
  1. Specifications of grain crushers
  2. Rating of the best grain crushers for 2022

The best grain crushers for 2022

The best grain crushers for 2022

For the effective operation of livestock farms, various types of agricultural machinery are used. One of the useful devices are grain crushers. What are the devices, and how to choose the best grain crusher, let's try to figure it out below.

Specifications of grain crushers

When choosing a device for grinding grain, it is necessary to evaluate a number of parameters that are the main criteria for choosing this agricultural machinery.

Grain crushers are needed for grinding and mixing grain for better absorption by animals.Some animals cannot eat whole grains at all, such as young cattle and some types of poultry, and those that can will eat better if they are fed crushed food.

There are two types of grain crushers for farming: processing grain and various types of feed: vegetables, grass and also grain.

What to look for:

  • The power of the unit, which determines its performance.

The best ones have a power, as a rule, a little less than 2 kW. This is the maximum that the unit can develop. The daily power is less, no more than one and a half kilowatts. The sphere of use of these units is the household. Industrial ones have high power, up to 22 kilowatts, and impressive dimensions. They process at least 800 kg per hour.

  • Rotational speed.

This is the number of revolutions for a certain period of time. The bigger it is, the better. But the easiest way to determine the productivity of the equipment is to pay attention to the amount of processed raw materials per hour. This important characteristic is often placed in the name opposite the model by a number.

  • Weight and dimensions of the unit for the production of animal feed.

The smaller they are, the more convenient. Naturally, this can suffer performance. To avoid mistakes when choosing, you need to decide before buying what or for whom the unit is needed, where it is possible to place it, in a house or building on a site, at what price the option needs to be found. It all depends on the weight and dimensions of the unit.

  • Availability of removable parts.

The presence in the set of grids or various parts of the unit, which allows you to calibrate the finished product. For example, grids with holes of different sizes.

  • The size of the tank for falling asleep feed.Reduces human effort to maintain the machine.

Most often, machines, the scope of which is a house or a small farm, are built in this way: crushed grain is poured from the bottom, the machine must be placed on a stand made by the owner himself, a container for prepared feed, and a hole in the stand. Or there are options that are put on a bucket.

Types of grain crushers according to the principle of operation

Grain grinders are different. The description from the manufacturer may not contain information about the type of unit according to this criterion.

  • Hammer - grind more thoroughly, but take more energy. Hammer machines for grinding fodder crops. Such types grind the feed due to the impact force of the mechanisms. The device has a drum and a sieve, in the drum the feed is crushed. Grain particles corresponding in size fall out through the holes of the drum. By adjusting the size of these holes, you can choose the option that suits you.
  • Rotary mills grind the grain so that particles of different sizes are obtained, unevenly. But they are more economical. In rotary grinders where knives are used, a mesh is often inserted and the particles are no larger than a certain size. To choose the machines that are suitable for you, it is best to rely on their general qualities, judging by the reviews and technical specifications.
  • Pneumatic grain crushers, regardless of the type, whether they are rotary or hammer, use an air supply system for raw materials, while saving electricity and human effort. These types of devices, as a rule, are crushed very finely. The particles move through the hoses.
  • Disc crushers for grain have discs that serve as millstones. There are knives on the disks.The distance between them is adjustable, which determines the size of the crushed finished feed.
  • Roller grain crushers. The principle of operation is the movement of corrugated elements, between which the grinding of raw materials occurs, which falls between them.

Rating of the best grain crushers for 2022

What are the grain crushers and the best choice of buyers, judging by their reviews and recommendations, is presented in the rating. Here are models of popular grain crushers and their features, what to look for.

Household grain crushers

They are used for small and medium-sized farms, have a small capacity sufficient for domestic animals.

Cyclone 350

Price: 2199 rubles. The 1900 W electric grain crusher can process 350 kg of feed in one hour. The device weighs 9 kg, ideal for home use. According to buyers, the car is very fast.

Cyclone 350
  • processes a bag of grain in 10 minutes;
  • very fine powder at the exit;
  • inexpensive.
  • the material spills out during work, it happens that it scatters;
  • works loudly;
  • the cable is short;
  • beats with current, you need to do grounding;
  • warming up;
  • the service life is short, some reviews contain information about a breakdown after the first use, but they were able to fix it with their own hands.

Which device is better to buy, everyone decides for himself, many users note that fine processing of food into powder is a drawback.

Grain crusher Bizon-300

Cost: 2410 rubles. It weighs seven and a half kilograms, 31x31x34 cm - dimensions. The engine has an operating power of 1150 watts. Maximally develops up to 1750 W. Processes 300 kg of raw materials per hour. Rotation speed: 12 thousand times per minute. Suitable for various types of grain.

You can order online with delivery. Some offer a one year warranty. This is a very popular model, users often mention it when asked which unit is better to buy, this company, and in general.

Grain crusher Bizon-300
  • easy to use, and there is a step-by-step instruction in the kit;
  • life time;
  • decent quality of work.
  • bulky, inconvenient to carry;
  • grain flies in all directions.

Neptun-M 200

A unit with a productivity of 200 kg per hour, a drum rotation speed of up to 12 thousand revolutions. It costs 3498 rubles. It is possible to fill up 10 liters of various types of grain. 48x28x30 cm - overall dimensions. The manufacturer advises to use the device for no longer than an hour, the device should rest for half an hour. Weighs 8 kg. Engine power - 1300 watts.

Neptun-M 200
  • a large container for filling raw materials;
  • high performance.
  • short time of continuous work;
  • large dimensions.

Electromash Khryusha300

Cost: 2385 rubles. Continuously can work 6 hours. Grinds 300 kg of raw material per hour. Works with loose materials. Can withstand hard objects. Develops power up to 1750 watts. Under normal load, this figure is 1350 watts. Makes 18 thousand revolutions per minute. It weighs 9 kg, dimensions - 31x30x30 cm. The diameter of the sieve holes is 5 mm.

Electromash Khryusha300
  • durable materials;
  • wear resistance;
  • crusher is reliable and productive.
  • if stems come across, the apparatus may clog, it is necessary to mix;
  • you need to take breaks to rest the motor every hour so that it does not fail;
  • needs more capacity.

Greentechs (Electromash) 300

Average price: 2420 rubles.Shops where you can buy offer discounts, such as Gramix. Processes 300 kg of raw materials, with a power of 1750 watts. Makes 12 thousand revolutions per minute. Weighs 7.5 kg. Works continuously no longer than 6 hours. The device has a sieve with 5 mm holes, you can put others and adjust the size of the feed to flour. Suitable for use in agriculture, not only small, but even medium-sized farms. Designed for bulk products. Resistant to hard elements. Dimensions 27x27x30 cm.

Greentechs (Electromash) 300
  • does not require much care;
  • understandable in operation;
  • adjusting the particle size of the finished feed;
  • compactness;
  • not very noisy.
  • high price;
  • short cord;
  • problems with fastening the top.

The manufacturer guarantees the adjustment of the grinding fraction. Users note that this is not the case, it is necessary to do manipulations on their own, which do not meet the operating rules (make holes in the grid). It may be necessary to check the package for the presence of additional grids.


Cost: 2470 rubles. Does not crush seeds. Processes 350 kg of grain per hour. It weighs 7.5 kg, has dimensions of 31x34x34 cm. Power is 1900 W, 18 thousand revolutions of the knife per minute. Refers to household units that grind feed for livestock.

  • refers to budget types;
  • some sellers provide 12 months warranty period;
  • you can even grind flour for human consumption.
  • the engine is not very powerful;
  • at the bottom there is a hole through which the grain is poured out, the damper must be closed before work and opened according to the instructions.

Farmer IZ-05

It costs 2474 rubles. Small, weighs 6.3 kg, has a power of 800 W, processes only 170 kg per hour.The unit has a high maintainability, as the parts are easily accessible. It has such special parameters as the first class of electrical safety and the ability to put on an ordinary bucket. You can load 5 kilograms of grain for processing at a time. Dimensions: 42x28x32 cm. No wonder the device is included in the rating of the highest quality, in addition to the features mentioned, it has protection against overheating. Works only with grain.

Farmer IZ-05
  • carrying handle;
  • compactness;
  • knife and fuse included;
  • good welding quality;
  • small size, but big power;
  • durability, users note a 15-year service life that has not been interrupted, it only took to change the knives that are included.
  • the grain filling tank is small and there is no other way out, how to make an additional element and attach it to the machine, if possible;
  • the cord is short;
  • creates a lot of dust, experienced breeders give advice - it is undesirable to feed rabbits with this.

Industrial grain crushers

They have high power, large dimensions and productivity - up to 10 tons of crushed grain per hour.

Mill crusher DVR-22

Type: hammer. The price is 132 thousand rubles. Works with productivity up to 3.6 tons per hour. Power - 22 kW. It has 24 hammers, an intake hose with a diameter of 10 cm, a length of 10 m. An exhaust hose is 4 meters long and 12.5 cm in diameter. The unit itself is 73x113x113 cm in size. It weighs 315 kg.

Mill crusher DVR-22
  • crushes not only grain, but similar bulk materials, such as sawdust, confectionery waste, husks, cake;
  • the kit includes spare hammers and 4 sieves to replace, an ejector (a device that helps create a suction environment based on the work of rotational force);
  • the manufacturer promises to change the length of the intake and exhaust hose sleeves at the request of the buyer;
  • all interchangeable parts can be easily and quickly removed and attached.
  • expensive;
  • takes a lot of electricity.


Feed cutter type: hammer rotor, which rotates at a frequency of 3 thousand revolutions per minute. It costs 132,300 rubles. Processes from two to five tons per hour. It has a power of 18.5 kW. For such huge units, there is little voltage of 220V, which is used by a household feed chopper. Here you need a three-phase voltage of 380 V. It weighs 267 kg. Rotor diameter - 525 mm, unit dimensions - 89x98x152 cm.

  • a large unit must be sold with a huge bundle: four sieves, a set of hammers, a cord 10 meters long, instructions, a passport for the device and for the engine separately, a control panel;
  • in addition to grain and corn, it grinds seeds and beans;
  • with magnetic debris removal function.
  • big and expensive.

Gridless DM-5

30 kilowatts of power. Processes up to five tons per hour, the voltage is 380 V. 80 working hammers in the chopper mechanism. 160x136x211 cm overall dimensions. Weighs 680 kg. Crushes various grains, including corn and seeds. Particle sizes from 0.75 to 2 millimeters.

Gridless DM-5
  • if shell rock or salt, meal, cake, soy deposits get in, the device will cope with them;
  • the device is dust-free, maintainable;
  • additionally, it can be equipped with augers for loading raw materials and unloading the finished detailed product (spiral elements, as in a meat grinder).
  • requires a lot of electricity;
  • large dimensions.


This is a hammer mechanism with 96 hammers. Power - 30 kilowatts, processes up to 8 tons of grain per hour. Operating voltage - 380 V.Dimensions of the device: 184x104x126 cm. It weighs 830 kg. Cost: 462 thousand rubles.

DMR-30 grain crusher
  • magnets are installed in the device to attract metal debris;
  • high performance;
  • in addition to the grinder, a dispenser and attachment devices are attached.
  • very large and expensive unit, suitable only for large farms.

APZ-01M (380V) "Farmer"

Type: roller. It costs 71460 rubles. The feed chopper has overall dimensions: 110x62.5x45 cm. It weighs 133 kg. Power - 5 kW. Flattens grain, up to a ton per hour, at a speed of 1500 tons / min. It turns out plates with a thickness of 0.8 to 1.6 mm, which are 10% better absorbed by animals, and they become more productive. Rollers practically do not create dust. The thickness of the flakes is adjusted by changing the distance between the rollers. Suitable not only for cattle, but also for horses. Operates under voltage of 380 V. The manufacturer "Uralspetsmash" offers a one-year warranty.

APZ-01M (380V) "Farmer"
  • withstands temperatures of -20 - +40, works normally at them;
  • has great maintainability, the rollers are easily removed.
  • large size and weight.

A properly selected grain crusher, selected taking into account the volume of processed raw materials, will optimize the grinding process and make it as efficient as possible.

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