
  1. General provisions
  2. What to take with coronavirus
  3. Conclusion

The best vitamins for coronavirus

The best vitamins for coronavirus

Immunostimulating supplements or multivitamins are needed to strengthen the body. They contain many necessary substances. There is an opinion that in order to protect your body from infection, you must definitely drink such drugs. But this is not always the right approach. There is no universal remedy in the form of multivitamin supplements. Each complex has its own specifics: some drugs are more suitable for older people or pregnant women. For children, scientists have developed their own vitamin formulations. In some cases, excessive intake of minerals or vitamin supplements can even harm the body. Let's try to figure out what helps the immune system during the coronavirus.

General provisions

Practice shows that handwashing and vaccination help to reduce the spread and impact of infections. But the burden of infection is so great that additional measures are needed. Acute respiratory tract infections have caused millions of deaths worldwide. To maintain normal immunity, you need a proper and balanced diet. Plenty of clinical evidence shows that vitamins, including A, B 6 , B 12, C, D, E, folic acid, trace elements such as zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, copper, omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, play an important and complementary role for the immune system.

Insufficient intake and nutritional deficiencies are widespread, leading to reduced resistance to infections and, as a result, to an increase in the number of cases. Against this background, the following conclusions can be drawn: the addition of the above trace elements and acids is a safe, effective, relatively inexpensive strategy that helps maintain an optimal balance of nutrients in the body. Taking supplements that do not exceed the recommended daily allowance, but within the recommended upper safety limits, helps to get rid of severe forms of respiratory viral diseases.

Important! Any medicine, including dietary supplements, must be prescribed by a doctor!

What to take with coronavirus

There are no multivitamin complexes against coronavirus yet. Clinical trials are currently underway. And every day, scientists learn something new. There are already some conclusions on this issue.For example, doctors have already understood: in order for the immune system to be at a certain level, with viral diseases, vitamins D, C, zinc and omega-3 (unsaturated fatty acids) are simply necessary. However, doctors advise that you do not need to take vitamins on your own. The decision to take this or that drug is made by the attending physician based on the preliminary tests.

Vitamin D

Tests have shown that vitamin D blocks microorganisms in respiratory diseases, this rule also applies to pathogens of the COVID-19 group. British scientists were able to draw a conclusion based on clinical data and prove that in patients with a higher content of vitamin D in the blood, coronavirus infection is easier, and the mortality rate among these patients is lower.

American scientists believe that vitamin D helps prevent a cytokine storm, the so-called dangerous complication of coronavirus, caused by the body's reaction and its hyperactive immune response. Scientists have determined the relationship between the number of deaths from COVID-19 and low vitamin D.

At the moment, the preventive properties of vitamin D are being tested. American scientists are conducting a study in which more than two and a half thousand people take part.

In addition to increasing immunity, vitamin D helps in building a strong bone skeleton, regulating phosphorus levels, and normalizing blood clotting. And this beautiful element has the following positive aspects:

  • promotes the absorption of nutrients and the construction of bone tissue;
  • reduces the content of toxic substances in the body;
  • supports the figure;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathological changes;
  • helps in the fight against skin diseases;
  • improves brain function and improves mood;
  • keeps normal hormonal balance and synthesis of estrogen, testosterone;
  • increases attention.

Opponents of the use of drugs and dietary supplements should pay attention to their diet, it is very necessary to include foods high in vitamin D in the diet. These include food of animal origin (egg yolk, fish, milk, cheese, sour cream, beef liver and others). For example, 100 grams of pink salmon contains 10.9 micrograms of vitamin, which is 109% of the daily requirement, and only 77% (7.7 micrograms) in chicken yolk.


Useful substances in the use of funds enter the body in a form ready for assimilation. The time-tested drug supports the immune system, as well as the condition of the muscles, bones and nervous system at the right level. The optimal daily dose for adults is 1500 - 2000 IU, which is 3-4 drops. Active ingredient: colecalciferol. A colorless liquid with an anise odor is packaged in tinted glass bottles. For convenience, the bottle is equipped with a dropper cap made of polyethylene and a screw cap.

  • ready-made form for absorption by the body;
  • proven drug.
  • no.


A dietary supplement made in the USA is not a drug. The active substance (colcalciferol) in the composition is a vital element. It supports the bone, muscle, nervous, immune, broncho-pulmonary, endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

  • quickly boosts immunity.
  • high price.

Myrolla fish oil

Fish oil capsules contain fat-soluble vitamins A and D.The agent plays an important role in redox processes. Recommended as a bioactive food supplement.

Myrolla fish oil
  • contains vitamins D, A;
  • inexpensive.
  • no.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (acorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that protects the human body from free radicals that are enemies of healthy cells. They damage vital organs and lead to their destruction. This element is essential for the immune system.

Scientists confirm that vitamin C is needed not only for the prevention of coronavirus, but also useful at any stage of the disease, including in severe form (during the development of a cytokine storm), because the vitamin reduces the level of cytokine.

Ascorbic acid from ALTAIVITAMINS JSC (Russia)

Fifty milligram dragees are packed in polymer jars or cardboard packs. Quantity - 50, 100 or 200 tablets. Ascorbic acid is an active participant in redox reactions, it helps to increase the body's resistance to viruses. Adaptability is the most important factor in recovery. The drug must be taken with food. The dosage is indicated in the instructions. Like any medicine, it can cause side effects, so carefully reading the package leaflet will save you from undesirable consequences. Released without a doctor's prescription. It is not allowed to use the drug with an expired shelf life. Such an action can only worsen the patient's condition. It should be stored for 1.5 years in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Ascorbic acid from ALTAIVITAMINS JSC
  • overdose is excluded;
  • is inexpensive.
  • no.

Askovit (VALEANT)

Orange flavored effervescent tablets are round in shape, pale orange in color and have a slight specific aroma. Excess ascorbic acid (above the daily dose of 200 milligrams) is rapidly excreted unchanged in the urine.

Askovit (VALEANT
  • fast absorption;
  • pleasant taste and aroma.
  • no.

Ascorbic acid (MARBIOPHARM, Russia)

Yellow or yellowish-green round pills have a uniform color. As part of 0.05 mg of ascorbic acid and excipients (molasses, sunflower oil, talc, flavor, dye). Shelf life - 2 years.

Ascorbic acid (MARBIOPHARM, Russia)
  • domestic quality drug;
  • inexpensive price.
  • no.

Multivita Vitamin C

The drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of beriberi. Presentation: 20 effervescent tablets in a pack of 250 mg each. The additive is produced in Serbia.

Multivita Vitamin C
  • effervescent form facilitates absorption.
  • no.

Taking dosage forms to replenish the body with vitamin C is not an absolute panacea. You also need a balanced diet, including the use of foods rich in ascorbic acid. This includes all citrus fruits, vegetables (bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, tomatoes), greens, berries. For example, blackcurrant contains several times more vitamin C than lemon. 100 grams of berries, which many people collect in their garden plots, make up for the daily dose of ascorbic acid (200 mg). The same amount of lemon contains only 40 mg of the vitamin. It should also be remembered that long-term storage, processing and preservation destroys the lion's share of useful substances.This includes freezing for a long time, drying, grinding food, salting, pickling, heat treatment (30-50% of vitamins are lost).


Zinc is necessary for the formation of leukocytes - the main defenders of the body against pathogenic microbes. Clinical experiences with the use of zinc for colds and acute respiratory viral infections prove that when this trace element is taken at the first moment after the onset of signs of the disease, healing occurs faster.
German scientists gave a detailed description of all the mechanisms of influence on the body of zinc in viral infections. Evidence is provided that it works in covid. Zinc helps to cleanse the mucous membrane and "expel" viruses. This prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood. The authors of the study confirm that zinc is able to rid the body of general inflammation. This effect is very important in a cytokine storm.

Russian doctors and scientists, together with foreign colleagues, are closely studying the possibility that zinc can block coronavirus microorganisms by suppressing their activity. The help of zinc in the treatment of covid in combination with other drugs and supplements is being studied in many research institutes. Scientists compare the effect of the trace element with the popular US multivitamin complex Centrum Adult.

Zinc + Vitamin C

The dietary supplement from the company Evalar is available in tablets. 50 pieces are packed in a convenient box. The trace element zinc with vitamin C is perfectly absorbed. This quality product should always be in the family first aid kit, especially since its price is quite acceptable for any budget.

Zinc + Vitamin C
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a complex effect.
  • no.

Zinc picolinate

Country of origin USA (Solgar company). A biologically active food supplement is an additional source of zinc, which helps to increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases. The supplement is produced in a form easily absorbed by the body, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract are minimized. The course of admission is 1 month. The drug is not recommended for children under 18 years of age. In addition to boosting immunity, it strengthens hair and nails.

Zinc picolinate
  • imported drug to increase immunity;
  • strengthens hair and nails.
  • high price.

Doppelgerz active with zinc

The dietary supplement is produced in the form of round tablets of 1.5 g each. There are 30 pieces in a package, this amount is calculated for a monthly course, which is very convenient when buying. A suitable remedy for strengthening the immune system and for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies. The drug increases efficiency, eliminates beriberi, helps to recover from past illnesses, corrects malnutrition. Recommended for use by persons over 12 years of age.

The complex contains the following substances: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, folic acid, biotin, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, Mg, Cr, Fe, Zn and other trace elements. The drug, produced in Germany, received a lot of positive feedback.

Doppelgerz active with zinc
  • contains a complex of vitamins;
  • well strengthens the immune system.
  • no.

Blagomax with selenium and zinc

LLC VIS (Russia) produces a vitamin complex with selenium and zinc in capsules.The dietary supplement increases mental and physical activity, stabilizes stress resistance, strengthens the immune system, is a good antioxidant, and normalizes metabolism. The composition includes ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, zinc citrate, vitamins E, C, B6, A. Indications for use: deficiency of the above elements in the body. Recommended for use by persons over 18 years of age. The daily norm is 1-2 capsules per day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. If necessary, during the year, you can resume admission.

Blagomax with selenium and zinc
  • complex preparation contains a large number of trace elements.
  • no.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3), which are part of cell membranes and blood vessels, are needed for the functioning of the immune system. The first tests showed that at a certain stage they can prevent the penetration of a coronavirus infection deep into the body and facilitate the course of the disease.
Omega acids are found in fish and animal products, but many people do not include them in their diet due to various reasons. The lack of useful substances is proposed to be filled with nutritional supplements, which include omega-3. Fish oil is a traditional source of fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. Scientists from Norway are conducting research on whether fish oil helps with respiratory infections and the development of a cytokine storm.
WHO notes that so far there is no exact scientific evidence that gives a 100% guarantee of a cure for COVID-19.

Omega 3 realcaps

Omega-3 concentrate is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The drug is available in capsules.The product of this brand has earned a lot of positive reviews. A concentrated preparation provides support to the body and makes up for the lack of PUFAs. The product is not a drug and serves as a bioactive supplement.

Omega 3 realcaps
  • serves as a source of polyunsaturated acids that are important for the body.
  • no.

Omega 3 atherosclerosis

A complex remedy for Evalar is available in capsules. As part of Dioscorea, clover and omega-3. All components enhance each other's action. Maintaining normal cholesterol and lipid processes reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, maintains vascular elasticity, and normalizes blood pressure. All components help to overcome the disease with coronavirus infection.

Omega 3 atherosclerosis
  • complex reliable drug;
  • good for the heart and blood vessels
  • maintains the amount of cholesterol at a normal level.
  • no.

Omega 3 asset

The company Doppelherz produces a dietary supplement to strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of developing a heart attack. Ingredients: fish oil, tocopherol, water, gelatin, glycerol. Adults are advised to take 1 capsule daily. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Omega 3 asset
  • German product of good quality.
  • no.


Health is the most valuable thing a person has. Coronavirus infection has made its own adjustments to the lives of many people and disrupted plans. But the disease can be defeated if you take care of your immune system in advance. To do this, you need to eat right, include in your diet vitamin complexes and supplements that help strengthen immunity. In the arsenal of pharmaceutical companies there is a wide range of such tools.Proper application will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, and save someone's life.

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