectures, master classes, etc. are constantly held here.
  • well organized interesting children's programs.
  • exhibits of contemporary art that are not clear to everyone often leave visitors bewildered, which even repel them from further visits to the gallery.

retro garage

Address: st. Friendship, 34a

Phone: ☎ +7 342 288-36-00


Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 12.00-19.00; Mon: day off.

Amazing and one of a kind museum of retro cars in Perm. It presents cars of domestic production of the 30-80s of the last century. It is amazing how perfect the condition of the cars is: not only are they polished to a shine, they are also all on the move. Here you can see both the characters of the films and the participants of the retro rally. In addition, the exposition is complemented by a collection of scale models of cars.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 300 rubles, the cost of excursion services: from 500 rubles.

  • perfect condition of the exhibits;
  • active social activities of the museum.
  • free admission only for children under 7;
  • Guided tours by appointment only.

Museum of the History of Motovilikha Plants

Address: st. 1905, 20

Phone: ☎ +7 342 260-59-76


Opening hours: Wed-Fri: 09.00-18.00; Sat-Sun: 10:00-19:00; Mon-Tue: day off.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the historical path of Russian artillery and the history of the Motovilikha Plants. It is divided into two blocks: in a building, which in itself is an architectural monument, and in the open air. Inside the building, you can see a model of a mine where cuprous sandstone was mined for the needs of a copper smelter, a model of a worker's hut, which clearly conveys the peculiarities of the life of workers of that time. In addition, the building presents machine tools from the Great Patriotic War, documents and photographs telling about the history of the plant since the time of Peter I.

The exposition on the street is represented by samples of the plant's products. Since the plant was and is engaged in the production of artillery and missiles, the exhibition is very interesting. Here you can see the famous Tsar Cannon of the 19th century (it is even larger than Moscow), artillery from the times of the first and second world wars, multiple launch rocket systems, air defense systems, etc.

Admission is free for all categories, excursion service: from 30 rubles. from a person.

  • a large number of exhibits, some of which are unique;
  • free entry;
  • exhibits are divided into groups by era, which makes it easier to understand the entire exhibition without a guide.
  • not very convenient location.

The last museum, which is described below, is located not in Perm, but in the village of Kuchino, which is located 120 km from the city. But, based on the popularity of this place among not only the inhabitants of the country, but also foreigners, as well as the importance of this place in the knowledge of the history of the region and the whole country, it is simply impossible not to mention it.

Memorial Museum-Reserve of the History of Political Repressions "Perm-36"

Address: Kuchino village, Chusovsky district

Phone: ☎ +7 342 212-61-29 (head office)


Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 09.00-18.00; Mon: day off.

The memorial complex is located on the territory of a corrective labor colony, which existed under Stalin. Over time, the composition of its prisoners changed: after the death of Stalin, criminals were replaced by convicted law enforcement officers, and since 1972, the first political ones began to come here. It was with the arrival of prisoners convicted under political articles that the colony began to be called Perm-36. Of all the Gulag camps in the Perm Territory at that time, Perm-36 was the most severe in terms of the conditions of detention of prisoners. The camp was closed later than others, only in 1988, and in 1994 it became a memorial and museum complex.

Currently, the museum fund has more than 1,700 exhibits, reflecting the hardships of prisoners in this colony. In addition, buildings from the time of the detention of prisoners have been preserved: a residential barracks, a punishment cell, a stoker, which you can go into.

The cost of a full entrance ticket: 200 rubles. to the strict regime section, 300 - to the special regime section. Excursion service: from 100 rubles. from a person.

  • a large amount of factual historical material collected in the museum allows you to replenish knowledge about the history of the country during the Gulags;
  • the excellent work of the guides helps to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the penitentiary and feel all the hardships of the life of political prisoners.
  • difficult to get to.

The museums of Perm discussed above will help to better learn the history of not only one city, but the country as a whole.

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