The best sets of exercises for stretching the shoulder girdle

The best sets of exercises for stretching the shoulder girdle

Regular exercise is essential to keep your body in good physical shape. But, the average price of a gym membership is often unreasonably high. If you have the opportunity to do it yourself, then you should not neglect it. Stretching must not be forgotten in the best exercise programs.

What is stretching

Stretching or stretching is a set of exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of muscles, thereby increasing strength, endurance and flexibility of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles and joints.

Stretching, first of all, is necessary to prevent injuries when playing sports. According to the rules, before starting a workout, a warm-up is carried out, and after a short rest - stretching. It is designed to help the body adapt to stress. After the end of the workout, a set of final stretching exercises is carried out - a hitch. It allows you to relieve tension from the muscles, cool them. After stretching, blood flow in the tissues increases, which means that their supply of oxygen and nutrients improves.

Stretching helps relieve muscle pain.

Why you need stretching

It is necessary not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people, especially those who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle for the following reasons:

  1. Increased flexibility. The main reason that encourages people to start stretching is to improve the figure. In addition to the development of flexibility, the silhouette acquires harmony and smartness.
  2. Increased muscle elasticity. After stretching, muscle fibers acquire elasticity, which significantly reduces the risk of injury during sports.
  3. Removal of pain. After a set of exercises, the muscles relax and tension is relieved, due to which the pain and the feeling of stiffness, as well as the feeling of a frozen, numb body, go away.
  4. Stimulation of blood flow.From classes, the overall tone increases, the blood supply to organs and tissues improves, which contributes to regeneration processes.
  5. Removal of stress. During training, in response to muscle tension, endorphins are produced in the brain - the body's own analgesics and hormones of joy. Therefore, with a moderate intensity of training, a person's mood improves, vitality increases, and depression and depression recede.

Preparing for a workout

Stretching helps to warm up the body to prepare it for stress. Many sports programs include mandatory stretching and muscle relaxation exercises.

Cool down after workout

Stretching after strength exercises will help muscles and joints recover faster, which means that the effectiveness and benefits of training increase. The hitch helps to get a beautiful, but not pumped relief.

Types of stretching

There are several types of stretch:

  • dynamic - implies an active change of position with a maximum degree of tension;
  • static - based on fixing one position for some time;
  • ballistic - suitable for professional athletes, as it combines maximum stretching with sharp jerks.

There are also active and passive stretching:

  • active - in which a person independently performs exercises;
  • passive - classes are held with a partner who helps to perform movements.

Stretching rules

To get an additional effect from classes and to reduce the likelihood of injury, it is recommended:

  • Start your workout with a warm up. The muscles and ligaments need to be warmed up, then they will be better stretched.
  • Pull the whole body sequentially starting from the neck, shoulder girdle, chest and back, ending with the muscles of the legs.
  • When performing static stretching, and it is recommended for an unprepared person, hold the body position at the maximum stretch point for at least 30 seconds.
  • stop when a slight tingling occurs;
  • pay special attention to proper breathing. It should be deep and measured.

Stretching should be stopped immediately if:

  • strong pain;
  • muscle spasm;
  • dizziness;
  • crackling or clicking in the joints.

It is better to move on to stretching the shoulder girdle immediately after stretching the neck. To do this, you can make smooth turns and tilts of the head or, with a slight effort, alternately pull the head with your hands to your shoulder.

Stretching Equipment

Often, additional equipment is needed for stretching the arms and shoulders. It can be purchased at any sports store or ordered online. These are a variety of stretching machines, stretching straps, rubber bands with loops, fitballs and all kinds of rollers and pads. The material of these products may vary. According to buyers, before purchasing a device, it is better to consult a professional trainer. He will tell you the best manufacturers and popular models. The rating of quality goods with the necessary function can always be tracked via the Internet.

It will not be superfluous to consult the seller of a sports store. It will help you navigate the price, answer the question of which company is better to purchase this or that product, and announce its characteristics. In addition, he will select inexpensive, budget models with the necessary functionality. Therefore, it is easy and simple to decide which simulator is better to buy and how much it costs today.

Overview of the structure of the shoulder girdle

In order to understand how to properly and effectively relax the arms and shoulders, you need to know the structure and understand the principle of the muscles. The work of the muscles of the shoulder girdle is closely related to the work of the muscles of the back and chest. The following muscles are distinguished in the shoulder girdle:

  • deltoid;
  • supraspinatus;
  • infraspinatus;
  • small round;
  • large round;
  • subscapular.

They are attached to the joints and bones, providing their movement. The shoulder girdle includes bones, scapula and collarbone. The shoulder joint forms the head of the humerus, which enters the glenoid cavity of the scapula. With its help, the arms are raised and lowered, reduced and abducted back and forth, as well as rotation. The muscles of the upper limbs, which are divided into 2 groups, also participate in these movements:

  1. The anterior group is the flexor muscles. These include the humeral, biceps and beak-humeral.
  2. The back group is the extensor muscles. It is three-headed and ulnar.

Where are the muscles of the shoulder girdle located and how do they work?

  • Deltoid - located above the shoulder joint, goes from the scapula to the humerus. The shape is similar to the inverted Greek letter "delta". Consists of three parts: front, middle and back. Provides flexion and extension of the arm, abduction of the shoulder, and also participates in rotation. It has a significant lifting force, since it is multi-pinnate, that is, it consists of muscle fibers with numerous layers of connective tissue. Its individual beams go to each other at a certain angle.
  • The deltoid muscle provides relief to the shoulder and shoulder joint.
  • Supraspinatus - has a trihedral shape and is located in the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. Attaches to the humerus and to the capsule of the shoulder joint. Abducts the shoulder, pulling the capsule of the shoulder joint.
  • Infraspinatus - begins in the infraspinatus fossa of the scapula.Attaches to the greater tubercle of the humerus, is involved in adduction, supination and extension of the shoulder.
  • Small round - is a continuation of the infraspinatus and has the same functions.
  • Large round - starts from the lower angle of the scapula and goes to the crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Performs adduction and extension of the shoulder.
  • Subscapular - located on the anterior surface of the scapula and goes to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Brings the shoulder, has sufficient strength, as it is also multi-pinnate.

How to choose the best complex for stretching the shoulder girdle

There are a lot of exercises for stretching. There are complexes based on yoga, there are ballet exercises, there are classical and new ones, as well as experimental ones. In order not to get confused in this variety and eliminate errors when choosing a training program, you can read reviews and recommendations. Popular articles provide detailed descriptions and tips on what to look for when performing various types of stretching exercises, as well as the best complexes for the shoulder girdle and triceps.

To answer the question of how to relax your shoulders, you can consider sets of exercises selected for certain muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. Classes are still recommended to be carried out under the guidance of a coach, following the training schedule. He may advise you to keep a diary of classes, and also recommend special manuals with a detailed description of all exercises in pictures.

What are the exercises

For the front of the shoulders
votes 5

To perform a stretching exercise, you need to straighten your back and take a stable position. Hands need to be connected behind the back in the castle and slowly raised to the highest possible height. Stay in this position for 10-30 seconds.


  • simple exercise;
  • effective for chest relaxation;
  • no additional equipment or special room is required.
  • not detected.

Put your palms on your lower back and try to connect your elbows behind your back.


  • can be performed anywhere.
  • difficult for an unprepared person.

These movements involve the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.

For the next exercise, you need a support for the palm of your hand. Ideally, a doorway (or something suitable in height) will do. One hand should be placed on the top bar, and then step forward and bend down until there is a feeling of stretching muscles. You should linger in the position of maximum stretching for 10-30 seconds.


  • lightness and ease of implementation.
  • Stretching requires support.

For the middle part of the shoulders
votes 1

From the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, the arm slightly bent at the elbow must be pressed against the body. With the other hand, grab the elbow and pull it to the side and down.

The middle part of the deltoid muscle works.


  • no special equipment required;
  • performed easily.
  • not detected.

For the back of the shoulders
votes 0

Stand up straight and take a stable position. Press your hand to your chest, extended parallel to the floor. Bend the other hand so that the elbow looks at the floor, and press it with the outstretched arm as close as possible. Fix the position for 10-30 seconds.

The back part of the deltoid muscle, the large rhomboid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles work.

  • the exercise is recommended in the treatment of shoulder injuries;
  • helps with stretching the upper back, neck and triceps.
  • not detected.

Stand up straight.Bring one hand behind the back at the level of the lower back, the elbow looks to the side. Bend the other arm forward, elbow. Grab the first hand and pull it forward. Hold for 10-30 seconds. The infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles work.


  • easy and effective exercise.
  • not detected.

When stretching the shoulders, one should not forget about stretching the muscles of the chest and the latissimus dorsi.

For chest
votes 0

Stand against the wall. Put the palm bent at the elbow joint, hands on the wall at chest level. Take a step back and turn your body away from the wall. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds.

The pectoralis major muscle works.


  • efficiency and ease of implementation.
  • support is required.

For the latissimus dorsi
votes 0

It is necessary to stand facing the wall and rest against it with your forearm. Press the body forward, stretching the back.


  • light and relaxing exercise.
  • a flat base is required.

"Butterfly wings". The palms should be placed on the shoulders. Left to left, right to right. Pull your elbows back, stay in this position for 20 seconds. The back should tense up. Then stretch your elbows forward, touching them. Fix the position for 10-15 seconds.


  • accessible even for beginners;
  • can be performed anywhere.
  • not detected.

After the complex for stretching the shoulder girdle, it’s good to move on to stretching the arms. According to athletes, and they are undoubtedly right, the bulk of the arm is determined by biceps and triceps. That is why the creation of a beautiful relief of this part of the body depends on the development of these two muscles.

Triceps stretch
votes 0

The bent arm must be thrown over the upper back.The elbow is looking at the ceiling, the palm is between the shoulder blades. With the second hand, you need to pull your elbow to your head for 10-30 seconds.

The triceps muscle works.



  • light exercise with a relaxing effect.
  • not detected.

Straighten up and raise your hands over the finished one. Stretch as high as possible for 10-30 seconds. It is good to perform the movement alternately for each shoulder.


  • additional stretch for the latissimus dorsi muscle.
  • dizziness may occur, especially after intense physical exertion.

Popular exercise: lock. One hand should be brought behind the back from above over the shoulder, and the other - from below at the level of the waist. You need to try to close your fingers in the castle. At the initial stage, a light touch will be enough. If even this is difficult to do, then you can use a towel or rope and slowly “crawl” along it behind your back with your fingers towards each other.


  • an effective exercise with several levels of difficulty, which is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.
  • not detected

Biceps stretch
votes 0

Stand with your back against a door frame or other suitable support. Hook with your hand so that the elbow is up and the thumb is down. The arm should be parallel to the floor. Stretch your body forward for at least 30 seconds.


  • efficiency.
  • support is needed.


When performing stretching, it is imperative to monitor the state of the body: breathing, heartbeat, sensations in the muscles. Overexertion and pain should not be allowed. Excessive effort, when stretching an unprepared person, can injure both muscles and joints.After that, it will become impossible to continue classes, a course of restorative procedures and subsequent compliance with restrictions on physical activity will be required. According to coaches, classes should bring joy and pleasure. Only then will they be useful.

After a few sessions, provided they are regular and carried out correctly, the silhouette becomes slender, the body becomes flexible, which means health and quality of life improve. Stretching is not in vain referred to as a healing and rejuvenating procedure. Healthy, strong muscles and joints allow you to keep active for many years, as well as forget about problems with movement.


