Probably, every parent wants his child to grow up happy, loved, talented, developed and able to make the right decisions on his own. And in the future, so that everything will turn out only in the best possible way for him, starting from good health and a loving family, and ending with the organization of his business, which brings a stable income. Of course, moms and dads face a number of questions that arise every day.
Am I a good parent and am I raising my children right? How to build communication on trust? How to avoid mistakes in education? How to behave in domestic conflicts and is it possible to do without them? How to build communication with children of crisis ages (5-7 and 13-15 years old)? Should punishment be applied? How not to spoil your child? Answers to these and many other complex questions can be found in various books on child psychology (textbooks, methods, books), which are compiled and written by experts and professionals in their field (psychologists, teachers, doctors and just authors who have extensive parenting experience).
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In our material you will find a selection of popular books by foreign and domestic writers that will give answers to many questions regarding education, parent-child friendship and further mutual understanding of parents and children in life. After all, the future success of your child directly depends on the foundations laid in childhood through joint games, activities with parents and loved ones, on a wide range of educational orientations that help to take the right role in the child's life. The entire line of literature we have selected for reading contains recommendations with practical advice that will be useful not only for parents, but also for psychologists, teachers, educators and students of pedagogical universities. After reviewing them, you will be able to find out the following information:
After all, books with an analysis of the psychological behavior of children are a kind of instruction for understanding their psyche, and in the future, a brilliant way of teaching, developing and becoming a child's personality.
Publishing house Rosmen
Year of publication: 2016
Circulation 5000
Cost: from 250 rubles.
Summary: The book describes the methodology of education, interaction of parents with children according to the Montessori system, which for over 100 years continues to prove its effectiveness and relevance. The methodology is based on the principle - love, support, but let go. The child is given freedom within certain boundaries, in which he learns to independently make decisions in various situations. Thanks to this, the formation of a strong, harmonious, balanced and viable personality occurs. And the refusal of ubiquitous parents from unnecessary interference and restrictions will help strengthen intra-family relationships.
The book is aimed at children under 7 years old and their parents who like to keep everything under control. After reading it, you will completely change the perception of the education system. After all, the acquisition of new knowledge allows you not to stagnate, but to find new ways to solve problems, correct already committed mistakes and prevent new ones in the future. The publication is filled with examples and life situations of various families, ways of resolving conflict situations (for example, a child does not want to eat, does not dress, does not obey). The author considers the right and wrong way to complete the emerging problems, the consequences to which they can lead.She shares her experience of communicating with parents who attended her courses and seminars, daily observations of the situation in the Montessori kindergarten organized by her, as well as ways to achieve them positively.
Conclusion: a useful book.
Russian publishing house AST
Year of publication: 2017
Circulation 2000
Average price: from 300 rubles.
Description: The creation of the book is based on the works of Petranovskaya L.V., Murashova S., Gippenreiter Yu. The publication is more like an interesting methodological guide, where boring theory is minimized, and exciting practice takes a large place. The volume is read quickly, in one breath. The book helps to find an approach to any child. Allows you to comprehend and look at your attitude to the child from a different angle. You will learn to understand the experiences of the child, his emotional state. And the daily application of five simple rules will help to find mutual understanding between generations, reduce conflict situations and disputes.
5 main steps:
Thanks to a step-by-step methodology of five actions, trust and harmony will gradually appear in your family. The child will learn to build partnerships with parents, stop being capricious, throw tantrums.The number of quarrels will be reduced to a minimum, thereby further contributing to the proper upbringing and development of an adequate personality.
Verdict: A must-read book.
Publishing house "E"
Year of publication: 2018
How much: from 700 rubles.
Summary: Who, if not the mothers themselves, know best and most of all about the psychology of children, upbringing and family relationships. This hit was written by the author, who is the mother of eight children and thirty-three grandchildren. She shares her experience of building an ideal harmonious family in which happiness, love, respect and mutual understanding of close people reign. The book consists of several parts, after reading which you will learn about the true value of the family, find answers to the most important and disturbing questions, gain knowledge about building relationships with your husband and children. It turns out that in order to raise and educate children adapted to society, who will later become pride and support for their loved ones, it is enough to adhere to simple worldly wisdom passed down by generations.
Using biblical excerpts and relying on a highly moral Christian worldview, the author convinces us of the main postulate of family happiness: the unity of the family, where everyone should take care, respect and love children, thereby helping to bring up independence in a small person.And for adults, in order to learn to understand the role of parents, the writer offers to use objective advice based on her life experience.
Conclusion: This training book is worth reading.
AST publishing house
Year of publication: 2015
Approximate cost: from 280 rubles.
Description: The main concept of the author lies in the belief that through education a person receives everything that is necessary for the formation of an adequate personality, and, accordingly, in the future for the better development of the country as a whole. The writer shares information on how to educate, first of all, himself and those around him (teachers and educators, grandparents), the principles and unique methods of raising children who are still in the womb, infants, preschoolers and adolescents. The author believes that children are future adults, respectively, the attitude and the stated requirements for them should be the same as for adults. The practical application of this technique contributes to the emergence of trusting relationships between different generations, and also helps to grow a self-confident person.
Conclusion: Budget bestseller available to the average person.
Alpina Non-Fiction Publishing
Year of publication: 2016
Approximate cost: from 400 rubles.
Content: According to the author, it is very easy to build relationships based on mutual respect and care, you just need to be patient and gradually develop the child's knowledge, skills and abilities in a way that is understandable to the baby. The application of the methodology described in this publication will help you avoid whims and tantrums, minimize stubbornness and disobedience, cultivate goodwill, and develop confidence in your child.
The book consists of four parts, illustrated with numerous colorful photographs, pictures that contribute to an interesting reading by adults and viewing by young children. From the first part you will learn about the basics of relationships, their proper alignment between the baby and the parent. The second part will acquaint you with the basics of the correct construction of respectful communication between an adult and a child, methods, forms of expression. Thanks to the third part, you will learn about the types of behavior, ways to stimulate, restrain or stop it. The fourth part of this publication will teach you the practice of a positive solution to everyday problems (starting from the whims, disobedience and ending with the whims, tantrums of the child). What should be paid attention to in the behavior of the baby, and what is better to ignore.
Bottom line: The best guide to raising kids from 0 to 4 years.
Publishing house Eksmo
Year of publication: 2016
Circulation 7000
Approximate cost: from 375 rubles.
Description: This story-reflection first appeared on the Internet, and in a short time flew around many forums and various social communities. Subsequently, it was published in a book version in a more expanded form. The author of the book easily and clearly explains that the main mission of parents is to teach the child independence. Her advice, written in a light ironic form, illustrated with real life examples, is easy to understand and comprehend. They do not indicate how to conduct or do it correctly, they make you think, lead to certain correct thoughts, which are so necessary to solve the problem of infantile education.
They help to realize and prevent mistakes in education, get rid of excessive overprotection, anxiety for the child. After all, for the development of independence in a child (making a decision, the ability to do everything yourself), special conditions are necessary, which parents must learn to create (according to the author, “sometimes be lazy”). After all, in the future this will invariably lead to a smooth release of the child into the free swimming of adult life.
Bottom line: The material presented is easy to read, master and further apply.
AST publishing house
Year of publication: 2014
Circulation 5000
Approximate cost: from 850 rubles.
Contents: This is a collection of three books, with many colorful illustrations. The first book on the psychology of children contains the basic postulates that parents need to know for proper communication, understanding, and education of their baby. The author believes that first it is necessary to copy the emotions of the child, then through leading questions to let the child tell everything, and in the future not to interfere with making an independent correct decision. The second book expands and deepens the cognitive range of the first. It is full of life stories, examples from everyday life.
The topics of punishment, order, etc. are described in great detail. Here you will find a good rationale for why the classical educational norms are outdated, have lost their relevance and effectiveness. The third part will be of interest to teachers and practicing psychologists, as it is devoted to the analysis of autobiographies of famous people, their memories of how they were children and parents. Each of the touching life situations contains the author's commentary on upbringing according to established norms.
Conclusion: The book is the foundation of the basics.An excellent copy that should be in every family library. Desktop literature for every mother.
We have tried to collect the most anticipated and recommended by readers books by the best authors involved in the study of child psychology. It remains only to decide which book is best for educating your children. And then make a choice, and using the studied methods, create ideal relationships in the family.