The best winter fishing rods and spinning rods for 2022

The best winter fishing rods and spinning rods for 2022

Even the most severe winter is not able to stop a real fish. However, in order for fishing to be most effective, special tackle should be used at this time of the year, and in particular fishing rods of a special design. These devices have their own distinctive technical characteristics, thanks to which you can achieve the highest performance.

Winter fishing rods: designs and materials

The main difference between a winter fishing rod and a summer one is only an elongated rod in the latter. The reason for this was the fact that in winter fishing takes place in the immediate vicinity of the hole. There are three types of design of the considered winter gear:

  1. Legs, reel, handle and whip;
  2. Handle with built-in reel and line plus whip;
  3. A handle with a reel embedded directly into it plus a whip.

The main task of the whip is to carry out wiring or hooking, so its length should be moderately large (when fishing with a mormyshka - from 20 to 30 centimeters, and when using a spinner - from 50 centimeters), at the same time, its rigidity should also be of the appropriate degree. Whips can be made from:

  • Natural juniper (classic and reliable material);
  • Carbon fiber (suitable for hunting predatory fish);
  • Fiberglass (it is durable and reliable);
  • Polystyrene or polypropylene (quite unreliable materials used in budget options for products that are characterized by premature wear).

The main requirements for the handle are its complete ergonomics, lightness and comfort, coupled with sufficient hardness. Premium models have handles made of cork fabric (crust) or neoprene (stretchy and waterproof material, akin to synthetic rubber). The basics listed above are the best. There is also a traditional version made of wood - it is safe to hold even with bare hands in cold weather, and its main technical feature is ease of manufacture and practical durability.

Reels and nods - they should have a good braking mechanism, which will make it easy to lower the fishing line to the very bottom of the reservoir. However, it is the nods that should be selected depending on the characteristics of the fishing area and the topography of the bottom of the reservoir.

Traditionally, winter fishing rods are divided into two large groups (in which subcategories can be distinguished):

  1. Classic - with and without floats;
  2. Zherlitsa - they are focused on catching strong and predatory fish.

Features of winter fishing rods

Due to the fact that winter fishing is associated with significant cold weather, you need to carefully select gear for it. The use of summer fixtures is almost impossible, because they are not able to withstand temperature loads. In cold weather, fishing requires the constant and direct presence of a person, so there is no way to cast. Among the main features of rods for winter, the following can be distinguished:

  • When compared with summer options, then winter models have a much shorter blank length;
  • Most often, models for cold weather have their own coils, but if there are none in the kit, then they will have to be purchased separately.

As a rule, winter fishing rods have a special reinforced reel, which at the same time has small dimensions. From this it is clear that a lot of fishing line for such a reel is not needed. Also, the devices in question are distinguished by a rather simple structure, and some variations generally consist of only one body. However, a good rod always has a handle, legs and reel in its design. An excellent addition to such a basic configuration will be a whip and a handle with a line reel integrated into it. In cases where a tool without a reel is used, the line is wound on a special reel, which can also be installed directly into the handle.

Classification of rods for winter

All considered fishing devices will differ in shape and weight, the size of the reel and handle, along the length of the whip, which makes it possible to fairly accurately classify them. If we are talking about mormyshka fishing, then such devices will have the shortest length, because this is the only way to properly control the movement of the bait under water.

Fishing rods can be equipped with closed and open reels. The latter type has a lot of advantages: it is difficult to confuse the fishing line on it, the whole mechanism is not often prone to getting stuck, you can always see how much fishing line is left on the reel, in what condition the nylon itself is (is there a possibility of an early break). Closed samples cannot boast of such a thing, and therefore cases of “winding” and line breakage often occur in them. Such situations always force the fisherman to disassemble the tackle. And if a break did occur, then, in addition to a complete analysis, you will also need to bandage the fishing line, which is very difficult to do in frosty conditions.However, closed coils more reliably preserve the nylon structure of the trapping thread, protect it from the negative effects of precipitation and low temperatures. Samples of rods designed for lure fishing also have reels, but not built-in ones.

In view of the fact that winter fishing is more often carried out with the help of a mormyshka, the most popular options for this gear should be considered.


This is an extremely popular form for winter rods, which has a streamlined design, whose silhouette resembles a musical instrument of the same name. "Balalaikas" are equipped with thin whips with an average degree of rigidity, which allows their use for various types of jig (including the so-called "mothless"). Through the adjustment bolt, you can lower the reel (this property is typical for sports rods). There are also models with a special locking mechanism that gives the whole structure additional weight, which is very convenient when lowering the fishing line. For rods of this type, too heavy mormyshkas are not used, because they are intended for fishing at a depth of up to 5 meters using small lures.


Such samples are found on the market for ice fishing devices much less often than others. Usually they are produced independently, however, there are also factory models. Their rod is not equipped with a reel, and the basic material of manufacture is a simple foam. On their lower part there are two protrusions, a bit reminiscent of bull horns, which serve as a tool reel. "Fire" is used for catching bream, roach or perch. The product can be used at any depth.

"Balalaika" axleless

Such devices with their outlines resemble the traditional model, but which does not have a core.Structurally, it is a reel, smoothly turning into a whip. The sample has a low weight, respectively, with its help it is convenient to work on the search for passive fish, as well as during long fishing. Made from plastic.

Rod with handle (spinning)

Like a regular stationary model, it has a separate handle, but lighter and thinner. The reel may be disproportionate in diameter, however, this feature implies a quick unwinding of gear and their collection if necessary. These rods are very popular among amateur fishermen, as they have excellent reliability indicators, lie comfortably in the hands, and fully perform the functions assigned to them.

"Mothless" nodding

It is a cork, which is located vertically. In its lower part there is a slot that holds the fishing line, in the upper part there is a thin whip. A fishing rod of this type is characterized by lightness and the presence of its own friction clutch. If the equipment is made correctly, then during a strong stretch, when the whip is bent, the nylon thread begins to be dropped from the reel. Such an opportunity will be an advantage when catching large fish or accidentally biting a strong predatory individual. The tackle is very delicate and thin, so it is used with a fishing line with a thickness of 0.06 millimeters, together with small-sized mormyshkas and the thinnest whip, which better indicates a bite.

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that the whip, in fact, should be an extension of the angler's hand. This rule means that the fishing rod must not only lie comfortably in the hand, but also broadcast any movement of the human hand. An ideal rod is almost not felt in the hand, and the brush works freely, without unnecessary tension.

It should be noted that there are both branded and homemade models that are very difficult to bring under a specific category, since they have their own unique shape. For example, spinning rods may have a similar design, but differ in the material of production, size and length, type of handle and reel. Each option should be selected according to the principle of individual convenience. Just because a rod fits perfectly in the hand of one person, it does not mean that it will be comfortable for another. In general, there is simply no universal option, which is associated with the individuality of anthropometric data for each angler - these include height, arm length and palm width, grip method, etc. Transportation of the fishing rod should also be convenient so that during it the structure is not at risk of damage. Graphite samples are considered the most “gentle”, which, when dropped even from a small height and hitting ice, can crack.

Types of winter fishing

The stationary method of fishing is characterized by a stationary state of the hook with a mormyshka or bait under the ice cover of a reservoir. The fact that the hook is hooked by a fish is signaled by a float or a nod. The question of the possible loss of fish from the hook will depend on a well-tuned gear. Accordingly, the deeper the casting option and the use of a smaller mormyshka, the thinner the fishing line will be required. If fishing occurs with a “mothless” fishing rod, then the tackle should be just perfect - in most cases, a hook without bait will not attract fish.

Speaking about fishing on a reservoir with a current, we note that it is preferable to use donks and sinkers for fishing there.In addition, it is very important to choose a load that can hold the hook in the right place. A leash with a length of 5 to 25 centimeters is always located above the load, and the float must be on the water surface.

Fishing along the bottom also has its own nuances. For example, the mass of the sinker should always be less than the float in order to provide the latter with vertical stability on the water, preventing it from sinking. At the same time, the installation of the float should be carried out in such a way that the hook and bait are as close to the bottom as possible. In turn, the distance between the load and the hook cannot be too large, otherwise the whole equipment will, figuratively speaking, “walk on water”.

Homemade winter fishing rods and their advantages over factory options

The surprising thing is that most professional fishermen do not like to use factory-made winter rods, preferring to make their own tackle. To make a reliable and high-quality rod, it is quite possible to get by with improvised materials, while the financial costs will be minimal. For example, it is allowed to use a turned foam block for the handle, and the whip can be made from a large goose feather, bamboo, and even a simple fresh branch (which will require its primer and paint). You should always remember that winter tackle is the most important attribute of fishing in winter, which will require careful care.

Difficulties of choice

In order for a fishing rod for winter fishing to be as effective as possible, you need to carefully approach the issue of its choice. The main thing is to decide on the type of fishing rod, which will depend on the type of fishing you prefer.Particular attention should be paid to the material of manufacture. Today's rods are usually made from high quality plastic. However, it is worth making sure that the whole structure is able to withstand special loads. Some modern models are equipped with handles from a wooden base, they are very comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand. The reputation of the manufacturer is also important. Asian manufacturers are often not able to boast of the special durability of their products. Their products are very easily deformed, they are difficult to apply in difficult weather conditions. But rods from Japanese or domestic firms are characterized by special strength, so they enjoy well-deserved popularity. Also, models made by craftsmen to order are widely used - they have a presentable appearance and high reliability. Among other things, there are a sufficient number of axleless and nodding models on the market, variations with a feeder and a gearbox operating on the basis of an inertialess coil. But the Finnish models made of polycarbonate, which is particularly durable, remain the leader in this segment. They will be the best solution when fishing on waters with a strong current.

The best winter fishing rods and spinning rods for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Balalaika" (Elite Life), green "

Very simple model made in China. It is quite suitable for use on stagnant water bodies at not very low temperatures. Plastic has an average degree of strength, which allows catching small fish species. Due to its small size and weight, it fits perfectly in the hand. For convenience of stationary installation there are special legs.The recommended cost for retail chains is 177 rubles.

Balalaika (Elite Life), green
  • Small dimensions;
  • Comfortable grip;
  • budget cost.
  • The strength of the structure is not designed for heavy loads.

2nd place: "Amateur" (Trival) with 2 sixes "

This sample is equipped with a convenient lock-button and a handle made of polystyrene foam. Made of high-impact polystyrene of a bright color that is clearly visible on the snow. The set comes with legs and 2 shexes made of synthetic material. Due to the closed coil mechanism, a sufficient level of protection from the negative effects of cold and natural precipitation is provided. The recommended cost for retail chains is 200 rubles.

Amateur "(Trival) with 2 sixes
  • Impact resistant material;
  • Protected coil;
  • Adequate price.
  • Not detected.

1st place: “AZOR FISHING winter sports rod”

A rather uncharacteristic copy for its segment, focused on sports use. Differs in light weight, comfortable holding grip, intended for catching freshwater predators on mormyshka. It has an ergonomic shape, the product fits comfortably in the hands, so the brush does not get tired. Due to its compact size, the sample can be easily placed in a backpack, transported over long distances without problems, and takes up minimal space when stored in an apartment. Despite its low weight, the design is characterized by overall reliability, which can be trusted for winter fishing. The recommended cost for retail chains is 220 rubles.

Fishing rod winter sports AZOR FISHING
  • Sports orientation;
  • Ease of transportation;
  • Sufficient reliability.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Set "Goldfish" 2 pcs."

These are light and comfortable rods, made of frost-resistant and impact-resistant plastic. Folding legs, open spool, removable polycarbonate pole. The length of the rod is 33 cm. The possibility of catching both mormyshka and lure, balancer. The handles are padded for a comfortable grip. The line has an average degree of security in the reel. The recommended cost for retail chains is 440 rubles.

Set "Goldfish" 2 pcs. fishing rods
  • Two tools in a set;
  • Production material - polycarbonate;
  • Sufficient length.
  • The handle guard may come off over time.

2nd place: "Telescope" 0.65 in a plastic tube"

This rod is telescopic with a cork handle in a plastic tube. Designed for those who are engaged in winter glittering professionally. The spinning is superbly balanced, has an ideal sensitivity that allows you to catch any contact of the fish with the lure, or balancer. The absence of a reel for winding and storing fishing line makes the Telescope a perfect tackle, comparable to a conductor's baton. The kit includes a hard plastic tube. Length in working condition - 620 mm. The recommended retail price is 530 rubles.

Telescope" 0.65 in a plastic tube
  • Cork handle;
  • High quality;
  • Cork handle.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Spinning "Poly-Shop" for winter fishing 40cm, black"

This winter spinning rod features a premium EVA handle and double coated ALPS fine wire guides for precision and durability.Spinning is light and balanced for maximum sensitivity, which will not allow you to miss even the most careful bite. The recommended cost for retail chains is 830 rubles.

Spinning "Poly-Shop" for winter fishing 40cm, black
  • Normal length;
  • Double coated rings;
  • High sensitivity.
  • Not detected.

Premium class


This model is a continuation of the well-known winter rod Narval Frost Ice Rod, but only with an extended handle and a shorter whip, which is suitable for those fishermen who fish with gloves or are just used to the traditional grip. Whips are interchangeable and fit equally easily on both types of handle, but differ in length. The length of the whip for a rod with a long handle is 58 cm, while the total length of the assembly remained almost the same - 76 cm. The rods are made collapsible - you can pick up the necessary tips for each handle. The set includes whips for a variety of conditions, as well as individual rods for specific tasks. And if the capabilities of a certain whip-top are not enough, you can simply install the necessary one by building your own winter set. The kit comes with a hard tube to protect the product from damage during transportation by car or snowmobile. In addition to the tube, the set includes 4 removable blanks of different capacities for variability in use, a case for them and handles. The scope of use of this tool and interchangeable tips for them is not limited to a specific area. Perfect for catching pike, pike perch and perch in large and medium-small water bodies, as well as trout fishing in paid water bodies. The recommended cost for retail chains is 8350 rubles.

  • A complete set for any type of fishing;
  • Quality Finnish brand;
  • Ease of transportation.
  • High price.

2nd place: "13 Fishing Radioactive Pickle Ice Combo MH 64 cm left hand"

This model combines the performance of the Tickle Stick and the FreeFall Ghost Reel to create one dynamic set. The rod has a flat tip design and split handle, and the reel has instant anti-reverse and drop speed control. The sample features a high-tech ice fishing reel. The reel has a lightweight yet durable plastic housing. It is equipped with a brake system with fine friction adjustment, 4 steel ball bearings, an anti-reverse system, a composite material spool and a handle with soft-touch plastic knobs. Carefully calibrated design of the reel ensures ease of use and high efficiency when fishing. Ratio 2.5:1. Length 64 cm - (TICKLESTICK): PC2 Flat Tip blank, Hi-Vis tip, ALPS guides, split thick foam polypropylene handle. The recommended cost for retail chains is 11,600 rubles.

13 Fishing Radioactive Pickle Ice Combo MH 64 cm left hand
  • The presence of an anti-reverse;
  • Durable plastic housing;
  • Separate handle.
  • High price.

1st place: "13 Fishing Widow Maker Ice Rod 29" Medium Light (Flat Tip with Evolve Reel Wraps) 74cm"

13 Fishing Widow Maker Ice Rods are made from hand selected 5A Portuguese cork handles and double diamond coated ALPS fine wire guides for the required accuracy and durability.Lightweight and balanced for maximum sensitivity, these rods provide an exciting fight every time you set your hook. The Evolve reel seat models are equipped with Toray's high performance 36 ton solid graphite blank. The recommended cost for retail chains is 11,900 rubles.

13 Fishing Widow Maker Ice Rod 29″ Medium Light (Flat Tip with Evolve Reel Wraps) 74cm
  • Solid state case;
  • Cork handle;
  • Double diamond coated rings.
  • High price.


When purchasing winter equipment, you should not consider exclusively the popular "balalaikas". He can also try “fillies”, who will not yield to them at all. In general, most professional fishermen prefer to use several types of rods at once. However, sports models can make an exception - they very often need to be made on their own or modified to suit their own anthropometry and preferences.

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