
  1. The effect of vitamins on mental activity
  2. The best vitamin complexes for the brain and memory
  3. The best drugs for the brain and memory
  4. Conclusion

The best vitamins to improve memory and brain function in 2022

The best vitamins to improve memory and brain function in 2022

The ability to think clearly and remember information well is given to a person not only by nature. A big role in this is played by regular training of the mind, self-education and professional development. Factors such as exposure to stressful situations, poor health, malnutrition and inadequate intake of nutrients have a negative impact on a person's mental abilities. It is possible to significantly activate the functioning of the brain if you take special vitamins in a timely manner.

The effect of vitamins on mental activity

Like other organs, the human brain undergoes age-related changes over the years. For a long time, brain tissues are affected by various destructive factors, but as a compensation, the regeneration process is constantly going on.

At a young age, the rate of recovery of damaged cells is much higher. In people of middle and retirement age, the rate of regeneration slows down significantly. The reason for this is poor metabolism and insufficient supply of vitamins to the brain.

As a result, a person's ability to perceive and remember new facts decreases. His concentration of attention decreases, forgetfulness develops, it becomes difficult to remember past events.


  • improve the elasticity and strength of the vascular walls, stimulate blood flow and supply brain cells with nutrients;
  • stimulate redox reactions, help metabolic processes and saturate the body with energy;
  • protect brain cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

To ensure brain activity at the proper level, it is necessary to constantly replenish the supply of useful components that affect the functioning of the brain. The desired effect can be achieved if you revise your diet and additionally take preparations containing healthy nutrients.

Vitamins for the brain

The most qualitative information is remembered that entered the human brain in early childhood.At the same time, in adulthood, a person is forced to make some efforts to remember new information or acquire useful skills.

The intake of an additional portion of certain substances in the body can significantly improve brain activity.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) is responsible for the normal process of assimilation of carbohydrates in the body, allows you to accumulate energy spent in the process of brain work and renewal of its cells. The lack of this vitamin provokes various digestive disorders, which adversely affects the process of assimilation of the necessary nutrients.

Thiamine is not able to accumulate in the body on its own, so it is necessary to take various vitamin complexes to make up for its deficiency.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can be absorbed in the body exclusively with food, so it is recommended to drink preparations with its content during meals or immediately after it. This substance is responsible for visual acuity and correct color perception, which is directly related to mental abilities.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) is an antioxidant. Without the participation of this element, the synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for lipid metabolism and digestion is impossible.

Nicotinic acid has an expanding effect on blood vessels, so it is often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and restoration of blood supply to the brain. The lack of this nutrient develops headaches, absent-mindedness and apathy.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is involved in the production of a substance responsible for the receipt of signals in the brain nerve centers. Its lack provokes the development of sclerosis, the onset of the initial symptoms of aging and malfunctions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in the synthesis of hormones responsible for high-quality memory and stability of the nervous system. The need for this substance increases significantly if a person is subjected to emotional pressure or experiences significant overload.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) in a small dose is synthesized by the digestive organs. It is needed for the reproduction of new brain tissue cells.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is obtained from food of animal origin. It is needed for high-quality blood circulation and lipid metabolism. Due to the ability to reduce the concentration of cholesterol, this vitamin prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Without its intake into the body, the human brain is not able to fully maintain the normal functioning of mental abilities.

Ascorbic acid is known for its antioxidant properties. It is taken to prevent the destructive effect on brain cells and delay senile changes. Together with other vitamins, vitamin C is used to treat age-related brain diseases. It stimulates brain activity, trains memory and attention.

Vitamin calciferol is needed for the qualitative assimilation of elements such as phosphorus and calcium contained in the brain tissues. Without it, the normal functioning of the brain at retirement age is impossible.

Vitamin K is necessary for the strength of the walls of blood vessels and normal blood clotting. With its lack, blockage of blood vessels often occurs, blood circulation in the vascular network is disturbed, senile dementia and memory disorder develop.

Vitamin E is distinguished by its antioxidant properties. It is able to slow down the destruction of brain cells and prevents clogging of blood vessels.

Other substances that support brain function

In addition to vitamins, for strong memory and good brain function, the tissues of the nervous system need certain mineral compounds:

  • iodine is responsible for the metabolism and qualitative activity of the thyroid gland, and also takes part in the synthesis of hormones that activate the function of brain cells;
  • selenium is an excellent antioxidant, which is responsible for the growth and regeneration processes in the brain tissue;
  • zinc is a component of brain cells;
  • iron is an essential component of hemoglobin cells, which carries oxygen to the brain.

Another important substance needed for the quality work of brain tissue is omega-3 acid. This fatty organic acid is a participant in metabolic reactions occurring in the human body.

The best vitamin complexes for the brain and memory

Complexes of vitamins designed to increase cognitive functions, renew memory and concentration, doctors advise taking, first of all, adults over the age of 50 years. Manufacturers also produce a number of dietary supplements that are designed for teenagers. Young people take vitamins to increase mental activity, as well as concentration is necessary during exams, etc.

Vitamins should be given to schoolchildren and students only after the examination. By the way, adults, before starting to take dietary supplements, should take tests to establish a complete clinical picture. This will help prevent possible dangerous pathologies.

Doppelherz Active Ginkgo Biloba+b1+b2+b6

The leader of our rating is this dietary supplement, which contains Ginkgo biloba extract with vitamins. The drug is included in the "Active" series.It is made to enhance mental performance. This remedy strengthens memory, stimulates cognitive functions, relieves anxiety and sleep disorders, and also eliminates the appearance of impotence and a feeling of exhaustion.

"Doppelgerz Active Ginkgo Biloba" is recommended for older people, as it develops cerebral circulation, improves metabolism, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the National Assembly and mental abilities.

As part of the drug:

  • ginkgo leaf extract;
  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pyridoxine (B6).

A balanced complex for the normal functioning of the brain elements makes it possible to activate mental abilities, reduce the feeling of exhaustion and solve existing problems more quickly.

Before you start taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the most favorable dosage. In order to prevent the drug can be taken for 2 months, 1 tablet / day during the meal. You can resume use after a break, the duration of which is 1 month.

The average price is 370 rubles.

Doppelherz Active Ginkgo Biloba+b1+b2+b6
  • suitable for people of retirement age;
  • increases the work of mental abilities;
  • contributes to the normalization of sleep;
  • convenient to receive.
  • not detected.


This is a vegetable MVK. The clinically tested patented form of the drug is based on the use of ginkgo biloba extract in combination with other extracts of plant origin.

The systematic use of this bioactive supplement increases the bioavailability of useful elements and improves blood flow to the brain, which allows you to resume the normal functioning of cognitive functions, memory and increase concentration.

FUTUREBIOTICS THINKFAST contains no ingredients of animal origin. This is what makes the remedy we are considering the most favorable for use by vegetarians. Experts advise adults to take medication 1 cap. 2 times a day.

The manufacturer recommends starting these vitamins along with other preventive measures such as exercise, an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, and avoiding bad habits. 1 package contains 60 capsules. This drug, manufactured in the United States, can only be purchased online as FUTUREBIOTICS THINKFAST is not available in domestic pharmacies.

The average price is 1,600 rubles.

  • the composition contains useful components to improve the functioning of the most important functions of the brain: thinking, reasoning, memory, fantasy and concentration;
  • develops short-term memory, which improves the flexibility of the intellect and helps to make the right decisions;
  • increases concentration, which increases the skill of assimilating hard-to-reach tasks and supporting their order of execution;
  • improves cerebral blood flow, which favorably affects memory;
  • manifestation of a neuroprotective effect.
  • overpriced, according to users, the price.

Glycine Forte

Dietary supplements containing glycine, from the point of view of consumers, are one of the most common drugs for relieving manifestations of cognitive and psychological-emotional exhaustion.Dietary supplements with this name are produced by many Russian and foreign companies, but only Glycine Forte by Evalar is considered to be the most favorable when it comes to matching cost with quality.

The product is made in the form of tablets intended for resorption. They must be consumed 2 times a day in the intervals between meals. In addition to the amino acid of the same name, the composition contains a balanced number of vitamins of category B. It is this combination that has a positive effect on brain function, helps in the fight against psycho-emotional overstrain, improves memory and reflexes.

MVC "Glycine Forte" does not lead to addiction and, according to the comments of users on the Web, it perfectly helps to fight stress, improves concentration and helps normalize sleep. The only negative, from the point of view of buyers, is the not very pleasant taste of the drug.

Drivers, before starting to take "Glycine Forte", it is necessary to consult with their doctor.

The average price is 100 rubles.

Glycine Forte
  • can be taken by both adults and children;
  • a slight likelihood of allergies;
  • can be used during lactation and pregnancy;
  • no side effects from overdose.
  • you need to repeat taking the drug a number of times for 1 year;
  • small risk of allergy, including serious reactions.

Gerimaks Energy

This preparation contains an exemplary combination of elements that contribute to the full functioning of the human body. The composition of dietary supplements includes 10 vitamins and 7 minerals, thanks to which the product perfectly supports the body's performance.

The supplement contains an extract of ginseng, which has an invigorating effect. Given this point, it is necessary to abandon the use of "Gerimaks Energy" after dinner, otherwise it will be difficult to go to bed in the evening. This preparation also contains tea.

Green tea extract, according to tests conducted by researchers from Switzerland, increases the work of mental activity.

A positive result is observed relative to the so-called. working memory, due to which a person stores in the mind a small amount of data needed for reflection and consideration for a small time interval.

Buyers note excellent results after using this MVC. Especially often, users write that the drug tones up, improves mood, eliminates apathy, depression and lethargy.

This dietary supplement really saturates a person with energy and initiative, and also contributes to the processing of significant amounts of both cognitive and physiological activity. Users also note improved memory, normalization of sleep and general condition.

It is worth using the remedy with extreme caution, since ginseng is distinguished by the peculiarity of increasing pressure. It is for this reason that people diagnosed with hypertension should look at other drugs.

The average price is 600 rubles.

Gerimaks Energy
  • has a tonic and invigorating effect;
  • improves cognitive abilities;
  • many vitamins and microcomponents in the composition;
  • convenient to receive.
  • not recommended for people with high blood pressure.


One of the oldest and budget funds in our top.This is a complex of multivitamins of domestic production, which normalizes metabolic processes and supports cognitive activity, regardless of age.

The drug has a sweet and sour taste, orange color. It is produced in the form of a dragee and is one of the most common, so it can be confidently ranked among the funds that have been tested for years. 1 capsule contains retinol, folic acid, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin and other elements that are needed to maintain normal cognitive and physiological activity.

The drug is prescribed during rehabilitation after head injuries, operations and hypovitaminosis. A well-balanced composition restores normal memory and concentration, and also has a positive effect on overall health.

Dragee can be sucked or swallowed with plenty of water. Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting frequent allergic reactions and not very good performance. One way or another, some users, in particular people of retirement age, prefer this drug.

The average price is 55 rubles.

vitamins Undevit
  • contains a large amount of vitamins;
  • availability.
  • bitter inside.

The best drugs for the brain and memory

This section describes medical products that differ from the above-described MVK in composition. Despite the fact that they are available in pharmacies without a prescription, they should be used only after consulting a specialist. The editors of the site "" exclusively acquaints you with the most effective drugs that stimulate cognitive activity.

The action of each presented means is completely individual and depends directly on the specifics of the body of a particular person. We should also not forget that self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

Vitrum Memory

This medication is available without a prescription and consists of herbal ingredients. Vitrum Memory is designed for adults who need to "get their heads in order". It normalizes the blood circulation of the brain, saturates the cells with oxygen and glucose, and also activates cognitive activity and increases concentration.

The drug is available in the form of biconvex round tablets with 1 dividing strip. The tablets are covered with a colorless film and differ from other products in brown. The product is sold in bottles of 30, 60 and 100 tablets, as well as in blisters of 30 pieces.

The active substance is ginkgo biloba, which effectively affects the functioning of the brain. Despite the fact that researchers and doctors are still debating and hesitating about the benefits of this plant, it is popular as a natural element of most dietary supplements, drinks and bars, because ginkgo activates the brain and improves memory.

You need to use 1 tab. 2 times a day during meals for 3 months. The disadvantages of this biologically active additive include a negative effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is worth refusing to use if there are such diseases.

The average price is 800 rubles.

vitamins Vitrum Memory
  • made on the basis of ginkgo biloba;
  • improves memory;
  • activates cognitive activity;
  • effective in the fall of vision and hearing.
  • not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems.


This dietary supplement with ginkgo extract is made in the form of coated tablets. The drug normalizes the blood and oxygen saturation of the brain, and significantly reduces the likelihood of hypoxia and normalizes cell function.

"Memoplant" is recommended for disorders of cognitive activity, including age. It normalizes sleep, eliminates certain types of headaches and normalizes concentration.

There are contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ONMK.

After the start of the application, there is a significant increase in the assimilation of information, cognitive activity is stimulated and concentration increases. In people of retirement age, memory improves by stimulating the blood supply to the brain.

The average price is 1,000 rubles.

  • stimulates the brain;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • brings sleep back to normal;
  • improves blood supply to the brain and is the prevention of its hypoxia.
  • many admission restrictions.


This is a nootropic from France, which has been in high demand among domestic neurologists for several years, demonstrating itself as an effective "restorer" of the blood circulation of the brain. Previously, the drug was available in Russian pharmacies in the form of tablets, but in 2022 it is often found in the form of an internal solution.

The drug supplies the brain with oxygen and glucose, stimulates microcirculation, metabolism and normalizes blood flow. The product is not recommended for children, because the composition contains ethyl alcohol.In this regard, the solution should also be used with caution by adults if they have liver disease or alcohol dependence.

In the kit, in addition to the bottle, the volume of which is 30 ml, a measuring syringe is supplied. With it, you can clearly measure the dose prescribed by the doctor. The liquid is characterized by a brownish tint, a rather specific smell and a not very pleasant taste, but after mixing the medication with water, it is drunk easily and pleasantly.

Anyone can buy Tanakan, since the remedy belongs to over-the-counter drugs, but due to its significant effect on the body, it is better to take it only after consulting with your doctor.

The average price is 650 rubles.

  • saturates the brain with glucose and oxygen;
  • normalizes microcirculation, as well as the tone of the arteries and veins;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • inhibits the activation of platelets;
  • is a barrier to aggregation of erythrocytes.
  • bitter taste if kept in the mouth for a long time.

Bilobil Forte

It is a medicine from Slovenia, prescribed for senile dementia, peripheral circulatory dysfunctions and other brain disorders, which are accompanied by loss of cognitive activity, absent-mindedness, tinnitus and dizziness.

The drug has confirmed its effectiveness, but, with an erroneous course of use or individual intolerance to the components present in the composition, it can become a source of certain side effects. For example, a number of patients have experienced allergic rashes, gastrointestinal dysfunction, insomnia, and hearing disorders.

The same people who have come up with the medicine highlight its beneficial effects on cognitive activity, stimulating memory and ingenuity (in particular during stress and overexertion of the body), as well as the rapid elimination of symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia.

Users called the high-quality composition a key advantage of the drug, and the duration of the course of treatment was a disadvantage. For the most positive result, the manufacturer advises taking 1 tablet or capsule 2-3 times a day for at least 3 months.

The average price is 700 rubles.

Bilobil Forte
  • made on the basis of gingko biloba;
  • improves memory;
  • availability;
  • increases concentration;
  • improves overall health.
  • duration of the course.


This medication can no doubt be considered one of the best on the Russian market among the means that are dispensed without a prescription. The drug is recommended for use in dysfunctions of the brain. In addition to restoring cognitive activity, Divaza perfectly suppresses depression and has a number of other beneficial psychopharmacological properties.

Specialists prescribe medication for insomnia, headaches, loss of concentration and other disorders, including those provoked by craniocerebral injuries.

Tablets stand out from the competition due to their availability, which makes them very popular among users. Russian neurologists assure that the best effect of the drug is observed during complex therapy, which includes other specialized drugs.

Like other homeopathic medicines, "Divaza" has accumulative properties, and therefore it is necessary to use the medicine schematically. The average duration of admission is from 4 to 6 months. It is necessary to take 3-6 tablets per day, which must be dissolved under the tongue.

The drug is prohibited for use by people with congenital lactose deficiency, pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

The average price is 330 rubles.

  • high efficiency;
  • low price;
  • convenient to use.
  • the duration of the course of treatment.


The list of tools useful for activating the functioning of the brain and bringing the nervous system back to normal is quite wide. That is why in any pharmacy you can buy a vitamin complex that is useful for both a child and an adult.

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