
  1. About company
  2. The best winter tires
  3. The best summer tires
  4. The best all-season tires

Review of the best Pirelli tires in 2022

Review of the best Pirelli tires in 2022

Tires are often the thing that car owners treat with little respect, and some may even forget to change seasonal tires. This, of course, is a completely wrong approach. Of course, tires are not as important a part as an engine, alternator, brake pads or, for example, spark plugs, but a careless approach to rubber can turn into a serious disaster.

Low-quality or worn tires can no longer provide the necessary traction, which increases the likelihood of skidding and increasing the stopping distance. This is also true for tires that are used out of season.

For those drivers who are not indifferent to the fate of pedestrians and their car, Pirelli provides a large selection of tires for every season.

About company

Pirelli was founded in January 1872 in Italy. The founder was Giovanni Battista Pirelli. It was originally called "G.B. Pirelli & C" and was engaged in the manufacture and production of rubber.

The company produced its first tires in 1894. These were bicycle tires made of elastic rubber. Pirelli switched to the production of tires for cars only in 1901.

Since 2011, the company's branch has also been operating in Russia under the name Pirelli Tire Russia. Having founded factories in Voronezh and Kirov, the company actively engaged in the promotion of its brand on the Russian market. And according to the results of 2013, it ranks third among the 16 largest tire manufacturers.

Pirelli ranks fifth in the world in terms of sales of its products among tire companies. The company is headquartered in Milan, and the concern itself belongs to the Chinese chemical corporation China National Chemical Corp.

Tires Pirelli, reflected in the ranking:

The best winter tiresPirelli Cinturato Winter
Pirelli Winter Sottozero III
Pirelli Ice Zero
The best summer tiresPirelli Cinturato P7
Pirelli P Zero
Cinturato P1 Verde
The best all-season tiresPirelli Scorpion Verde All Season
Pirelli Scorpion STR

The best winter tires

Pirelli Cinturato Winter

Price: from 3500 rubles.

This premium model for the winter season is designed for city cars and small SUVs. The surface of the tires is frictional with a high level of siping (many small notches that provide traction). Thanks to good road grip, the effect of pinching the asphalt with lamellas, this model is great for driving on snow.

Tires have a radial design and, due to their increased rigidity, are more reliable, less prone to deformation and provide lower fuel consumption.

The index of the maximum load that the tires can withstand is 91, which is equal to 615 kg, and the maximum recommended speed is 210 km / h. According to the results of an expert check, the tires received the status of “highly recommended”, details below.

Pirelli Cinturato Winter

According to the results of the test carried out by the German organization for the supervision of technical operation, this tire performed very well in winter weather conditions, showing excellent results:

  • When driving on wet asphalt. Wet braking, handling and longitudinal aquaplaning were better than most tires tested. For all three indicators, this type of tires received 2-4 places out of 14;
  • Although not so brilliant, but still adequately passed the test for movement in the snow. Indicators for braking, handling and traction did not fall below 6th place in the overall table.

The results of the same test also revealed the weaknesses of the model:

  • Poor results when driving on dry pavement. The Cinturato Winter finished last in the rankings during the handling and braking test. Compared to the leaders of the list, it has a long braking distance and poor handling;
  • High noise level and at the same time low fuel economy.

Pirelli Winter Sottozero III

Price: from 6200 rub.

This model also has no studs and was developed primarily for installation on premium cars.At the same time, the developers tried to take into account all the requirements for tires of this kind.

The maximum load index has the same indicators as the previous model and is equal to 91 (615 kg), the maximum speed also does not exceed 210 km / h. Italian engineers and designers have done a lot of work to create a special shape of the tread. The drawing has also undergone major changes. It has become more siped, which will allow it to further improve traction.

The model is designed for convenient movement on city roads in winter, for which it has all the data. In peer review, the Winter Sottozero III received high scores for almost every feature required for a comfortable track ride.

Pirelli Winter Sottozero III

Based on the results of several tests, the advantages of these tires became clear:

  • The ride on dry roads is pleasant and balanced, which is confirmed by the comments of users who rate it highly on this parameter;
  • Driving on a wet track is also excellent. In tests, the tires received high scores for good stability and driving dynamics in the presence of water on the road;
  • Good driving performance on snowy roads. Rubber will cope well with snow porridge on the streets and will not get stuck in shallow snow;
  • Low noise while driving.
  • Expectedly poor performance on ice, which is not surprising, since models of this type do not cope well with this task;
  • In general, there are some problems with braking when driving on ice and snowy roads.

Pirelli Ice Zero

Price: from 7500 rubles.

A new generation studded tire designed for massive SUVs, powerful premium cars and all those vehicles that often have to drive on icy roads.

The designers of the Italian company decided not to deviate from the classic V-shaped tread design, as it is better suited for driving on snowy and ice-covered tracks. However, they nevertheless made some changes, dividing the tread pattern into different functional zones.

Tires are somewhat inferior to previous models in terms of load index, which is only 415 kg (82) and speed index - 190 km / h.

This set of tires passed the tests with a bang, receiving high scores and taking 4th place in terms of aggregate parameters.

Pirelli Ice Zero
  • Excellent handling on wet pavement. Thanks to these tires, there will be no problems with braking and acceleration, and the possibility of loss of control is practically eliminated;
  • Driving on snow is also not difficult, the car is easy to control and the maneuvers performed do not cause concern;
  • Excellent longitudinal grip with ice, for which she received very high scores.
  • Lateral grip with ice is somewhat weaker than longitudinal, which can cause skidding;
  • High fuel consumption when driving with this tire.

The best summer tires

Pirelli Cinturato P7

Price: 6000 rub.

For the summer season, Pirelli has several excellent tire options, one of them is the Pirelli Cinturato P7, which was released relatively recently, but has already managed to prove itself well and get into all kinds of TOP recommended tires.

These tires are designed for driving in dry weather and are suitable for both passenger cars and SUVs.Thanks to their impressive speed and load index, they can carry up to 650 kg and can be used at a speed of 240 km/h.

In tests, they have shown impressive results in almost all categories, taking a high position in the list of the best summer tires.

Pirelli Cinturato P7
  • When moving on wet asphalt, they showed the best result among the other tested tires, especially in terms of handling. On these wheels, you can not be afraid of drifts or loss of control on a slippery road after rain;
  • Stable handling when driving on dry pavement will make you feel confident on the road, untouched by raindrops;
  • Many users also note the absence of noise when driving.
  • Low fuel economy;
  • Relatively long braking distance on dry roads.

Pirelli P Zero

Price: from 7000 (depending on modifications)

Pirelli recommends this type of tire primarily for high-speed sports cars, or premium SUVs or crossovers. But thanks to the many available sizes and modifications, it will not be difficult to find such tires for your car.

Some of them even use run-flat technology. Tires created using this technique can be used even with punctures. Thanks to the strengthening of the sidewalls of the structure, the tire still remains functional even when partially deflated. However, in order to put such tires on your car, you must have an air pressure sensor and an integrated electronic stability control system.

Since the series was prepared specifically for high-speed cars, the speed index here reaches an unprecedented mark of 300 km / h with a load index of 670 kg (94).

This series of tires reached the absolute top in terms of performance, which is confirmed by the test results for which they received the “excellent” mark.

Pirelli P Zero
  • Braking on dry and wet road surfaces deserves special praise, because its results are almost the best of its kind;
  • Also, these tires provide excellent handling and driving stability.
  • Users note some sharpness when driving. Testers also drew attention to the low smoothness of the ride;
  • Testers note an increased noise level, but usually the owners of these tires had no problems with this;
  • Extremely poor fuel economy.

Cinturato P1 Verde

Price: from 3500 rubles.

Another premium model designed to move along urban highways. It was created for installation on small cars, which are usually driven around the city, they are not suitable for heavy SUVs.

The tread has a special wave-like pattern, the structure of which is designed to improve traction on dry or wet pavement, as well as reduce fuel consumption and reduce noise.

For the manufacture of these (and many other) tires, Pirelli has used a new, newly developed rubber compound, which consists exclusively of environmentally friendly materials without additives such as aromatic oils.

This type of tire has a speed index V, which allows the driver to accelerate the car up to 240 km / h without any problems.At the same time, the load index is 91, which indicates that the tire can withstand a pressure of 650 kg per wheel.

According to the results of the tests, the tires performed well in popular tests on dry and wet pavement, and also received high results in fuel consumption, receiving an overall rating of "excellent".

Cinturato P1 Verde
  • Excellent handling and braking performance on dry pavement. The best results among the tested models;
  • When driving on wet asphalt, there are no complaints either. In this category, they are also at the very top of the list of tested tire models;
  • In terms of fuel economy, they also bypass almost all their counterparts.
  • There are small comments regarding noise and smoothness, but they are minor.

The best all-season tires

All-season tires are an attempt by manufacturers to create universal tires that could be used both in winter and summer, but almost always the options are very controversial, since they do not have the necessary set of qualities for winter tires for winter and summer tires for summer.

For the most part, they will perform better than summer tires in winter and winter tires in summer, and in general will be something in between. However, for the most part they are expensive, noisy and do not contribute well to fuel economy.

Pirelli Scorpion Verde All Season

Price: from 9000 rub.

In order to endow its tire with the ability to endure different weather conditions, Pirelli engineers applied an asymmetric pattern to the tread, consisting of five blocks separated by wide grooves that are designed to drain water from under the wheels.This is quite a standard solution for wheels of this type and is just enough to provide the wheel with good stability while riding on almost any track.

In addition, the inner part of the tread pattern has many blocks, each of which has a large number of sipes, which provides good grip in rainy or snowy weather.

The outer part of the wheel provides good cornering stability and good response to steering commands.

The speed index is indicated as V, which implies the ability to reach speeds of up to 240 km / h. The load index is 105, which allows it to withstand a pressure of 925 kg per wheel.

This protector is designed for use in all-wheel drive cars, crossovers and massive SUVs. Despite the controversial situation with all-season tires, this model received good reviews from users.

Pirelli Scorpion Verde All Season
  • Good grip even on wet and snowy pavement, thanks to a large number of sipes;
  • Users note the quiet running of the machine when using these protectors;
  • Because of the good road grip, the car has a short braking distance.
  • Exorbitantly high price;
  • Despite generally good cornering stability, there are slight skids when driving at high speed;
  • Since these tires are designed more for urban conditions, they have problems with driving on mud, gravel and similar off-road conditions.
  • Poor wear resistance, which is generally typical for tires of this type.

Pirelli Scorpion STR

Price: from 10,000 rubles.

One of the most successful models from Pirelli, thanks to such interesting technical solutions in the design as the unusual structure of the longitudinal rib in the tread pattern. It gives the tire stiffness, allowing the car to feel free at high speeds.

At the same time, on both sides of the central rib, there are two rows of blocks consisting of different elements, and the cutouts separating these blocks are made so as to be at an acute angle in the direction of movement. This design feature improves traction and allows you to accelerate without problems even on slippery roads.

The speed index for this model is marked with the letter V, allowing you to accelerate to 240 km / h using these tires. Since the model is designed primarily for SUVs and crossovers, it has an increased load index - 97, which allows it to withstand pressure up to 710 kg per wheel.

This tire model can be used for movement on almost all types of roads, except perhaps impassable mud, icy roadbed or rolled snow. In addition, the model has many modifications covering a variety of car models.

Pirelli Scorpion STR
  • Good grip due to the special tread pattern;
  • Strong tire sidewalls;
  • Many users note the low noise level;
  • Strong and durable for tires of this kind.
  • High price;
  • Skids a little when cornering at high speeds;
  • There is some slippage when driving through mud.

Choosing tires should be based on the type of car, conditions and season of operation, and Pirelli is able to provide tires for almost any car!

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